Wednesday, August 08, 2018


Somewhere along the line, someone is going to have to tell Rahm and Mr Fenner that robbing Peter to patrol Paul's neighborhood isn't working:
  • After the most violent weekend in Chicago in more than two years, police Superintendent Eddie Johnson announced Tuesday afternoon that several hundred additional officers have been deployed to neighborhoods most wracked by the shooting.

    At his second news conference in as many days, Johnson said 430 officers have been added to patrols in five of the hardest-hit districts on the West and South sides. Those numbers will increase to 600 by the weekend, he said.
And where will they come from?
  • Some beat officers will have their hours extended during regular shifts, while tactical unit officers from those districts will have their days off canceled, Johnson said. Officers from the department's fugitive apprehension unit, which works with deputy U.S. marshals to find wanted criminals, will also have their days off canceled, Johnson said.
So, kind of like VRI, but you get drafted if you work in one of these shithole districts? That's going to be great for morale. The unit people will do what they're told if they want to keep their spots, but what's the benefit of being on a tactical team if you don't even get to work in the district you're assigned to?

Then the word games begin:
  • Redeploying officers is often a politically risky move, but Johnson insisted no beat officers would be pulled from other districts.
Right. Beat cars will still be manned, at least as much as they have been these last few years, but eight tactical officers will be missing on days, and sixteen every night. So will mission teams, saturation teams, bikes, and every PPO they can move because they don't have contractual protections. But reporters have been trained NOT to ask the correct questions - that might embarrass Rahm.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The horses are all gone. Now we can close the barn door.

8/08/2018 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Screw your families. Screw your plans. The city that doesn’t want you demands you give all of your time to it. Screw this shithole. It’s done

8/08/2018 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This department has more than double the rate of suicide than any other profession or police department in the country and they are going to force more hours, cancel more days off and force more people to work when they should be resting with family. It’s not our fault about this crime. Nobody works anymore anyways so why force us to be here??? You can pay me time and a half to be here past my tour but I’m not doing anything.. sorry, waste of money. Ask the marchers of lake shore drive and the dan Ryan. Ask the politicians. ACLU, COPA, civil attornies, Kim fox, preckwinkle, Democrats, Hollywood, the media, professional athletes and everyone else who blames the police for crime how to stop it because according to them it’s all hands up don’t shoot.. well, our hands are up walking away. You’re all on your own.... as we just saw this weekend. Eddie, rahm and anyone else who have a press conference don’t speak for the blue shirts.. don’t forget, the blue shirts control everything. We decide what work gets done where. When we don’t work, bad things happen. Well we’re not workin so best of luck... I’ll take the free money though and laugh all the way to the bank.

8/08/2018 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With the announcement of the 430 additional officers, Eddie Johnson told the officers

"If you had any hopes or plans of spending weekend time with friends and family, forget it. You are going to be riding herd on ghetto nonsense all summer long. "

8/08/2018 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you redeploy and concentrate the police on the west and southside districts and the assholes will go and prey on folks in the loop, northside and near north sections of the city were there will be a lack of police. Funny shit.........

8/08/2018 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous rex freeway said...

Stop and frisk looks better everyday. It's the only thing that will work. That's why the Black community refuses to allow it.

8/08/2018 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And everyone just sops this bullshit up like its gravy. Wake the hell up people. Publicly declare war on gangs and put the assholes away that are doing the shooting for a long time. Same with all other criminals. Put them away. You want to send a message ? Put the fuckers away. That means the useless Lisa Madigan and the even more useless Kimesha Foxx need to do their jobs. Ask anyone what they think will tamp down the violence and you will hear the same thing. Put them AWAY for crying out loud.

8/08/2018 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My idea about erecting the Berlin Wall around shitholes and pulling the police back from shit would work. Send the police to the tax paying neighborhood to ensure the tax paying citizens and their belongings are ok. At some point, why are the police baby sitting felons, drug dealers, heroin addicts-prostitutes (typically one is the other)

In Brazil, India or other shitholes— those governments are not wasting money to ensure a asshole survives heroin over doses... and definitely not protecting felons. Those governments are somewhat ensuring the livelihood of their tax paying citizens and elites are ok.

8/08/2018 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"After the most violent weekend in Chicago in more than two years,
police Superintendent Eddie Johnson announced Tuesday afternoon that
several hundred additional officers have been deployed to neighborhoods
most wracked by the shooting."

See if you can find it...

Slippery Syntax.
Weasel Words.
Finely Minced Word-Salad.

"...several hundred additional Officer Hours of deployment
in neighborhoods most wracked by the shooting."

It's like Rahm has an inexhaustible supply of "several hundred
additional officers" packed away under the stairs with his
wedding dress.

Rahm's a little 3 card monty playing pissant who
counts the same handful of dirty singles just to
convince a mark that he's somehow holding more...

"One for me, one, two for you.
One, two, three for me, four, five for you.
One, two, three, four, five for me, six, seven for you..."

You ain't slick muthafuckah...

8/08/2018 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How's that taste tactical warriors?

THERE IS NO BENEFIT TO BEING ON THE TACT TEAM. More incentive not to be, especially nowadays.

wake the fuck up

8/08/2018 12:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why wouldn’t or shouldn’t they move PPO’s? Let them get some experience in the bad districts. Some come out of the academy go straight to 016, 024 001 and stay there the rest of the time on the job when guys with seniority can transfer in because there are no openings and guys in 011, 015, etc are having to work their days off and extended tours Why worry about the PPO’s. Let them get some time on and then they can take advantage of the seniority the contract give

8/08/2018 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So is the CPD really deploying bait trucks full of Nike and Louboutin shoes?

8/08/2018 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There could be a literal doubling of the police force in Chicago, heck lets double cook county mounties as well,and it would change exactly nothing.

Know why?

Because "actually happening" crime would still be ignored, while that elusive "prevention" strategy is endlessly deployed.

Cops wouod have to focus on actual crimes,like robbery rape and murder, rather than revenue generation and umm community outreach stuff and other progressive nonsense. Coos woukd have to be directed to target, CHASE, and yes serve arrest warrants forceably.

The worst part is, most cops WANT to do those things, when the PROSECUTION is followed through to make the reward follow their risks.

The problem isnt the cops, its the crooked politicians giving the coos "orders".

8/08/2018 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, you fucking idiots at 35th Street, JUST BRING BACK SOS ALREADY, YOU GODDAMN FOOLS!!

8/08/2018 12:59:00 AM  
Blogger Baby"G" said...

