Friday, December 13, 2019

Welcome to Chicago Charlie

  • Black and Hispanic aldermen unloaded on interim Chicago Police Supt. Charlie Beck on Wednesday for abolishing merit promotions used to bolster the number of minority supervisors in the ranks of the Chicago Police Department.

    “I told him I was completely against it. It puts the department back 20 years — even further than that,” said Ald. Chris Taliaferro (29th), the former police sergeant now leading the City Council’s Committee on Public Safety.

    “I agree with the superintendent that it probably has been abused. There’s a lack of transparency. But why not fix those problems and the abuse rather than getting rid of the whole system of merit selection?”
Well, see the post up top for starters. A three-time "merit" goof thinks he's entitled to yet another bump in pay and pension without once having mastered or demonstrated any actual ability at his previous three spots. In fact, the City and Department are probably on the hook for hundreds of thousands of dollars due to his behavior, not to mention the other millions for promoting unqualified persons.

Aldercreature Taliaferro has a workable suggestion for reforming the system?

Oh. He doesn't. He just want to bitch and moan without an actual solution. Of course, he can't mention that he and other aldercreatures feel that minority officers can't succeed on their own. Taliaferro claims he made it without "merit," which may well be true. How did he succeed? What enabled him to pass the test high enough to get promoted to sergeant? Why can't he sponsor some sort of study group that teaches a proven test-taking technique? Wouldn't that be something to strive for?

That would be an actual solution - the best qualified people getting promoted to those posts.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris did noting but study for the bar and sgt test while on midnites on the range.

12/13/2019 12:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what about Asians?
Oh that's right the Black and Hispanic aldermen don't care.

12/13/2019 12:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate when they say "some people are bad test takers". When you don't know the answers, of course you are.

Don't people need college nowadays to get on the job? Didn't they gave to pass tests then? Or did professors give them the answers ahead of time? or just them a honorary college degree?

12/13/2019 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Won't the "race norming" simply be a matter of skipping over higher-scoring candidates on the list?


12/13/2019 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t all police officers take the same promotional tests? Why can’t black or hispanic officers study hard and do well?

12/13/2019 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous bratton fan said...

I'm sure Beck and Lightfoot both saw it coming. Makes it more impressive that they're taking on the fight. Give them credit.

12/13/2019 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep merit abolished. Could you imagine other professions with merit selection/promotion? This doctor couldn't pass a class to save his life but he/she is a good person. Let's go ahead and make them a doctor anyway

12/13/2019 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taliaferro is a complete stroke.

12/13/2019 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alderbums are just trying to keep their envelopes coming in.

12/13/2019 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We’re told the Bell Curve is not true and based on racism. The easiest way to prove that fact is to study hard and pass!

12/13/2019 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the government is so concerned and wants us to have merit so badly then why don't they just have an entity administer the tests so that way we won't need merit? Do it that way and if not enough blacks and Hispanics score high enough then that's the fault of the piss poor chicago school system. Time for the teachers to start earning their raises.

12/13/2019 01:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome. Study hard and you will be rewarded

12/13/2019 01:46:00 AM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

Pt. I:

"Standards, competence and having to
actually pass promotional exams based
on demonstrable ability is RACIST against
black and brown peoples an' folkses!"

The man said:
"Ohhhh... My head!"

How one can think like that and not have
a headache is beyond our understanding.

Kill Merit...

It's how Chicago elected officialdom,
glass-block-cross make believe clergy,
narco-terrorist street gangs and other
grievance mongers in concert with City
Hall, are able to keep "their people
an' folkses too" in key policy and
operational positions at CPD so that
they will always have a heads-up/leg-up
regarding operations, deployment and
crime fighting strategy.

Or has everyone forgotten how internal
CPD documents have wound up in the hands
of dope dealers, gang bangers and murderers
who have ties to the aldermutts?

Some of whom are currently crying about
their "toy" being taken away...

