Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Cheating? On an Exam?

  • As things turn out, the internal candidate being pushed by the City Council's black caucus, Deputy Supt. Eugene Williams, was tripped up by an investigation into alleged cheating on the department's lieutenant's exam, top city sources told DNAinfo. Williams couldn't be reached for comment but three people, including the wife of a former first deputy superintendent, were allegedly involved in the incident, the sources say.
This keeps popping up, driven by the statistical unlikelihood of half of the recent Lieutenant promotions being made from HQ, and of that half, an inordinate number of people from one particular Unit (or former members of that Unit) scoring high enough to get promoted - the Unit that would actually investigate any wrongdoing regarding a promotional test - the Internal Affairs Division.

And further clouding the waters, these people who made it by "score" were previously "merit" picks, lending itself to the unlikely scenario of them actually improving their intelligence enough to not only pass the test, but so far outdistance people who so soundly surpassed them on the previous job related exams.

Calling this "statistically unlikely" is us being generous in the extreme.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will be succinct. I studied my ass off for that test and did not make it. I made the previous two. Go figure, right?

3/29/2016 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how DNAinfo touts this as an "exclusive." It's been in almost every SCC post for the last month. Goofs.

3/29/2016 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grand jury indictments probably in the works. The early bird gets the worm. You don't want to be the last one off the bus. Pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered.

3/29/2016 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two Lts that were in the 004th district are obvious. One C.K. Was so dumb he started building a garden because he had nothing else to do. The other one T.M. If you don't laugh at his jokes he hates you.
Complete douchebag TM we have going in 004

3/29/2016 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm cheaters get made. And the Iad Sgt investigating the cheaters gets a merit spot. Do they have to make it that obvious? Best part is even wih the feds nosing around other improprieties they couldn't find this one even with the road map already provided.

3/29/2016 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Clout Bastard said...

Youse guys pay an awful lot of attention to things what don't concern you. Just be glad you got dis here job. You guys are making good money, what are you complaining about again?

So you guys think you know how promotions work. What's next, are you gonna start griping about the pension again or having to live in da City when coppers from other big city departments don't have to?

3/29/2016 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MWRD POLICE: same here 11 family members all pass in the a category and get cushies spots. The drinking room musted had a real good study groups. Rant off.

3/29/2016 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's there not to understand, it is the Chicago Way.

The job is legit. Roller Derby is legit. Wrestling is legit. Now throw in the mix, city exams are legit.

Yep, it's the Chicago Way.

3/29/2016 01:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If true this is a big ass scandal, I hope each one is caught and terminated, especially with the DOJ digging, if IAD is involved bring in the IG, the AG. These cheats need to be exposed.

3/29/2016 01:46:00 AM  
Blogger Leonard Hamilton said...

Not a cop but a Navy veteran. We also had exams but they were administered by a proctor, guarded until the exams were given out and sealed. Not even opened until you sat in a chair, showed ID and then allowed to take the exam. No extra points for race or sex. You made the necessary score to advance or tough shit, wait until next year to take it again. We all had the same study materials. We called them PARS. Can someone explain how this works for the police department?

3/29/2016 01:53:00 AM  
Anonymous theres more cheaters involved said...

Will they look into how SME Lt KS wife EC magically making the first class? didn't think they'd eventually figure out that the two of you are married but don't share the same last name??????? the investigation needs to look at this injustice also

3/29/2016 01:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh please, Please PLEASE let that investigation lead to Maurer, Georgas, Kennedy and the rest of their "study group," all of whom scored phenomenally well on exams that Maurer helped develop. I once asked a career test developer for other municipalities what the chances were for an inordinate amount of staff members of a Senior Subject Matter Expert to ALL score well enough to guarantee promotion in, say, the first or second class off the list. His reply was, "It is statistically impossible, without inside information." ENOUGH SAID.

3/29/2016 02:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone sent this to your new buddies and pals in the DOJ?
Give them someone that done wrong.
Give them someone that can give them a feew others.
Give them someone that is a good part of CPD's real problems, the clouted clowns.

3/29/2016 02:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He couldn't Of Picked a Better Piece Of Garbage , If he Cheats on that , he'll cheat ANYBODY , OHHH Yea He Picked the BEST QUALIFIED , UN-FRICKEN BELIEVABLE

3/29/2016 02:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's OK He'll be thrown UNDER THE BUS TOO , Give it some Time , DAMN CHEATER , he deserves it.

3/29/2016 02:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The merit picks proved they were great choices by doing so well on the last exam. Obviously the PTB realized their skills, put them in their previous job, they blossomed, learned, and suddenly tested amazingly great. Another success for the merit process!

3/29/2016 02:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To say they're bold would be an extreme understatement.
So at what point will Gene be stripped? At what point will those "promotions " be undone?
You and I both know that although both of those actions deserve to be taken neither will likely occurr.