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back! For almost 25 years, Police Agencies were told, based upon the Junk Science, Kansas City Study, that: AN INCREASED POLICE PRESENCE DOES NOT CORRESPONDINGLY REDUCE CRIME. Hundreds of millions of dollars was wasted on programs based on the Study. So, 400 more officers will stop the bloodshed? Add to that the fact, that these cops have had their authority reduced, so that they are reluctant to stop a group, vehicle or individual, unless they can articulate in writing the basis for the stop in a manner that will satisfy the Left Wing, Police Hating ACLU! This New/Old Strategy is only going to create more police targets. In addition, it is not sustainable in terms of personnel or economics. JUST AS RAHM SUPPRESSED THE MCDONALD VIDEO, UNTIL IT SUITED HIS POLITICAL AGENDA, THIS IS A FEEBLE ATTEMPT TO STALL THE VIOLENCE UNTIL THE ELECTION. If this is the best plan to come from Rahm and Fathead Ed; they Should both resign. And as soon as the Massive police presence is removed; the violence will resume. By the way; WHERE IS FATHER FAKER THESE DAYS? AS I SAID THE DAY AFTER THE ST SABINA MASSACRE, IF FAKER REALLY LIVED IN THE RECTORY HE COULD HAVE HEARD THE SHOTS. OR DID THE GANGS SCARE THE GOOD FATHER, WHEN HE TOOK HIS MEMORIAL SERVICE ACROSS GANG LINES AND NEARLY HAD SOME OF HIS FOLLOWERS KILLED? Did the Markist Cardinal send Faker to Rome to be anointed a Bishop? Apparently Chicago"s Catholic Church is as devoid of leadership as is the Police Department and Mayor's Office. Stay Safe. Baby "G"

8/08/2018 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous "Hot Spots" said...

Three adjoining districts on the West Side: 011, 015 and 010. Total of 97 Murders

Two adjoining districts on the South Side: 005 and 006. Total of 58 Murders

8/08/2018 01:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Desperation at the top, and it likely will not do much good in stopping gun violence. It will wreck what moral is left.

8/08/2018 01:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right if reporters insist on asking the right questions news affairs may take their CPD creditials and the ltheir ability to attend CPD news conferences. In most cases reporters are told what to ask. Most time they are prepped by news affairs.

8/08/2018 01:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The CPD is not understaffed.

You pampered patrol officers just have too many days off.

You should all be working seventy to eighty hours a week like good little slaves.

8/08/2018 01:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You will know that they are getting desperate when they redeploy the parking ticket brigade to Englewood.

8/08/2018 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More smoke and mirrors. Just 430-600 more overworked, exhausted, pissed off PO's!!

8/08/2018 01:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bringing the Illinois State Police and the Illinois National Guard into Chicago would be an admission of defeat.
Rahm can't do that until AFTER the election.

Rauner, who is losing his Governorship, should offer them anyway.

8/08/2018 01:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe they can stuff the retirees into the beat cars in the good neighborhoods?
They can be the friendly face of the CPD to the taxpayers.
Although they may get suspicious when the police trundle up to the door in their walker and oxygen tank?

8/08/2018 01:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Start paying guys on commission to report crimes.... can’t pay per conviction, just reports... case will be dismissed if an arrest occurrs— right Rham 🐀🐀🐀🐀? Gotta have it both ways with the voters and marchers who don’t vote anyways.

Gotta hand it to you Rham 🐀🐀🐀, the peoples will love it... you can can prolly cut the Poleec department by 10% cause the people will say, “I gotta call the Poleec to do they job, and when they show up they don’t do anything... why’s do we needing the Poleec fo anyways, they ain’t bout shit”

Two elections from now, Rham🐀🐀🐀 you can come up with something entirely different, a Chicago neighborhood service office—- basically to work as a ticket, city service writer, and crossing guard, taxi service for the people who are doped up enough to vote for you and every alderscum — that will win an election 👍

8/08/2018 02:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just answer your calls and go home. Repeat! Ground hog day!

8/08/2018 03:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So they are going to take all the tac cars out of all the districts??

More word games from Rahm and Ed. Just like Rahm said he is going to add 1,000 Police Officers to the streets.

This isn’t the answer. The two goofs should just step down. I have no faith in them.

8/08/2018 03:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm must think everyone is stupid! Laughable!!!!!

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me and I’m not falling for his nonsense anymore!

8/08/2018 03:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, these guys are really sharp.

Announce to everyone that there will now be even fewer cops where the predators have been increasing their predatory activities.

Induce what passes for the predator's light bulb, a dim bulb, indeed, to pop on.

Then watch as the predators scamper to the fertile harvesting fields of anywhere NOT their own neighborhoods, where all the coppers are gonna now be.

Then rely, aka repeat lie(s), upon fake news to minimize the damages which ensue and maximize the, comparative to this past carnage, peacfulnesses that this strategy has produced.

Fucking genius.

Think of that, all you soon to be harvested victims, as you tend to your wounds, assess just how much they got from you, how much they did to you and how fortunate you now are to have made the statistics list.

Sorry, no achievement stickers for you. Not in the rimjob mayor's budget.

Dem. Oh. Crats.

8/08/2018 03:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The liberal democrats have made their beds, now they must sleep in them. Tuck yourselves in real snug with the ACLU and balm and that rat priest at st. Sabinas

8/08/2018 04:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tiny dancer and rerun just leave, you are so hated by all.

8/08/2018 04:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I gotta go Weiss looks so much better!

8/08/2018 04:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT (partly): Word trickling down from the command staff is if there’s another weekend this month anywhere near last weekend’s bloodshed, expect a fully staffed VRI for north and south to return temporarily (Sep-Oct). Additional spots would be filled in Sep through supplemental. Don’t think no one noticed where all the violence in 011 was concentrated.

8/08/2018 05:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey me pull a rabbit outta my hat!

8/08/2018 05:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These neighborhoods of Chicago are like nasty public restrooms that aren’t maintained. You hold your breath, run in and run out.

8/08/2018 05:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Si, in effect, has Eddie just announced that the more affluent areas of the city will be without police protection so that maybe you can stop one or two gangbangers from carrying out their assigned attacks? What will this do to crime rates in the areas that fund Rahm’s campaigns?

8/08/2018 05:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha!!!

NOW Rahm and Eddie do this??!! What about before this past weekend? Before the dramatic news conference with Rahm blabbering and the crocodile tears? Why redeploy NOW? Did those neighborhoods just recently become dangerous???!!!

Eddie, you’re a complete embarrassment. You’re just a puppet for Rahm, man. An embarrassment to cops and to the black community.

8/08/2018 05:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m waiting for the community to start hollerin’ that all the valuable resources were diverted to the money-making downtown Lollapalooza crowd-that’s why all our people got shot-cuz we were under protected!

8/08/2018 06:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought the problem was a lack of values not a lack of officers. How are more cops going solve the problem Sup? Mr. Mayor?

8/08/2018 06:17:00 AM  
Blogger stash the polski guy said...

will the frogmen from the marine unit patrol in full gear?

8/08/2018 06:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this should be interesting seeing most of the ppos arent ready to be left alone yet due their probation date. they would have to be with a regular po. then the other interesting thing is we dont have any other extra po's that are in a pool to work. we have nobody in the districts. the manpower is still low across the city. they should have kept vri in those districts , maybe police presence would have kept the numbers down.

8/08/2018 06:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Army of occupation policing.

8/08/2018 06:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about having those community activists starting something about the crime in their area? Isn't it usually the neighborhood that's both the offender and victim of gun violence?

8/08/2018 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's NO MANPOWER there already. In 004, we are always in a RAP.

Now EVEN LESS Police because of the FAILURE Emmanuel depleting the Police.

8/08/2018 07:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, once again, people who do the right thing and act in accordance with society’s rules get screwed.

The people who pay the city’s bills get screwed.

The areas that get the most services don’t pay anywhere near their fair share.

8/08/2018 07:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm vows hundreds of extra cops — but wants ‘attitudinal change’ in city

These people and folks better change their attitude then we have this mayor says;
This might not be politically correct, but I know the power of what faith and family can do,” Emanuel said. “There is nothing on the streets of Chicago that is stronger than what is in the faith community and what’s in family. Our kids need that structure.”