The ability to bless the undeserving but beholden with
multiple merit bites is a surefire way to groom a cadre
of loyal infiltrators willing to betray their sworn oath
to curry additional favor to their sponsors and when
something DOES arise that could negatively impact their
sponsors and associates, they're in a position to either
give a heads-up or sabotage it from within...

This shit ain't new...

12/13/2019 01:52:00 AM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...


The Irish done it.
The Italians done it.

Chicago Organized Crime done it.

Hell... Everybody has done it.


It IS finally time to do away with this
vile, corrupt, corrosive, morale wrecking
entitlement and privilege dumb-shit and
turn a deaf ear to all the whining and crying
from the professional grievant class about
"getting a leg up" on everybody else.

If they have the time, energy and resources to
bitch, cry and sue, they can pool that time and
energy to gather resources and run study groups.

"Y'all standards too high!"

"We don't have a culture of studying
and putting work in!"

Or are they that terrified of actually
standing on the rock of self sufficiency
because all the excuses will finally
dissipate like a fart in the wind.


No excuses?
No plausible deniability.
No pity-partying.

The TRUE equality these aldermutts
are scared shitless of having to face.

The very real fear of what might happen to THEM if
peoples an' folkses fuck around and finally shake off
the democratic yoke.

12/13/2019 01:52:00 AM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

Pt. III:


Fuck them all up...

Make promotional testing a three part process.

Promotional Exam...

M.M.P.I. Psychological Exam...

Too many unstable m/fers with bad tendencies
in field supervisory and executive ranks.

The higher the tested rank, the more vigorous
and adversarial testing should be.


"WAH! The Cops'll be too smart
and we won't be able to control them!"

And the current Confederacy of Corrupt Dunces
is considered to somehow be more palatable?


Put your work in and...
Free Ya Mind.

Police Like You Have No Friends.

Point & Laugh.

12/13/2019 01:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taliaferro is hooked up. He was in IAD.

12/13/2019 02:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the alderpersons need to direct some attention to some of the other professions that practice in Chicago rather than just the police. They are really lacking people who are minorities. For an example take physicians. You rarely see people of color. Why is that? It’s because of white supremacy and white nationalism. The tests are unfair and are geared to whites only. You need to change the standards in the medical schools in Chicago. There is just too much emphasis on how much a person should know. Now a-days you can just look up procedures and medications on the internet. There is no reason for such high standards except to exclude certain people. And merit should play a big part, if someone can’t pass tests but they are willing to learn on the job why not just pass them. Why do you think they say doctors practice medicine!! The alderpersons could pass laws in Chicago that the medical field must reflect the makeup of the community to ban this racist practice. And when this is achieved all will be well and equal. There are a host of other professions that they could do some social engineering on. Let’s get started!

12/13/2019 02:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He actually proves the point.

If he did it without merit than any minority can do it without merit.

He’s basically saying that minorities are inferior and need a handicap in order to level the playing field. That kind of thinking is actually racist in itself, and is a slap in the face of any minority candidate who has ever made a promotion based on their rank-order score.

12/13/2019 02:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet if mister alderman came down with cancer he would want the best Doctor he could find not the one that scraped by in medical school with c's instead of A's. Or in this case made it because he new the college president.
Why not promote the best qualified regardless of skin color thats the only way to cure a department that they screwed up in the first place. Those entitled assholes got there undeserved positions working the system the Chicago way. They want the power to appoint other assholes to show that they have power. To hell with doing the right thing that isn't the Chicago way.

12/13/2019 05:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Boo Hoo, lets break up the buddy system for a change..Just like the Tact Teams...we have a kid who just came off of probation and went to Tact and another one just barely 3 yrs and going to tact not knowing shit! C'mon Beck...I believe that people shouldn't be in Tact unless you have about 5 or more yrs...these kids no nothing and act like they do. Start keeping track of your Assets kids. All these kids want to do is dress up I jeans and think they are cool.

12/13/2019 05:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

onto test well means your flawed. Also means you do not perform well under stress and do not to be in a leadership position. Sorry but that's a fact.