3/29/2016 03:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Superintendent Eddie Johnson's fiancé recently promoted Lieutenant Nakia Feener (Former IAD) scored high enough to be promoted in the first class. Readers if you want to put a face to some of the names of the alleged cheaters, simply pull up the Sergeants associations Chevron magazine from a couple of years ago. You will see Liuetenant Fenner, Lieutenant Wysinger, and lieutenant Ward all pictured together during a golf outing.

3/29/2016 04:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was the October 2013 issue of the Sergeants Chevrons magazine. I only see Ward and Fenner in the picture. However, Eddie Johnson's admin Sergeant Is shown standing to the far left of the picture.

3/29/2016 04:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The list of the next wave of rank order lieutenants will amaze you. You will easily be able to connect the dots back to Gene Williams. I guess he didn't want to make it too obvious, so he probably told the second group to throw a couple of questions.

It's all legit people.

3/29/2016 04:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The article referred to is a good one. Let's hope there are more articles like it - this is the stuff that has ruined the CPD and other bureaucracies like it or for that matter any workplace that the pols can get their hands on.

3/29/2016 05:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And what is ill happen to the promoted cheaters...NOTHING.

3/29/2016 05:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Say it isn't so! Cheating on the exam? I can't believe it.

3/29/2016 05:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Ken said...

Oh please tell me this does not happen in the police department? oh wait I forgot merit bosses can do what ever they want because they know all, others in the department are unworthy just ask them they lead by example

3/29/2016 06:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe some, are just too dumb....

3/29/2016 06:37:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

I believe Gene-O. I also believe it was the Easter Bunny that left me all those pretty eggs on Sunday.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

3/29/2016 06:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is an examination that should be investigated by the FBI and the US Attorney's Office not the IAD, which does not have the assets or expertise to conduct properly!!!

3/29/2016 06:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

reminds me of the old "examscam" from the '90's...looks like the testing process is as corrupt as it has always been....#201

3/29/2016 06:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well here is Eddie Johnson's chance to show us how independent he really is. Demote these people. Change the promotion process. If you want to work inside good for you, but promote people who actually work the street in districts. Kind of like working VRI. Insufficient Activity no promotion for you! No more merit. Sit for weeks alone and study like many have and do. Common Eddie now's your time to put up, or shut up. I think you will shut up, because Rham will tell you too.

3/29/2016 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank the Holy Father above that some light has been shined on this dark ugly little secret. I hope whomever is handling this investigation would please please provide a name, number or mailing address so that I and many other Sgt's can come forward & tell you information concerning the cheating within HQ & the unNOBLE organization!!
When you hear big mouth women bragging in the hallways of HQ about how well they are going to score on a test and exactly what number they are going to be on the LT's list aka MH, it just sickens you to your gut.
They need to pull down this corrupt new Lt's list and promote a class of Lt's off the old Lt's list asap!!! They are the real victims of this corruption!!!!!

3/29/2016 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello IAD???

once again write a fake ticket get fired!

steal intellectual property from a testing company and then collude with sworn members to cheat on a government test to increase pay.


But heaven forbid you don't pay a parking ticket or water bill! Instant suspension.
Bring them on in question all of them desk dollies will break. I forgot IAD is filled with half ass wanna be Detectives who must ask their boss what to do.
HELL terminate these pricks set an example for future exempts with NO ethics.

3/29/2016 07:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im pissed cause I wasted several thousand $$$ on that Bernstein prep class for nothing!!!
They got illegal copies of the test, all I got was a $2000 Bernstein bill.
I did score in the top 120 but still they cheated and should be stripped immediately!!!!!

3/29/2016 07:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand why they can't do the LT/SGT exams like they did for FTO. When I made FTO (have since resigned) we took the test and once we were done we went downstairs with tests in hand and literally feed it into a scantron machine and had our raw scores. After everyone was done you had your score posted and everyone received a ranking and you knew where you fell in reference to everyone else. Simple.

3/29/2016 07:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing will be done about this. Too many of the "right people" are involved. Especially now that Johnson is the Supe seeing that his ladyfried was also one of the cheaters.

3/29/2016 07:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All promotions are simply pay back from the politicos to their off spring and highest paying campaign donors. It's the Chicago way.

3/29/2016 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what happens if and when they prove this to be true? Take away their bars? 30 days pending? Demote?

Just axin

3/29/2016 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you think this is going anywhere you're a moron. They already promoted all the cheaters in the first class. No way do they denote anyone. It's a naive fluff piece but this will intimately go nowhere just like every other investigation. Anyone who thinks this will gain traction is high.

3/29/2016 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous God save CPD. said...

The list should be scrapped and those promoted should return to Sgt grade. If found to have cheated, they should be fired. It would be nice to take the test without the selected groups having the answers. Unbelievable that the house mouses will be allowed to be promoted with little to no actual experience doing the real job. Tired of bosses with no answers. You have your phone call. You have your "spots". Stay hidden and leave real police work to those who actually do the job and can make the right decisions from working experience. I know a few will always slipped through and "lead" while never making a sound decision. Their phone calls will keep you untouchable. Someone supervisors on this job must be qualified and able to protect Officers from legal harm. ###############################################################################################################

3/29/2016 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who will investigate? The black caucus will scream racism if these "ladies" adept back to their proper rank, patrolwomen.

