Monday, August 14, 2023

Larry's First Dumb Misstep

Well this is just ridiculous:

  • The most concrete change Snelling floated during his announcement Monday was reforming the department’s promotional procedures. City records show that Snelling twice received promotions through the CPD’s “merit” system, which was aimed at bolstering gender and racial diversity among the ranks of Chicago police supervisors but has faced near-constant criticism for rewarding political loyalty.

    Asked Monday if the merit system would remain in place under his leadership, Snelling said it would but “there will be a more stringent process.”

    “To be totally honest, I would like to see the entire promotional process changed to take merit into account for promotion, and not just a test,” Snelling said. “This will give everybody a great opportunity of being promoted. We have to make sure that when we make promotions, we have the right people in the right places. Of course we’re looking for diversity, but to insist that a merit promotion is just about diversity is problematic.”

Says the supernintendo who (as the "department expert" on Use of Force) couldn't pass a promotional exam, twenty percent of which was Use of Force related.

Using "merit" across the board means politics, plain and simple. You might be book smart, but if you're labeled a problem in any sense of the might get knocked back a few dozen or a few hundred spots. Maybe even knocked off the list entirely.

Kudos to the Tribune for finally using the "quotes" around the word "merit."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

In theory that sound fine but ppl who did their jobs, got hurt, got in shootings get passed over for these do nothings because they know or blow someone

8/14/2023 05:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired a few years now but have heard this tired speech a thousand times. Nothing changes and the new guy is just as dumb as the old guy.

8/14/2023 06:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You wanna boost morale?? ELIMINATE MERIT or significantly reduce it to ONLY 5%

8/14/2023 06:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CR? You’re out, unless you’re in.

8/14/2023 06:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad Larry got made and hope that he make merit picks based on felony arrests, search warrants and the ability to put together good investigations. Time for the battle hardened warriors of this department get a shot at leading the troops. The ones that have successfully taken the bad guys off the street and successfully prosecuted. The ones that get out of the cars and keep the gang bangers in check. I commend the Mayor for doing the right thing and giving the top job to one of us. It's time to
come together and take back the city!!

8/14/2023 07:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, he's merit. Of course he's going to say stupid stuff. Given, not earned.

8/14/2023 07:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Years ago, friends recommended the series Chicago PD. I watched a few episodes, too many low iq things at the top. Looks like it’s reality.

8/14/2023 07:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this mean bosses do not have to merit promote the females they slept with anymore?

8/14/2023 07:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democrat Extremist Academics Dog Whistle?

Age Of Rage: UChicago Report Finds 30 Million American View Violence As Justified To Keep Trump From Power

I pity the people that are unable to escape chicago's zone's of impunity before the DNC in about 367 days

8/14/2023 07:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perfect idea Snelling! So you want to make the CPD promotions even more corrupt??? Wonderful

8/14/2023 07:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Solid picks

8/14/2023 07:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Officers should only be eligible for one “merit” promotion during their career no matter what. If they are so great they can pass one test , right??

8/14/2023 07:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My understanding is that if you are opportunity starved in chicago that you are allowed to organise on social media a trendy get together at a local seven eleven /sarc

8/14/2023 07:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at our command staff, how many of them were promoted by rank order at any time? I can think of maybe 2.

8/14/2023 07:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago's zones of impunity that's what they wanted right?

Man attacked on Magnificent Mile dies, but Chicago police let the suspect walk away and didn’t file a report for four days: sources

8/14/2023 08:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sneezing has never passed a promotional exam.

8/14/2023 08:05:00 PM  
Anonymous DSL Lives On said...

If his first step is trying to say that CPDs merit system is acceptable then that is all i need to know. He is just another political hack. Fuck Lemming, i mean Snelling

8/14/2023 08:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

soon we wont need a written test we will just need to see your genealogy and then based on that we will place you on the list.

8/14/2023 08:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

please stop cancelling days off all summer. please get rid of tiered deployment ..

8/14/2023 09:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blame all of the puppet masters pulling the puppet's strings.

After all, our present version of bimbo biden is same thing, pint sized.

8/14/2023 09:38:00 PM  
Blogger 6PapaBoner9 said...

Please allow me to reiterate what’s already been said…

Fuck Snelling.

Womanizer. Over-promoted Hack. Coward. Yes Man. Puppet.

Shall I go on?

8/14/2023 09:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merit has destroyed CPD. You know who you are. The undeserving. The ones who run to their pimps to be promoted. If you had to ask, you didn’t deserve it. You betrayed your oath.

8/14/2023 10:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK boss, define ‘merit.’
What do I have to do to be merit?
Give me goals to be merit.
Give me a checklist to be merit.
What did you do to be merit that I haven’t done?

