Thursday, August 16, 2018

Picket the Airport

Remember, if you reward bad behavior (or ignore it), you're going to get a lot more of it:
  • He organized the shutdown of Lake Shore Drive that snarled traffic earlier this month and now the Rev. Gregory Livingston wants to do the same thing on the Kennedy Expressway, jamming up travel to and from O’Hare International Airport.

    Livingston, of New Hope Baptist Church in West Humboldt Park, staged a news conference Wednesday outside Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s office in City Hall to announce his plans for an anti-violence march on the Kennedy Expressway — the main thoroughfare to O’Hare — about 11 a.m. or noon on Labor Day.

    “We need to get Rahm’s attention because we are really following (Mahatma) Gandhi’s pattern,” Livingston said. “Gandhi said first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then we win.”
Or in Rahm's and Special Ed's case, first they ignore you, then they pander to you, then they march with you, then they exchange $$$ for promises of votes.

We've got news for the revs - all you're blocking are the passengers. The airplanes are going to keep on arriving and departing with or without the passengers. They ought to try blocking a runway with a 747 wide body coming in at about 160 MPH. We'd actually respect that, though the Federal Government might not.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, since it’s the expressway, maybe Rauner will show some testicular fortitude and tell the State Police to arrest these assholes. I seriously doubt it, but one can dream.

8/16/2018 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A man of God, trying very hard, the only way he knows how, to achieve peace and non-violence.

8/16/2018 12:22:00 AM  
Blogger Michael Spaargaren said...

How much longer are we gonna tolerate these fools blocking traffic and the police keep allowing it?

8/16/2018 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We demand the resignations of Rev. Michael (pfaker) Pfleger, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Gregory Seal Livingston, Tio Hardiman and all his sycophantic underlings and cronies for constant failure to stem gun violence.

8/16/2018 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is simply domestic terrorism but everyone is afraid to call them out because they will be called racists. And the news media will stick a camera in front of a traveler at O'Hare and ask them how they feel about being inconvenienced and guess what they will say: Oh I support the people's right to protest injustice everywhere. They say that because they know yhey are on TV and don't want to be branded a racist or an insensitive person. Just for once it would be wonderful if someone said, lock these jagoffs up, as it took me a few hours to drive through this mess or I missed my plane because of them. How long will the majority of legitimate citizens put up with this crap? Can't count on the Rahm regime to stop it as that would be counter productive to the vote pandering that he needs from these domestic terrorism groups.

8/16/2018 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try stepping foot on an airport asshole, the FAA don’t play your reindeer games.

8/16/2018 01:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Protest scheduled to start at noon. Delayed for additional busses that won't show up.

8/16/2018 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time to start writing parkers every Sunday all around this fuckers church along with all the other asshole revrunds.

8/16/2018 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nothing like pissing people off. that will show them.

this time bring more people to the party motherfucka.

8/16/2018 02:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Start calling city hall and bitching about these unlawful inconveniences.:

8/16/2018 02:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great idea.
Since the last two matches worked SOO well.

8/16/2018 02:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait a minute we live on the southwest side Garfield ridge area taxes are skyrocketing on property most for cps rahm is rapidly wasting taxpayers money building new schools helping his “family and friends” construction programs gets his campaign contributions then this:

Researchers estimate 20,000 freshman seats remain unfilled in Chicago Public Schools

Wait what:
As of last month, not a single incoming ninth-grader had accepted an invitation to attend Hirsch High School in Chicago’s Grand Crossing neighborhood when classes begin in September. Only one rising freshman took an offer to attend Douglass High School in South Austin.

*how can they keep staff paid?

Ahh the Chicago way don’t want to upset teachers union when you pander for Democratic votes right rahm crew?

Earlier this year, CPS said 129 schools that have suffered sharp enrollment declines and struggled to provide a basic education will share an additional $10 million to $15 million to protect against staff or program cuts.

*wouldnt this be the Chicago way, ghost payrolling? No kids but keep staff, Rahm closed over 54 schools but now is spending billions building new schools for what again? People are fleeing children are sexually assaulted in cps and that is covered up, no wonder responsible parents are not sending children to this shitshow, and with a pathetic graduation rate why waste our money again?

