Friday, September 16, 2016

Half a Win

But not really, seeing as how the Department just made 55 FTO's so there isn't any "shortage" now:
  • The Arbitrator concludes that the O’Neill(Don)/Aguilar (Rich) testimony clearly establishes that any claim for compensation based upon alleged past practice as to the application of Section 26.1 prior to January 11, 2013 fails as not being factual.”

    However, the Lodge, realizing the testimony of Rich Aguilar was not ideal, attempted to persuade the arbitrator by referencing Section 20.2-Compensation for Overtime.  In this we were successful as you can verify through the Arbitrator’s ruling:

    “The best this arbitrator can do in terms of remedy is to find that Section 20.2 is applicable in the appropriate case, …that he or she is entitled to overtime compensation over and above the 30 minutes by applying the provisions of Article 20.2 on the basis that the actual overtime was necessary to prepare the required multi-DOR’s and Cycle Summaries.”

    To summarize, this grievance was partially granted.  The arbitrator ruled that since past practice was not proven, there will not be any retroactive payments to the affected FTOs.  However, going forward, if an FTO has multiple recruits in the future and it takes more than .5 hours to complete the DORs and Cycle Summaries, he is to submit an overtime slip to his Supervisor for the the amount of time over .5 hours it took to complete these forms.
So, even though they took advantage of the FTO's once, they promise never ever to do it again (the beaten wife defense) and the City does what it should have done before and promoted a bunch of FTO's, thus never paying the FTO's for doing double work.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhhh.... Rich Aguilar. The gift that keeps on giving.

9/16/2016 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rich Aguilar does not approve of this post..

9/16/2016 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm they will still be short of FTO's... I know like 6 that are going to drop their little chevron in one district alone. They all put in their papers but the dept has a freeze on allowing them to call it quits. Not surprised!!

9/16/2016 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately a 1/2 a win for The CPD is actually great. This FOP Lodge 7 is gonna screw a lot of the current POs. According to The Lodge 7 president Chicago has the youngest large City police force. Have U ever called the people manning our lodge? It's a "spot" and until this changes coppers will get screwed. When U call there all too often it's a "what do you want now?" type situation. The people answering the phones are almost like children the way they guess at the answers to your important questions. Ull have some1 at The FOP say they have "30 years" OTJ" but what help is that to me if he/she has ZERO expertise, no knowledge of any sort on the issue that needs a remedy.
The punting of answers is all too common with this lodge. Three contracts proves this. We get our asses powdered ever contract. The retro checks are somehow deemed as a win and that's simply myopic. We worked for the money. It's ours and not a bonus.
This very Blog has called out the FOP 7 too many times to count.
Going forward, our lodge needs to be looked at as a team that means business. Right now, as mentioned earlier, our FOP 7 is a spot. We're better than this as far as what we accept as our representation. So and so might be a good guy, but would U start him on a major sports franchise? Hell no! Only those that produce and continually try and step up their game should be considered as the members who represent us. The younger Katz are gonna be naked in the breeze if we don't set the example and provide more cover to these Katz in their 20's or early 30's. After this age Ur fucked cuz more often than not the copper has children and better 1/2s. They're now prisoners of an organIzation that that simply can't be trusted.
The Brits have a name for the FOP 7 situation.
It's called Bolox
Stay safe

9/16/2016 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those FTOs haven't hit the field yet. Watch the city do to them what they did to the ETs, and train, but not promote until they decide to.

9/16/2016 02:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don O'Neill is THE example of someone who will make the Department better in his absence. "I know I am wrong, but screw you, arbitrate it" his motto. The most hated man on the Department. Enjoy your retirement. I know we will. I hear the Karma train is just around the bend.

9/16/2016 05:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CPD HR will be working out of the multi-purpose room today in order to process scores of retirees. The flood gates have now been opened.

9/16/2016 05:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"However, the Lodge, realizing the testimony of Rich Aguilar was not ideal,..."

How about the Lodge realize that Rich Aguilar was responsible for approximately 6,000 (that's right, SIX THOUSAND) unfiled grievances?

You see, Rich was in charge of the handling grievances under the Donahue regime and then under Shields. Knowing that his time was running out, he chose to salt away boxes and boxes of grievances rather than file them, work out amicable remedies or request arbitration for the better ones. These 6,000 grievances were discovered in various locations of the FOP once Dean and Company took the helm.