8/14/2023 10:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Publish your resume in a pax 501 so we can be merit just like you.

8/14/2023 10:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do I have to do to be merit in your administration?

8/14/2023 10:47:00 PM  
Blogger Mario from the barrio said...

Talk about stupid. If it wasn’t for merit leap frog , Smelling wouldn’t be there!!!! He couldn’t pass a promotional test if he had answers.

8/14/2023 11:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snelling will be a disaster for smart m/2’s that are competent.

8/14/2023 11:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who isn’t going to be inspired to work for the gym teacher turned superintendent. Let’s look at some of the merit nominations Larry has put in place start with the Commander of 6. He went from merit sergeant in 2017 meaning he wasn’t in the top 300 of testing to merit lieutenant in 2022 meaning he most likely didn’t score in the top 100 of that exam to commander in less than a year. A career house mouse with 2 merit promotions and commander in 6 years. Do his merit picks stack up with his vision for merit? Snelling is human garbage and as dumb as the day is long. Can’t wait for his “the blog is for cowards”

8/15/2023 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you say Clown Show?

8/15/2023 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is called a Kakocracy.

8/15/2023 01:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He loves “merit”, because without merit he would not have been promoted even once in his 30+ years. Yes he is that dumb. End of story. If you read between the lines tests are no longer given any weight. Only skin color, money amount and connections will be given any consideration for promotion.

8/15/2023 05:03:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

"Of course we’re looking for diversity, but to insist that a merit promotion is just about diversity is problematic.”

This comment says it all. Snelling wants to only promote a certain race, but that is an issue so now he will just get rid of testing completely for certain races to promote them on the spot. If your not of the correct race, you need not apply.

8/15/2023 07:46:00 AM  
Blogger Chalkie2016 said...

He sure has a lot of medals for a guy that only has about 2 years on the street.

8/15/2023 07:54:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Merit has stopped many a worthy copper from being promoted.

8/15/2023 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Glad Larry got made and hope that he make merit picks based on felony arrests, search warrants and the ability to put together good investigations. Time for the battle hardened warriors of this department get a shot at leading the troops. The ones that have successfully taken the bad guys off the street and successfully prosecuted. The ones that get out of the cars and keep the gang bangers in check. I commend the Mayor for doing the right thing and giving the top job to one of us. It's time to
come together and take back the city!!

8/14/2023 07:21:00 PM

Hahahahahaha! You actually think that’s how it will work??? Now that’s funny! You have to be connected or good looking. Period! You must not be CPD

8/15/2023 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merit, racism by another name.

8/15/2023 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snelling went from Sgt to Chief in five years! He must be super smart Guy! That has to be a CPD record!

If he were in the military he would have went from a private to General in five years.
Too bad for the military we are lucky enough to have him.

8/15/2023 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merit=Political Hack

8/15/2023 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have gotten promoted once by studying and I can say the whole system is a joke. I’m lucky to have been promoted at all with the whole friends and family rigging of tests.

8/15/2023 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never knew how much cops were like teachers.

Those that can't do, teach.
Those that can't teach, teach gym.
Those that can't teach gym, administrate.

8/15/2023 11:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the tools who are like tell that to Larry’s face ….well after I retire if I run into him in fort meyers I will . We can share stories about protecting CI’s … testifying against top defense attorneys ..getting shit heads charged …taking back blocks in filmore … oh wait we can’t . Well he can just listen and talk about ass kidding & sit ups .

8/15/2023 11:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snelling couldn’t spell cat, if you spotted him the letters.

8/15/2023 11:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yawn… Eddie Johnson said the same thing. He said the majority of merit picks will be from patrol. He lied and started promoting anyone that would bang him.

8/15/2023 12:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well this is what happens. Snelling was treated like a God when he was at the academy. Females and male both kissing his ass never said anything against him because they were all clout chasing. Has anyone ever had a one on one conversation with this dude he's dumb a total idiot doesn't know what he's talking about.

8/15/2023 03:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When the city actually defines what merit is, the subjective standards and definitions and lets anyone apply based on those standards, and lets the judging come from outsiders, then I might believe in it. I don't know Snelling, but based on what I do know and what I hear, he will be a colossal failure, no strategic and forward thinking and will keep things as they are.

8/15/2023 04:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Who isn’t going to be inspired to work for the gym teacher turned superintendent. Let’s look at some of the merit nominations Larry has put in place start with the Commander of 6. He went from merit sergeant in 2017 meaning he wasn’t in the top 300 of testing to merit lieutenant in 2022 meaning he most likely didn’t score in the top 100 of that exam to commander in less than a year. A career house mouse with 2 merit promotions and commander in 6 years. Do his merit picks stack up with his vision for merit? Snelling is human garbage and as dumb as the day is long. Can’t wait for his “the blog is for cowards”

8/15/2023 12:54:00 AM
At his first staff meeting the new merit Cmdr of 006 said to his Sgts and Lts that he literally doesn’t know how to do their job because he was admin as a Sgt and Lt and never worked the street or in a District. Earned not given……….