8/16/2018 03:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It makes me laugh that these idiots keep thinking that these protests really mean anything but wasting city resources, money and time. I think this will be the one time that the little midget will say NO and prevent them from blocking O'hare...after all, we wouldnt want Rham to show his visitors and business class people how this crap city really acts. Why dont they go to "OUR" countries border and help border patrol block the illegals from coming in.....

8/16/2018 04:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it happens I hope everyone who missed a flight because of the shutdown sues Rev. Livingston for their losses. Better yet, a class action suit. I wish the media would stop giving these "protests" any attention at all.

8/16/2018 04:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yet another reason for business travelers to take their business (and money) elsewhere. But these self-centered fools know nothing about that. True shakedown artists.

8/16/2018 04:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the rev's were really serious about their cause they would definitely get noticed if they douse themselves with gasoline and used their Zippo lighters like the copied Buddhist Monks in the sixties.

8/16/2018 05:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait until the trial in September, if he gets aquitted there gonna riot, if he gets a guilty verdict there gonna riot. Protesters are coming and that costs money, it’s not gonna go to wasted.

8/16/2018 06:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe they could lay on the tracks, and try to stop the ATS train?

8/16/2018 06:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully "rev" Goofball will have the same screwed up result that he had on LSD. Even most of the media were making fun of his last effort. Pathetic

If this march doesn't stop those nasty guns from killing people then it's time for the nuclear option........a march on Wilmette!!!

8/16/2018 06:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We can’t hear your message because the airplane noise is too loud along the Kennedy...

8/16/2018 06:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has CPS forgotten about "black time"?
These students will be enrolled when the parents get around to it
In our near west burb, the local school is registering ex city dwellers all the way to October even though school starts in August.

8/16/2018 06:45:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

The Kennedy? This Revrun will soon find out that North siders don't drive like normal people. This could be the world's largest Frogger game.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

8/16/2018 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enough with these store front revunds, the Dan Ryan and the JFK are federally funded interstates, it's time for the FBI to step in and start locking these phonies up. It's amazing that the G put away the Chicago Outfit but they can't lock up South and West Side gang bangers. ♠️

8/16/2018 07:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a federal and national security issue -- the expressways and airport. AG Sessions and FBI and Homeland Security where are you? Mr. President, sir? Chicago's embarrassing nincompoops need babysitting, sirs. Please?
(Rahm, You are not a leader. You were an ok legislator/congressman and half-ass chief of staff but you have failed miserably as a mayor/chief executive. Either grow some balls or give it up. Oh and BTW your police chief is a joke).

8/16/2018 07:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the church's should teach markmanship. If the shooters could kill rather than wound the tax payers would be far ahead. The Mayor and Eddie celebrated poor aim last weekend.

8/16/2018 07:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's time to start arresting these mindless nitwits, for lack of a better term, and stop all this bullshit.

8/16/2018 07:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no . . . writing parkers around " The New Hope Missionary Baptist Church & Resale Shop " ? That would be racist.

8/16/2018 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm sucked their balls twice now - can't stop now. Keep sucking you little liberal worm.

8/16/2018 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try to make me miss my flight and i'll run the fuckers over.

8/16/2018 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A little bit of the bait truck in Chicago where the "community" (not neighborhood) claims the bait truck is racist.

8/16/2018 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This will not be allowed. Show some stones Rahm and turn the police loose on these commies.

8/16/2018 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He talks about inconveniencing people. How about inconveniencing the shooters and the dope dealers if you want to have any impact. The O’Hare travelers and residents of Wrigleyville aren’t coming to your neighborhoods and shooting people. Your people are shooting your people. All he cares about is inconveniencing the mayor enough until the mayor gives him a bucket of cash to stfu

8/16/2018 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Time to start writing parkers every Sunday all around this fuckers church along with all the other asshole revrunds.

8/16/2018 01:35:00 AM

Amen brother, please do. If these fuckers had any brains or balls, they'd start marching on the dope corners in their own neighborhoods. And finger a bunch of the dope slingers for CPD to arrest.

