Sunday, August 13, 2023

"Sponsor" a "Migrant"

A great idea, hopefully headed for a liberal family near you!

  • Massachusetts: The state’s shelters are reaching capacity and now the governor is asking residents to help by opening their doors. That was part of Governor Maura Healey’s announcement--as she also is looking for help from the federal government.

    The governor said anywhere between 10 to 30 migrant families a day are coming into Massachusetts. There are 40 hotels across the state helping to house them, but the governor is now pleading for help from the federal government—as well as you.

    Governor Healey says close to 5,600 families are currently housed in the state’s emergency shelter system. That number is 80% higher than one year ago. Massachusetts is the only state in the country with a right-to-shelter law that guarantees homeless families access to emergency shelters. She says Massachusetts has been spending around $45 million a month to help assist these families. The situation is so bad, the Healey administration is now asking people to open their homes and businesses to help people in need.

Blue states are being forced to spend tens of millions on backing up their "sanctuary" bullshit and we can only hope it bites them in the electoral ass in short order.

Anyone know if it's true that with all the hotels being filled with illegals, only the Hyatt Hotel chain isn't accepting a single "migrant" in need?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s time for all the amazing citizens of this great City that have the “No Human is Illegal” sign in their front yard to step up and take a migrant family into their homes ASAP before the weather starts to get cold. Hate Has No Home Here folks…. It’s your time to shine! Let us know how it goes.

8/13/2023 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This spending is, to the politicals, a graft feature of their programmed fleecings of the taxpayers.

Whatever benefits these 'migrants' may receive, you know that the swag goes through several layers of grafting, being a pittance when it finally gets to the illegals.

ALL opportunity to spend taxpayers' money is a graft opportunity to the politicals, and their partners in graft.

These political bitches can open their own property's doors and welcome the actual burdens of 'helping' to be bestowed upon their own pocketbooks.

8/13/2023 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you have an extra room, you can let a migrant family move in. With what? Their own extra bathroom and kitchen! And, now that you're all cozy domestic partners; is it possible that your good deed doing could get an inventive migrant family (at the urging of migrant activists) to put in an allegation that triggers our glorious domestic violence laws? Voila, you're banned from your house with an order of protection. You don't think that wouldn't happen in these times? Attention: New York Post....This story headed your way in....3.....2....1.....

8/13/2023 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not in my house!

8/13/2023 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Massachusetts is proud of their fuzzy headed soft hearted bleeding liberal self righteous sanctimonious sanctuary state policy. They claim anyone who dares to disagree with their sanctuary policy are all mean hateful racist neo-na*is and white supremacists

They sowed it, now let them reap it.

8/13/2023 01:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many illegals are Governor Healey going to install in the Governor's Mansion?

8/13/2023 01:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The insanity of the left knows no boundaries. You can ignore reality but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.

8/13/2023 02:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonder if the private clubs will accept them? Heard out of state Hyatts were accepting them. 🤷‍♀️

I think they should all move in with the grubs nor in the gold coast. Wouldn’t that set the libs heads exploding?

8/13/2023 04:07:00 AM  
Blogger stash the polski guy said...

You first Maura(n).

Bet the FBI has tapes of Gov. Flintstone offering up his flop houses. Pleading with the dim Witt in diapers to tear down the whole fence.

8/13/2023 05:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don’t care what they do or don’t do with invaders in Chicago. I do care that they continue to make their pension payments.

8/13/2023 05:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’ve been encouraging my red state governor to send any that show up in my area to Park Ridge, Illinois. Maine South HS needs 50 new illiterate teenage boys who speak ZERO English to show up every Monday for school.
Once Park Ridge is full, send them to Winnetka. New Trier HS needs the same treatment.
Give affluent , suburban white women what they vote for.

8/13/2023 06:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The move by red states governors sending illegals to blue "sanctuary" states was genius. Make these liberal states choke on their own virtue signalling b/s policies.

8/13/2023 06:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Send them all to McCormack place. Let governor balloon 🎈 head take care of them.
I didn’t vote for a sanctuary city. I am a law abiding person. I can’t support harboring illegal aliens. It’s illegal!!

8/13/2023 07:08:00 AM  
Blogger Prairiepolice said...

we were always surprised that JB did not house our guests in dorms at the U of I, ISU, EIU, SIU,WIU

almost all are on amtrak lines, ISU is in the texas eagle line that goes to Texas.