So if you're one of those people who filed a greviance years ago but still hasn't heard anything about it, chances are very good that they're hoping you forgot completely about it. Call them and demand to know the status of your unanswered grievance(s).


9/16/2016 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic but if you want to shut down the body camera program just make as many videos as you can. It will over load the cloud service and the city will not pay for it.

9/16/2016 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I figured anyone eligible for retirement would put in for it asap. Who the hell would want to put in a day longer than necessary in today's environment. Grab your pension checks while they last!

9/16/2016 08:14:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

I simply do not believe them.

9/16/2016 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. Fop sucks. We need an alternative. Can we stop paying dues? Even if we shoot someone, what good is the union when society will hang you?.....I can do breakfast with the Easter bunny on my own.

9/16/2016 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want to quit after ten years but before 20, do you still receive a retired star and rights to carry in all states?

9/16/2016 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They need to seal those flood gates.....They must offer lots more money to stay. Wait till we get those body cameras....people will leave with less than 20.

9/16/2016 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

""Don O'Neill is THE example of someone who will make the Department better in his absence. "I know I am wrong, but screw you, arbitrate it" his motto. The most hated man on the Department. Enjoy your retirement. I know we will. I hear the Karma train is just around the bend.""

They gave him human resources where he can fuck us from. So he's not really retired.

9/16/2016 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they promoted many fto's that dont even have 4 years on the job. Then they wonder why the department has idiots running around, if you have idiots training idiots then what do you expect. Look at the list and you will be surprised and disappointed. 10th district has an idiot N.P. from 3rd watch, she does not know how to do her job, everyone knows shes clueless, does not do any substantial work, 2-3 hr TVB's ,hides in the station and this is the girl going to train other officer's...ridiculous, this department has no standards. This department needs to put people in the right places to do m ost good and they continue to cater to the clueless idiots.

9/16/2016 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard the city is keeping 15 of the 41 FTO's in training right now. Makes no sense just like made no sense to train 11 ET's and send back 5 till later. BS games, screwing with people over a couple dollars at the end of the day. FOP did jack to help those ET's and won't do jack to help the FTO's in the same situation. Bring back those trained ET's, they are needed! And keep these FTO's if classes are graduating soon of PPO's, makes no sense!

9/16/2016 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shame on Aguilar. He was an F.T.O. In 014. Actually a good F.T.O. He should have done anything he could have to ensure proper F.T.O pay and protocol!

9/16/2016 10:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Double Dip O'Neil the backstabbing sellout - making the City very happy.

"CPD HR will be working out of the multi-purpose room today in order to process scores of retirees." (9/16/2016 05:31:00 AM)

— Like the post office on April 15th no doubt. Seems there's never a manpower shortage (manpower that lacks delivering a days work) at HQ, bringing in more staff that never leave. Meanwhile nobody is minding the Midnight Beats in 016.

9/16/2016 11:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Rich Aguilar's testimony was less than ideal".

Why am I not surprised? When he worked in 025 he was the biggest arrogant ass on the 2nd watch. He acted like he knew it all and would lecture fellow officers and supervisors on how to do something from A to Z. You could never disagree with the guy because of his know it all attitude.

9/16/2016 11:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don O'Neill is THE example of someone who will make the Department better in his absence. "I know I am wrong, but screw you, arbitrate it" his motto. The most hated man on the Department. Enjoy your retirement. I know we will. I hear the Karma train is just around the bend.

9/16/2016 05:27:00 AM

I remember bidding in to a district and I did not make it. So I called and asked what the cut off date was for that district. Don O'Neill picked up the phone and told me that was not relevant and click. He hung up on me. I called the next day and some sergeant picked up the phone. I asked the same question and the sergeant told me what the cut off date was. Some white shirts hide behind their white shirt and act like assholes.

9/16/2016 11:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of the "FTOs" don't even have 4 years on the job!!! lol what the hell?

9/16/2016 11:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) You can read the story and see a picture of the weapon here:

A police officer shot and killed a 13-year-old robbery suspect in Ohio's capital after the boy pulled a BB gun out of his waistband, police said, a shooting that city leaders said would be investigated thoroughly to determine if charges are warranted.