12/13/2019 05:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris would read game of thrones while working in his squad car in 025. Other than that he didn't bother anyone.

12/13/2019 05:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" Doesn't test well" means one of two things, doesn't know or understand the material, or is just plain dumb. There I said it. Who needs unknowledgeable or stupid leaders? Current leadership in CPD is proof of the opening statement in my post. There are numerous examples through out the current CPD leadership ranks up to and including last Superintendent and you all saw how that played out.

12/13/2019 05:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See it is not just the CPD that is not ready for reform. Maybe there needs to be a decent decree on the Aldercreatures. Old ways die hard in Chicago Charlie good thing you only have two months to go.

12/13/2019 05:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charlie is smart like a fox. He stated that almost all departments have done away with merit promotions. The man has 40 years of law enforcement experience and he is here to babysit but also critique. He has listened to the rank and file and one of the biggest beefs is the unfair promotion process of this department. So he said no more merit promotions while I'm here and now he's the bad guy. Keep being the bad guy because that is what is really needed around here.

12/13/2019 05:45:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Chris----when did you turn into such a panderer?

12/13/2019 06:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you’re so stupid you can’t pass a test without cheating or a merit bump you don’t deserve to be a supervisor.

12/13/2019 06:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Superintendent Beck has some big balls to shut down the merit scam in his first couple days in office. I like this guy already. You’ve got my support boss.

12/13/2019 06:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's quite obvious that the alderman have been using the merit process to pay off people who did political work for them.

12/13/2019 07:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't like the mayor and I only voted for her because there was no other option. But if she sticks to this and figures out a way to fix our pension system, I will vote her again.

12/13/2019 07:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somehow I managed to pass the tests and make Sgt, while in the academy the difference between the merits and those who earned was very obvious. The merits were late and did a lot of sleeping, they walked around like they owned the place, an air of superiority. It was obvious and quite a difference in the way the people off the list acted. We knew how lucky we were to maybe have answered a few more questions right or gained a few points in an oral board, a kind of there but for the grace of God. Not so with the merits they acted as though they were above us, spoiled brats. As we got assigned it was quite telling to see where they went and how long they stayed there. They didn’t stay in patrol long, it wasn’t enough to be merit, they had to have a special spot. So they screwed legit people on the list and then current Sgts by taking spots. It’s almost unbelievable that merits would then have another promotion after that. This whole process pollutes the promotional system and the supervisory ranks with people who view things contrary to the majority. I don’t have to work hard to pass tests just have the right politics and friends. This has been a huge drain on morale as these unqualified merits have risen higher in leadership taking along their unreal careers that the working police can’t relate too.

12/13/2019 07:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A system exist already that basically makes on promotions
if the top 200 are all white they then go to the next brown, yellow, or black.

BUT guess who then complains LGBT want a cut too.
Dont forget white women want a piece too.
What box do i check for that???

But under special ED the numbers flipped and IAD never figured out how that happened. Keep in mind that merit list has a few person from IAD that investigated the LT fenner cheating scandal.

City Hall knows that a few person are planning on filing suit now that the inspector general has info on sex/for merit. (it so good he fell asleep)

12/13/2019 07:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What gets me is after someone gets a "merit" pick they walk around like they passed a test....How come sports teams don't use "merit" when picking players?

12/13/2019 07:36:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

not sure if chris worked the range BUT he was in that 3 lettered dept I*D

12/13/2019 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do we have merit doctors? Merit pilots? Does the Secretary of State hand out merit driver's licenses?

In any profession that requires a test for a license, do they let some people skip passing the test because they're bad test takers?

12/13/2019 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a dream that one day we will be judged not by the color of our skin but on the content of our character. When does that start to happen?

12/13/2019 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That “doesn’t test well” argument is no longer valid. To get promoted to Lieutenant you need a college degree. To get promoted to Sergeant you need 60 credit hours. Most people have college degrees now anyway. Don’t they need to pass tests in College???