8/13/2023 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the states force this "Sanctuary City" bullshit down out throats and now they want us to pitch in and help?? Sponsor a migrant? FU!! We don't even know who these illegal trespassers are, what their background is, where they come from and already 1 is on the run for murder (Durkins picture buddy). Let these states weep what they sow, unfortunately, it is going to be on us when our taxes go way up to help these assholes.

8/13/2023 08:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These illegals will be dipping into our Social Security, medical (hospitals), Link Cards and take jobs that pay them under the table to avoid taxes!! (which is already happening). They will drain our systems!!

8/13/2023 08:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can be rest assured that some dumb fuck liberals will be doing this.

8/13/2023 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny, how "suddenly" it's a crisis after 3-years of open borders.

It only becomes a crisis when the buses arrive and the a-holes are forced to stand behind their phony "Sanctuary City" BS. If the immigrants were all still in the border states I bet there would be no crisis. Other than those "children in cages".

Not that any of the South or West side protestors will change their "D" votes. Even after 70+ years of lies and broken promises, they can't connect the dots between the weasels they voted for and the crap world they and their children have to live in.

8/13/2023 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give them your spare rooms, make their meals and lend them your car for a night out.

It’s the least we can do. Chicago is a sanctuary city and Illinois a sanctuary state.

Hate has no home here (unless it’s for people who don’t vote Democrat)

8/13/2023 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did'nt some guy in Florida take in an illegal immigrant,who ended stabbing the guy to death? I think fat boy should open up his hotel rooms for them. And on a side note our gun hating governors family just opened up a gun range in Racine Wisconsin, fuging hyprocrite.

8/13/2023 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the scumtimes is running a story about migrants getting kicked out of their FREE hotel for being 7 minutes late on a curfew rule.....
why doesn't the scumtimes house them???
put your money where your BIG liberal mouths are!!!
this is why law abiding citizens do not buy the newspapers anymore. you idiots demonize the police, but give a green light on harboring illegal aliens.

8/13/2023 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would be karma if my communist democrat neighbor took in an invader family and then got kilt by them.

8/13/2023 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will help out as soon as Go-Fund me starts a "Send an illegal migrant back home" fund. And I will be staying at the Hyatt on my next vacation.

They already have free phones, healthcare and a bus ride to any sanctuary city on the map. What more do they want?

And my tax dollars are already funding this "socialist" policy, so I object to that...

The problem with socialism is that sooner or later, you run out of other people's money...

8/13/2023 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Putting migrants in hotels......sounds like a great way to kill the tourism industry.

8/13/2023 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When the 022nd District started to receive these illegals there was a group of do gooders from Beverly that wanted to open their homes to allow these illegals to shower and to feed them. Not sure how anyone thinks that it’s a good idea to allow complete strangers that are possibly infected with diseases or possibly are hardened criminals into your house where you and your family live , but then again liberals are a real special group. Good luck with this hare brained idea.

8/13/2023 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI...Martha's vineyard is in Massachusetts, is Barak Obama taking some in?

8/13/2023 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Surprised there isn't anything in the story about how many illegals the governor herself is taking in at her own residence. Wouldn't she have her own home along with her governor's mansion? Should be able to fit a village worth into those, but nope. Not happening.

8/13/2023 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@GregAbbott Twitter
NEW: over 30K migrants have been bused to sanctuary cities.

Over 10,700 to DC
Over 11,500 to NYC
Over 4,900 to Chicago
Over 2,100 to Philadelphia
Over 520 to Denver
Over 290 to LA

We will continue busing migrants to sanctuary cities until Biden does his job & secures the border.

8/13/2023 11:22:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

How many is Barack taking in at his Martha's Vineyard estate?

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

8/13/2023 11:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

About 370 days till the DNC. United Center capacity is what 21,000 I think perhaps 1.5 times that in illegal immigrant shelter terms. Border states can still step it up open their doors to the buses. Plenty of time

Smart Hotel operators can still benefit by not taking in illegals at taxpayers expense because of a shortage of rooms the process creates and result of the ability to jack up rates. One can create an aire of plausible deniability that way. Why it's all just supply and demand really we're not harbouring fugitives not us. /sarc

Jennifer Pritzker is one of 11 billionaire heirs in the Chicago-based Pritzker clan and the world's only known transgender billionaire.

A retired Army lieutenant colonel, Pritzker came out as a transgender woman in 2013.

SHE INHERITED STAKES IN HER FAMILIES HYATT HOTEL'S CHAIN as well as industrial firms run by her late father Robert and his brothers Jay & Donald.

Pritzker is also the founder and CEO of private wealth management firm Tawani Enterprises.

