Who's Running This Place?
From our e-mail:
- A few months ago, out of nowhere, the Superintendent came up with a genius plan. His wife pitched him the idea of having all members wear pink (breast cancer) CPD patches on their uniforms for the month of October similar to what the NFL and other entities do.
The SUP brought this to his command staff and mandated that they get it done as a CAPS and morale project. This ridiculous idea was immediately rebuffed by the uniform committee, OLA, R and D, Corp Counsel, and several CPD breast cancer survivors. All pointed out that this would require a great deal of effort (to alter uniform policies), would be expensive (due to ridiculous City procurement processes), would be in violation of CPD/Ethics/Police Board rules (as we aren't allowed to sponsor/favor/refer to private organizations), and was a huge distraction/waste of time in light of the crime rate and CPD's reform initiatives.
However, what Mrs. Fenner wants...Mrs. Fenner gets. This "pink patch" item has stayed on the uniform committees agenda for the past 6 months. Finally, this week, the SUP decided to skip the uniform committee, skip the procurement red-tape, and bypass the obvious ethical/rule violations and purchased 1,000 patches through CAPS using funds which were almost-certainly NOT earmarked for "Lt. Fenner pet-projects."
There's a mountain of paperwork, email chains, and other records to back up this story.
You aren't going to find a bigger supporter of eliminating cancer than there are here. We've lost too many friends and family members to it. But we do our supporting off-duty and off the taxpayers dime.
Given this regime's constant disregard for the rules, regulations and standards though, does anyone really expect them to actually start following anything now? The taxpayer is meant to be fleeced and exploited for personal gain.
Given this regime's constant disregard for the rules, regulations and standards though, does anyone really expect them to actually start following anything now? The taxpayer is meant to be fleeced and exploited for personal gain.
Labels: we got nothing
Eddie is done within the next month...The VD trial will be too much bad press. Staples has already been briefed on her new assignment. Shhhhh don't tell.
Let Kidney Bean pass these patches out and force us to change the shirts. That’s a lawsuit waiting to happen.
I mean that money could have gone towards some updated equipment for the P.O’s but he obviously lives by the “happy wife, happy life rule”....safety be damned!!!
There are Breast Cancer pins some ifficers wear on their uniforms. That migbtbe easier than the patches.
If a Commander can wear a Ghetto Fabulous Uniform while on duty at a mini-riot; a pink patch is nothing! On May 5th, everyone can wear an Official CPD Sombrero! For Bud Bilikin, everyone can wear that stylish CPD Do Rag similar to the one worn by a Soutside female Sgt.! Rahm and Fathead Ed, do as they please! Remember when Rahm stiffed coppers because Mike Shields forgot to send the letter? Remember when CRs that were unfounded were supposed to disappear from your personnel file? Democrats are above the law and rules, and Rahm's contempt for and of CPD has been a hallmark of his Administration. But the chickens are coming home to roost, on 5 September, when the McDonald trial is set to begin. I have a feeling that Rahm will be hiding, because this is a crisis, that he was able to delay, but he cannot control it. The Genie is out of the bottle. Stay Safe, and be careful. Baby "G"
Instead of wasting time on that let’s just transition our uniforms to navy blue and be done with it! Looks much more professional. The black vest over light blue looks ridiculous escpeically when some gain weight they start to look like sports bras. Of course what does it matter now? Rea police work is dead!
Are these 1000 patches for the CAPS peeps and exempts? Because unless someone buy me a brand new shirt...🖕🏾
Are the patches made by Vanecko Uniforms?
I cannot wait to see the commander from 003 dye her entire u inform pink and wear it, or at least some glittery pink shoes
I’ll buy a couple of uniform shirts, on my own dime
She is as stupid as they come.
Because these are the things the brass is focusing on... not equipment or officer safety/morale or crime reduction. A pink pin would be perfectly acceptable to show support for those with cancer.
“Awareness” doesn’t really do anything. Everyone is aware of breast cancer. Wearing a patch, pink jersey, or using a pink bat isn’t curing cancer. Did anyone know that heart disease is the #1 killer of women in the US? Doubtful. You would think all the “awareness” of breast cancer would’ve cured it by now.
I'm a cancer survivor. Stage 2 colon, ostomy appliance for the rest of my days. I am sick of reading about the goofy fake Lt.
the way policing has been altered to appease the activists in charge of policy. a pink uniform would win overwhelming approval from the elite champagne socialist democratic party of chicago.
Now now, these patches purchased and worn by bypassing every rule in the book will surely stop malignant cells. Just like bypassing laws to shut down a highway stopped all the violence.