But that makes too much sense. That would mean they the "community" would be taking responsibility for their own problems. Which the Democrats said would not be necessary as long as the Democrats are in power. Yep, just rely on the big daddy Democrats to take care of everything down on the plantation. We can all see how well that is working out.

8/16/2018 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term limits for mayor....then real people will do what needs to be done to make government more efficient. Maybe then the police will be able to arrest these clowns and for a change put an end to lawlessness in the city. Rahm's agenda is to make a life long career of being mayor! THAT IS THE PROBLEM. He is such a wuss.

8/16/2018 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It is simply domestic terrorism but everyone is afraid to call them out because they will be called racists.

Not terrorism. It's extortion. It's all about "gettin' paid!". There is no ideological angle for the organizers and it doesn't spread fear. It only spreads annoyance, discontent, and financial losses.

8/16/2018 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The state police may not be as nice as they were for the dan ryan buffoonery that took place last month.

8/16/2018 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We demand the resignations of Rev. Michael (pfaker) Pfleger, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Gregory Seal Livingston, Tio Hardiman and all his sycophantic underlings and cronies for constant failure to stem EDIT ....Gang violence.

8/16/2018 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spreading the pain. Love it. See north side they are coming for you. Once the new section 8 is in place this will become the new norm. Like the Cope song says,"watech you donna do when they come for you". Ball will soon be in your court. My guess is that a bunch of north side snowflake will be marching with them.

8/16/2018 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The time is getting closer than you might imagine. There will be a backlash at some point in time that will get very ugly. Might be the aftermath of coming trial or something triggers it down the road. But it is coming you can only poke the Bear for so long.

8/16/2018 09:07:00 AM  
Blogger Cuthbert J Twillie said...

+++++ He organized the shutdown of Lake Shore Drive ~~~snip~~ the Rev. Gregory Livingston wants to do the same thing on the Kennedy Expressway, jamming up travel to and from O’Hare International Airport. +++++

Uh... Rev, you may want to rethink this 'protest'. It appears that your stated goal is to interfere with operations at O'Hare Airport -- indirectly affecting passenger and even aircrew travel by making them miss their flights in a huge traffic jam.

That **could** be seen as Domestic Terrorism -- interfering with air operations, even indirectly, has to be against Federal Law after Sept 11, 2001. And in case you don't know, Federal Prosecutors aren't as forgiving as Lil Kimmy Foxx, CPD Supt Mr Eddie Fenner [;-)], and the IL State police.

Plus, ticking off Tourists by making them miss their plane back to Boise, Idaho really isn't going to help your cause. In fact that will generate sympathy for Tiny Dancer, and anything you might have gained after getting national attention from your last protest on Lake Shore Dr will be gone.

So don't be a bonehead, take your Labor Day protest march to Rahm's House. He won't be home, but that's an advantage for you, showing that Rahm abandons the city as often as he can.

8/16/2018 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mount the snow plows and clear the streets.

8/16/2018 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait a minute we live on the southwest side Garfield ridge area taxes are skyrocketing on property most for cps rahm is rapidly wasting taxpayers money building new schools helping his “family and friends” construction programs gets his campaign contributions then this:

RESPONSE: taxes are skyrocketing everywhere, and yes, it is because Rahm has recklessly spent. And his people like to play this game where they put stories into the press about things like "shoring up CPS Pension" and people like you fall for it. The money was there all along, and they overspent, but not on the teachers. The teacher part is what gets put out to the media and people like you bite on it, then call CPS a sham. Does CPS have negligent acts and actors as part of its system? Of course. But recall the BBB scandal to the tune of $20.5 Million for Principal training that the Mayor's people pushed through.

Now, also recall that the Mayor went ahead with privatizing custodial and engineering positions. There was no cost savings in this move. In fact, the Mayor is spending over $200 million more for these services to be privatized. This falls under your construction theory, which does have merit.

But consider also that the celebrity owner of one of these companies, a man by the name of Magic Johnson, donated $250k to the Mayor in 2015 run. The other company contracted also has employees who have donated to the Mayor. In exchange for the money, they are robbing the taxpayers blind. And because they are not public employees, they do not have to live in the city, so a loss in tax dollars. On top of that, many can no longer afford to live in the city because their hourly rates were slashed.