3/29/2016 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's an investigation into cheating on the last NYPD Captain's Exam.
"Notify the Watch Commander in the 'precinct of occurrence' ring a bell?

3/29/2016 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would like to see some of the old merit lists. Was the new Acting Supt on any of those? Don't you think it would be nice for the Mayor to say that along with Eddie's vast experience is the fact that he ACTUALLY passed a promotional exam? Don't know whether he actually did or didn't but would like to know.

3/29/2016 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unless someone actually admits to this, it is going nowhere fast. The same thing happened in 1987 and there actually was an admission that they paid Ald. Beavers for a promotion. It still went nowhere. As long as you use department members to be subject matter experts and give certain people copies of potential questions these things will happen. No one cares.

3/29/2016 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They Demand Respect!.....and, ISR's!!!!!

Give them what they earned and deserve!

3/29/2016 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Superintendent Eddie Johnson's fiancé recently promoted Lieutenant Nakia Feener (Former IAD) scored high enough to be promoted in the first class. Readers if you want to put a face to some of the names of the alleged cheaters, simply pull up the Sergeants associations Chevron magazine from a couple of years ago. You will see Liuetenant Fenner, Lieutenant Wysinger, and lieutenant Ward all pictured together during a golf outing.

3/29/2016 04:18:00 AM

Fenner also helped her 2 girlfriends from 003 get promoted to Sergeant within the top 100 from the most recent test. Couldn't write a case report but can pass a sergeant test, huh?

3/29/2016 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work in 004. Is the other guy gonna explain why he's so angry at TM or CK. As far as clouted up bosses go there are much worse. They are no more full of shit than the next cop. And of course the want another bite at the apple but that's what's wrong with all bosses. CK is not a douch bag enough to mention here. He loves himself but he's done nothing to anybody I know. What's wrong with wanting some fresh veg. TM is a nice guy who wants to be liked and makes jokes at roll call that people laugh to loud at because he's a boss. He loves this shit because he's never had the shitty end and tows the company line because of it. Who have they hurt? People in other district have jagoffs that are pains in the ass like Leibas was. None of the is was related to this thread. Why throw mud on guys? If your are a beat guy for life tell the guys to their face to go fuck themselves. That is the problem with most blue shirts. How bad is it if you know your stuck but don't have the nuts to complain openly about it. We have to grow balls and fuck with these guys directly to their face. What do we have to loose. Man up. I want to see more posts about how some boss was told to eat shit at a roll call. Let's go.

3/29/2016 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know some pretty dumb motherfuckers who scored real well on the last Sgt's test too. I can't call them out on it because I don't know for sure but my spidey senses are a -tingling.

3/29/2016 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger Leonard Hamilton said...
Not a cop but a Navy veteran. We also had exams but they were administered by a proctor, guarded until the exams were given out and sealed. Not even opened until you sat in a chair, showed ID and then allowed to take the exam. No extra points for race or sex. You made the necessary score to advance or tough shit, wait until next year to take it again. We all had the same study materials. We called them PARS. Can someone explain how this works for the police department?


ya the study materials are huge. They give you the questions that are going to be asked. For instance on the last Sgt. test a big question was the DUI stuff. Ya, it was something we should have studied but there were a million things to study, so if you just browsed through the DUI stuff, or skipped it altogether ...

can you imagine taken a study list of 1,000 things down to say, 30? That's how is works.

3/29/2016 09:39:00 AM  
Blogger Retired Gus said...

I think this could get real interesting if it was determined that cheating did occur and no criminal charges brought. Not a lawyer but I think one would have a strong Civil case for at least the mental stress caused by ones low test score. As to be some type of Civil Rights violation that they conspired to deprive you of your livelihood.

3/29/2016 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Chicago way !

3/29/2016 09:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think IAD guys are fighting to be in that investigation because the reward for finding nothing is probably a seat at the kitchen table when the zerox is handed out. Shhhhh, thats a secret, that CPD tests arent on the up and up. Dont tell nobody.

Im old enough to remember when the fathers of these promoted kids used to joke about all they used to steal and cheat on. This isnt high mathematics here. A chimpanzee would take one look at this shit and stick his middle finger up while scratching his ass. So what are the odds IAD, the epicenter of corruption, is going to find anything wrong?

IAD finds what they are told to find. And I bet those lucky enough to be assigned this one will be getting called "Lou" real soon.