Emanuel acknowledged generations of disinvestment in the neighborhoods where much of the violence is concentrated, “but we also have to be conscious and aware that there is sometimes also a spiritual deficit,” he said.

“I know what the podium can do. But I’ve also seen what the power of the pulpit can do, and if they’re both pointed in the same direction, we will get there a lot faster,” Emanuel said.

* The faith community does he mean like father flaky maybe he can do another March and disrupt peoples lives they have to get back-and-forth to work on the expressway so that worked out well right rahm? Mr. Mayor you support is this March you made the phone call so they could disrupt the expressway great job Ha? The best thing you can do mayor is resign immediately let another mayor fire the superintendent of police and the whole exempt class that I’ve done nothing start over rebuild Chicago make Chicago great again more importantly make Chicago safe again!

Just looking at that picture in the article the position of the superintendents hand, shows the dominance the mayor has the hand position says it all going in for that handshake doesn’t look good Mr. superintendent looks like you are subservient!

8/08/2018 07:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are they sending all the officers into the minority areas? That is just Racism.

8/08/2018 07:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad we don’t have a specialized unit where we have a couple hundred officers that can be moved to any hot spot districts easily. We could name it SOS or MSF or TRU. Well at least we have “summer mobile” a hundred or so officers where 99% don’t want to be there. Because that’s a good idea.

8/08/2018 07:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5 dead on a Tuesday, thanks ACLU, thanks BLM.

8/08/2018 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I know that most of the people that will be reading this don’t like Rahm & Mr. Fenner.
But my hat goes off to them. They are doing a terrific job. They have finally turned the corner.
Crime is down. In fact it is WAY DOWN. If you don’t believe me, just look at the numbers.
Just this past Sunday there were a total of 49 people shot in just 1 day. 8 dead & 41 injured.
Well what happened on Monday? Only a total of 8 were shot. 1 dead & 7 injured. The is a
very very big decrease in the shooting totals....IJS

8/08/2018 07:35:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Will we ever see another Mike Royko?

8/08/2018 07:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Officers get no support from the Mayor, States Attorney, judges or the community. So let them work overtime and their days off so more time and taxpayer money is wasted. Makes perfect sense. ♠️

8/08/2018 07:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Nuff Said said...

The Department is Playing "Whack-A-Mole" again...cue the "Benny Hill Theme"

8/08/2018 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The superintendent has at least 14 P.O.'s working for him in unit 111,he even has 1 P.O.who works 3-4 hours "strictly" to only work out at 35th with the superintendent....This is sad when people are dying and other officers get there day off cancelled,he only works until the superintendent and him and sometimes his driver are done working out....If you don't believe me go to the gym at HQ around 4pm to 6pm....

8/08/2018 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn’t part of the Consent Decree touch on OUR mental health and the fact that we are often overworked and stressed out ? The OT money is nice for some but CPD totally ignores its officers mental well being and that can spill over and be dangerous to all. Hell, if you drive a truck over the road you are legally allowed to drive a set amount of hours before they say it becomes dangerous. And we’ve all seen the outcome of a driver who works too many hours. But as policemen who carry guns and often deal with high stress situations to begin with - you can sometimes work as many as 10 days in a row without a break (saw that recently when both rdos were cancelled in Feb for some unknown reason). This issue will continue to be ignored.

8/08/2018 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring back retirees to work inside part time. This will free up the young dollies that hide inside because they have kids, whatever what, should have thought about that before. You signed up.

8/08/2018 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Danny I look like a wino , wants togetherness in Chicago .
Few years ago he was stopped for a minor traffic violation and yes he played the race card .
Did not hear him saying togetherness when groups were calling to fry pigs like bacon ,were ambushing police ,accusing police of murder .
Danny Was one of your kids gunned down for a pair of shoes ? Another senseless shooting .
Two police ambushed last night .
News media has not described any offenders of the 74 shootings this weekend or offenders of six armed robberies I. Lake view .
Tell citizens of Chicago to respect the police ,stay off drugs ,not to have children that they do not want to love and raise to become responsible adults ,maybe get a job , maybe get married , tell the men in Chicago to be men ,raise their children ,not to mooch off the taxpayers . Well we still have no idea who these offenders are , no descriptions.
Citizens in Chicago that live in civilized neighborhoods need more protection because these young men are coming in our neighborhoods to commit robbery’s thefts ,sexual assaults .
No family values in some neighborhoods . Listen to a police scanner ,grandparents call police on grandchildren ,45 year old sons that are out of control , high on drugs . Danny go out and march by the Drug corners .
Want change vote for a tough politician that supports police officers .
You should apologize to police for playing race card Driving while black , nobody buys that crap , man up.

8/08/2018 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember men and women in blue, it will only take one Police involved shooting to take the heat and national spotlight off of the twerp Murder mayor and fat kidney fed ed, so stay alive and aim to survive...

8/08/2018 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Oh, you fucking idiots at 35th Street, JUST BRING BACK SOS ALREADY, YOU GODDAMN FOOLS!!

8/08/2018 12:59:00 AM

Fuck that, when marshall law is declared, bring back the Task Force.

8/08/2018 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ch. 9 said the city has already added 650 new officers. The reporter apparently didn’t ask if they are additional officers or just filling vacancies left by retirement and other separations. Mr Fenner then said he has never been concerned with costs of all the over time
and hasn’t been since becoming superintendent. Hmmm, wasn’t the IG bitching about OT a while back.

Must be eletion season.

8/08/2018 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Oh, you fucking idiots at 35th Street, JUST BRING BACK SOS ALREADY, YOU GODDAMN FOOLS!!

8/08/2018 12:59:00 AM

F that bring back SOG and the I/F brotherhood...

8/08/2018 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Smoke and mirrors. Where the hell is CPD going to get the extra man power????? Some districts are already skin and bones

8/08/2018 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I support this police strategy of flooding the highest crime areas with police officers. This was one of the strategies deployed by NYPD under mayor Guliani, Chiefs Bratton and Kelly.

Other successful police policies were:

Stop and frisk
Broken window - zero tolerance for crimes like public urination, subway turnstile jumping, squeegee shakedowns.

It's time we took back the street.

I'm up for some pro police, pro law and order anti Father Faker anti lugenpresse LYING PRESS Demos.

I remember as a 7 year old where Mayor Daley Sr. .basically gave the boot to the national Television media for their lying coverage of the 1968 Chicago Democrat riots.

F&**#* Abby Hoffman, Bill Ayers and F*** Walter Croncite and Dan Rather.

8/08/2018 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So when is the States attorney and Peckerwinkle going to get on board with stopping the violence?
As long as black and brown people aren’t in jail the shootings and killings are ok with them.

8/08/2018 08:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's what Brazilian law enforcement does to the worst drug gang terrorized slums/favelas in Brazil.

They go in with tanks.

8/08/2018 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter the liberal democRATic political has made the police-POLICE MONITORS.

8/08/2018 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9.5 and kidney-bean have paved the way for failure on the part of their replacements. 9.5 dismissed using the National Guard, so what other solution is viable? None, other than the community doing a 180 when it comes to values, morals and principals. That is the only answer. Will it happen? We have a better chance at finding a unicorn..