Now, to move things on a little bit further for you, the Board of Education sold its headquarters at 125 S Clark several years back. It was done to "cut costs." What they didn't really publicize was the fact that instead of using schools 50-plus schools that were closed that year, they signed a lease at Madison and State. They also built that space out with state of the art finishes and just enough seating in the basement to say they have "open meetings," but still keep "people" out if they are going to ask the Mayor's hand-picked school board any tough questions in their allotted 90 seconds that they have to sign up for in advance. These meetings usually take place on weekdays, when most parents are at work. But I digress. So, they do all of this to save money, but in fact, they aren't saving any money.

Let's get to the closed schools. In 2013, they closed 53 school buildings in a measure to cut costs. At least, that's what they said. No cost savings was ever specified, and whatever cost savings they would have made was quickly gobbled up. How, you ask? Well for one, a company known as GWS came in to "facilitate" and manage the closing of the schools. GWS was given an initial contract in the ballpark of $12 Million to gather up all of the books, desks, kitchen supplies, computers, and anything else that isn't nailed down to the school. Immediately, doors were being left open, schools were being broken into. As if the job GWS wasn't easy enough to fuck up, they demanded that the contract be revisited and got it to the tune of $30 million. The thing is, they didn't manage any of the closed schools or anticipate that maintenance was year around. So, they just left the schools without heat, except for some gas fed heaters that they placed in stairways after several of the buildings froze up. The ones that didn't were broken into and had their electrical power stripped and therefore flooded. They are now useless.

And if you really are a cop, you'd know which ones they were because you would have been called to meet CPS people there at the schools that had been broken into like I have been. A couple of them were very forthcoming and told my partner and I everything I'm telling you hear right now.

8/16/2018 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Researchers estimate 20,000 freshman seats remain unfilled in Chicago Public Schools, in addition to however many seats are unfilled throughout the system. Have you ever considered that the Charter Schools are factoring into this? The hand-picked school board has been funneling money into the Charters which takes both students and funding. Like the private schools, the Charters get to pick who comes in and who stays. Unlike Private Schools that a lot of us attended, the Charters get funded. Most also operate on a for profit basis, shells for the Mayor's friends as tax-shelters. They also pay their workers about 55% of what CPS did, and like us police, they have a very high burnout rate, particularly amongst teachers, who stay for about 3 years.

Now, before anyone goes off on me for defending teachers or the employees, see if you can notice a theme here. Why, yes, much like CPD brass takes its orders from Napoleon, so too does CPS, and they institute all sorts of changes from the very top while using us as pawns. A few CTU members are loud and obnoxious, anti-police, so they get their spot on the news, and many of the regular people in this city think "oh my god, this CTU is just a bunch of BLM/Antifa supporting communists," while the Mayor makes comments like "the teachers got a contract, the kids got the shaft." That might be true, but he is the one shafting them.

Or, in our instance, the Van Dyke shooting is broadcast and engrained into the public's head, until it's like a fucking Bruno Mars song that you just can't get rid of. "Killer Cops." In the meantime, the Mayor has his whisperers feeding the media that 40% of the City budget is for police.

So, we are the bad guys, just like the teachers. And all of those union workers with "fat" contracts and pensions that he could have chosen to pay into, but instead fought. Because that dance degree makes him so fucking smart.

It's divide and conquer. If you can't see that, you're a fool.

I'll leave you with a little known fun fact to ponder. Laquan McDonald was a student at Montefiore school which basically served as the juvie equivalent of a school. The Mayor did the same thing there by not enrolling students, and keeping the building open. A year later, they closed the school citing "under-enrollment." Does that sound similar to the story about the Grand Crossing school, with the exception of Laquan McDonald not being a student there? Oh, and the Mayor and CPS later sold Montefiore to an elite Private School that charges 17k per year. It's at 14th and Ashland. Take a trip from Garfield Ridge sometime and take a look.

And to the haters out there who are going to flame me, realize we have but one shot to unseat this corrupt midget: unite for now to dethrone him. We'll sort the rest out later.

8/16/2018 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Livingston is really fast tracking. He must really smell the money now. I think it’s airport runway time for Fluger if he wants to stay in the game.
Heard another reverend is talking about stopping the bridges from going up over the Chicago river and blocking the sailboats from going through. He’s new to game and has to start somewhere.

