Wednesday, September 13, 2023

NYPD Money Crunch

This is an amazing move by New York....amazingly stupid and shortsighted:

  • New York City will reduce the amount of overtime pay that officers in the New York Police Department can receive, despite a staffing shortage, to free up funding for the city's migrant crisis.

    Democratic Mayor Eric Adams's budget director, Jacques Jiha, told the city’s police, fire, sanitation, and corrections departments on Saturday to come up with plans to cut their high overtime budgets and begin tracking their progress toward that reduction each month.

So New York, and other blue shithole cities, spent three years demonizing police. They did so well at this that they can't hire enough people to cover shortages.

The way you cover a shortage when no one wants the job is....overtime! This persuades cops to give up family and free time for some much needed money to pay off loans, mortgages, car loans, college costs for themselves or their kids. Supposedly, it's cheaper than training and paying a full time position.

And now, in the face of $3 billion-plus in annual costs for illegal aliens, they're going to cut overtime? Without the OT, we're thinking hiring numbers get even smaller, guys sticking around for the cash leave sooner, and a death-spiral sets in even harder.

How soon until BJ does the same?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

As long as they stop the cancelled days off bullshit. Thought BJ was against police and wanted to defund us. All I see is constant mandatory days of cancelled. Wtf.

9/13/2023 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Correct me if I'm wrong; isn't NYPD pension based on the last year of income, including OT, and that's why retiring MOS (Members Of the Service) want to jump the paper for as much OT credit as possible? Adams knows this, and therefore knows he's screwing working coppers on the way out the door. Good luck getting anything out of the rest of your NYPD, you putz!

9/13/2023 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck how am I going to pay for f150 raptor, private school tuition, and addition in my mt Greenwood raised ranch

9/13/2023 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yesterday I was passing a CTA bus that had a billboard ad that extended the entire length of the bus which read: Join The Chicago Police Department, Be The Change. They don’t define The Change, a change from what? Now they are begging people to join? As I remember the tests were years apart. You had to get a postcard which you filled out and gave it back whereupon a few years later they would mail it back telling of the test. You also had to buy a civil service stamp, another city scam. Thousands would take the test the same day. Then you had to wait some more to be called to jump through more hoops. A sad commentary that they have to beg people to join now. Another example of the Democrat’s destruction of the City.

9/13/2023 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should have done that a lot sooner. Who needs overtime to sit in a fixed post and be told to observe and do nothing else. Total wast of money.

9/13/2023 01:30:00 AM  
Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

Same shit will eventually happen here.

BJ will continue to adhere to the democratic playbook of supporting illegals who were encouraged to come here by the party as they’re the next generations of plantation party voters. They will be supported, catered to… all their basic needs met. They’ll be fast tracked for citizenship which means the “right” to vote.

All this costs money. Lotsa money, right mayor Adams? Being a “Welcoming, sanctuary city” induced a long overdue epiphany. Too late…

So all you clowns who live check to check, buy or lease 80K jeeps and Lexuses and count on OT and special employment to finance your ghettofabulous lifestyle might just be in for a rude awakening.

Of course any OT restrictions will be temporarily lifted for the DNC. And the usual crybabies will again protest how they “didn’t sign up for this”. Personally? I can’t wait to see it all unfold.

9/13/2023 02:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is Mayor Eric Adams suddenly going apeshit over illegal immigrants and demanding more money?

The US Budget runs out on September 30. The dysfunctional US Congress has not passed any budget bills this year. So once again they are going to do a huge Omnibus Spending Bill. BOHICA! Trillions of dollars and no oversight.

Mayor Adams and a bunch of Democrat Mayors are hoping that Senators Schumer and Glitch McConnell will hide a few hundred billions of dollars in free money for their cities.

Just watch. You know BJ will get his share too. See if CPD gets any?

9/13/2023 02:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Send more buses!

9/13/2023 02:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe NYC should house their illegals in the police precinct houses like those geniuses in Chicago!?

9/13/2023 02:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only answer then, whether it’s mandatory held over or voluntarily work your dayoff, is time instead of money. Time and a half or double time doesn’t mean shit if you can’t get off when you want or have to wait till retirement to cash it in, money in the hand helps up front. If the bean counters have their way NYC will go from a shithole to a hell hole. People will bail faster when it becomes a hell hole and when there are no customers businesses will shutdown and leave also. Tourists will stop coming cuz word will get out the streets are full of crime, no police to protect you, and no businesses to spend money. DemoRatic/Marxist utopia is third world slum environment.

9/13/2023 04:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coming to SHITCago, soon!

Illegals are now more important than protecting the city!

Quit buying the toys now and pay off your bills before our overtime gets cut off!

You have been warned and do not depend on overtime in the future!

9/13/2023 05:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They have to track the progress of reducing the OT.
So logic says the office personnel will have to work OT to accomplish this.
So they get a nice graph in color of their choice instead of feet on the street.
Didn't NYC have a trash pick up issue a few years back?
How democrat think of them.

9/13/2023 05:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meh. Adams and his ball jigglers know the Dems are getting killed on crime and disorder. This is his way of prying more money out of the federal gov’t.

9/13/2023 05:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reducing spending taxpayers' monies by reducing the other massively costly expenditures is a thought that gives the politicals coniptions.

Sure, cut the budgets of the essential services, but, hey, never even think of cutting the costs of the luxuries of the costs of grafters.

That is crazy talk!!!

9/13/2023 06:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the city of chicago is only 550 million in the red for 2024, and a third is because of illegal migrants.

so lets lay off city workers so illegal migrants can stay in hotels and be fed 3 squares a day on top of education and leisure.

lets go brandon!!!