8/08/2018 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are correct my friend bring back the S.O.S. Henchmen......

8/08/2018 08:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So all of these PO’s have been hidden behind the glass that says break in a emergency? I doubt it. I’m only guessing, but if the media would ask or FOIA request, I bet they would find that this manpower surge will come at the expense of additional cost (time 1/2,) pulling from detached teams (time 1/2) and other districts (shorting other districts) that will now see a increase, worse then the increase they already see.

Let me help the media out. You see we already flood these high crime areas/districts which is why the lower crime districts have lowered manpower numbers. Last weekend was the biggest tourist attraction for the city of Chicago for the summer. Lollapalooza, remember Rahm talked about the tax breaks and justified it by describing to the media how many tourist and other tax revenue it brings in? Well when a large group of tourist come to a city that is mismanaged, unsafe, and under siege, you need to deploy every resource you have available (I would suggest another FOIA for expenditures and police manpower Aug 02 - Aug 06) to the area they will be inhabiting. I will say there was a significant police presence downtown.

While these police resources kept the downtown area relatively safe, the high crime areas suffered. I’m guessing because the police department is..... SHORT MANPOWER! Look at that, no Medill journalism school, never worked for some struggling big city news rag, squeaked through high school, earned (not given) a couple credit hours of college (that I paid for) and I was able to figure it out. Can someone ask Rahm or Supt. about this? Or is it 1 sided reporting? I swear Rahm and Ed have on several occasions stated we have all the manpower we need. I think Rahm ordered the closing of some areas and districts due to the surplus of officers he hired (remember he was hiring 1000 additional POs)

Don’t worry chicago media, he will not be re-elected, go ahead and ask him the hard questions, your job is safe.

8/08/2018 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope all that are affected by the canceled RDO’s do absolutely nothing. Fuck this city !!! Go to Target and get a neck pillow , then grab a movie or 2 from red box. Find a hole and enjoy a motion picture. Then you may want to rest your eyes while you collect that fat ass check. Again , FUCK THIS CITY.

8/08/2018 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What ever happened to those “auxiliary police” for freeing up the house cats?

8/08/2018 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again “the community” is monopolizing all kinds of CPD resources at other districts expense.
How has that worked out for Rahm and Mr. Fenner in the past??

Why is Wheezie’s husband still the Supe? With all the nationally covered, widespread violence why isn’t anyone calling for his head??
Simply because of the color of his skin.
Do you think McCarthy or Escalante would’ve lasted with this kind of violence consistently going on?

8/08/2018 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently the electorate in Chicago are too stupid to understand the concept of squeezing a balloon at one end to expand the other end doesn't actually make the balloon bigger. "Journalists" won't ask the questions because 1) it doesn't align with their political motives, and 2) most of them have a room temperature IQ and don't get it anyway. The only answer for the general public is to get you CCW permit and arm up.

8/08/2018 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great news for all the tact strokes that don't want to be with they're families, "sorry hunny, rdo's got cancelled again". Keep selling your soul for this thankless job. Sad when your old and realize you missed everything for absolutely nothing and joke was on you the whole time.

8/08/2018 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing will change until the courts both Kim Foxx and Tom Dart start doing the job they were elected to do. Lock bad people up. Fill the courts and stop bonding everyone. A full jail is a happy city

8/08/2018 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still trying to blame 7 & 8 period furloughs?

Calling all Border Collies !
Large municipal agency seeks energized individuals to gently round up feral vermin.
Familiarity with a Frisbee® and Verbal Judo® a plus.
Good pay, long hours, high risks and occasional treats.
Apply in person - See your local Unit Recruiter.

How come...
No manpower interruption in the Admin House Mouse Contingents?
HQ is still packed....(can’t find a parking spot until 1500 hrs) so if Jugghaid is in need of manpower, community representative manpower, clean out the cubicles.

Only a fool goes out of their way for Rahm & Special Ed.
Stay Fetal

8/08/2018 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In 15 and 11 I have seen a large number of POs, they even have County Sheriff Police out on the street also. It doesn’t matter, business as usual. So now we are Quadrupling down? Please, shuffling chairs on the titanic.

8/08/2018 09:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time to thin the herd in all the bloated front offices of districts and units and cut the severely bloated HQ staff by at least 1/3rd.
You’d have a lot more boots on the ground to deploy then.

8/08/2018 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I certainly understand why the medical community does not speak up on the real cause and effect. They would only be labeled racist. The fact of the matter is one can not unlearn. The ABC's is a great example. At a young age we learn to sing it, yet many can not read, write or spell. When the human brain is denied the steps of develpoment, it does not develop. If a child is denied the proper care & routine, their physical brain does not develop. As time progresses you then end up with generations of underdeveloped minds. This is what we have in today's Chicago. Generations of underdeveloped minds. Sending them to all day kindergarden is not the answer, it's already too late. Allowing the shutdown of major traffic arteries with children in tow only teaches those children that they do not have to follow the rules. When a child observes the police standing and watching, they learn that the police have no authority. When they hear that the police are the bad guys, they learn to believe it.When they hear that the teacher is bad, they learn they do not have to listen. When they see there is no punishment for bad behavior they learn that bad behavior is ok. When children see the ministers, politicians & police commanders march along with the "I demand crowd", they learn there is nobody in charge. They know no fear because there is nothing to fear. Generations of children have not watched Mom & Dad go to work, put dinner on the table, cleanup the yard. They have watched lying, cheating, steeling and handouts. They learn that this is normal due to the repitition of generations. If you look at an xray of an alzheimer's patient you will see the the phisical deterioration of the brain. In the beginning stages of alzheimers, the messages become deminished because the pathways of the phiscal brain are deminished. In time these pathways become holes. In a patient with advanced alzheimers the phisical brain becomes non exsisting. This is similar to what happens to a child's brain when a child is not cared for properly, starting at day one. Most have probably heard that those who lie over & over come to believe their lies. A simple example of this is a creepy litle guy who gets to where he is because money is available to him. This creepy little guy states over & over some horseshit about Chicago values, more police and respecting the police. This guy not only has holes in head, he had no soul.

8/08/2018 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YOU put merits in charge and this is what they come up with!

So what was the shotspotter clearance/arrest rate? CMON ED they teach that shit at Daley college criminal justice 102.

How many pod videos were inventoried for the dates in question? they have 2 officer in each of the nifty camera rooms in 010/011. Telling me illegal block parties dont have camera on them?
WHo authorized the street closure? CMON dude was it the alderman?

Why is it that the Cook COUNTY hospital police have NO BACK up from the county?
IT is a county building ED we should not have 10 cars on the building thats stupid.
TIME to meet with PRICK_wrinkle.

How many case report were made for LALA? How many person down calls?
What was the total cost of police manpower? how many officers were used each shift?
How many officer were detailed from other district?

BUT good ole RAHM, RICCIO, ED come up with let just have officer work 12 hours a day in busy district. CANT empty out HQ because the bosses don't know how to type up any reports.

RELEASE the FENNER SHES SMART she has all the answers...

8/08/2018 10:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t forget to fill out your “I Pointed my gun at you” form because that will make everything all better.

