Friday, December 04, 2020


We are led by the best and brightest, right?

  • All the schools are closed.

    Bars are closed

    Restaurants are closed.

    But today at CPD mandatory wellness training at Olive Harvey college the dept thinks it’s wise to put 80 officers in a room and practice breathing techniques ! Are we serious here???

    Covid hitting all districts and units and this fucked up dept is putting officers through this.

Gotta get that training done, but God forbid we adequately man beat cars and supervise them.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stupidity. The suckass instructors are drinking the kool aid. We had one house mouse PO state to the room, "If anyone isn't comfortable with the scenarios we could do one-on-one after training class". Pricks rather keep their cushy mon-fri spot and infect us with the china-flu.

12/04/2020 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city is absolutely hypocritical and against everything the “experts” are preaching. This is senseless and dangerous. Cops are going to get sick then return to the streets and go to peoples homes on 911 calls.

12/04/2020 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was there on Wednesday for this shitshow. The F/1 teaching the final block of instruction including the BS deep breathing asked for input from the class at many times/scenarios. She was asking about work stressors. We had an old timer from canine raise his hand and say “you hypocrites running the dept and this training are stress. We can’t use the gym at work but we can sit in here for 8 hours wearing masks, told we’d get asked to leave if we didn’t wear masks properly BUT YOURE THE THIRD INSTRUCTOR TEACHING TODAY THAT ISNT WEARING A MASK”. I nearly pissed myself. And wouldn’t you know it— This instructor started wearing her mask while videos were playing only removing it to talk. At the end of class he also called her on the BS that the police have to learn all this garbage but the same won’t be taught in schools but Jon Burge “torture”, defund the police etc WILL be taught. What a effing joke. I think I can feel my covid starting already cuz of this class.

12/04/2020 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very true. It’s also very disturbing. Why isn’t this useless FOP doing anything about it? Enough already!!!! One or two people hitting the medical instead of going to training will do nothing. This piece of shit dept will never listen. The problem is there is way too many coppers with such big egos and attitudes that are really just a bunch of yes men pussies. Time to stand up!!

12/04/2020 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Unbelievable said...

I cant breathe! Wait, let me read data again.

What freakin moron thought, oh thats right- never mind

12/04/2020 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Refuse the exercise. Someone should speak up in class.

12/04/2020 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These training start times need to addressed in the next contract. We work a watch for reason. We should be compensated if its outside our base start time per watch regardless if its training. It is still work and our job. Furthermore, we have never been compensated for being forced to carry additional tools some of which come with lots of liability. Fop should try to get some ruling they we dont have to carry a taser or Lemart pouch unless we a compensated. It they want us to be psychologists and surgeons than pay us much much more. Too much liability with these tools. If they made ambulance crews carry tasers because of lack of police, they would be compensated. Same if firefighters were told to carry guns or special underwater breathing equipment. need to use the courts. Hit them on residency big time. games over.

12/04/2020 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who was there should hit medical. Be home for Christmas with your family.

12/04/2020 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real problem is that the fuckin FOP is useless. The other problem is too many brain dead coppers who would follow orders blindly into obliteration. Too many coppers who would voluntarily attend training even if it meant loss of their own life.

12/04/2020 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats ok... I have bike training two weeks from now with 19 of my classmates. I hope they have skis for those bikes. A serious question, if one of us hits a patch of ice and end up IOD does our status get extended?

12/04/2020 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kind of like in Boot Camp where they cram you into
the gas chamber and order you to unmask...

We do believe that Groot and the exempts
are deliberately trying to expose as many
Policemen as they can to the WuFlu...

Just plain evil, vile and wicked m/fers
running this city and department.

12/04/2020 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there some sort of law suit that can be filed? Even if you don’t
Get the illness? Based on the fact that the city knowingly put us
In a situation where we could have been infected. Make them pay
us!!!! I mean I’m fucking white knuckling it over here and it’s taking
A toll on my family my mental health etc wtf . I know we work in dangerous
Scenarios all the time but if your confronted with a deadly situation you
Have training and all that to fight back . In this situation they are walking us
Into the gauntlet and we have no chance and if you don’t go you get
Disciplined c’mon gotta be something there . I know someone gonna
Say you got nothing kid but really someone gotta do something

12/04/2020 02:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is utterly amazing! It’s training that really isn’t training at all. It’s a big nothing. It’s smoke and mirrors. The only thing it accomplishes is spending of tax dollars and the spreading of Covid.