3/29/2016 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On this job you get your promotion at birth. 10 little babies in cribs in the maternity ward.....Tommy will be a Police Capt., Billy will be a CFD Chief....Annie will be a L.T., Johnny will by a Streets and San Boss....Susie will be a Deputy....Phil will be a superintendent......and on and on

3/29/2016 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember the old Area One motto to arrestees : "The first to squeal gets the deal"
Remember the old FBI motto to CPD : "you are either on the train or you are on the tracks"
A wise old Area One Lieutenant used to say "If you make shit, you got shit"

3/29/2016 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This has been going on for how many years. Bitch and moan all you want nothing is going to happen. The cpd way always has been. Signed a 28 yr white patrolman with no clout and no chance to get promoted. Soon to retire thank god

3/29/2016 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This shit has been going on for years remember when Handhart's entire tact team made detective in the first class. Supposedly they had the test too.
On another detectives test they gave out a gigantic reading list then made 98% of the test out if one book. And old 11th ward sergeant to me at a party once, " kid there are two books that you have to know on this job, the bank book and the prayer book to pray that you give the bank book to the right guy". RIP Sgt BT

3/29/2016 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it that only in Chicago there are problems and allegations wth promotion tests? How is it that other entities can give national test of all stripes with out a hitch? Even the state testing for registered professions seams to be clean and with out accusations of cheating and corruption. LSAT, MSAT, DSAT, Medical boards, CPA exam, Bar exam. Hell they, say that Lil Richie's couldn't even fix the bar exam and had to take it three times, same with JFK Jr. Two idiots with money and power and they had to pass legit.
Not in Chicago there used. To be secret classes(the day before the actual test) at the old St Jude's hall downtown for all of the bosses kids and by golly did those kids score high on the test the next day. Good study material I guess!

3/29/2016 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you ain't cheating, you ain't winning. If you ain't willing to cheat, ya don't really want to win.

3/29/2016 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
If true this is a big ass scandal, I hope each one is caught and terminated, especially with the DOJ digging, if IAD is involved bring in the IG, the AG. These cheats need to be exposed.

3/29/2016 01:46:00 AM

Agreed!! You wanna restore faith in the system and boost morale? Conduct an outside impartial investigation of this out right thievery and "cloutruption", indict and prosecute to the fullest extent. Strip them of their pensions and perhaps their freedom for a couple years as well.

3/29/2016 10:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They should be fired or at the very least be required to drop in rank back to p.o. without the possibility of promotion. And only receive a po pension. Better yet, they should just all be fired. Who is to say they wont cheat again? There needs to be repercussions for these shitheads who have been destroying this department for years. I always said i dont care what color you are but you damn well better be the most qualified for the position. Bring some integrity back to this department and morale will improve instantly.

3/29/2016 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not give the test and all the study materials to an outside independent agency somewhere away from this cesspool and have them rewrite the test, place each test in a sealed envelope out of the eyes of ANY member of the cpd then administer the test again. If you did study that hard that you scored so well then you should have no problem scoring that well again. If you did cheat you should be fired, no appeals. No suspensions, just fired! And the ones that helped the cheaters, fired too! No pensions for any of you, comp time surrendered. Fuck all you worthless cheats! CP and JS are two of the biggest!

3/29/2016 12:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh please, Please PLEASE let that investigation lead to Maurer, Georgas, Kennedy and the rest of their "study group," all of whom scored phenomenally well on exams that Maurer helped develop. I once asked a career test developer for other municipalities what the chances were for an inordinate amount of staff members of a Senior Subject Matter Expert to ALL score well enough to guarantee promotion in, say, the first or second class off the list. His reply was, "It is statistically impossible, without inside information." ENOUGH SAID.


Whoa whoa whoa....stop the clock....don't forget about CLINE super secret study group where his son MC and the tact team held private study group. Most of them scored under 300 for the sgt. Test years ago......remember GIVEN not Earned.

3/29/2016 12:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on rahm use the doj to look into this criminal activity, immediately demote everyone of them,have the doj and iad bring them all in and make them swear to the truth and give up the source of this illegal activity! Maybe Eddie Johnson will look into this to help restore some trust back into CPD, that would be "change we could believe in!" Oh and who is that bosses wife promoted to lieutenant given the brand new black explore for a back and forth to work vehicle free gas-insurance-everything who gave her this vehicle?

3/29/2016 01:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are all the aholes to chime in how they got promoted legit. A Big F you too!!

3/29/2016 01:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I don't understand why they can't do the LT/SGT exams like they did for FTO. When I made FTO (have since resigned) we took the test and once we were done we went downstairs with tests in hand and literally feed it into a scantron machine and had our raw scores. After everyone was done you had your score posted and everyone received a ranking and you knew where you fell in reference to everyone else. Simple.

3/29/2016 07:16:00 AM"

They did that with the dicks exams in the 80s. They can, but they won't because somebodys'guy,
who had a guy, that needs a guy, who wants a guy needs to be promoted. Got it Guy?

3/29/2016 01:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They gave a legit test for sergeant and lieutenant in 94-95. Did not work out to the pols liking- never see that again.

3/29/2016 01:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So is anyone planning legal action? If anyone is please contact Scc. I know several Sgts that would be interested but don't know an attorney that specializes in areas such as this. The union lawyers are all in cahoots so forget them.