12/13/2019 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's talk about Taliaferro, aka Professor Crump. North side do nothing blue shirt. IAD. Then he is made Sargeant, sent to 025, where he " supervises" the PPO van . He immediately turned his back on the police when he became Alderman. Always talking about " sucking titties", isn't that right melted candy bar man? Big disappointment.
025 District Alumni Hanson Park Gatekeeper

12/13/2019 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, the racism of low expectations . If I was black or brown I’d be insulted

12/13/2019 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
" Doesn't test well" means one of two things, doesn't know or understand the material, or is just plain dumb. There I said it. Who needs unknowledgeable or stupid leaders? Current leadership in CPD is proof of the opening statement in my post. There are numerous examples through out the current CPD leadership ranks up to and including last Superintendent and you all saw how that played out.

12/13/2019 05:38:00 AM

If you look at the list of those sergeants who were merit promoted to lieutenant, you will find more then one licensed and practicing lawyer. If you can get through law school and then pass the bar you should be able to " test well". Two I can think of was the former department advocate and then Asst, Dep Supt, and then an Asian district commander. The merit system was never about making minorities who " could not test well" or recognizing outstanding performance. It is and always was about power, and control.

12/13/2019 08:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read in another article (which I can not find now) that merit was made up of 40% white. Well, wouldn't that mean that 60% are black/Hispanic or other. So what's the problem.

12/13/2019 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doing away with merit did noting for the cheaters who had the answers for the Lieutenant’s exam. Getting rid of the merit is a good start, but more is needed. Otherwise there will be a lot of test leaks.

It is about time a face in a book gets promoted instead of a face in someone’s lap.

12/13/2019 08:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taliaferro claims he made it without "merit," which may well be true. How did he succeed? What enabled him to pass the test high enough to get promoted to sergeant? Why can't he sponsor some sort of study group that teaches a proven test-taking technique? Wouldn't that be something to strive for?

He's Sicilian so the books were opened for him....aye...oooh

12/13/2019 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The officers should nominate officers they feel deserve a Merit Promotion I mean they work with the. Everyday who has more knowledge of each other’s skills and ability. Simple. Problem Solved

12/13/2019 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Court decisions have determined that merit promotions can not be made based on race, because it's racist. Race can be used as a factor. The problem is, nothing is written down as to what the qualifications are for Merit so race can't be a factor in some made up merit process. And besides, the current process is very discriminatory. If you are black or Hispanic and not connected you are SOL.

12/13/2019 09:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alderthieves are mad simply because the payoff via Manila envelopes stuffed with cash will not be forthcoming!! Thanks Charlie great move!

12/13/2019 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course Taliaferro doesn't want to see the Merit system eliminated. It has nothing to do with balancing racial percentages. It has everything to do Alderman selling promotions.

12/13/2019 09:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aldercreature Taliaferro is a backstabbing, opportunist who fits in nicely with these "Chicago Values" we have been roasting here on SCC. He would stab his mother in the back to get ahead of everyone else. He makes issues out of thin air and plays the race card ever so nicely! I also suspect that he sees himself as a someday candidate for mayor of Chicago, so anything he does in the media is for recognition, and votes. Watch your Six Mayor Littlefoot. He's a smooth talker with a personal agenda, and makes friendly with people just to get inside...I couldn't honestly say whether he made Sgt on test scores. Anyone else know?

12/13/2019 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just hate that all the clowns got away with murder tho

12/13/2019 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That should read consent decree.

12/13/2019 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you want a merit pilots flying you? Want a merit Dr operate on your Childs brain? Want a merit defense attorney? Didn't think so. These are all the best and brightest, yes there are black pilots, Doctors and Attorneys, but they all had to pass the same tests. Pass the test or find another profession simple as that.

12/13/2019 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it just me or do you think just maybe the alderman had someone in mind for a merit bump? But, that’s just me.

12/13/2019 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2:14 am

Had to laugh. Just think your going in for heart surgery and you find out the surgeon is “merit”.
But, give it time and the Democrats will figure out how to make everything thing merit. It’s called power and they want total control. They don’t want the smartest and brightest. They want the ones they can control. Kim, the judges, etc. wake up already.