12/04/2020 02:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gotta be force fed about our implicit bias and blah blah bullshit under the guise of our “ wellness”. The left views us as Neanderthals and thoroughly believes they are bettering society by helping us. They then finish the day by giving us some well connected Primerica consultant who’s getting rich off of re-allocating our deferred compensation. That’s the real reason it’s not being cancelled.

12/04/2020 02:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Total waste of 8 hours of my life plus nearly 2 hours behind the wheel to get out there and back home. Next time I get notified to go out there I'll take the deviation or stay home for 3 days.

12/04/2020 03:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The people running things know the pandemic is greatly exaggerated. This is why they ignore their own edicts sometimes minutes after issuing them.
Do you really think they would risk their lives and the lives of their loved ones if they thought for 1 second the threat was real?

12/04/2020 03:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Swing by 35th st and pick up your Small Pox blankets on your way hime.

12/04/2020 05:27:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Remember, wellness training can get you sick.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

12/04/2020 05:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I nearly got thrown out of class when I sat down instead of audience participation.

12/04/2020 06:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Super spreader event. Where is the CDC. I can’t wait to leave here.

12/04/2020 06:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got to go to the south side for 8 hours of useless training about finance, nutrition and breathing techniques. But you can do sexual harassment training in 15 minutes on line.

12/04/2020 06:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Old Guy said...

Have a heart SCC, these trainers (not) need to make money with Christmas coming. 😮 Oh sorry, I forgot Christmas is cancelled this year.

12/04/2020 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think groot is trying to kill us

12/04/2020 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CPD has turned into a real shithole circus.

12/04/2020 07:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! You have to know how to breathe! Because if you don’t’ll die! That’s right! DIE! This department is run by self recognized geniuses.

12/04/2020 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Godsel is a moron, over-promoted years ago. And Brown threatening bosses to not let Lightfoot get another bad consent decree report doesn’t help.

12/04/2020 07:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Class action lawsuit

12/04/2020 07:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This merit led department could care less about the Officers. I just watched the CAPS Commander on ch 9 talking about another gun turn in. OMG what a moron. I see once again that CPD wasted multiple merit selections on a chest full of medals idiot.

12/04/2020 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And then they will say WE are the reason that numbers are spiking in CPD.

12/04/2020 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My bar ain't closed lol!

12/04/2020 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jugghead SpecialEd sat on his ass for 3-1/2 years basically ignoring these now ever-so-important Con-Decree mandates written by a biased ensemble of stooges of the obama administration in response to a riots, looting and destruction on behalf of a violent robbery assailant who beat an elderly immigrant store clerk in a small town convenience store north of St Louis.

Remember they axe’d Jugghead how’s the training and reforms going, he basically said he had nuttin’, they tell him to step up a bit and Jugg responded “duly noted”.

So now everyone on the Beat patrol level, a few of the Merit Command are jumping through hoops trying to appease a StayAtHome policing reform board to comply-Comply-COMPLY to these nonsense 21st Century community immunity justice order.

I’m not sure who’s left from the Jugghead SpecialEd Multi-Merit Command but that was one f*cked up crew. I’ll say one thing, Larri LightLoafer is enjoying the chaos, it keeps the reform narrative going.

12/04/2020 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This consent decree is complete nonsense. The DOJ isn’t even overseeing it nor did they implement it. It’s the devil child of Lisa Madigan , she has never had an idea of her own. She steals others ideas and tries to pass them as her own. What’s the point of this bull shit training because that’s exactly what is if you don’t follow the other guidelines like adding more sergeants to supervise the PO’s. Some districts have one sergeant for an entire watch. It’s all bullshit and the media refuses to cover it. A god damn joke

12/04/2020 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where's the priority,014 District, downing beat cars daily, sending PO's to Southshore HS and Olive Harvey, 5 PO's in the front office, 4-5 PO's in the Caps office,while creating a safety issue for the PO's on the street. Put these cream puff dollies on cars and work the streets what you were hired to do. UNBELIEVABLE

12/04/2020 09:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats ok... I have bike training two weeks from now with 19 of my classmates. I hope they have skis for those bikes. A serious question, if one of us hits a patch of ice and end up IOD does our status get extended?

Hit them where it hurts, young copper. Dont worry about status.

12/04/2020 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

commie democrats only follow the science that will destroy America .

12/04/2020 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the PPO who asked about bicycle training... Someone got injured in my class when we had bike training and at the end of our PPO status, an order came out indicating what districts all of us would be going to at the end of our probation, with the exception of that person and a few others who had gotten injured while they were on PPO status. You'll get whatever amount of time you're IOD added to the end of your status and lose the PPO tag later than your classmates.