3/29/2016 01:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Notify the watch commander" worth 90 points
Its been done and got away with it.

3/29/2016 02:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found out the Lts Union is protecting that new list like found gold. They know the ranking is a sham! I hope this cheating scandal grows feet and all those involved are stripped and fired....wait a minute, is this why EJ was made the new Supa cause his girlfriend Fenner is one of the cheaters?
I guess he can block the investigation....this department is a big JOKE!!!!

3/29/2016 02:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Making the allegations, as they have been posted repeatedly here, is one thing; proving this allegation is quite another. That, and the fact that these allegations have ONLY been posted/written about either here or in DNA Chicago says one thing; the mainstream media doesn't even believe it. And if they aren't nibbling at this, there is likely nothing to prove otherwise.
I don't see this going any further than where it has been: on a blog.

3/29/2016 02:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reality is this will be one big "unfounded" investigation. Maybe I'm wrong but that seems to be the Chicago norm. I agree that a merit sergeant couldn't have brilliantly scored high on the lieutenants' test. Nor do I believe certain relatives of specific individuals scored coincidentally as high as they did. But, just because it's more than obvious doesn't necessarily mean any wrongdoing can be proven.

3/29/2016 03:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still praying

3/29/2016 03:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It doesn't take much to cheat on an exam. Look at Exam Scam in the 80s on the Lieutenants test. All the insiders had to know was "Notify the Watch Commander. It wasn't even in the study material.

3/29/2016 04:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do they always take the merit picks from the back of the list? Aren't there any fine merit types in the front of the list? HA, HA, HA

3/29/2016 04:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you please post info on who I can report information on this cheating scandal to. Thanks.

3/29/2016 05:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time for the old class action some how I think a civil court would find its a conflict of interest to be a subject matter expert and help with study groups. The department should have taken steps to ensure the fairness of the exam.

3/29/2016 05:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All you need to see is the new interim superintendents girlfriend.

Didn't she just get promoted to lieutenant?

Nuff said

3/29/2016 05:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about those who had help from 'Subject Expert Matters" I guess it helps who you know!!

3/29/2016 05:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pathetic and predictable, but business as usual. Regardless of an article or DOJ probe, nothing will change. Every single a-hole in that 1st class, as well as the ones in the next, owe their bar to an exempt.....every single one. Just as the current exempts owed their predecessors. It takes some distance down the list before you find someone who is legit. And as far as a merit reward for being an outstanding Sergeant.....never happens that way.

There are a couple of good people from that first class. Hopefully they remember that they got a gift, even the "legit" ones. Sad to know that they are the further exempt to perpetuate the cycle.

Respect is earned ladies and gentlemen, and you will be hard pressed to have mine.

3/29/2016 06:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Im pissed cause I wasted several thousand $$$ on that Bernstein prep class for nothing!!!
They got illegal copies of the test, all I got was a $2000 Bernstein bill.
I did score in the top 120 but still they cheated and should be stripped immediately!!!!!

3/29/2016 07:12:00 AM

I guess you were 119? Just sit back and wait. It's money in the bank. Great score.

3/29/2016 06:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Can you please post info on who I can report information on this cheating scandal to. Thanks.

3/29/2016 05:10:00 PM

Send your complaint to Lt. Nakia Fenner 009th District, 2nd Watch

3/29/2016 06:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Time for the old class action some how I think a civil court would find its a conflict of interest to be a subject matter expert and help with study groups. The department should have taken steps to ensure the fairness of the exam.

3/29/2016 05:17:00 PM
Hey softball. Why would the department take steps to ensure the fairness of the exam. The CPD bosses are the ones who want it to be unfair so they can promote their friends.
I sure hope you are not the police , no po could be this naive

3/29/2016 07:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scored 167 on LSAT. Scored 68 on Miller Analogics. 35 on ACTas a kid. Scored 2,000, 4,000, 1200, 568 on various promotion tests. I obviously forgot to notify the watch commander on one. Watched people texting on cell phones in the shitter on another. Test was proctored by Ernst and Young girlymen. Easily intimidated by those caught texting, cribbing and cheating. And these were the ones without the study group answers.

3/29/2016 08:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All you need to see is the new interim superintendents girlfriend.

Didn't she just get promoted to lieutenant?

Nuff said

Can you give the initials?

3/29/2016 08:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't make this shit up: former first deputy's wife no 1 on the exam and the girlfriend of the new interim supe highly suspect being in on the cheat. Such great integrity, such leadership.....not.

3/29/2016 08:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ous said...
"Notify the watch commander" worth 90 points
Its been done and got away with it.

3/29/2016 02:11:00 PM

That's outdated lingo ..... thanks to McNutty there's no such thing as a watch commander anymore.

3/29/2016 08:43:00 PM  
Anonymous FOIA said...


How about keeping a list of the Merit Promotions (Gained through FOIA) on the right hand side bar for quick viewing?