8/08/2018 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is the F.O.P.'S. response to this? Where is the Press Conferance by Graham to say our already undermanned and overworked simply cannot bend any further. Where is the data to highlight just how much manpower is already dedicated to the most violent neighborhoods. It's all a moot point if we can't even order groups of 50-100 to disperse from the corners or lock them up. Kevin CALL IN the National Guard and reach out to the President to declare a State of Emergency in our city. Our city is tee'd up to burn and now is the time to have the assets already in place and most importantly embarrass an evil Mayor.

8/08/2018 10:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's crazy is they are forcing O.T. on tact/gangs and everyone else in patrol, yet at Area Central they complain about low clearance rates. However, they won't let anyone except the homicide and carjacking mission team primadonnas work overtime anymore. GA, SVU, RBT, and everyone else at the Area can't work any O.T. outside their normal tour with-out bosses having a conniption fit. Dets. are hearing constant complaints about "late lists" and "low clearance." It's not like every Det is looking for crazy O.T., but God forbid you have to start early or work late on a case without them bitching or denying the O.T.

8/08/2018 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Been on the job 27 plus....And here it goes:
We had a horrible anti police President elected by the name Barack. He made race relations so bad today. Barack and his racist Attorney General Holder and Lynch are to blame for the loss of life of several of law-enforcement officers while they held office. They empowered black lives matter the ACLU and other anti-police organizations and as a result have really handcuffed the police. Now you have a political city like Chicago and a Weasel Mayor named Rham Who will do anything and blame anyone but himself to look good in order to win reelection. This city is a joke crime is out of control in all areas of the city and the media sucks big time because like President Trump says it’s fake news. Then throw in all the ghetto attorneys the city has who are constantly looking to hang policeman And the honest taxpayers out of millions for frivolous lawsuits. So what is the solution, Start addressing the real issues like family values responsibilities education respect. These are never addressed by fFather faker jesse jackass And all the other liberal assholes. Start respecting the police, backing the police, and hold the thugs Accountable for their actions.Every law abiding citizen has the right to walk freely in safely in the neighborhood they live in. Stop protecting the criminals enforce the laws and give the streets back to CPD

8/08/2018 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn, I picked a good furlough. Wish I was there fighting along with you guys but I need good quality time with my family. See you soon. Pray you guys go home to your families safe and sound. Let those hooligans kill each other.

8/08/2018 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just sent the below letter to the Sun-Times in response to their editorial in today's paper and asked if it could be printed you might want to read this article along with the editorial.

>>There you go again looking for someone to blame and making the Chicago Police the scapegoat once again, before you wrote your editorial piece you should have read the story by Fran Spielman about the woman who is looking for her missing brother and see what problems she's having getting information from the community, she is getting a lot of resistance and she is not a police officer. Now multiply that by 74 then you'll get your answer on why are there no arrests in those shootings.<<

8/08/2018 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic: A memoriam to Michael Patrick Gordon, CPD officer killed in the line of duty, 14 years ago today, is in the Chicago Tribune obit section today.

A guestbook can be signed at

I retired before he got on the job, but when something like this becomes available, no one should ignore signing a tribute. Let none of our fallen, be forgotten.

8/08/2018 10:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8/08/2018 12:28:00 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
How's that taste tactical warriors?

THERE IS NO BENEFIT TO BEING ON THE TACT TEAM. More incentive not to be, especially nowadays.

Depends on what you are looking for and want. If you need additional income it’s great. A lot of OT. why work another part time job for $20-$25 an hour if you can work OT here for $60

8/08/2018 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont get it. The answer is so simple and right in front of their eyes. All they have to do is make everyone ride around with their squad lights on. The violence will stop immediately . Right ?

8/08/2018 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great. Now the 2 year tact wonders can lock up teens for riding their bike on the sidewalk. That will bring the murders down!

8/08/2018 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Redeploy the ACLU, BLM, pfather pfaker's army, and JJ's army to these neighborhoods for the midnight shift.

8/08/2018 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
My idea about erecting the Berlin Wall around shitholes and pulling the police back from shit would work.

THIS IS A GREAT IDEA! Let them sit inside their own hell holes and see how it works out for them. Last Man Standing!

8/08/2018 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody is going to do anything, they will throw you under the bus in a second for the vote of a crackhead. The ACLU should tell us what they want done. Seriously, they’re the experts. Stay fetal and stay out of jail.

8/08/2018 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why worry about the PPO’s. Let them get some time on and then they can take advantage of the seniority the contract give

These idiots dont believe in seniority at least the ones in 003 dont. They think doing tvbs should allow them early cars and screw seniority.

8/08/2018 11:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5 killed on a Tuesday...6 wounded. Wonderful city

8/08/2018 11:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Although they may get suspicious when the police trundle up to the door in their walker and oxygen tank?"

See those guys frequently at annual qualification for IROCC.

They shoot better than most guys.

8/08/2018 12:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Media, don't you see the fucking problem? Your answer is in your own fucking article...

"Some beat officers will have their hours extended during regular shifts, while tactical unit officers from those districts will have their days off canceled, Johnson said. Officers from the department's fugitive apprehension unit, which works with deputy U.S. marshals to find wanted criminals, will also have their days off canceled", Johnson said.

Here let me spell it out for the incompetent media:

"beat officers will have their hours extended". Why should the officers have there hours extended? They have already worked there 40 hours and have families. Obviously there is a shortage of officers.

"tactical unit officers from those districts will have their days off canceled". Again, why is the City of Chicago canceling days off? The employees days off are earned. They have already worked there 40 hrs as required for employment. They have families and a life outside of working for CPD. Obviously there is a shortage of officers.

"Officers from the department's fugitive apprehension unit, which works with deputy U.S. marshals to find wanted criminals, will also have their days off canceled". Again,the employees days off are earned. They have already worked there 40 hrs as required for employment. They have families and a life outside of working for CPD. Obviously there is a shortage of officers.

By canceling days off on a routine basis, wouldn't this be considered an unfair labor practice?

8/08/2018 12:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop with the bullshit statistics about this and that being down from a year ago

8/08/2018 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9 1/2 fingers is worst than mayor daley !!!!!!!!

8/08/2018 12:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing will change if you don't take all of these assholes off the street and lock them up for a long time. The real police know who they are. This will never happen as long as we have demorats and moron cpd brass making the orders. God bless the real police and stay safe.

8/08/2018 12:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are already calling 020 looking for 20 officers for deployment. So save that crap that no outside district personnel will be utilized. Im sure 016, 017, 019, and 024 received the same request.

8/08/2018 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deploy all the PO's in the front office, in the caps office, and footmen in every district and put them in cars and work the streets !!!!!

8/08/2018 12:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fillmore 2018 Murders pushing Fifty.

Two more shot dead in 011 this morning in 4400 block of Lake St. 011 handily leads the city in MURDERS and all other VIOLENT crimes.

8/08/2018 12:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm and Johnson playing whack-a-mole with crime. Might need a bowl of popcorn and something cold for this one!

8/08/2018 01:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get rid of the mandatory 63 retirement age

8/08/2018 01:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Rahm must think everyone is stupid! Laughable!!!!!"

Except it's absolutely true. When they have no record of accomplishment to run on, most politicians like Rahm count on the electorate to be ignorant. And if not ignorant, then uninformed. And if not uninformed, then to have a short memory. And it works time after time. There's no other reason to waste a vote on him.