So they expect me to take a shirt to the uniform store, have the patch taken off, put the new patch on for a month, go back to the store and have the pink one taken off and a new one put back on. Well, here’s the break down. At the uniform store the cost for a removal, new patch and sewing on a new patch is 7.50. Do that twice and they expect me to spend 15 dollars of my own money?? Also, am I going to wear the same shirt all month long????? No thanks. I work in 009 and if mrs Fenner asks where my patch is I’ll flat out tell her I’m not wearing it. I support the cause to find a cure and support survivors and fighters 100 percent but I don’t support nonsense political feel good statements from a crooked department trying for good PR.
There have been billions thrown at the breast cancer and the rates of it have increased. There appears to be a relationship between the cancers and the pill, abortion and HRT yet this is not well known, why?
Maybe the boss could let us wear blood red patches in honor of the CPD retirees who lost their health care insurance. This Department will not survive this period of adjustment we are going through. There are just to many assholes in key positions.
Well at least he is doing something for a change. Stupid as usual but something that doesn't hurt the CPD like marching with reverends.
My wife is a survivor. She said that if I pandered to the “awareness idiots” by wearing one of these it’ll be me and my best friend, my right hand, for 6 months.
Mr Fenner has learned well at Rahm's knee
If law stands in the way of one of your boondoggles, just ignore it and bypass it.
How about just pink shoelaces instead?
What a baffoon.
Of All the dollars that go to Komen foundation, Avon, and most other outfits, Do you know how much of it goes actually to cancer research, prevention and victims? Answer:. NONE
ITS INFLATED SALARIES AND SCAMS. From the beginning most were good ideas just like our memorial foundation, but now just a money tree and post retirement career for Cline's gang.
Most breast cancer foundations claim to be about "awareness". Such crap. Believe me, we're aware already.
Who is running this city why are we the most corrupt city in United States;
Chicago mayor fires back at Trump after president slams city's crime rate, 'sanctuary' status
First of all, we'll always be a welcoming city, because Chicago welcomed my grandfather, etc. But let me just say one thing, if I were Donald Trump, I’d spend my time figuring out which attorney I’m going to have,” Emanuel told Fox 32 Chicago.
*gee rahm did your grandfather apply and receive the gift of citizenship, pay taxes? My grandfather like many was an immigrant, but that generation didn’t get trillions in free taxpayers paid handouts, that generation were proud to become Americans, flew only the flag that matters the Stars and Stripes! They became citizens and were not illegal criminal mayor, now stop lying!
Emanuel, meanwhile, was apparently preaching to the Democratic choir: A new survey showed that 70 percent of Cook County residents have an unfavorable view of Trump, the station reported.
*where was this poll taken the democrats at city hall? Ahh rahm the black revs are pushing your resignation demonstrating for you to resign mayor now you need to quit pandering to the illegal immigrant community illegal criminals which are only doing for votes the black community is finally realized that you need to go and realize that President Trump is giving them jobs along with the Hispanic community now just resign now and get out of here all the bloodshed you are the chief executive officer of the city of Chicago you are saying nothing about all of this all the people being named and killed on a daily basis what you’re worried about the president speaking the truth!
Mayor you’re like a little girl who trades Barb’s back-and-forth with another little girl about stupid things! When the president is speaking the truth you have no come back but to say stupid things but then again you grew up privileged you grew up in a community without any African-American people or Hispanic people or very few you want to a priveledged school. Mayor you have absolutely no idea about people that are being raised with nothing and mass of poverty you work for the president of the United States your friend very well for eight years did absolutely nothing to help the city of Chicago you’re involved with that you are in the office of the president where you could’ve made change what you did nothing and you’re still doing nothing look at the weekly counts of the people that are like changed forever. Families forced to go to the hospital to visit there Children brothers and sisters that of been shot stabbed named. Then you have the families that have got to go to the County morgue to identify the remains of their dad family members the blood is on the hands of the Democrats do you like the Democrats here make the rules decide not to prosecute and pander just for votes as the politicians here why people are dying.
Patches? We don't need no stinking patches!
Why not give each PO a pink pin to attach on the shirt collars?
First, don't say peeps.
Kees me you fool!!!!
WHEEEEZZZZEEEE was so pissed that this turned out to be a big deal,she took 4 hours on the end even though she came in late....unreal
Chicago poised to make history with their next Supe, appointed by Rahm, and quickly approved by City council. Eddie is already history. Makes no difference, the CPD as we once knew it is already history. If I was not retired living far from Crook county, it would bring a tear to my eye.