Tyre King, who is black, died at a hospital after an officer, who is white, shot him several times Wednesday evening outside a house in east-central Columbus, police said. Earlier, police said the boy's name was Tyree.
King, an eighth-grader, had a BB gun that "looks practically identical" to the type of handgun that Columbus police carry. This gun had a laser sight mounted on the bottom.

After looking at the weapon that was in the possession of this 13yr old, you, I or any clear thinking police would have done the same thing. Thought the same thing. It looked like a weapon, acted (laser sight) like a weapon, so the split second conclusion is that it was a weapon.


Instead of the Chief of Police or the Mayor coming out and saying that the shooting was justified, they are sending the investigation to the GRAND JURY so they can decide if the officer did wrong and to indict if necessary.

Way to go Ohio. That is backing your men......

9/16/2016 12:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will they make 55 FTO's and then make them work in shithole districts with terrible bosses so that 2/3rds of them will resign again???

9/16/2016 12:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ssc please print I want to give a shout out and congrads to oak park police chief tony ambrose who was recently promoted to chief of oak park pd you are a good guy and best of luck

a fellow pisan and cpd 016

9/16/2016 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep working and being proactive

9/16/2016 01:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OFF TOPIC BUT 2 more getting Fkd!

9/16/2016 01:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is a full win national FOP endorses Trump does that mean us also Dean? Better be!

9/16/2016 01:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have had ENOUGH of this Fto mess... I may turn in my chevrons as well. I'm walking a very fine line....

And now to see that we get screwed again! I had 2 ppo's for about a year straight.
Smh at this...

9/16/2016 01:54:00 PM  
Anonymous merit sarge said...

Rich AguLIAR purposely sabotaged the desk Sgt grievance the first go round cuz one of Shields people had a helluva case/docs to support his/her grievance. AguLIAR openly hated Shields and admitted that he was behind their crew running the anti Shields team blog. Not only did AguLIAR hide this persons hundreds of grievances, the new FOP people found over 6,000 grievances that AguLIAR never handled as he was supposed to. I know guys that haven't heard shit in years about various grievances they filed and essentially lost money because AguLIAR failed (purposely) at his duties to the membership. I suggest you contact the FOP and inquire the status of any unresolved grievances that you may have filed. Perhaps there's a way to go after AguLIAR civilly for failure to perform his duties. Maybe have your lawyer look into going after whoever else may have "dropped the ball accidentally" still on the fop board, after all they are insured. Get your $$$$ people.

9/16/2016 02:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least Aguilar knew what he was talking about. Kilmore his replacement should replace the walls in his office with mirrors. Every time I ask him a question as a unit rep the answer is wrong or he can't give me one. We need people in the lodge who know the contract. I repeat we need people in the lodge that know the contract. Think about that next year when these guys come out to roll calls. Ask contractual questions and see who knows the answers. How about a debate? Dougherty challenged Angelo to a debate last year and Angelo wouldn't have anything to do with a debate. It was a good idea and we should demand it.

9/16/2016 04:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tales of an Idiot!! He's running with Donahue and Dougherty next FOP election!

9/16/2016 04:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My FTO in 024 taught me to pass out socks to the homeless and toys to poor kids. That is real policing.

9/16/2016 05:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ohhh you lacking self esteem hard charger "real police work" cuz "I only do real police work" Officer Perez from central sat... enjoy your so called upgrade because as you said "now I can show these new guys what real police work is". Good luck with that you clown!!

9/16/2016 05:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PLEASE: Lets try and find a way for the Teamsters to represent us here in Chicago....They would never sit silent and idle with all of the things that happen lately...they fight for the people they represent..Is there anybody that could guide us on how to get this to happen? We have to make something change in a big way. Lets act! Fuck the F.O.P.!

9/16/2016 05:56:00 PM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

Lol @ Rahm al-Ghoul crying in the scum-times about
Policemen refusing to come out of their
"Defensive Crouch."

Everybody that CAN, IS...
Running for the exit labelled "RETIREMENT."

But hold on...
Rahm is trying to bust down the pension
to paying mere nickels on the dollar,
(The famous 1.5x Federal Poverty Level "Guarantee")
to take credit for "saving" it after
years of criminal underfunding and theft by himself
and shortshanks...