8/08/2018 01:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This city is not only depleting the other neighborhoods of proper police service, this "Mayor" and his minions are working a depleted CPD staff to no end......cancel days off? Change area of patrol? Extended tours, districts without enough cars to keep up with calls? These officers can not keep up this pace.....they too need rest, reinforcements, family time....

How about you scrub the ACLU agreement? How about you stick that phony consent degree in the "Mayor's" asss? How about the "Mayor" gets together with Foxx, Preckwinkle, Dart, the RevRunds, Chief Judge Evans, the 40 alderthieves, etc etc and start to run this city as it should have been run for the last 8 years?

Now I am sorry that the perception is that there are too many black and brown in jail/ is exceedingly clear that it is now a drug/gang cartel war we are in the midst of, and it IS being run by black and brown criminals....the community is outraged by the violence, but it is the community sons, brothers, uncles, baby daddies PERPETRATING the violence against their own.......while they continue to shoot, maim, kill the innocents among them.......

yes, it needs to stop......throwing more money at it will not help.......start by keeping criminals in jail.....allowing proper prosecution of criminals, not this slap on the wrist prosecution Foxx has started......Federal prosecution for tax evasion on these gangs, for gun running.....otherwise, all we are doing is "pissing in the wind and calling it rain"......

8/08/2018 01:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look . . . if those douchebags want to shoot each other, let 'em.

In Chicago, it's a crime reduction strategy to let criminals kill other criminals.

Just don't get caught in the crossfire.

8/08/2018 01:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And when the redeployment doesn’t work? 🤔more redeployment? Imagine, the mayor asking trump for help?🤣🤣🤣. Bring in a federal prosecutor-charge them in federal court-use RICO statute-ship them far away from their homies.

8/08/2018 01:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are wondering about the clearance rate and Pinocchio kimmy says:

“I think it is disheartening that we are at Tuesday after the weekend we had without anyone being charged,” Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx told the Tribune in a phone interview. “The feeling that people can do this with impunity makes the work that much more difficult.”

Well kimmy girl your a direct cause to this, with your not prosecuting people's/folks, along with your inexperience and handlers like Toni,rahm,tommy and the rest! Your a pathetic excuse for a states attorney. Let's see kimmy you have an enormous bodyguard detail, like rahm,Toni, tommy and al, this murder and mayhem don't affect you, that is why you "let me go" and constantly deny felonious charges!

If anyone is charged your team and the judges release them as quickly as possible right?

8/08/2018 01:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those of you in units or can’t say you didn’t see this comming !!!
Buck up—this is the job!!! There is always riding around answering jobs like the beat cars do day in and day out!!

8/08/2018 01:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does the community think we have bait trucks filled with Nike shoes? I guess they like "fake news" too.

8/08/2018 01:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is so rahm. like his 'found money'.

he just pulls it out of his ass.

P U rahm, it stinks. close your mouth.

8/08/2018 02:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought upwards 85% of people shot are same people flagged by CPD computer-program as being "high risk for being shot" due to gang affiliation and/or drug-sales involvement. Why not preemptively take those high-risk folks and place them under protective custody in same now-closed wing of Cook County Jail?

8/08/2018 02:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a recruit class is graduating in 2 weeks, so guess where they're going?

8/08/2018 02:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Father Faker doesn’t live at the rectory, where does he live? Is he exempt from everything? What a joke. Makes me sick.

8/08/2018 02:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will be honest. I thought this uptick in violence would have started in June and not August without those Vri vehicles babysitting the violence zones. The city did get away with two months worth of overtime savings.

8/08/2018 02:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the most part guys dont mind working on their days off. Money is good. Cant complain.

8/08/2018 02:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tiny dancer and rerun just leave, you are so hated by all......

And take all your friends/Classmates that you made Lt.'s,Commanders and Deputies.

8/08/2018 02:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's over the War is lost this is a three ring circus... just put up the perimeter fences around these neighborhoods and be over with it.

8/08/2018 02:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's amazing to see all the Gold Braids sell their souls for a few pieces of silver. ♠️

8/08/2018 03:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

My idea about erecting the Berlin Wall around shitholes and pulling the police back from shit would work. Send the police to the tax paying neighborhood to ensure the tax paying citizens and their belongings are ok. At some point, why are the police baby sitting felons, drug dealers, heroin addicts-prostitutes (typically one is the other)

In Brazil, India or other shitholes— those governments are not wasting money to ensure a asshole survives heroin over doses... and definitely not protecting felons. Those governments are somewhat ensuring the livelihood of their tax paying citizens and elites are ok.

8/08/2018 12:28:00 AM

Hey Jackass, there are tax paying citizens in "every" neighborhood. So what neighborhood are you referring to?

8/08/2018 03:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everday with Mr Fenner in command is like April Fools the movie Groundhog Day.

8/08/2018 03:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think a boss at 35st will come up with a new idea of having police officers work their days off. They can man cars in districts with high crime and shootings, this new idea will have to be called something like reduce violence incentive. With this new idea some boss can take this to EJ and he can then be promoted.

8/08/2018 03:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Eddie Fenner Swipe this !!!!!!!

8/08/2018 03:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Focus on the 5:15 mark going forward. Our dimwit superintendent introduces Rahm as the CPD’s number one supporter? That’s sound an awful lot like governmental employee campaigning for a mayor in the midst of a fight for his political life. Does this comment incapsulate the feeling of all CPD members?

8/08/2018 04:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey local AZZholes, start reporting the crimes and being witnesses, otherwise STFU. Just read Alderman Sawyer bitching about racist bait trucks on the south luring poor young kids to steal.... they want no police, so give it to them.

8/08/2018 04:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired 6 years just shot IROCC semi auto 29/30 revolver 30/30! Yes we can still shoot!

8/08/2018 04:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Nothing will change until the courts both Kim Foxx and Tom Dart start doing the job they were elected to do. Lock bad people up. Fill the courts and stop bonding everyone. A full jail is a happy city

8/08/2018 09:25:00 AM

How do they do their job if law enforcement remains fetal and does not arrest anyone for committing crimes.

8/08/2018 04:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Been on the job 27 plus....And here it goes:
We had a horrible anti police President elected by the name Barack. He made race relations so bad today. Barack and his racist Attorney General Holder and Lynch are to blame for the loss of life of several of law-enforcement officers while they held office. They empowered black lives matter the ACLU and other anti-police organizations and as a result have really handcuffed the police. Now you have a political city like Chicago and a Weasel Mayor named Rham Who will do anything and blame anyone but himself to look good in order to win reelection. This city is a joke crime is out of control in all areas of the city and the media sucks big time because like President Trump says it’s fake news. Then throw in all the ghetto attorneys the city has who are constantly looking to hang policeman And the honest taxpayers out of millions for frivolous lawsuits. So what is the solution, Start addressing the real issues like family values responsibilities education respect. These are never addressed by fFather faker jesse jackass And all the other liberal assholes. Start respecting the police, backing the police, and hold the thugs Accountable for their actions.Every law abiding citizen has the right to walk freely in safely in the neighborhood they live in. Stop protecting the criminals enforce the laws and give the streets back to CPD

As the late great Ronald Reagan said "There you go again". Your argument above is riddled with, shall we call it common sense?

However, this is Chicago, thug, political hack, and liberal utopia. Where common sense doesn't apply to many things, if anything at all.

8/08/2018 04:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can put 4300 more officers on the street and NOTHING will change unless the root causes are addressed. And we all know that's not going to happen.