12/13/2019 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight.
These clueless alderthieves feel that their “people” can’t handle a 100% legitimate, non meritorious, testing process?
They feel there’s not enough “diversity” in the higher ranks of CPD.
Well Special Ed used lots and lots of meritorious spots for NOBLE people and look at the sad state of affairs of the upper echelon of CPD now. Many, many clueless wonders who couldn’t lead a Cub Scout pack.

12/13/2019 10:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is everyone so happy? Beck said he won't promote merit while he is here, according to him that's only 3 months. Beck said he will recommend the next supt not use merit either. Hear that - recommend. Ain't ever going to happen.

12/13/2019 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I bet if mister alderman came down with cancer he would want the best Doctor he could find not the one that scraped by in medical school with c's instead of A's."

Maybe a better analogy would be a doctor who got substandard SAT and MSAT scores, was accepted into Med school anyway based on "merit" criteria, and was given B's and C's for D and F work, by professors who either thought it virtuous or who were afraid not to. Those doctors now exist.

In other words, the problem with CPD's merit system is replicated throughout society, and it's a problem we're not permitted to fully and directly discuss.

12/13/2019 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I FOIA’d the results from this past sergeants test shortly after we received our results Requested they break it down by race and sex from both parts of the test. I then did the math to calculate the percentages. If you recall, when you signed up online to take that test one of the questions asked was your race. They only asked this when you originally applied online to register to take the test. Part one of the test shows no one claimed to be of Asian/pacific islander heritage, but this same ethnic group is magically represented in part two. How would that be possible?? I will find this documentation and forward to SCC. SPOILER ALERT!!!! Minorities and women fared the worse. Things that make you scratch your head.

12/13/2019 10:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Probably was abused...”.
What doesn’t Talafarrio disagree with?

And what does Dumb as a Box of Hammers Lari LightLoafer mean the new exam will be Pass or Fail ?
Its already is pass or fail to get to Part 2.
It’s passing Part 1 by answering just 50%(?) of the exam (somewhat correctly) in dumb downed Part 1 Exam and meriting positions for a no-show to Part 2 portion is where the problem exists.

If LightLoafer says if her new improved Pass-Fail doesn’t work, they’ll find another way to get to 21st Century promotion mandating, which means Bidness as Usual or a more affirmative action.

12/13/2019 10:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This sounds like they are saying minority’s can’t pass a test even though the study material is announced to all. Actually it’s embarassing.

12/13/2019 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How does the LAPD promote? I'm sure they have the same kind of issues there as we do here. The real issue here is political control of the PD to take care of certain people. They can't let go.

12/13/2019 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why can’t black or hispanic officers study hard and do well?"

Easier said than done. Each and every one of us could get a PHD in physics, but who wants to put in all that study time? Nevertheless, some are willing to put in the study time required, and that's why they do well. I hear that Einstein was particularly studious.

12/13/2019 10:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taliaferro was my Alderman before I moved, he sure isn't taking care of his ward, spending his assets in areas where the folks are the worst. Take care of your ward that borders Elmwood park.

12/13/2019 12:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While my late African wife was not a cop she was very outspoken about how it made her feel when she was hired and got promoted in business. She said it made her feel like people thought she was only there because of color when her I.Q. was 165. She further thought it a ridiculous slap in the face to black people to in-fact say, hey you can't get anywhere without gifts due only to color. The hypocrites claiming to be representing the blacks are saying we have to make the tests easier and give them help so they can get ahead in life because they are all so damn dumb and lazy. It made her feel terrible that was the policy the government pushed but it did make her try even harder to prove to everyone she was actually a very smart lady. So certainly not all agree with the way things are but of course the give it to me cuz I'm black segment will continue to whine and cry and carry on just as a bratty child will do if not given their way. And the adults in this country just let them keep doing it. So of course it was only a matter of time before Chucky was in the dog house for the merit letter. The politicians don't care as long as they still remain on the gravy train and keep getting reelected. Even when non-Hispanic whites become the minority the blacks will continue on gripping about color and racism. As my wife used to say, it's the only card in their deck. Naturally the usual suspects would have called her all sorts of names for leaving the plantation and thinking for herself.