What are the hands on the Federal Statute of Limitations
Clock reading on this bullshit?

"You Cops are just angry for no good reason!"

It smacks of nothing more than:
"How dare you Cops run and try to save
yourselves from US!"

Cut a report.
Whistle for the Body-Snatchers.
Oversee CFD hosing the blood, shit,
brains, teeth and skull fragments into the sewer.

Have as little interaction
as possible with the peoples and folkses
of the "community" who fervently wish to see you
nothing but hurt, ruined, terminated, imprisoned or dead.

"Why ain't y'all axin' us anything like y'all used to?
Don't y'all care about US anymore?"

Ditto for local media and elected officialdom
who swear they have no real use for you other than
to protect THEM from members of the same "community"
they relentlessly pander and cater to.

Oh wait...
They do get to wax poetic and speechify real
nice about all the pretty dress blue uniforms
at an honors funeral.

It makes THEM feel so necessary and alive to opine
so smugly and banally about the "Sea of Blue"
when we turn out to give one of our own back
to Mother Earth.

"But you Cops think too much of yourselves.
So stop being so angry about finally being knocked
down the societal ladder a few rungs. You guys had
it coming for a long time anyways."

What about that defensive crouch again?

Police Like You Have no Friends.

9/16/2016 06:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well another officer is going to court this time on civil rights violations.

Are any of you hard chargers out there reading or listening to this?

If you get out of your car you better pull your PEN, or yourself.....
Because this city, state and Federal government wants someone hung from the
nearest tree.

9/16/2016 09:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
PLEASE: Lets try and find a way for the Teamsters to represent us here in Chicago....They would never sit silent and idle with all of the things that happen lately...they fight for the people they represent..Is there anybody that could guide us on how to get this to happen? We have to make something change in a big way. Lets act! Fuck the F.O.P.!

9/16/2016 05:56:00 PM

Ha. Teamsters would be worse than FLOP. I was in Teamsters union before I came on this job. You think FLOP are the only ones sitting behind their desk with their feet up? They needed feds oversight. Nothing but corrupt mobbed up assholes using pension as piggybank like our city politicians.

9/16/2016 09:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

If you want to quit after ten years but before 20, do you still receive a retired star and rights to carry in all states?

9/16/2016 09:10:00 AM

That is called 'resigning'. It isn't retiring.
Twenty years is the minimum to 'retire'.

9/16/2016 09:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
PLEASE: Lets try and find a way for the Teamsters to represent us here in Chicago....They would never sit silent and idle with all of the things that happen lately...they fight for the people they represent..Is there anybody that could guide us on how to get this to happen? We have to make something change in a big way. Lets act! Fuck the F.O.P.!

9/16/2016 05:56:00 PM

Certainly this was written by a teamster trying to sell Cpd their bullshit. "Never sit silent and idle" and " fight for the people that they represent", take it easy with all that. Just ask anyone that came over from the county about how well the teamsters "represented" them, fucking joke.

9/16/2016 10:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6000 grievances were in boxes because Rich brought FOP into the modern times by implementing a database that the new crew refused to ask for help with. The civilian females that work there never bothered to show the new reps (all to make Rich look bad). And why 6000? Because ONeill will only arbitrate three "3" cases a month!!

9/16/2016 11:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
My FTO in 024 taught me to pass out socks to the homeless and toys to poor kids. That is real policing.

9/16/2016 05:29:00 PM

I don't know if this was attempt to demean the fto, but I say good for him. Sounds like an actual really nice guy. Many of us lose our way and forget the real reason we joined in the first place... to help people.

9/17/2016 01:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fto's will still be training 2 at a time for at least a minimum of another 3 weeks...the department continues to not think ahead...newest graduating class is bigger than all the current fto' almost double...which means even 55 new fto's won't stop the training two at a time stupidity. (Oh and they short changed the class on their first cycle by making them do safe passage...what a waste)

9/17/2016 02:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rich AguLIAR purposely sabotaged the desk Sgt grievance the first go round cuz one of Shields people had a helluva case/docs to support his/her grievance. AguLIAR openly hated Shields and admitted that he was behind their crew running the anti Shields team blog. Not only did AguLIAR hide this persons hundreds of grievances, the new FOP people found over 6,000 grievances that AguLIAR never handled as he was supposed to. I know guys that haven't heard shit in years about various grievances they filed and essentially lost money because AguLIAR failed (purposely) at his duties to the membership. I suggest you contact the FOP and inquire the status of any unresolved grievances that you may have filed. Perhaps there's a way to go after AguLIAR civilly for failure to perform his duties. Maybe have your lawyer look into going after whoever else may have "dropped the ball accidentally" still on the fop board, after all they are insured. Get your $$$$ people.