3/29/2016 08:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could put all the pieces of the puzzle together for everyone to see the picture. I would be protected by the whisleblower act, but my career would be ruined. I'm sorry. I will not do it. Not right now. Not yet. This will all be exposed in due time. Many of the guessers have hit the nail on the head.

3/29/2016 09:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, dont worry CK is geeting the tact spot in 004. Why do you think hes been around the station.

3/29/2016 10:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got it! Why don't they just make the test like Jeopardy on TV. Give everyone the answers and all you have to do is figure out the question! See I should come out of retirement. That's what Eddie needs men that think
Out side the box!

3/29/2016 11:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TM and CK both great bosses to work for. I've worked for some douchbags bosses before and these two don't deserve to be called that. remeber, when CK cooks meals for the watch (like hes done on numerous occasions) it'll be nice to have some fresh veggies! For fuck sakes, if a garden is all takes to put a boss in good mood when he gets to work, shut the fuck and help the guy plant some shit! Haha. As far TM goes, hes about as approachable as a boss gets on this job. The guy will help you anyway he can. Of all the bosses to bitch about you choose these two guys? Haha wtf. Can you believe this jaggoff made and garden? What a prick! How dare TM tell a joke and try to make you laugh, total jaggoff! Some coppers are never Fkn happy haha.

3/29/2016 11:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goes on lots of places. We're not civil service out here, they can go in more or less any order and skip candidates. So, 2 processes in a row (For Sgt) - median score is about 80. A "high" score is in the high 80s. Top 3 scorers across the last 2 cycles - proteges of the Lt. who ran the process and put the written test in. Including a near perfect score by a candidate who had never taken the test before and was the Lt's good buddy. Missed 1-2 questions out of 100-something.

So I happened to have a discussion with the Lt. of (equivalent of IA) about a lot of things unrelated to IA, and mentioned that if this happened in college there would be an academic investigation. Pretty obvious the Lt. that runs the promotional process is giving his guys the answers or tips nobody else gets. IA Lt. says "Yeah, probably something to that." We're a substantial period down the road now, nothing has happened.

The lesson is this - I had an epiphany within the past 6 months - none of their promtions mean anything. None of them. There is no honor, almost every one of them sold out their integrity to get where they are. I might not make as much or have as good a retirement, but I'll have my self respect. Oh, and none of them can tell me anything either because they don't have any standing with me.


3/29/2016 11:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look At Chevron magazine October 2013 golf outing pictures.

It's all legit boy and girls. My ass it is

3/30/2016 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about E.W. girlfriend Y.B who recently made sergeant and is assigned to 003?

3/30/2016 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It doesn't take much to cheat on an exam. Look at Exam Scam in the 80s on the Lieutenants test. All the insiders had to know was "Notify the Watch Commander. It wasn't even in the study material.

You are 100% correct.

3/30/2016 09:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard that old bastard felon Cliff Kelly say he saw 5 officers in his alley. 4 white males and 1 white female. He went on to say that she was about 90 pounds, and made reference that she must have paid someone to get hired. The topic at the time was how not enough of the right people are getting the call. He had callers saying "they went through the whole process but were never hired". Well maybe if they quit lying on the polygraph and smoking weed they would!

3/30/2016 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will the feebs have the street smarts to know that crooked promotions have and will always put moral in the crapper? Let's see. I'll bet they put in a recommendation that they change the promotion system and just leave it at that. It has been going on for so long that a can of worms of that magnitude would that years to rectify and not get the required headlines and shock and awe to the public. Like Operation Greylord at the end just a few little lines in the paper and. No big deal even yo the Feds.

3/30/2016 09:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh, you mean they actually filled out the test paperwork!
Whats this world coming to?

3/30/2016 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Business as usual. The promotion exams have never been on the up and up. Bosses siblings have always done well. It must be in the genes. As usual it will all be unfounded. Another COVER UP!

3/30/2016 03:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the boss got his girlfriend promoted is that all you got? Every boss does this, look at all the "merit" everywhere how else did they get there! Eddie Johnson if you eveer met the man is a real copper,and after watching the father of RIP Thomas Wortham the officer killed by his home talking about how Eddie Johnson was over there everyday comforting the parents that is enough for me. Give the man a chance at least, lets hope the gold star members are not merely "shuffled" but actually removed and demoted to their civil service rank. So many exempt are wearing our uniform pretending it is halloween, they are posers, not real police gold star secretary with guns.

Read also about retired coppers being rehired part-time and the young coppers mad about it, the reason "it's our turn to be inside secretaries." Many coppers have no time on the job, little if any street time but yet are inside, maybe the "old crusty" coppers coming back to work could help educate the young coppers on how to handle street thugs properly! Not a bad concept saves money, puts more coppers on the streets whats not to like? As long as retired are allowed to be armed if not forget it!

3/30/2016 08:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone have any idea how high a score is needed to get promoted off this LT List?

3/30/2016 10:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard the detectives test is very legit? My first promotional exam.