8/08/2018 05:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Screw this it's time for the Department to start claiming the PTSD we are all suffering from and get the help we need. All it will take is someone to snap to start the riots. Make Bud Billiken the day to call attention to the unbearable weight we are all subjected to. How can these communities that claimed the barber getting shot was racial profiling now call for more police? I am KMA and could care less but if you kids don't start getting more radical within 5-10 yrs you will be working 12 hr days with no Union protection thanks to this consent decree. If 1/3 of the officers detailed to this ridiculous shit show parade didn't show up THEN maybe people would listen. It's time to grow a set kids.

8/08/2018 05:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could our Union please call a Press Conference and explain how no matter how many police they force to work 70 hrs a week the new I.S.R. insanity is causing this self preservation and fetalness and the manpower issue won't work. It started with Mrs Obama's Traffic Stop Disinformation Survey that told Blacks we are profiling them and has morphed into us boxing with both hands behind our backs. The Consent decree could ensure the Black Homicide Rate hits a 1,000 within the next few years. Obama shouted Fire in a Crowded Theatre and it's his own community getting burned.

8/08/2018 05:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT Is it just me, is maybe something wrong with my computer but I can't get on Just wondering if maybe the city doesn't want citizens to have access to the site anymore, so they know less of whats happening.

8/08/2018 05:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get rid of summer furloughs and take manpower out of 016 and 022 because no crime happens there.

8/08/2018 06:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I’m waiting for the community to start hollerin’ that all the valuable resources were diverted to the money-making downtown Lollapalooza crowd-that’s why all our people got shot-cuz we were under protected!
8/08/2018 06:08:00 AM

And the "community" would be right !!!!!!!!!!

8/08/2018 06:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I'd like to know is, why would anybody even pour syrup over shit?

Kind of felt sorry for that Chief, I guess a metaphor was about the only thing that he could come up with. The only person who should have been facing the cameras on Sunday was Emanuel. Of course, he was probably out of town doing some "fundraising". I don't think raising even $100 million for his re-election campaign is going to do him any good.

He's toast, should just resign with the simple statement that he has failed the citizens and the city of Chicago as their mayor.

8/08/2018 07:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just curious. If you report yourself too ill to work immediately after your regularly scheduled shift, do you have to use sick time?

8/08/2018 07:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just got off the consent decree sight:

posted the following

Alot of the monitoring is redundant. If an officer has a camera attached to his chest with video and sound why would you need that officer to then go into the station and write a report about chasing someone or pointing a gun.
Supervisor are paid over 100k a year and are not required to make an arrest. So reports should be handled by supervisor (only 10 officers per SGT>???) Save the video have COPA watch it if nothing wrong move on. The idea of officer typing up report for chasing someone is almost comical each officer would be required to state would laws were broken and what happens when it 10 officer chasing someone? What will happen is officer will not chase anyone. They will generate reports and tell victims to try an obtain a summons or order of protection. The state attorneys office will then waste the taxpayer money with useless paper work that turns out to be COMPLETELY USELESS.
Increase the speed of DNA testing (less than 6 months!)
Increase the budget for ballistic testing
Clean up the verification system for sex offender so they can be verified in 1 state computer
Increase monitoring of new hire and get rid of merit promotions (many indicted person were merit promoted)
Give higher salaries to officer in dangerous districts that is pensionable thus increasing officer in Englewood, Lawndale, little village,pilsen and back of the yards. Senior officer will stay in district with high shooting rates leading to less shooting of unarmed civilian.
1 FTO per recruit City has dodged this issue and it is a hazard to police and civilians alike.
Limit overtime "tired people make mistakes" HARD limit certain amount of hours.
Get rid of state attorney approval for gun arrest. Guns are considered a legal tool like a car. Treat unlawful conduct with guns just like a felony traffic arrest.

I also noticed that Hispanics had nothing to do with the consent decree. If you feel only a few minority groups have all the answer then you should really take advice when it is free.

I encourage everyone to post because the decree was not created by anyone who has police experience! Site posted below/

8/08/2018 07:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Level the playing field. Keep all police districts staffed with the same # of officers. Equality. Ghetto is naturally only going to get worse, wasted resources. We're not fighting a war that we need more troops deployed. Stupid leaders

8/08/2018 07:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I support the police. I want the police to help protect my family. I live in a north side neighborhood now more unsafe because we have fewer officers and more bold visting predators from high crime areas. What about us Rahm? We work, pay taxes and don't shoot our neighbors.

8/08/2018 07:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eddie is an embarrassment alright, but him and wife are laughing all the way to the bank

8/08/2018 07:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*** Anonymous said...
"Rahm must think everyone is stupid! Laughable!!!!!"

Except it's absolutely true. When they have no record of accomplishment to run on, most politicians like Rahm count on the electorate to be ignorant. And if not ignorant, then uninformed. And if not uninformed, then to have a short memory. And it works time after time. There's no other reason to waste a vote on him.

8/08/2018 01:25:00 PM


Of course it's true. It the Leftie way. Say nothing about that man behind the curtain................

8/08/2018 08:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think he was referring to the neighborhoods that are not killing zones. He's right about letting those kill zones rot in their own juices.

8/08/2018 08:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time to hire back retired officer at a part time no pay status and offer them free insurance instead. Then take all the house mice w less than 15 years in the job and put them back in the street.

8/08/2018 08:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How dare the police to think that there are criminals in Englewood.

8/08/2018 08:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Get rid of the mandatory 63 retirement age

8/08/2018 01:22:00 PM

Plenty of retired Officers told me not to retire you miss the camaraderie.

8/08/2018 08:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So is Fat Head working his days off, or is Rahim working his days off. How about the Aldermen working 7-17days straight? Thought so. These ate Chicago Values on display Black Chicago Gang Values. Declare all gangs terrorist organizations and declare all out war on them. No quarter given just lots and lots of dead gang bangers in the morgue. The only good banger is a room temperature banger.

8/08/2018 08:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Bringing the Illinois State Police and the Illinois National Guard into Chicago would be an admission of defeat.
Rahm can't do that until AFTER the election.

Rauner, who is losing his Governorship, should offer them anyway.

8/08/2018 01:49:00 AM

Rauner has an October surprise Pritzker saying the magic word!

8/08/2018 08:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sales tax doesn’t count, Snowflake!

8/08/2018 08:43:00 PM  
Anonymous CppThis said...

Better question: what happens if/when one of these extra cops actually stops one of the bad guys?

8/08/2018 08:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey swat prima donnas,

Did you think that your proposal was going to bring the city to it’s knees? Hope you remember how to answer calls. Your days of overtime and sleeping at Sox games are over. Hope your blue uniform still fits. You will be answering calls on the south and west side. Your body cams are being ordered. Now go get your shoe shine box.

8/08/2018 08:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“The community” is all up in arms about a bait truck being used in the hood.
My guess is it’s like moths to a flame but “the community” is screaming all kinds of nonsense: racism, entrapment etc.
Nobody is putting a gun to any of these “community” members heads and forcing them to break into the truck.

We really should just completely withdraw from “the community”.
Give them what they want.

8/08/2018 09:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who the hell would wanna work SOS. MSF or TRU these days?

8/08/2018 09:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jackass, there are tax paying citizens in "every" neighborhood. So what neighborhood are you referring to?

