Thursday, September 14, 2023

Contrarian Breaks It Down

The statistical deep-dive that we were never able to do adequately:

  • In July, Chicago Contrarian covered how the Independent Monitor overseeing implementation of the consent decree for the Chicago Police Department (CPD) published a Consultant Report analyzing CPD stops for the period 2018-'20.

    In the progress report, the court-appointed Independent Monitor, Maggie Hickey, and her team of consultants drew conclusions that were not supported by the data. This was done generally by providing simple summations of the raw data. Now it is time to consider how several specific conclusions made in the Consultant Report are at best misleading, and at worst outright fictions.

Go read the breakdowns. This is well written, statistical analysis that doesn't make it into press releases or the tame media. Soundbites only make the "independent" monitor look like she's doing her job when we all know she's a government hack working a fake "consent decree" for a six-figure salary and a seven-or-eight-figure office while Chicago is staring at a half-a-billion-dollar deficit.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they cannot find major problems with CPD past performance, then how can they claim their consent decree has improved anything?

Their highly paid, prestigious and cushy phony baloney careers are on the line. They must prove results, so they can get that the NEXT city afflicted with a consent degree?

9/14/2023 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lies, damned lies and statistics.

9/14/2023 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The results of the study were pre-ordained.

9/14/2023 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reputation that the 'black' communities in big cities has been established by the actions of the members of said communities.

For decades.

What the civil rights movement achieved in the late 1960's has been pissed and shitted away, by the members of said communities, generation after generation.

Half a century + and these communities do nothing to stop their own from shitting where they eat, and spreading their shitty ways where ever they roam.

The poverty pimping, racist race baiting, politicians all are as guilty as these communities.

9/14/2023 01:28:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Enough of this nonsense. Move on.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

9/14/2023 02:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The joke is on taxpayers and the goofs that voted the idiot politicians in.

9/14/2023 03:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I fixed it.

April Perry's historic nomination as first (openly) female Chicago US attorney to go before Senate Judiciary Committee
Chicago Tribune on|1 hour ago
The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled Thursday to take up the nomination of April Perry to be the next U.S. attorney in Chicago, marking a crucial step to becoming the first-ever woman to hold the high-profile position.

9/14/2023 06:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Millions and millions of dollars are thrown away for political considerations nothing more nothing less it’s the Chicago way misused funds and they’re going to raise taxes. Brandon says he’s going to raise them for the illegal migrants so we can pay for them. to be the change get out when you can.

9/14/2023 06:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New mural unveiled in Chicago's Austin community

It's titled "Everybody's Welcome." Chicago-based artist Barrett Keithley painted the mural on the walls of the Kehrein Center for the Arts.

Let's see how long this propaganda stays up. Racist mural doesn't show everyone it shows two black people. Wait till the Pop Up CHA migrant tent hits Austin

9/14/2023 06:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stopped by CWB this morning. Woman sexually assaulted in her apartment. Perfect description of the assailant, including race. Hopped over to FOX32, same description minus the race. But they did include he was wearing Croc like shoes....

9/14/2023 06:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired several years back. Moved out of Illinois. It’s the same group of people crying the same bullsh**. “We being over-policed” (whatever that means). “We need police accountability .” “We want more police transparency “. Police police police. It’s always someone else’s fault.

The only issue within the consent decree that’s meaningful is more training the rest is hot garbage

9/14/2023 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is not a good person

9/14/2023 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s just a money grab for many many people and companies. All cashing in on the false narrative that continues to only harm the honest responsible law biding citizens. How many hours do you think these so called “appointed monitors” actually work?

9/14/2023 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Old Wise Man said...

SCC, you hit the nail on the head with this being a fake consent decree. If CPD doesn’t keep up with these guidelines nothing happens other than the city says, we have to do better. This entire thing came about after Trump’s DOJ refused to put any department in a consent decree and low and behold Lisa Madigan who has never done a thing in her entire career sued the city in state court and forced some type of consent decree with no punishment if the city fails to do any of the listed items in this bull shit consent decree. More smoke and mirrors from the Democratic Party.

9/14/2023 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And away, we go;

9/14/2023 11:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Q: What Rises To The Top?

April Perry, Former Chief Ethics Officer for Kim Foxx Who Resigned in Wake of Jussie Smollett Case, nominated by sleepy joe as first female Chicago US attorney advanced by Senate Judiciary Committee on party-line vote

The unsinkable April Perry from Ethics Officer to Police Board to US Attorney.


9/14/2023 12:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LIVE: Emergency crews respond to scene of tent collapse in Bedford Park

First responders were called to the scene of a tent collapse in Bedford Park Thursday morning.

The collapse happened just before noon in the 5600 block of West 73rd.

Images from NBC's Sky 5 helicopter showed a large tent apparently collapsed at what looked to be an event. The images showed numerous tables, chairs and food in a parking lot.

Details on any injuries weren't immediately available but numerous ambulances were called to the scene.

9/14/2023 12:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe CC should forward their analysis to the judge in the public interest, or file a Motion to Intervene in the case so they can put the analysis on the record.

9/14/2023 12:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

remembering when

Father killed in Wood Dale tent collapse; 15 injured

Tent collapses in Wood Dale. The main tent, where the bands were playing, blew away in at least 50mph straight line winds. As debris went flying, a three-section, ten-inch diameter...

9/14/2023 12:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media is the Praetorian Guard of the left. It protects the left and disseminates disinformation to the public to cover up their criminality. The days of an unbiased, inquisitive media are long gone.

9/14/2023 03:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gov DeSantis says like come on down CPD we'll leave the light on for you cash bail
officially ends on tuesday

'Make the smart move': DeSantis billboards urge Chicago area law enforcement to relocate to Florida
FOX 32|3 hours ago

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' office is launching billboards in Illinois to encourage law enforcement officers in the state to "make the smart move" to Florida after Illinois approved allowing noncitizens to become officers and is eliminating cash bail.

9/14/2023 07:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Stopped by CWB this morning. Woman sexually assaulted in her apartment..."

It's easier to ask for forgiveness than it is permission in Chicago I'm sure that he won't do THAT again now that he knows he's not supposed to says the cook cc persecutor (sic)

9/14/2023 07:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FY 2024-04, Prepaid Wireless E911 Surcharge Rate Change

Effective October 1, 2023, the Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR) will implement the collection of the increase from 7 percent (.07) to 9 percent (.09) of the surcharge rate imposed for locations inside of the city of Chicago on sales of prepaid wireless telecommunications service.

9/14/2023 07:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Old Wise Man said...
SCC, you hit the nail on the head with this being a fake consent decree. If CPD doesn’t keep up with these guidelines nothing happens other than the city says, we have to do better. This entire thing came about after Trump’s DOJ refused to put any department in a consent decree and low and behold Lisa Madigan who has never done a thing in her entire career sued the city in state court and forced some type of consent decree with no punishment if the city fails to do any of the listed items in this bull shit consent decree. More smoke and mirrors from the Democratic Party.

9/14/2023 09:35:00 AM"

And don't think for a minute that 9.5, aka the Tiny Dancer, wasn't jumping for joy in his tutu cheering Madigan on from the back benches in bringing that lawsuit.

9/14/2023 08:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired several years back. Moved out of Illinois. It’s the same group of people crying the same bullsh**. “We being over-policed” (whatever that means). “We need police accountability .” “We want more police transparency “. Police police police. It’s always someone else’s fault.
Retierd & moved yet still worried about this city and that same group of people. Sounds like you have no life other than being the police. Sad and pathetic

9/14/2023 10:45:00 PM  

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