8/16/2018 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps the pandering rev-rind could round up the folk from the almighty "Block Party" ------considering the crock of a turn out for the LSD ramp up protest here on the Northside.


8/16/2018 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great idea Rev, I'm sure you're going to get a lot of people to supporting you. Rev, pray the traffic jam you're going to cause doesn't have an ill person(s) involved and an emergency occurs and someone dies.

8/16/2018 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they ought to take their march onto the streets around the mayor's house with EJ at the front of the line!

8/16/2018 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That Rev. Jonathan Livingston Seagull has lost his god damn mind...shonuff.

8/16/2018 11:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm opened the door for this bullshit by allowing the Dan Ryan shutdown. Many more to come.

8/16/2018 11:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
We demand the resignations of Rev. Michael (pfaker) Pfleger, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Gregory Seal Livingston, Tio Hardiman and all his sycophantic underlings and cronies for constant failure to stem gun violence.

8/16/2018 12:56:00 AM

Resignations from what????? JJ from the so called Color Purple or whatever he calls his fake support group? Faker from the Catholic Church, a child molestation employer???? The other two ????

8/16/2018 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Rahm’s values said...

Hey media types, maybe you can pick up on the fact that the revruns, jesse jerkoffs and other “community” leaders actually have very little ability or influence within the black community. The violence continues unabated, from within the community, and the “leaders” blame the outside world for their woes. Still haven’t heard the “leaders” call for the families of the “community” to parent their offspring and aide the authorities in identifying and prosecuting the offenders.

Are Obama, Holder, Rice, and co. ready for the conversation yet?

8/16/2018 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...then we win.”

No it's, "then they expose you."

8/16/2018 12:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This won’t be much of big deal.
Typical pre-event babbling by an unknown.
Everyone knows people will be flying out on Friday that weekend and returning Monday night.

RevRunt Poopy Pants won’t be able get his congregation together for a one hour stunt again, there’s a hollerday bbq to attend.
Now what kind of idiot needs to demand Rahm pay attention to their own community situation?
The uninformed low IQ instigating.
Why not march on your own Ward and harass your own Alderman?
That’s not drama.
They really don’t know what and why they’re marching for besides some gubmint grant money.
And to throw a wrench into the boondoggle, Tito Handyman is at odds with the revrunt over who’s the chief man-in-charge, maybe one revrunt can march on the inbound and one on the outbound would solve their indifferences, thank you very much.
So much disorganization- so much time.

Let’s focus on police accountability for a moment.
If a blue shirt allegedly fails to take action for a violation of GO or any law...what’s the penalty?
(No, discretion can’t be used as a defense.)
Now when the Dept of DrRevSpecial Ed PhD Police refuses to engage and throws in his support and participation, as well as the jurisdictional Chief of the Illinois State Police ordering a stand down, what does that say about integrity?
This won’t bode well for on the ropes Rauner, already lacking the community vote.
Who’s running the law and order division of the civil side of society?
Not us.
Any CPD intervention will highlight another Rahm failure to support the poor, underserved, visiting community members.
This will be about them and not the 41st Ward or anyone along the way affected by the civil disorder.
We as blue shirts are being dragged into this political circus as the enemy, ordered to show up for a crowd of maybe 50.

Chickenshit Rahm and DrRevChickenshit Special Ed PhD were already assured a low attendance and no permit was issued anyway.
So anyone assigned will have to stand on the sidelines.
Thanks for a job well done.

8/16/2018 12:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big surprise. You let them do it on the Dan Ryan, what do you expect. How can some politicians be so stupid. What did they wxpect

8/16/2018 12:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another good use for a "Flail Tank". This would clear things up in about 2 minutes...if U don't know what a flail tank is, it's worth a google video search. In fact, there should be a Non Criminal code for Flail Tank use. lets suggest, 5-F Flail. 19-P No longer covers it all.

8/16/2018 12:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go ahead back traffic up and cause people to
Miss their flights. This will make people sympathetic to your cause??? Dumber than dumb.