8/15/2023 10:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Who isn’t going to be inspired to work for the gym teacher turned superintendent. Let’s look at some of the merit nominations Larry has put in place start with the Commander of 6. He went from merit sergeant in 2017 meaning he wasn’t in the top 300 of testing to merit lieutenant in 2022 meaning he most likely didn’t score in the top 100 of that exam to commander in less than a year. A career house mouse with 2 merit promotions and commander in 6 years. Do his merit picks stack up with his vision for merit? Snelling is human garbage and as dumb as the day is long. Can’t wait for his “the blog is for cowards”

8/15/2023 12:54:00 AM
Wrong. Larry made merit Sgt in 2010, which means he didn't score in the 140s.

8/16/2023 01:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

merits being promoted with over 500 days in the medical if not more criminal please explain that larry

8/16/2023 03:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey just thinking out loud here. SCOTUS just prohibited using race as a factor for college admissions. Does this ruling affecting hiring/promotion standards using race as a factor?

1989 is not when merit began on the CPD I am told. But I do not have a firm grip on when it did start. But the 1989 Det. exam - I think it was the arbitrator's decision - expressly allowed race as a factor (and it allowed merit). Is this use of race still allowed? Anyway, here's the case. I find it interesting to know our history:

Majeske v. City of Chicago (2000).
• Chicago can promote police officers to the position of detective, using race as a factor. The court held that persuasive statistical data and anecdotal evidence adequately established past discrimination by defendant, and remedying such discrimination was a compelling governmental interest that justified defendant's affirmative action plan.
• Further, defendant's plan to accept promotion candidates based upon ranking within the separate racial and ethnic groups, and promoting some minority candidates based solely on the estimated number of minority promotions affected by past discrimination, was narrowly tailored to discriminate against plaintiffs as little as possible consistent with effective remediation.
• 1989 Det. Test
o 3392 took written, of which the city wanted 650 to take oral. Of the 650, there were not enough minorities, argued the city. Therefore the “races” were separated (white, black, Hispanic) and the top 17% of each race were selected to take oral. Cutoff scores then became: white (82), Hispanic (79), and black (73). 619 ended up taking oral.
o Breakdown:
 64 were to be promoted.
• 42 in rank order (does not say what race these were)
• 22 out of order (18 black, 4 hispanic)
• 26 merit (also not sure what race)
o P’s sued based on the “out of rank order” promotions
o FOP filed grievance.
o Arbitrator ruled the merit was OK, but “out of rank order” violated the collective bargaining agreement. City responded by promoting 37 more det. in rank order.
 So this is the new breakdown, I could be wrong though:
• 42 in rank order (does not say what race these were)
• 22 out of order (18 black, 4 hispanic)
• 26 merit (also not sure what race)
• 37 after arbitration (so, even though the arbitrator rejected the “out of rank order” promotions, the city promoted them anyway.)
• 127 TOTAL PROMOTED. (Of these, 90 were in rank order. So the 37 were added to this, which probably included the original 22 “out of rank order” and 15 merit. Just a guess).
• P’s had to pay city’s costs of $38K. (City won this case).
• 56 interrogatories to jury dealing with past discrimination of blacks and Hispanics.
• Compelling government interest is a question of law.
• Dr. Mann (statistician for the city).
o Studied CPD’s hiring and promotions of blacks and Hispanics in “available work force” and number of same in patrol. Concluded hiring “lower than statistically would have been indicated.” Promotion of same to detective “substantially below what statistical analysis predicted.”
o Created statistical model to predict expected number of blacks and Hispanics there would be absent past discrimination.
 Should have been 221 black detectives (actual number 57).
 Should have been 43 hispanic detectives (actual number 9).
• Testimony
o Blacks – pretextual medical (heart murmurs)
o Hispanics – height standards.
• All 22 whites affected eventually were promoted and received backpay.

8/16/2023 06:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8/16/2023 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snelling fits this quote perfectly:
“If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.” ― W.C. Fields

8/16/2023 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea sure... So the test answers arent free anymore is what your saying then?

8/16/2023 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snelling went from Sgt to Chief in five years! He must be super smart Guy! That has to be a CPD record!

If he were in the military he would have went from a private to General in five years.
Too bad for the military we are lucky enough to have him.

8/15/2023 08:49:00 AM
Funny how merit was never mentioned when Cronin went from patrolman to deputy chief or matt cline's whole tac team and his baby mama were promoted. The bullshit didn't start with snelling so don't act like it's a new problem.