In 2003, she opened the Pritzker Military Museum and Library in Chicago, which features a collection of more than 65,000 books and military artifacts.

8/13/2023 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I keep thinking we should send them all to Logan Square. Lightfoot invited them, so she should be the one to put them up.

8/13/2023 02:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don’t care what they do or don’t do with invaders in Chicago. I do care that they continue to make their pension payments.

8/13/2023 05:58:00 AM

Short sighted. Very short sighted. They will use the illegal invaders as an excuse to
NOT fund the pension. You might say that would be illegal? Since when do democrats care about the law? If they obeyed the law, there would be no sanctuary cities or states.

8/13/2023 03:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't think that wouldn't happen in these times?

8/13/2023 12:34:00 AM

Also, you could come home after work and Momma tells you she is in love with the extra bedroom Casanova! One SRO at the YMCA will be your new home!

8/13/2023 03:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they should be sent not to blue states
back over the border to where they came from

8/13/2023 06:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many is Barack taking in at his Martha's Vineyard estate?

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

8/13/2023 11:59:00 AM

Clarify "taking in", please......

8/13/2023 07:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Activate the Beano Cannon!!

8/13/2023 08:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe some of the COPA investigators that showed up at the district to “investigate” the sex assault hoax will take them in. They did investigate by handing out gift bags to them. We were there that day and I was at the desk talking to my sergeant friend and they said look at these assholes and I said cmon they’re just in a bad spot and don’t know what to do. He says yeah no shit they should go back to Chicago Ave, sit in their offices and stop pretending they know what they’re doing I don’t have a problem with the migrants Haaaaa

8/13/2023 09:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI...Martha's vineyard is in Massachusetts, is Barak Obama taking some in?

8/13/2023 10:09:00 AM

Heard he had room with the recently departed chef... careful though, also heard people can drown in knee high ponds

8/13/2023 09:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell the truth. There are not 40 hotels across the state helping by housing the migrants. It should say
that there are 40 hotels across the state the the state is using to house them. And I am sure that they
are charging you above what would be the going rate per room. I don’t blame some of these hotel operations.
They are able to charge a higher price and the place is booked solid. Smart business.

8/13/2023 10:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A young dumb copper who works on the Westside took in some illegals and now can’t get rid of them. She is screwed. Her bleeding heart got the best of her. Now the illegals need to be evicted and we all know how long that takes. Crook County and illegals for the win!!!!!!!

8/13/2023 11:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will now be staying ONLY in Hyatt Hotels :)

8/14/2023 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not short sighted. Just a recognition of reality. They are not going to close that border, period. Our best hope is that places like Chiraq hire invaders and felons to pay into the pension. Once the beneficiaries are mostly regime voters, pension security is increased.

8/14/2023 07:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put them in churches.

8/14/2023 07:38:00 AM  
Blogger DG in GA said...

An aspect of taking illegals into private homes is how do you get rid of them? In many states (don’t know about Illinois) if an adult lives in your home for more than 30 days they can refuse to leave and you must EVICT them legally. Eviction can take 6 - 12 months and cost a lot of $$$ in legal fees - fees that the illegals won’t have to incur since I’m sure Legal Aid would be more than happy to help!

So please, every person who has a “Coexist” or “Hate has no home here” or “There’s no such thing as an illegal person” or other leftie virtue-signaling sign in their window, PLEASE take in as many illegals as you have room for. I’m sure it will help your soul and make you feel oh, so superior to your neighbors who will likely be picketing your house.

8/14/2023 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the Movie Scar Face they are here to work.

8/14/2023 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A young dumb copper who works on the Westside took in some illegals and now can’t get rid of them. She is screwed. Her bleeding heart got the best of her. Now the illegals need to be evicted and we all know how long that takes. Crook County and illegals for the win!!!!!!!

8/13/2023 11:29:00 PM

Take in homeless dogs and/or cats.

Feed the birds, squirrels and even racoons.

Help humans at your own peril.

8/14/2023 01:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, you could come home after work and Momma tells you she is in love with the extra bedroom Casanova! One SRO at the YMCA will be your new home!

8/13/2023 03:40:00 PM

Or your daughter is pregnant by the teenage extra-bedroom Suave' de Casanova.

"But Daddy, he loves me!"

8/14/2023 05:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8/14/2023 11:39:00 PM
If a copper in any district, expecially the westside takes in illegals, they should quit because they are the problem. She wiould be the first to turn you in for any bs, and she/he isnt da poleece, just another dumb fuck lib

8/17/2023 08:04:00 AM  

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