But really it hardly matters what Chuck says, he's a sort timer. Nice to hear but won't change anything. Chicago Values remain firmly in place. Larry's permanent pick for sup will be something more like Oakland's "Granny" Kirkpatrick. Larry's idea of a LE true progressive change-agent. I doubt Granny or any other pick will much care what an old white guy has to say about special spots for the protected classes.

Reference our rotund ex-sup, the love bandit, perhaps he can wangle a reality show out of this soap opera.

12/13/2019 12:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Don’t all police officers take the same promotional tests? Why can’t black or hispanic officers study hard and do well?

12/13/2019 12:18:00 AM

Hey fuckhead! I’m Hispanic and have scored high and gotten promoted 3 times! No answers, no favors! And have a hard work ethic AND have worked in the worst shitholes! Don’t get ahead of yourself and lop everyone into the same group.

12/13/2019 12:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many officers who've earned the carter Harrison/lambert tree, police medal or valor have made merit?

12/13/2019 01:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every working copper knows that merit anything are all suck asses and have some sort of political ties.

12/13/2019 01:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I was Black or Hispanic I would be so insulted. The alderman are saying Black and Hispanic officers are not as smart as white officers. Disgusting. Democrats make everything racial. They truly hurt minority’s.

12/13/2019 02:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does someone on midnights at the range do. What are their job duties?

12/13/2019 03:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merit air traffic controllers? Merit doctors? Merit architects? Merit engineers? Merit astronauts? I think the libtards would love to have 30% merit in every field. Except the field that they work in that is, then they feel it should be earned, not given.

12/13/2019 04:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I be a merit cta bus driver?

12/13/2019 04:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ill take a Merit pick that knows how to Police, is fair and treats the Officers with respect over someone that did absolutely nothing while a PO and simply tested well. Are you guys blind? Haven't you noticed the number of people who were promoted via test and are some of the worst Supv you can find.

12/13/2019 05:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 12/13/2019 03:22:00 they qualify a fuckload of people and let cops that actually give a fuck practice. Douche....

12/13/2019 07:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A rigged merit system fu--s people of color too alderpersons. Why is this not so obvious.

12/13/2019 09:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Don’t all police officers take the same promotional tests? Why can’t black or hispanic officers study hard and do well?

12/13/2019 12:18:00 AM

Hey fuckhead! I’m Hispanic and have scored high and gotten promoted 3 times! No answers, no favors! And have a hard work ethic AND have worked in the worst shitholes! Don’t get ahead of yourself and lop everyone into the same group.

12/13/2019 12:55:00 PM

Take that tone to the Aldermen who think otherwise boss

12/13/2019 10:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boo fucking who, blacks and Hispanics are over represented on this dept and the supervisory ranks, when you consider entrance and promotional test results. How about this for a change, the best person for the job, regardless of race or gender.

12/13/2019 10:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do we have merit doctors? Merit pilots? Does the Secretary of State hand out merit driver's licenses?

Yes, we call them TVDL's in Illinois.

And, you can take the US Constitution test in spanish as well to become a citizen...

12/13/2019 10:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why no merit NFL , NBA
if every team had a minimum of 1 asian , 1, Mexican , 1 Puerto Rican , 1 Black and 2 whites
all teams would be = , it would be much more interesting to watch

12/13/2019 10:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This sounds like they are saying minority’s can’t pass a test even though the study material is announced to all. Actually it’s embarassing.

12/13/2019 10:37:00 AM

Not only is the study material announced to all, but it is on the Internet for the whole world to see. Study in the squad car, study in the crapper, study at the bar - Its all there, and the questions all come from it. Can't be that hard. Can it?