3/30/2016 11:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These illegal promotions will eventually be pensioners. Imagine the amount they will have stolen from the city as well as the pension fund. It's all fun and games until someone gets caught. I think it would be perfect if the DOJ investigated all merit promotions going back 20 years and turns this department on its head. That would be a feather in someones cap. Any DOJ people listening???????????????

3/31/2016 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All you need to see is the new interim superintendents girlfriend.

Didn't she just get promoted to lieutenant?

Nuff said

Can you give the initials?

3/29/2016 08:32:00 PM


3/31/2016 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Legit promotions? Where? You will never see anything close to fairness in this city! Impeach rham and jail daley.......

3/31/2016 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ExamScam in the 80s. Written pass/fail. Written essay portion. Interview portion, the exact same questions as the written essay portion. You were interviewed by three exempt members. All of the exempt members simply waited to hear, "notify the Watch Commander." That meant you were in and they gave you full points for your interview. No matter how well you did on the essay portion (which did not include, "notify the watch commander"), if you failed to say the "secret" phrase, you bombed your interview. Now, it was outed. Experts were brought in to reveal that it was statistically impossible for large numbers of those highest on the list to come from the same units. The media ran with it. Peter Carl at Channel 5 ran a series on the news (and then was later bought out with a nice city contract to let it die). After the smoke cleared, all the cheaters retained their promotions, many of whom went on to be exempts. Now, here you are, 30 years later. Nothing has changed. Chicago.

3/31/2016 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Call iad and file a complaint if you got info concerning the cheating! If not shut up! We all know they cheated on the test!!!
I hope they are exposed and embarrassed ASAP just like they did the ex-supa driver when he was stripped as a Sergeant!!

3/31/2016 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scored 167 on LSAT. Scored 68 on Miller Analogics. 35 on ACTas a kid. Scored 2,000, 4,000, 1200, 568 on various promotion tests. I obviously forgot to notify the watch commander on one. Watched people texting on cell phones in the shitter on another. Test was proctored by Ernst and Young girlymen. Easily intimidated by those caught texting, cribbing and cheating. And these were the ones without the study group answers.

3/29/2016 08:15:00 PM

So, you're trying to tell us you're smart, but you don't do well on police promotional exams? Thanks for the info. Now why do we care? If you're that smart, you'd fall in with the top scores of the cheaters... unless you're pretending there were thousands of cheaters who scored better than you. Cheating sucks, isn't fair, etc., but it happens everywhere and will always happen. Telling us you're smart and the cheaters stole your spot is just whining. Get over it and study harder next time.

3/31/2016 03:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A we had to pay to take these tests. Will everyone who took these tests be reimbursed ?

3/31/2016 03:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean Mags cheated? I can't believe it.

3/31/2016 03:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Class action suit, back pay for all.

3/31/2016 06:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Call iad and file a complaint if you got info concerning the cheating! If not shut up! We all know they cheated on the test!!!
I hope they are exposed and embarrassed ASAP just like they did the ex-supa driver when he was stripped as a Sergeant!!

3/31/2016 10:17:00 AM

Here. Instead of giving you the dots to connect I'll give you the damn dots AND connect them for you. There WAS a confidential CR number initiated by a Sgt named Barz who was assigned to IAD and was appalled that a number of his co-workers in IAD were attending a secret invite only study group being given on company time by Deputy Supt Eugene Williams in his conference room. Sgt Barz (who wasn't on the invite list) studied hard and did fairly well in the low 100's but I digress. His fellow Sgt in IAD named Brown was assigned to investigate the allegations. Now Sgt Brown is on his way out so there isn't anything they can offer HIM to make it go away so instead they promote his son-in-law (Sean Laughran) to commander of 020. Then Chief of IAD informs Gene Williams that there is a "confidential" CR number against him and that Sgt Brown will be making spot checks to see if there is any validity to the allegation. Gene's not the smartest cookie but he's smart enough to know to relocate the study group out of his conference and off the clock. Sgt Brown makes 2 "unannounced" visits, finds nobody in the conference room and unfounds the CR#.
Now let me start connecting those dots. Gene Williams is a Senior Subject Matter Expert. (Not to confused with a Subject matter Expert) the difference you ask? SME's have input into the test and get to see "examples" of questions that MAY be on the final test. SENIOR SME's get a copy of the ACTUAL TEST to "review". Big difference. Also both SSME and SME sign confidentiality agreements and are not allowed to participate in any way shape or form in a "study group"
Now back to the dots, Sgt Brown unfounds the confidential CR #, his son in law gets a command spot, Sgt Barz who initiated the CR# is in the first class by merit (submitted by Chief Rivera) the other "dots" include Maryet Hall (Wysinger) who was in the study group, Nakia Fenner (our new Interms gal pal) also in the study group and another f/1 from IAD who's name eludes me right now that has been rumored to be "very close" to Gene Williams.
Now while everyone else had to study literally thousands of pages of orders, laws, bulletins etc, these selected few had only to study the test questions provided by Gene Williams. That is not only unethical, it is illegal. The same people that are preaching integrity, morality and transparency are the same ones that just pulled the biggest scam in CPD testing history. This even makes "notify the watch commander" look petty.
Now there, believe it or not, you can't make this shit up.