Another Kilmer lie. These goofs didn't sit down with anyone and go over grievances and get caught up. They let everyone go right away and then when people started calling about their grievances Kilmer was lost. This whole crew has got to go.

9/17/2016 05:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need good people to run for FOP office!!!
Get your meetings in.

If you think your smarter and work harder run for office!
I know your busy and your kids need money for private school BLAH BLAH BLAH.

9/17/2016 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
PLEASE: Lets try and find a way for the Teamsters to represent us here in Chicago....They would never sit silent and idle with all of the things that happen lately...they fight for the people they represent..Is there anybody that could guide us on how to get this to happen? We have to make something change in a big way. Lets act! Fuck the F.O.P.!
9/16/2016 05:56:00 PM

It is obvious that you do not understand how hard it would be to do what you ask, near impossible to decertify a union.

9/17/2016 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Don O'Neill is THE example of someone who will make the Department better in his absence. "I know I am wrong, but screw you, arbitrate it" his motto. The most hated man on the Department. Enjoy your retirement. I know we will. I hear the Karma train is just around the bend.
9/16/2016 05:27:00 AM

when Don was president of the Lts. association, he was not well liked. He was cheap and wanted to end retirement stars and refused to have the retired officers name engraved on the star to save money. Where he found his clout is beyond me

9/17/2016 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

09:10am - CPD HR will probably not issue a star/ID but H.R. 218 sets 10 years of service to qualify. Hopefully HR will provide you a letter that you resigned without a CR pending which the IROCC staff will accept. You'll have a rough go but Federal law permits it. Let us know how this plays out if you try to get the IROCC.

9/17/2016 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
We need good people to run for FOP office!!!
Get your meetings in.

If you think your smarter and work harder run for office!
I know your busy and your kids need money for private school BLAH BLAH BLAH.

9/17/2016 08:07:00


Yep I'm sure their is another Shields out there. Never a watch rep, never a unit rep, never served on committees, and just makes 5 meetings. Has a lot of money - for the mailings to the voters - and thinks he's smarter than everyone else.

We are in difficult times. lets elect a whole new slate of rookies. Yep going to five meetings really makes you qualified.

9/17/2016 11:39:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ag-u-liar screwed up. The guy he used a the poster child for the Desk Sgt had a CR# for the bond money being a few $$ short. In his defense the officer said he was never trained as a Desk Sgt. Yep Ag-u-liar really knows how to pick the one officer out of a thousand. Ag-u-liar has not been to a meeting in two and a half years. If he makes his five meetings lets re-elect him and his band of backstabbers to office again!

9/17/2016 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only need 3000 signatures to decertify FOP.

9/17/2016 06:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

55, its now 45 or so. They are short ftos, but i was told there only taking 15 ftos and rest are being shipedback to dist
Thet need to get it together . Limiting dustricts for ftos--- really not a good environment in making it worth while

9/17/2016 10:58:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

FYI counting retirees there are 17700 dues paying members of FOP.

9/18/2016 02:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
PLEASE: Lets try and find a way for the Teamsters to represent us here in Chicago....They would never sit silent and idle with all of the things that happen lately...they fight for the people they represent..Is there anybody that could guide us on how to get this to happen? We have to make something change in a big way. Lets act! Fuck the F.O.P.!
9/16/2016 05:56:00 PM

It is obvious that you do not understand how hard it would be to do what you ask, near impossible to decertify a union.

9/17/2016 08:28:00 AM

Yeah,like when the Teamsters cut a deal with Daley for the 10 year labor contracts,(just before the Olympics) that the rank and file voted AGAINST.

9/18/2016 07:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who the fuck is Doherty? Was he a north side alderman?

9/19/2016 06:44:00 PM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

I simply do not believe them.

9/27/2016 01:22:00 PM  

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