12/13/2019 11:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Do you want a merit pilots flying you? Want a merit Dr operate on your Childs brain? Want a merit defense attorney? Didn't think so. These are all the best and brightest, yes there are black pilots, Doctors and Attorneys, but they all had to pass the same tests. Pass the test or find another profession simple as that.
12/13/2019 09:29:00 AM

We have a merit State's Attorney. Nominated by Toni Preckwinkle!

12/13/2019 11:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ll take a Merit pick that knows how to Police, is fair and treats the Officers with respect over someone that did absolutely nothing while a PO and simply tested well. Are you guys blind? Haven't you noticed the number of people who were promoted via test and are some of the worst Supv you can find.

Your an idiot!

12/14/2019 02:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys understand that this guy and Barbara West are part of the Ike Carothers machine. Ice House baby! The first to support Larry Lightfoot.

12/14/2019 04:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't see any Asian or White kids shopping with a cop?

12/14/2019 07:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
That “doesn’t test well” argument is no longer valid. To get promoted to Lieutenant you need a college degree. To get promoted to Sergeant you need 60 credit hours. Most people have college degrees now anyway. Don’t they need to pass tests in College???
12/13/2019 08:34:00 AM

What happened to working your way up? Get rid of College requirements!

12/14/2019 07:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I think the alderpersons need to direct some attention to some of the other professions that practice in Chicago rather than just the police. They are really lacking people who are minorities. For an example take physicians. You rarely see people of color. Why is that? It’s because of white supremacy and white nationalism. The tests are unfair and are geared to whites only. You need to change the standards in the medical schools in Chicago. There is just too much emphasis on how much a person should know. Now a-days you can just look up procedures and medications on the internet. There is no reason for such high standards except to exclude certain people. And merit should play a big part, if someone can’t pass tests but they are willing to learn on the job why not just pass them. Why do you think they say doctors practice medicine!! The alderpersons could pass laws in Chicago that the medical field must reflect the makeup of the community to ban this racist practice. And when this is achieved all will be well and equal. There are a host of other professions that they could do some social engineering on. Let’s get started!

12/13/2019 02:14:00 AM
It’s already here my friend. I’ve read numerous articles (but can’t find them rn), that indicate POC are being passed in med school just to get them through. One article basically said, if a POC walks into your exam room, you should probably be worried. Wait till they start doing this with pilots. Or maybe they already are?!?!

12/14/2019 07:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crazy idea... want something? work for it!

Aaaaaaaand the award/position goes to.... the most qualified! hooooooooray

12/14/2019 08:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merit should not be used for balancing out races in supervisory positions. Just as bad as identity politics. If you believe that this is necessary, than you just insulted every Hispanic, and Black officer in this department, because you are saying they are not as smart as white officers, and they need merit to get promoted. shame on you.

12/14/2019 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what these Hispanic and Black Aldermen are saying is that minorities are not as knowledgeable about this job as white officers, and need merit to get promoted. That's insulting to all non whites on this job!

12/14/2019 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey fuckhead! I’m Hispanic and have scored high and gotten promoted 3 times! No answers, no favors! And have a hard work ethic AND have worked in the worst shitholes! Don’t get ahead of yourself and lop everyone into the same group.

The ozzi's and calderon's of the world are still here

12/14/2019 11:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's talk about Taliaferro, aka Professor Crump. North side do nothing blue shirt. IAD. Then he is made Sargeant, sent to 025, where he " supervises" the PPO van . He immediately turned his back on the police when he became Alderman. Always talking about " sucking titties", isn't that right melted candy bar man? Big disappointment.
025 District Alumni Hanson Park Gatekeeper

Known chris since the academy day's. Not a cop just a stool opportunist. Licking the leftfoot tree as of now.

12/14/2019 11:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
How many officers who've earned the carter Harrison/lambert tree, police medal or valor have made merit?