Speaking as one who's wife is battling breast cancer at the moment, don't waste my tax dollars on this, find another way. Wear a pink ribbon pin, a pink rubber bracelet that says CPD supports breast cancer awareness, whatever. But to change a uniform policy and waste the tax payers money, is irresponsible to say the least. but I guess these privileged morons don't care about that.
This is what is most important to the higher ups?? SERIOUSLY????
When you open pandoras box (like the traffic blocking marches) you welcome all kinds of nonsense...
Pink patches...?
Why stop there?
Rainbow patches
Purple patches
Green patches
And on & on...
Can’t we just start wearing “murder capital of the world “ patches ? That is just as appropriate.
This will be their argument to make her a Commander. Watch.
Maybe they can first-issue the feather boa because its so fabulous.
I have a better ideas for the use of different color patches. Make the merit promotees wear them so everyone knows they didn’t get the promotion on their own while supporting cancer patients. This should be year round.
When you have society which says that white people are racists, but black people can not be racist, well, it's all kind of down hill from there.
Whats this, watch the video and the news media makes it like the copper did something wrong, but he makes a comment, and the pile on the police there and bastardize the copper just like they do to us daily in chiraq:
Finish yourself off': Yorkville cop suspended, sergeant fired after video reveals police taunting distressed man
Listen to the video, this should be more "training day" be careful everything you say to the criminals or this happens:
Mr Fenner.............Ahhh never mind
What baby wants, baby gets.
Who's running this place?
Nobody. There are no ballsy adults in charge. The CPD and the City are going down the river heading to the waterfall and there is no one to take the helm and change course.
This uniform nonsense is a prime example. Weiss started it with his flexible uniform idea. Patrol officers having multiple uniform configurations and all are legit. Uniform means "ONE FORM".
But when you have a command officer of exempt rank opening disregarding any shade of professionalism, it undermines the entire dignity and respect for the Department and the men and women that bravely serve.
Anonymous Jiminy Cricket said...
Let Kidney Bean pass these patches out and force us to change the shirts. That’s a lawsuit waiting to happen.
I mean that money could have gone towards some updated equipment for the P.O’s but he obviously lives by the “happy wife, happy life rule”....safety be damned!!!
8/23/2018 12:22:00 AM
Lawsuit yea OK there Barnaby Jones, If they change shirts the city pays "first issue" which would mean 1 shirt, we get uniform allowance look around at your fellow coppers. patched pants,sloppy looking clothing guess they are not spending the money wisely! Ahh but then again watching the clown show gold star exempts dress,like the camel girl, and boa bracelet girl, that look like hillbillies why even bother to look nice? Look at the beards, why phony doctor are they egtting "bump cards from?" Long nails ghetto fabulous on women, with hair sticking out with long weaves, we look like the democratic party face!
If true, anyone wearing one is a fool.
While I am not opposed to the idea of fighting breast cancer, I have serious questions about all the fundraisers the Brest Cancer Awareness industry raises.
Now CPD wants to jump on the wagon.
Along with Major League Baseball
Along with the NFL.
I assume the NHL and the NBA also have their homage days.
What do they do with all that money? Research? Or executive perks and big salaries for the high insiders. How much goes for charter jets and limos?
What is their expense ratio?
If we do for Breast Cancer, what about other charitable industries?
March of Dimes?
Easter Seals? How about doing Wounded Warriors?
What if I have an organization that I want to fund tout for?
Like the Second Amendment Foundation?
Or Build the Wall?
Uniform Schuniform.
If it weren’t for ill tackiness they’d have no tack at all.
When Jugghaid authorize the wearing of a Hawaiian Hurricane Awareness lei
(see yesterday’s photo post) ???
So wear a ribbon or patch to bring attention to a cause...hmmmm?
Why not just close an expressway ?
Boneheads late to the show.
Poor management, exemplified.
and another example of the morons running the place when given the answers.
If you ever had the misfortune of dealing with Lie-tenant Fenner this, idiocy will not surprise. A rather dimwitted, self-important, chip on the shoulder racist, now married to our rather slow witted Supt. A marriage made in political heaven. BTW, her gold star is just around the corner~
Instead of wasting time on that let’s just transition our uniforms to navy blue and be done with it! Looks much more professional. The black vest over light blue looks ridiculous escpeically when some gain weight they start to look like sports bras. Of course what does it matter now? Rea police work is dead!
8/23/2018 12:34:00 AM
This is some funny shit
PATCHES? We don't need no stinkin patches.
Taxpayer fucked again huh. Like always.
Keep it up, more and more PRODUCTIVE people living shithole IL while the folks multiply with the crime.
