Monday, August 03, 2020

Good Theory

But this is Chicago, so the usual rules go out the window. This is in regards to the rumor that Groot is going for a Reduction in Force of 2,000 in the coming years:
  • Unfortunately, just guess why this reduction is on tap?

    The legal beavers got back to the mayor's office and the governor about licensing police. Well well well, it would disband COPA etc, why you ask? Every single professional board from doctors, lawyers, teachers, tradesman, judges even politicians being impeached in Illinois has an oversight by guess who? Other professionals in that same field. Even military court marshalls [sic] are determined by other military members. Due to they found out they can't have a real police licensing board without oversight by sworn police.

    Funny or Ironic? FOP probably could sue to get rid of COPA and the police board and replace it with police, but it would cost too much money and cause riots. But a licensing board would legally pave the way for that due to current established Illinois labor boards and legal precedence.
Interesting, but again, the purpose here isn't to make a better police force, but to ruin and render useless the force as constructed.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to mention— the tax is done. How do you expect to have police with a shit budget- see the shit hole suburban departments that lay off cops to balance budgets. But doing so exacerbates the issue

8/03/2020 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This licensing thing is a no go!!!!! So if I’m going to be forced to obtain malpractice insurance then I don’t respond to the following jobs...... any that deal with a drunk, domestic, a nut, or a human being. I will respond to the occasional stray or abandoned dog.

If I’m going to be forced to insure myself then I will not risk my insurance coverage or license...... 19-P; um squad reassign this job to one of them social workers or one of them units that can’t get insurance

8/03/2020 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you lose 200,000 taxpayers, who is going to pay for the police officers anyway?

It is called a Demographic Death Spiral, although maybe Democrat Death Spiral describes the root cause more effectively.

It is also known as White Flight even though many of the smart people fleeing Chicago will be Asian, Hispanic, and African American too.

8/03/2020 02:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sort of like a school principle handling sexual abuse allegations instead of notifying police and reporting the crime.

8/03/2020 04:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I firmly believe that the current "Defund the Police" movement by many big cities is due to their horrific budget deficits. By defunding the police, they wrongly believe that by eliminating the police budget, they'd be able to close their budget gaps. They can't do this with the teachers' unions because they get money from them so they're attacking the police unions who rarely give to them. Obviously, this is a grave error as it's like setting your house on fire because you have no heat -- your temporary heating problem will soon become a permanent one.

8/03/2020 05:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Defund COPA!

8/03/2020 06:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems like Groot is spending ALL her time on this bullshit Virus and how to screw with Police. Never mind their are so many things that need to be addressed in this City besides us.

8/03/2020 06:28:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Mayor BugEyes and Governor Jabba had to step aside and let the grownups analyze this one.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

8/03/2020 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Licensing is a bad thing.

8/03/2020 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about sue and get rid of residency too?

8/03/2020 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are teachers licensed? Are teachers subject to random drug testing? If they are not they should be it's for the children.

8/03/2020 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And now that New Jersey will permit illegal immigrants to get professional licenses, it's only a matter of time before Chicago adopts this moronic idea and licenses illegals as police officers. They won't even have to speak English.

8/03/2020 08:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are some real smart people.
Let me tell you something about professional licensing...
I once worked with dozens of others operating as mechanical service techs for an IL state licensed company under the company’s IDPH and IPR licenses until incentivized (by salary increase) to take an state exam to operate independently which alleviated the licensing liability, suspension or revocation on the Company should there be any violations or lawsuits. The medical field does a lot of this sort of stuff too.

With that in mind, I wonder if during the onset of CoviLockdown if Larri’s barber “operated” under the supervision of a licensed stable groom?

Here’s the deal, if the City holds the professional license it could easily replace high salaried employees with “associates”.
And don’t forget - it doesn’t take a teacher to turn on a computer to administer a “StayAtHome / Remote L’ernin program”, sort of like turning on Sesame Street for the tykes, then going downstairs to a load of laundry. There are a few homeschooling, elearning outfits selling their lesson plan subscriptions for around $3000 a yr, also a free public level program (CPS model?), depending on accreditation as if that matters in Chicago.

So I think this LEO licensing is just hot air from lying politicians. They’ll simply put their efforts into Contract violating. $15 hr social justice response monitors, sure they come to fill in the 2,000 slots lost to some sort of attrition, just like they did in the ‘90’s with that big civilian push with desk, lockup and admin aides.
I think at some point CPS-CTU will find this licensing thing is going to have them lobbying for more accreditation requirements by elearning outfits just to protect their own jobs should this StayAtHome eLerning’ becomes the new normals they want.

8/03/2020 10:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If she wants to reduce the force offer 2% medical at 50 years of age with 20 years. Hell I would even waive any retro for that deal

8/03/2020 12:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The next Scamdemic Lockdown/Stay at Home Order and shutdown of all Illinois Non-Essential Businesses will occur on or about the 1st of September and will continue through November.Days Off Cancelled and back to 12 Hour Days.The Order is already floating around.

8/03/2020 05:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If she wants to reduce the force offer 2% medical at 50 years of age with 20 years. Hell I would even waive any retro for that deal

8/03/2020 12:00:00 PM

Plenty would wave a pension to work Michigan Ave VRI in retirement.

8/03/2020 06:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My wife teaches in the burbs. She just found out that they’re go to do E Learning . However, the teachers have to report to school and conduct the online classes from their empty classrooms. Are you listening you little bug eyed freak. Get those lazy, socialists, do nothing CPS teachers back into school and not on the couch watching CNN and BET.

8/03/2020 10:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does CPD respond to non criminal incidents
Examples. Caller said his sister acting the fool
Man walking down street talking to himself
Baby daddy wants police while he goes to house to pick up personal belongings at 0200hrs
My child won’t go to school
My 35 year old son disrespecting me
My 17 year old daughter has boyfriend in her bedroom and wants him to stay all night
My boyfriend disrespected me , I wants him out
My baby cut knee , I wants ride to hospital
Mentally ill people , fire department , social workers or men in white coats , not armed police
Land lord changed locks on doors turned off heat , electric , tell them to call 311 , let them get a warrant

8/04/2020 11:24:00 AM  

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