8/16/2018 01:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard this Rev Livingston on the news saying, “ something to the effect” that we will keep this up until all the financial assets are spread equal around the city. Well, I think if you added what goes where, Welfare, government projects, Charity, schools, etc. you will find that these “Challenged” areas are the richest in the city. Add it all up Rev. or should that be Comrade Rev.

8/16/2018 01:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leo must be going crazy knowing he will use some, of his troopers to stand guard wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars for a group of about what 40 people/folks the same urban terrorism group that disrupted people's lives on LSD! Thanks to rahm and cowardly Eddie (I march with lawbreakers) and his ilk. Forget the people that are the "economic engine" of Chiraq, the hardworking people that want to celebrate their deserved Labor Day weekend after toiling all year long, to have these pos,sanctioned by rahm and the 50, plus the rest of the pandering democratic structure here. How many Cpd officers plus all the equipment needed to protect the terrorist grouping, will be unconscionable, but then again it is not the democratic elected money it is our money being misused again!

If we only had a President that would stop the talk and walk the walk send in the Feds to look into the democratic organization and officials where has all the tax and federal money disappeared to? Crickets of course! The forgotten men and women are still forgotten in the most corrupt state city in the country, even the liberal owned media reported this fact!

8/16/2018 02:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Wait a minute we live on the southwest side Garfield ridge area taxes are skyrocketing on property most for cps rahm is rapidly wasting taxpayers money building new schools helping his “family and friends” construction programs gets his campaign contributions then this:

Researchers estimate 20,000 freshman seats remain unfilled in Chicago Public Schools

Wait what:
As of last month, not a single incoming ninth-grader had accepted an invitation to attend Hirsch High School in Chicago’s Grand Crossing neighborhood when classes begin in September. Only one rising freshman took an offer to attend Douglass High School in South Austin.

*how can they keep staff paid?

Ahh the Chicago way don’t want to upset teachers union when you pander for Democratic votes right rahm crew?

Earlier this year, CPS said 129 schools that have suffered sharp enrollment declines and struggled to provide a basic education will share an additional $10 million to $15 million to protect against staff or program cuts.

*wouldnt this be the Chicago way, ghost payrolling? No kids but keep staff, Rahm closed over 54 schools but now is spending billions building new schools for what again? People are fleeing children are sexually assaulted in cps and that is covered up, no wonder responsible parents are not sending children to this shitshow, and with a pathetic graduation rate why waste our money again?

8/16/2018 03:49:00 AM

All of your neighbors will keep voting Democrat so nothing changes if they knew they were not guaranteed to win every election they might govern more responsibly.

8/16/2018 02:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love it that little suburbanite dancer has no testicular fortitude. He allowed a punk blm to shut down magmile , illegals to shut down lsd
Flakey the San tysn. Store front revruns want their turn for attention

8/16/2018 02:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Well, since it’s the expressway, maybe Rauner will show some testicular fortitude and tell the State Police to arrest these assholes. I seriously doubt it, but one can dream.

8/16/2018 12:13:00 AM

Madigan controls the State Police not Rauner they refused his orders the last protest!

8/16/2018 02:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) dishonest Chicago media strikes again lighting another explosive wick:

Judge orders more video released today on fatal cop shooting that sparked tense confrontation

So far, the city has released less than a minute of video from a camera worn by one of the officers. It appears to show Augustus showing some kind of ID to an officer while another officer approaches from behind, his gun drawn. A third officer attempts to grab Augustus' right arm near the holstered gun, and Augustus pulls away and runs across the street.

Gee fibune your missing description of truth where video shows him running into street trying to grip loaded pistol you know to maybe kill an officer! In today’s editorial your bitching about President Trump media revelations, looking at this story why did you conveniently “forget” prominent truth?

8/16/2018 03:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At some point, the remaining good citizens of this hellhole will be fed up with this crap. I would love to see a counter-protest organized. Let these race baiting fools be met with a fed up mob of tax paying citizens who are blocking their march path. What would happen? Can't arrest or otherwise discipline the good citizens without doing the same to the pandering morons. It would be fun to watch.

8/16/2018 04:49:00 PM  
Blogger stash the polski guy said...

the stupid ass presently occupying the fifth floor of city hall apparently forgot white people vote to.

keep pandering fuckstick. you may just run fourth in the runoff stakes.