Bet those folks are going to be generating that tax revenue like us right?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I’ll buy a couple of uniform shirts, on my own dime
I’ve got a better idea. Wife is a breast cancer survivor and rather than wasting $100 on the shirts, I’ll just donate the $100 to the Breast Cancer Society instead of running around in the pink shirt. I think the $100 donation will do more to fight breast cancer than wearing a pink shirt
The all to common headline:
Man slain in park near University of Chicago campus: 'He was doing well. This wasn’t supposed to happen:
Golly gee whiz Eddie and Rahm do you think the policies of pandering, of Toni and Kim making sure to let them out quickly, Timmy Evans and the judge club being ordered to throw out cases or release them early, or tommy making jail a pizza party, or the 48 not support police and law and order have anything to do with it! How many bodies have to hit the dirt naps, how many people have to have more holes in them, how many need to be beaten until the Democratic Party responds? Will our dishonest democrat influenced media ever tell the truth? The real story? Until then expect more violence,mayhem,destruction, more lives lost, more agony!
Think about the biggest cover up in this city Chicago public schools the "children" sexually assaulted and no person terminated or charged! Reality is the hierarchy the chief executive officer of the elected here obviously have total disdain for our kids! Keep bastardizing the coppers for anything and everything, keep that false narrative rolling forward! Look at little Lisa and rahm pushing that phony consent decree against police officers, this will further make police not be able to do the toughest job in this corruption filled once proud city. Yet Lisa does zero decrees for the sexually abused children in the Chicago public schools, priorities are skewed as usual,
No revs marching for the kids, no alderman screaming who is being paid off the Chicago way?
I be the mayors son above the law the democrats everywhere are disrespectful of law enforcement with the media bashing we are taking, yet people record us constantly but they suspend the copper for outing this punk pos:
Maybe when this punk gets his ass beat by someone in his circle he will realize that daddy cannot save him!
Wearing pink does absolutely nothing to combat cancer. It is all virtue signalling.
Now Retired...
I have in the past worn a pink ribbon loop on my uniform.
I have in the past worn a blue ribbon loop on my uniform.
I have also in in the past worn a yellow ribbon loop that said,
Poor guy... has to dance whenever the mayor whistles...and wifey too. Another white shirt brainstorm
In this nasty world the Police are supposed to be the Sheep Dogs. Now you have a Wolf running the kennel. Not too good for the sheep.
Never let a crisis go to waste. Remember Rahms motto? Use it against him. Where the hell is the FOP?
The city is in disarray and turmoil People getting killed as if it were Warsaw during WW2, Detective division can't find an elephant in a bathroom and their gonna make officers wear pink patches Are these people insane!
I hope riccio is
Anonymous said...
The city is in disarray and turmoil People getting killed as if it were Warsaw during WW2, Detective division can't find an elephant in a bathroom and their gonna make officers wear pink patches Are these people insane!
8/23/2018 03:46:00 PM
Sell drug = get locked up
Steal a divy bike = get locked up
Cold blooded murder and rape = 🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️
"Who, who doesn't want to wear the ribbon!?"
My mother died of cancer, that doesn't mean I'm going to wear a pink patch. Sorry but you can send me back to 311 I get to wear whatever the fuck I want there.
I’ve got a better idea. Wife is a breast cancer survivor and rather than wasting $100 on the shirts, I’ll just donate the $100 to the Breast Cancer Society instead of running around in the pink shirt. I think the $100 donation will do more to fight breast cancer than wearing a pink shirt
8/23/2018 12:17:00 PM
Guess what , they won't use your donation for ANYTHING cancer related. It's a scam. Bigger than CPMF
'Wake me in 15 minutes' patch.
It's a scam. Bigger than CPMF
8/23/2018 08:34:00 PM
I agree. Both the Breast Cancer Society (BCS) and the Chicago Police Memorial Fund (CPMF) are scams, however, we are being scammed by a former police superintendent with the CPMF. One of our own. What a joke.
8/23/2018 12:34:00 AM
Was this a scenario question on the Lt promotional exam ?
Just axin
Homicide clearance rate is lower that a turtle’s ass and all you can think about is a patch?.?.
Homicide clearance rate is lower that a turtle’s ass and all you can think about is a patch?.?.
8/26/2018 03:27:00 AM
Why, you be thinking about some things more interesting?
Just like giving PO's tie bars. What is this shit !!!!!!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Homicide clearance rate is lower that a turtle’s ass and all you can think about is a patch?.?.
8/26/2018 03:27:00 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Homicide clearance rate is lower that a turtle’s ass and all you can think about is a patch?.?.
8/26/2018 03:27:00 AM
Why, you be thinking about some things more interesting?
8/27/2018 09:57:00 PM
Yep, yes I do’s be thinking about some things more intresting. Lol
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