12/13/2019 01:27:00 PM

My guess would be none

12/14/2019 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Insulting or not STFU and pass the next test. If you don't pass whose fault is that? Just wondering. No need for Merit from this week forward pass the test to get promoted period end of any further discussions. Any new promotion from legit list. If you " test bad" your not going to be promoted no exceptions for anyone going forward. Best and brightest only need apply. Top 20% on the list promoted to open slots. Free to take the next test hoping to be in top 20%. Twice merit or more should be required to pass current rank test, fail test and automatic demotion, fail the rank down test and another demotion.

12/14/2019 04:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

 Anonymous said...

Hey fuckhead! I’m Hispanic and have scored high and gotten promoted 3 times! No answers, no favors! And have a hard work ethic AND have worked in the worst shitholes! Don’t get ahead of yourself and lop everyone into the same group.

Hey fuckhead, and Hispanic aldermen said that and a black aldermen. why don't you put your fucking bullshit bragging crap on there specific Ward websites. Or sign your fucking name and prove that you're not just another fucking merit hack.

Any fucking cop that talks all the shit about the shitholes they worked in and how they are legit and how they have a strong work ethic should sign their name and let other people chime in. or just sit behind your computer and tell yourself what a great fucking cop you are. Either way nobody gives a fuck..

12/14/2019 05:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mir promotions have been a meal ticket for the stupid for a very long time.

12/14/2019 05:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We had people in the academy who only passed in the low '70s even tho they were allowed to cheat because the instructors would leave the room while we were taking the tests. So a few of us, the ones with IQ's above the Level of barn yard chickens, would yell out the answers.

Jesus Christ how hard is it to darken the little circle next to A,B,C,D, when someone tells you which one to choose ? And pencil the right one? Apparently harder then it sounds.

One mullet head passed with a 72% overall, 2% above fail. WITH TESTING HE WAS ALLOWED TO CHEAT ON!

12/14/2019 07:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hispanic that earned his promotion should be organizing support to end Merit, political promotions .
I bet everyone thinks you are Merit because of the Alderman that fight for Merit .

12/14/2019 08:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
That “doesn’t test well” argument is no longer valid. To get promoted to Lieutenant you need a college degree. To get promoted to Sergeant you need 60 credit hours. Most people have college degrees now anyway. Don’t they need to pass tests in College???
12/13/2019 08:34:00 AM

Standards for college have decreased since the 70's' How often do they flunk college students?

12/14/2019 11:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Let's talk about Taliaferro, aka Professor Crump. North side do nothing blue shirt. IAD. Then he is made Sargeant, sent to 025, where he " supervises" the PPO van . He immediately turned his back on the police when he became Alderman. Always talking about " sucking titties", isn't that right melted candy bar man? Big disappointment.
025 District Alumni Hanson Park Gatekeeper

Known chris since the academy day's. Not a cop just a stool opportunist. Licking the leftfoot tree as of now.

12/14/2019 11:19:00 AM

Worked the park car with a f/1 bodybuilder partner in 024. Never workers, just sort of there. Didn't bother him then that were only 6 blacks working in 024 at the time.

12/15/2019 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Superintendent Beck has some big balls to shut down the merit scam in his first couple days in office. I like this guy already. You’ve got my support boss.

12/13/2019 06:52:00 AM

I second that. A big well done to the Superintendent and Mayor Lightfoot.
And that comes from someone who's no fan of Lightfoot.
Beck may not remain Supt, but I hear he's in the running to be the Public Safety Director. That means police, fire and OEMC will answer to him. So don't be surprised if he hangs around a bit longer than 3 months.

12/15/2019 03:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I second that. A big well done to the Superintendent and Mayor Lightfoot.
And that comes from someone who's no fan of Lightfoot.
Beck may not remain Supt, but I hear he's in the running to be the Public Safety Director. That means police, fire and OEMC will answer to him. So don't be surprised if he hangs around a bit longer than 3 months.

12/15/2019 03:54:00 PM

Now that would be good news

12/15/2019 10:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, the ones who benefit by it never want it to end. They could care less about the legitimate officers that get fucked repeatedly out of promotions, as long as they get theirs it’s all OK

12/17/2019 09:15:00 AM  

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