3/31/2016 07:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about those who had help from 'Subject Expert Matters" I guess it helps who you know!!

3/29/2016 05:36:00 PM

There is a bit of a difference between a SME and. senior SME. While both are sworn to secrecy and both sign confidentiality agreements the Senior SME gets to see the final version of the test that will be administered while a SME only gets to see examples of what may be on the test. Granted that would help if you were someone like EC married to SME named Lt KS because if you can eliminate 80% of the orders and law that you know WONT be on the test you can essentially study the 20% five times as much as the next guy (or spouse of a Non-SME) and thus increase your odds by 5x of doing better then the next Sgt. Now if you were banging a Senior SME (or married to one regardless of banging status) you could study the actual test and if you can't do well on that then there's no help for you. Keep banging on.

3/31/2016 07:22:00 PM  
Blogger The Wolf said...

I have a simple solution. Have the top 25 take a new test. If they truly studied the orders then they should knock the new test out of the park. If they were supplied the questions, they won't survive the re-test.

3/31/2016 08:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen, Rahm floated this to cut out EW from Supt. Now he made a deal for his pick and nothing will go any further. IG and IAD are going to do nothing and DOJ will say they are not here for promotional practices. There is a smoking gun somewhere, but it will never appear. So this is about nothing. Have the unions said a peep????

3/31/2016 09:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anyone have any idea how high a score is needed to get promoted off this LT List?

3/30/2016 10:46:00 PM

If you need to ask this question you're not smart enough to be a lieutenant.

4/01/2016 01:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Blogger Leonard Hamilton said...
Not a cop but a Navy veteran. We also had exams but they were administered by a proctor, guarded until the exams were given out and sealed. Not even opened until you sat in a chair, showed ID and then allowed to take the exam. No extra points for race or sex. You made the necessary score to advance or tough shit, wait until next year to take it again. We all had the same study materials. We called them PARS. Can someone explain how this works for the police department?


ya the study materials are huge. They give you the questions that are going to be asked. For instance on the last Sgt. test a big question was the DUI stuff. Ya, it was something we should have studied but there were a million things to study, so if you just browsed through the DUI stuff, or skipped it altogether ...

can you imagine taken a study list of 1,000 things down to say, 30? That's how is works.

3/29/2016 09:39:00 AM

Save your irrelevant anecdote. The US military, much like public sector hiring and promotions within police and fire departments, is a proving ground for affirmative action and the half-baked social theories of East Coast leftist academia. How else would affirmative action poster boy Colin Powell ascend the ranks high enough to fuck up Desert Shield? Remember, it was Norman Shwartzkopf, the son of a policeman, who was overruled by Powell and idiot Bush the Father, into retreating from Kuwait and allowing Saddam free reign and our subsequently being pulled into a second, and more devastating unnecessary war that Americans still die in. I'll take a panzer division of really, really smart guys any day over a bunch of over promoted empty-holsters like Powell or Petraeus.

Former West Side Sergeant

4/01/2016 01:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of the promotions are scam-tastic. We have two klout kommandants over the verbal interviews in my department. You could have a perfect test score, it matters not. You won't pass the verbal interview without the right connection. Rat man and the lunch coordinator will see to that.

4/01/2016 01:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone think Leo cheated?

4/01/2016 03:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...

Anyone have any idea how high a score is needed to get promoted off this LT List?

3/30/2016 10:46:00 PM

If you need to ask this question you're not smart enough to be a lieutenant.

4/01/2016 01:27:00 AM

This time around 160 will get you made.

4/02/2016 05:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger The Wolf said...
I have a simple solution. Have the top 25 take a new test. If they truly studied the orders then they should knock the new test out of the park. If they were supplied the questions, they won't survive the re-test.

3/31/2016 08:27:00 PM

Make it the top 50

4/02/2016 05:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard that old bastard felon Cliff Kelly say he saw 5 officers in his alley. 4 white males and 1 white female. He went on to say that she was about 90 pounds, and made reference that she must have paid someone to get hired. The topic at the time was how not enough of the right people are getting the call. He had callers saying "they went through the whole process but were never hired". Well maybe if they quit lying on the polygraph and smoking weed they would!

3/30/2016 09:40:00 AM
And plenty of people who don't smoke weed or lie on the polygraph, still didn't get hired. But you are an idiot.

4/02/2016 06:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At this point in my career, I no longer care about this kind of stuff. What's any different about this than any other time? The accused are mostly Black? Joining the right "study group" or knowing or being related to the right people has always been the formula for success on this job. Black or White or Hispanic makes no difference for the likelihood of cheating. Bottom line, if you don't happen to have any real connections on this job, you can work your ass off or study your ass off and you'll only get so far. The waters are the same- muddied as they always have been and will be.

4/07/2016 10:52:00 AM  

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