12/04/2020 11:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Like to watch said...

Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...
Remember, wellness training can get you sick.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

12/04/2020 05:47:00 AM

Welcome back sir!

12/04/2020 03:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What priorities? 014 District, 5 PO's in the front office, 4-5 PO's in the Caps office, downing three beat cars daily, sending PO's to Southshore HS and Olive Harvey, and detailing 1443 to downtown daily. Put these cream puff dollies on beat cars and work the streets, that's what you were hired to do. UNBELIEVABLE

12/04/2020 04:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t forget to remind everyone who attends the wellness class at Olive-Harvey College that during one of the classes, all participants will be asked to get up from their seats and balance themselves on one leg in a Yoga fashion while breathing in through the nose and exhaling through the mouth in an attempt to reach internal peace ang total nirvana

12/04/2020 04:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats ok... I have bike training two weeks from now with 19 of my classmates. I hope they have skis for those bikes. A serious question, if one of us hits a patch of ice and end up IOD does our status get extended?


HERE IS A TIP for all the new people who get forced into bicycle training.

IF YOU ARE SMART you will completely act like you never rode a bike before.

Act like you are injured and therefore cannot ride the bike. (pulled muscles, leg/ankle/foot injury.. whatever) OR.. just hit the medical the first 3 days of the training. (or last 3 days)

If you go through the training and then do the test in the end, stop and keep putting your foot on the ground. You will get disqualified and will NOT be officially bicycle trained. You WILL NOT be punished. Many people fail and it is no problem.

IF YOU ALLOW yourselves to be bike trained the department can summon you throughout your entire CPD career to do some completely ignorant, stupid, dangerous activity with those damn bikes. And REMEMBER, you will NOT get extra pay for being on that damn bike risking your neck while the rest of us are sitting in cars getting the same pay in a safer mode of transportation. Make em' PAY YOU extra!!!

You can apply the same advice for being issued GAS MASKS. You state you have high blood pressure or get dizzy or are afraid of confided places. PAY ME EXTRA!!!

CIT training .. hit the first 3 days of the 5 days on medical. (or last 3 days)

RIFLE TRAINING .. hey officer! You have a rifle correct?
I want you to go first in that door because there is a crazy guy with a gun in there . . PAY ME EXTRA!!!

CFD gets extra pay for being EMT trained; HAZ-MAT trained; Paramedic trained.

12/04/2020 05:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is more useless training for the pig mayor to sing praises of reform. You see this is how she runs things, useless things on a day to day basis. She does useless things and sells them to the Pravda media who sell it to the community as leading edge training that cures all ills. Same shit new day. If you think you are feeling ill hit the medical. Speak freely at the stupid shit being sold as training. Point, laugh and walk away.

12/04/2020 07:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP should file an OSHA complaint and get the Feds and CDC involved!

12/04/2020 07:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your a PPO, this is not whine and get what you want. Bikes ride year round without skis and have excellent instructors. Let me guess, your on days in the violent 20th district. If you listen to the instructors you will be fine. Put your yellow card down

12/04/2020 08:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I swear, CPD is run by a bunch of fuck'n idiot's!!!! Mainly Larry Lightfoot!!!!

12/04/2020 11:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jugghead SpecialEd sat on his ass for 3-1/2 years basically ignoring these now ever-so-important Con-Decree mandates written by a biased ensemble of stooges of the obama administration in response to a riots, looting and destruction on behalf of a violent robbery assailant who beat an elderly immigrant store clerk in a small town convenience store north of St Louis.

Remember they axe’d Jugghead how’s the training and reforms going, he basically said he had nuttin’, they tell him to step up a bit and Jugg responded “duly noted”.

So now everyone on the Beat patrol level, a few of the Merit Command are jumping through hoops trying to appease a StayAtHome policing reform board to comply-Comply-COMPLY to these nonsense 21st Century community immunity justice order.

I’m not sure who’s left from the Jugghead SpecialEd Multi-Merit Command but that was one f*cked up crew. I’ll say one thing, Larri LightLoafer is enjoying the chaos, it keeps the reform narrative going.

12/04/2020 08:53:00 AM

He had a way with words
"I got more questions than answers"
"Duky noted"
"They were just funnin'"

12/05/2020 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked with that guy. Good copper a little crazy but decent.

12/05/2020 01:38:00 PM  

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