8/16/2023 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Using "merit" across the board means politics, plain and simple. You might be book smart, but if you're labeled a problem in any sense of the might get knocked back a few dozen or a few hundred spots. Maybe even knocked off the list entirely."

Yes. And when he and others throw around the word "diversity", you just know that being white will get you labeled as a problem.

8/16/2023 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who isn’t going to be inspired to work for the gym teacher turned superintendent. Let’s look at some of the merit nominations Larry has put in place start with the Commander of 6. He went from merit sergeant in 2017 meaning he wasn’t in the top 300 of testing to merit lieutenant in 2022 meaning he most likely didn’t score in the top 100 of that exam to commander in less than a year. A career house mouse with 2 merit promotions and commander in 6 years. Do his merit picks stack up with his vision for merit? Snelling is human garbage and as dumb as the day is long. Can’t wait for his “the blog is for cowards”

8/15/2023 12:54:00 AM
Wrong. Larry made merit Sgt in 2010, which means he didn't score in the 140s.

His merit nomination in 2017 was being referred to you must be a merit detective with your attention to detail

8/16/2023 12:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny how merit was never mentioned when Cronin went from patrolman to deputy chief or matt cline's whole tac team and his baby mama were promoted. The bullshit didn't start with snelling so don't act like it's a new problem.

8/16/2023 08:36:00 AM

We know this is not a new problem. But you must not have been paying attention. Over the years there has been much discussion about Cronin and Matt C’s tac team-most of it not exactly flattering. But the promotional process has become less legitimate with each passing year and if this doesn’t get fixed, all that will remain in supervisory positions are those who have no clue.

8/16/2023 07:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Snelling went from Sgt to Chief in five years! He must be super smart Guy! That has to be a CPD record!

If he were in the military he would have went from a private to General in five years.
Too bad for the military we are lucky enough to have him.

8/15/2023 08:49:00 AM
Funny how merit was never mentioned when Cronin went from patrolman to deputy chief or matt cline's whole tac team and his baby mama were promoted. The bullshit didn't start with snelling so don't act like it's a new problem.

8/16/2023 08:36:00 AM

No shit! Most of us all know they are all part of the corrupt connected merit system. No one is denying that. But Snelling is now the new Supt. thus he’s the main topic right now. Why would the topic be about anyone else at this moment numb nuts?

8/16/2023 08:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Officers should only be eligible for one “merit” promotion during their career no matter what. If they are so great they can pass one test , right??

8/14/2023 07:49:00 PM

Actually a great idea. One merit promotion should be sufficient.

8/16/2023 08:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahahahaha! You actually think that’s how it will work??? Now that’s funny! You have to be connected or good looking. Period! You must not be CPD

I'm am good looking and CPD. I bet you couldn't find your ass with two hands in a working district or you have just given up either way stop being so negative. I have faith that Snelling will do the right thing just give him a chance.

8/16/2023 10:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need more supervisors of color in our community

8/17/2023 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Years ago, friends recommended the series Chicago PD. I watched a few episodes, too many low iq things at the top. Looks like it’s reality.

Please tell me you are just a “groupie”or a “ holster sniffer” and not sworn in any jurisdiction.

8/17/2023 01:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems like people get upset when a certain group gets more perceived merit promotions over another group that gets merit promotions. Merit stinks all around. We should start by making less than 30%.

8/17/2023 04:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous Anonymous said...
Glad Larry got made and hope that he make merit picks based on felony arrests, search warrants and the ability to put together good investigations. Time for the battle hardened warriors of this department get a shot at leading the troops. The ones that have successfully taken the bad guys off the street and successfully prosecuted. The ones that get out of the cars and keep the gang bangers in check. I commend the Mayor for doing the right thing and giving the top job to one of us. It's time to
come together and take back the city!!"

8/14/2023 07:21:00 PM

Please stay out of the dispensaries.

8/17/2023 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snelling’s entire career is a fairytale concocted by those who wished to place him in this position at precisely this moment.
His idea to include ever more merit consideration in the promotional process will continue CPD’s slide into a department controlled mostly by toy generals and other supervisors with no basic law enforcement chops.

8/17/2023 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the cry babies crying about the merit. If you think guys who scored really well didn’t have the answers you guys are all blind. Look at the last 2 LT exams. Scams. Merit or testing it’s all a scam.

8/17/2023 10:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Officers should only be eligible for one “merit” promotion during their career no matter what. If they are so great they can pass one test , right??

8/14/2023 07:49:00 PM

Years ago the department gave military points depending on your active duty time. Started at 1.7 to 3,7
You could use the military points on the hiring list and on only one promotional exam It worked

8/17/2023 11:20:00 PM  

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