Friday, November 24, 2017

No One is Safe

  • Chicago police have decided to take another look at the case of a man who died after struggling with Walmart security guards on the Northwest Side over the summer.

    Area North detectives decided Tuesday night to reopen the investigation after the Cook County medical examiner's office found that the primary cause of Donnell Burns' death was "stress and asphyxia during restraint," according to top police spokesman Anthony [Google-me].

    “They want to interview the medical examiner, and apparently there are videos that may exist that show the incident,’’ [Google-me] said.

    Police had already reviewed one video but want to examine “all angles’’ of any new videos. “They want to look at every single possibility,’’ [Google-me] said.

    Detectives also will interview the person who performed the autopsy.
Even the guy who sliced-and-diced the corpse? What are they really looking for? Were these off-duty sheriffs or suburban guys and Kimmie needs a sacrificial goat?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

What would happen if the City told the examiner go ahead and spend your cash investigating this?

Kinda like Kimmy Fox telling the police she is investigating us but she is not a police department?

The examiner is supposedly a unit of government that investigates deaths?
They do have quite a few so called investigator making a nice sum of cash and pensions.

Do they record interviews?
Do they do contact cards?
Do the actually have reports the media can FOIA?

11/24/2017 12:46:00 AM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

Police had already reviewed one video but want to examine “all angles’’ of any new videos. “They want to look at every single possibility,’’ [Google-me] said.

Will the same luxury be afforded to coppers involved in shootings and other Use of Force incidents?

Didn't think so.

11/24/2017 02:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“all angles’’ is leftist speak for "hang 'em high"

11/24/2017 02:43:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

The guy died from a severe listening problem. When the police tell you to stop fighting, listen.

11/24/2017 06:09:00 AM  
Blogger Baby"G" said...

Let this be a lesson to any copper working an off-duty job, and that includes retirees. ARE YOU INDEMNIFIED WHEN AND WHERE YOU WORK AND BY WHOM? Because make no mistake about it, the employer may not necessarily come to your defense, and this is a serious issue. I at this time choose not to mention the specific institution, but there is a Chicago employer who hires several hundred off-duty, and retired police officers and county correctional officers. The described entity, states when advertising positions, that you may have to detain someone and they mention the use of "reasonable force". No training and no clear cut definition of what "reasonable force" entails. In addition, some retirees carry firearms and insurance to carry under HR 218. However, if you look carefully at your policies, they may NOT cover you if you are using the weapon in employment. Anyone taking these side jobs, or for retirees main jobs, needs to take all of this into account. Choke holds used to be taught in the Academy; now they are forbidden, but a cop who retired 10 years ago may not realize that, until they play the video of him restraining someone using a choke hold, and then reading him his Miranda rights! Do noting more than the bare minimum, and stay safe and smart. Baby "G"

11/24/2017 07:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like s shit storm headed the way of the Walmart Secuity guards. Just another example of why you shouldn’t do shit. Even security guards making $10 an hour are fair game now.

11/24/2017 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no chicago police officer should work security.!

11/24/2017 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The video gives the Detectives a reasonable possibility of solving this case. Why waste time on an unsolvable dead in the alley?

11/24/2017 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger Baby"G" said...
Let this be a lesson to any copper working an off-duty job, and that includes retirees. ARE YOU INDEMNIFIED WHEN AND WHERE YOU WORK AND BY WHOM? Because make no mistake about it, the employer may not necessarily come to your defense, and this is a serious issue. I at this time choose not to mention the specific institution, but there is a Chicago employer who hires several hundred off-duty, and retired police officers and county correctional officers. The described entity, states when advertising positions, that you may have to detain someone and they mention the use of "reasonable force". No training and no clear cut definition of what "reasonable force" entails. In addition, some retirees carry firearms and insurance to carry under HR 218. However, if you look carefully at your policies, they may NOT cover you if you are using the weapon in employment. Anyone taking these side jobs, or for retirees main jobs, needs to take all of this into account. Choke holds used to be taught in the Academy; now they are forbidden, but a cop who retired 10 years ago may not realize that, until they play the video of him restraining someone using a choke hold, and then reading him his Miranda rights! Do noting more than the bare minimum, and stay safe and smart. Baby "G"

True and well put. Especially the part about insurance not covering you if you are employed

11/24/2017 11:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, maybe the main point is to run Wal-Mart out of town. The empty building can be used for a nail and hair salon.
But it really smells like someone is wanting to cash in on Wal-Marts deep pockets.


11/24/2017 11:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was no ordinary boating accident...

11/24/2017 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its only theft. Let them run get a plate number and call the police. Foxx won't do anything anyway. They I bond them to steal again. Remember just become a crime monitor just like the commercial.

11/24/2017 01:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Probably the worst way to earn some SS quarters is playing police off duty at any retail Loss Prevention or security level.
Most stores had no shase beyond the door policies since 2000 or so when I quit working part time LP.
It got to the point where we would just stalk the petty thief to the point they left the store.

Tell me, its been awhile and it may have changed, is there a bonus for getting an off-duty shoplifting arrest?
Is there a supervisor telling you to make a store stops and catch more shoplifters?
Is their job incumbent on your performance too?
Does OD court come with a 3hr. minimum?

Management doesn’t care if half the store walks out, as long as they weren’t getting sued in addition to the loss.
Their budget covers LP salary and a good portion of product loss anyway.

CTA is bad or good enough at straight time, but isn’t frequent enough even if it could suppress the current crime wave.
There was a time when stocking shelves at HomeDepot paid almost the same as security - if they still have one.
There has to be a better way to supplement the income Rahm and the Democrats are taking away.
Interacting with the feral lawless community member shouldn’t be one of them.

11/24/2017 01:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell me, its been awhile and it may have changed, is there a bonus for getting an off-duty shoplifting arrest?
Is there a supervisor telling you to make a store stops and catch more shoplifters?
Is their job incumbent on your performance too?
Does OD court come with a 3hr. minimum?

Off duty shoplifting arrest comes with no OT. store is supposed to pay you for your court time. Guys might be putting in slips, but

11/24/2017 06:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assholes have nothing better to do than open
old cases. Must have been bitten by that Law
School bug constructed by the school to make
the students think they have a future in a
crowded profession. Students find out they were
led down the path once the student loan bills show
up and all they can score is a $36K associate
probationary position or are hired as a contract

11/25/2017 09:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“But it really smells like someone is wanting to cash in on Wal-Marts deep pockets.”

That’s an understatement. .

11/25/2017 10:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should see the fights on Youtube of customers fighting and even a security guard that got jumped by three females while the other security guards just stood around watching. They have a carousel at the checkout results in items being left behind. They place all of the stuff left in grocery carts and hoodlums did everything they could to claim others merchandise. Lucky the managers demanded receipts to prove they had bought items and then left them.

11/26/2017 07:27:00 PM  

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