8/08/2018 03:10:00 PM
Hey Jackass, if you’re not familiar with hyperbole, look it up. He exaggerated to make a point, but only slightly. He’s saying that there are FAR FEWER tax payers in some neighborhoods than others - and he’s not incorrect. If you think the distribution of WIC, LINK, fraudulent SSI “disability” claims, and other abuses of welfare isn’t disproportionately focused in some neighborhoods more than others, you’re nuts. Those neighborhoods, with higher unemployment and greater welfare (i.e., people that don’t pay taxes) do not contribute proportionately to the drain they place on society. What are those neighborhoods? Every neighborhood with out of control violent crime. Austin. Englewood. Roseland. Bronzeville. Pullman. Gage Park. Pilsen. Back of the Yards. Etc.

Where do you NOT see violent crime? In tax paying neighborhoods. And when you do, it’s most often by those outside of their community.

Use some sense and stop with the inferred “you’re a racist” undertones. Not everything is a slam on someone. Sometimes, it’s just fact.

8/08/2018 09:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get rid of the mandatory 63 retirement age

8/08/2018 01:22:00 PM

Who the fuck wants to stay on this job til you’re 63? You must have a shitty life. I’ll be gone at 55. Sorry, you should’ve planned better.

8/08/2018 09:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm bring back VRIbefore u lose the election. Vri worked, shootings down 68%, murders down 32%. The vri box patrol iniative worked. Bring it back before u end uo like Michael Bilandic.

8/08/2018 09:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cringe during the press conference when Mr. Fenner says “the CPD’s greatest supporter.... mayor rahm emmanuel!” POS kiss ass!

8/08/2018 10:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring on more police and flood the violent areas. Guess what it doesn't work. Back in the 70's we had more police and the murder rate was twice what it is now. Nothing stops the determined shooters.We also had more officers killed in the 70-90's also. Get ready for 12 hr shifts like the burb's. When special Ed said the watch officers will be held over that's what he really meant,12hrs. Take the money and run. Again answer the calls and write the reports and go home. Let these goof's march and trample over each other,who cares.The police are just pawns in the political game of pandering votes so the politicians can keep wetting their beak and never having to get a real job. Stay fetal and employed.

8/08/2018 10:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) can we have a Caucasian fire brigade:

Black Fire Brigade gives $30K to train 30 South, West Side young adults as EMTs

More 1 sided bullshit, can a Latino or Caucasian kid get help here?

8/08/2018 10:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Get rid of summer furloughs and take manpower out of 016 and 022 because no crime happens there.

The ratio of police to citizens is 5 times higher in 11 and 7 compared to 16. How much lower do you want to make 16?

8/08/2018 10:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey swat prima donnas,

Did you think that your proposal was going to bring the city to it’s knees? Hope you remember how to answer calls. Your days of overtime and sleeping at Sox games are over. Hope your blue uniform still fits. You will be answering calls on the south and west side. Your body cams are being ordered. Now go get your shoe shine box.

8/08/2018 08:58:00 PM

Hearing the rumours that swat will be sent back to districts on all three watches. If an HBT incident occurs they will redeploy to that location. They will get two training days a month. This is in response to them banding together and refusing to volunteer for a search warrant and not responding to an HBT job while off duty. Swat boys want D3 pay and on call pay for being on stand by when off duty. City is pissed.

8/08/2018 10:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey swat prima donnas,

Did you think that your proposal was going to bring the city to it’s knees? Hope you remember how to answer calls. Your days of overtime and sleeping at Sox games are over. Hope your blue uniform still fits. You will be answering calls on the south and west side. Your body cams are being ordered. Now go get your shoe shine box.

8/08/2018 08:58:00 PM

Blame #2 in charge of SWAT JH. He wants to be a LT so bad that he volunteered the SWAT team to go back to HBT days.

8/08/2018 10:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, so it's not a decrease in the increase. It's a lateral reconfiguration of the hiring wave that's due to take place?

I'm SOOOOOO CONFUSED by Libspeak... help me SCC, you're my only hope!

8/08/2018 11:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jackass, if you’re not familiar with hyperbole, look it up. He exaggerated to make a point, but only slightly. He’s saying that there are FAR FEWER tax payers in some neighborhoods than others - and he’s not incorrect. If you think the distribution of WIC, LINK, fraudulent SSI “disability” claims, and other abuses of welfare isn’t disproportionately focused in some neighborhoods more than others, you’re nuts. Those neighborhoods, with higher unemployment and greater welfare (i.e., people that don’t pay taxes) do not contribute proportionately to the drain they place on society. What are those neighborhoods? Every neighborhood with out of control violent crime. Austin. Englewood. Roseland. Bronzeville. Pullman. Gage Park. Pilsen. Back of the Yards. Etc.

Hey, you missed some North side neighborhoods, just saying.

8/08/2018 11:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Screw this it's time for the Department to start claiming the PTSD we are all suffering from and get the help we need. All it will take is someone to snap to start the riots. Make Bud Billiken the day to call attention to the unbearable weight we are all subjected to. How can these communities that claimed the barber getting shot was racial profiling now call for more police? I am KMA and could care less but if you kids don't start getting more radical within 5-10 yrs you will be working 12 hr days with no Union protection thanks to this consent decree. If 1/3 of the officers detailed to this ridiculous shit show parade didn't show up THEN maybe people would listen. It's time to grow a set kids.

For someone who is in the KMA club and could care less as you claim, your comment doesn’t indicate it. Seems like it is getting to you and what good is being in the KMA club if you can’t retire when the job is really bothering you.

8/09/2018 01:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I lived in my friends basement in the city My family lived in a nice suburb..

8/09/2018 06:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm black, have 20 years on the job, my kids go to private school, my wife has a good job, I have a few relatives from the hood th as t are no good. I dont associate with them. I moved into a majority white area not to cause problems but to raise my family in a good environment. I have never made mybeing black, not this African American crap get in my way. I have never worked with white cops who are biased. We just do our job. Mb y white neighborhood has been great, yes we had to prove that we are not ghetto folks and I encourage my kids to study black culture but never are they allowed to be ghetto, dress ghetto, talk ghetto. I dont care if they date out of thier race, just find people who respect you. I'm not mad t by at I'm black and I blame all this ghetto crap and violence on black folks who have no pride, direction and values. You can be black and successful.

8/09/2018 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Smoke and mirrors, lets see, Rahm wants to hire 1000 new police officers. 400 new detectives were made from existing police officers already hired, 300 new sergeants were made from existing police,and unknown number of police officers retirements per month. 1000 new police officers doesn't even put a dent in the shortage. NOTE: above numbers are only examples and not actual.

8/10/2018 07:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Smoke and mirrors, lets see, Rahm wants to hire 1000 new police officers. 400 new detectives were made from existing police officers already hired, 300 new sergeants were made from existing police,and unknown number of police officers retirements per month. 1000 new police officers doesn't even put a dent in the shortage. NOTE: above numbers are only examples and not actual.

Aren’t sgts and detectives police officers? If you have 12,000 sworn personnel and you hire 1,000 more you now have 13,000. Then you promote those 300 sgts and400 detectives you still have 13,000 sworn police.
The 12,000 and 13,000 numbers were sworn , nobeat officers

8/11/2018 09:11:00 PM  

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