8/16/2018 05:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time to start writing parkers every Sunday all around this fuckers church along with all the other asshole revrunds.

I guarantee that if you do write the parkers...your ass will be sitting in the station doing non-suits for those racist parkers....Make sure you have your coffee with you when you start writing! Go to the hole and get your daily nap in. Fuck police work, let the meter maids do the dirty deeds.

8/16/2018 06:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This is a federal and national security issue -- the expressways and airport. AG Sessions and FBI and Homeland Security where are you? Mr. President, sir? Chicago's embarrassing nincompoops need babysitting, sirs. Please?
(Rahm, You are not a leader. You were an ok legislator/congressman and half-ass chief of staff but you have failed miserably as a mayor/chief executive. Either grow some balls or give it up. Oh and BTW your police chief is a joke).

8/16/2018 07:09:00 AM

They won't do anything my friends who own small trucking companies made complaints to FMCSA no reply we all know who was working on the other end!

8/16/2018 10:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It wouldn't Suprise me if the hateful fool at 050 on 3rd Watch marches with them.

8/16/2018 10:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Dr King’s dream is his nightmare said...

The ministers should tell their flock to keep the childruns out of school until they get what they want. CPS will lose money and 9.5 will kiss their collective ass up and down king drive to make them happy.

8/16/2018 11:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All right Gregory, lets address the elephant in the room. Who is doing the shooting? (or in your vernacular, gun violence) Is is the people of Wrigleyville? People stuck on I190? People on the Ryan on a Saturday at noon?
The whole nation knows exactly who is doing it. And i will say it (feel free to scream racist, that word has been misguided so many times now nobody cares anymore). It is black bangers/dealers shooting at black rivals. Why don't you protest them? I'll tell you why, because you a coward, and you know what will happen to you if you do. So its much easier (and safer for you) to inconvenience others who have absolutely NOTHING to do with this issue.
Why don't you address babies having babies out of wedlock, no nuclear family structure and the gangs filling that void? Again, because you are a coward, its safer for you to to trouble others who are actually sympathetic to this plight. I as a tax payer in Cook Co and Chicago do not like to see the vast expenditures used patching up the holes and lifetime care for those engaged in criminal enterprise.
You say there needs to equal economic development? How many businesses or franchises have you started in your community? Do not ask me to do something you can do for yourself, no one is stopping you from doing so. You haven't, why? Because besides being a coward you are also a hypocrite. Go protest Target, Walmart, Walgreens etc, ask them why they are not in your community. Lets again address that elephant why they are not sustainable in certain neighborhoods. You can also now scream racist again.
Do what you want, it wont effect me, because that weekend I will be far from here, spending my money to further the economic development in communities that actually give a damn. Hopefully, somebody who is financially harmed from your sideshow has the balls to take legal action against you

8/16/2018 11:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reverunds,, Holiest bible readers on earth, have just told their followers rahm will join them for food fest and march so he can get more votes. Its held on labor day so all police can be on bikes leading and following the march. they all will have shovels, garbage bags so they will clean expwy of bullet casings, disposed of food so they can sell the casings and hold a free food party in amphitheater parking lots after, they been told to sing R E S P E C T with bullhorns!!!! Then they will pose for reporters doing a bible study class. THEY SHOULD JUST RIOT ON STATE/CHICAGO!!!! that will spread the word!!!! there should be consent decrees for the marchers too!!! why does someone sue them??

8/17/2018 02:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My guess is they will block the highway leading to the airport. I view this as just an attempt by self serving leaches trying to make a name for themselves and possibly garner financial support or make a run for public office. These leaches just seem to ignore what really needs to be done. It is too painful for them to admit the truth of the matter.

8/17/2018 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im going to picket and block the entrance where they make night train liquor the offical wine of the west side

8/17/2018 04:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If anyone has to travel at this time, have your ride drop you off at the Cumberland or Rosmont Blue line stations and take the train.

8/17/2018 07:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is the CPD even involved? Let the ISP handle the demonstration,it’s their jurisdiction. They wanted the expressways, so let them police them

8/17/2018 09:30:00 PM  

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