9/13/2023 06:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If everyone who voted for Biden took in an illegal immigrant family, we wouldn't have an immigration problem. If they had voted for Trump we wouldn't have had an immigration problem to begin with, we would have had a wall!

9/13/2023 07:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Already happening with contract talks proposing pay cuts. So reality is no contracts for the next 4 years but you can bet the communists and their media cohorts will ramp up the rhetoric how that it is our fault. Those pesky greedy first responders are bankrupting the city!
The going rate from tin foil hat conspiracy theories to reality is currently about 2 weeks.

9/13/2023 07:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The illegals are getting bolder and winter is coming. There's a reason their own countries sent them here.

9/13/2023 07:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee, I though you paid local taxes to fund local services -- not to fund an invasion.

9/13/2023 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad I got disability and living out of state. Finally my hard work paid off. I'll take the physical anguish compare to the mental. Finally get to spend quality time with my family without the stress. This job changes you and don't realize it.

9/13/2023 07:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Invasion? Ask the native Americans what an invasion really is.

9/13/2023 08:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So all you clowns who live check to check, buy or lease 80K jeeps and Lexuses and count on OT and special employment to finance your ghettofabulous lifestyle might just be in for a rude awakening.


Don’t worry about us, you’d be surprised but we can afford it since most of the new generation isn’t making the mistake of getting married and paying out half plus alimony to the ex to go get piped by the new guy. Keep “getting those steps in” at the airport stroke and worry about yourself.

9/13/2023 08:17:00 AM  
Blogger Ludlow Peaswatter said...

Too many officers do not live within their means. If only people would stop volunteering for overtime, the pain, the politicians would feel would be much greater, but I doubt that will happen and we don’t have enough people yet to storm the castle.

9/13/2023 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Public transportation trains in both chicago and new york will become the largest homeless shelters when winter sets in.

9/13/2023 08:34:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

All DemocRATS flunked Econ 101.

9/13/2023 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Camel Teeth BJ wont cut OT...he needs us to win an election. Crime is getting worse, looting, smash/grabs, robberies and the DNC will be a BIG test for him whether he gets re-elected or NOT!!!! So far, he's failing miserably.

9/13/2023 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s a shame that some of the stupidest, uninformed people I have run across are Democrat school teachers I try to avoid them, but there everywhere.

9/13/2023 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just forward all busses coming to this hell hole to ny. Just play the game when we were younger called monkey pile.

9/13/2023 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every so many years, they attempt to cut OT. Then, a harsh reality sets in. The Department is short handed and our brilliant, CPS educated youth cannot control themselves. Unheard of sums of money being spent on public education and the overwhelming result is an increasing number of hyper violent, death loving, lack of impulse control predators that are destroying this City by theft, robberies, burglaries, carjackings, shootings, homicides, wildings, etc. etc. The CPS youth are responsible for a lack of desire to visit Chicago as a tourist and the smart business practice of stores and restaurants not signing leases, but fleeing instead. In the meantime, do not demonize the criminal youth, do not criticize the CTU scam artists, but instead, keep paying higher and higher taxes to live in a City that politicians are trying hard to turn into a mixture of San Francisco and Detroit,

9/13/2023 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If NY is run anything like Chicago, there will be a big kerfuffle over OT at HQ. The Supt. will scream and shout at the brass, and demand solutions to manpower shortages that do not include OT. The OT will grind to a halt over the winter months and slowly make a comeback as there are no solutions with current manpower shortages.

Some crisis will occur making headlines and the news media will cry for police protection. Then OT will trickle back as warmer weather draws nearer. Morale will be a little lower, and contrition for mis management will never be made.

The simple fact is, OT is cheaper than a lot of new hires. In my entire career I have seen this happen in a cycle of Wash, rinse, and repeat. I remember OT being so tight that homicides were turned over to the next watch just to save a buck.

An old timer put me on to this cyclical occurrence. He was right! It happens time and time again.

Those old guys sure knew a lot...

9/13/2023 10:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Why is Mayor Eric Adams suddenly going apeshit over illegal immigrants and demanding more money?

The US Budget runs out on September 30. The dysfunctional US Congress has not passed any budget bills this year. So once again they are going to do a huge Omnibus Spending Bill. BOHICA! Trillions of dollars and no oversight.

Mayor Adams and a bunch of Democrat Mayors are hoping that Senators Schumer and Glitch McConnell will hide a few hundred billions of dollars in free money for their cities.

Just watch. You know BJ will get his share too. See if CPD gets any?

9/13/2023 02:23:00 AM

Yeah but notice he’s not calling out the most obvious and simplest of solutions to this whole mess….Joe Biden! It’s Joe Biden and the democrats that are not stopping this unlimited unsustainable illegal invasion. Adam’s wants money which will only cause more illegals to flood into America. INSANITY! Seal the border and send them back or America will be destroyed. Media where are you???

9/13/2023 11:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

everybody has carjackings throughout the country democratic cities blue states what is the common denominator what type of people do this?

9/13/2023 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Fuck how am I going to pay for f150 raptor, private school tuition, and addition in my mt Greenwood raised ranch

9/13/2023 12:33:00 AM

Wait until the divorce when your wife leaves you because you’re working everyday

9/13/2023 03:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

IIRC, NYPD retirees drive part of their income amount from their last years in service, including overtime.

Guys would be working as much as possible and going to court as often as they could to up the numbers for retirement.

If this is still the case, illegal immigrants are even screwing retirees.

9/13/2023 04:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The illegals are getting bolder and winter is coming. There's a reason their own countries sent them here.

9/13/2023 07:19:00 AM

Do you mean to say that much like the Mariel Boatlift, we're not getting the best and the brightest?

9/13/2023 04:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If everyone who voted for Biden took in an illegal immigrant family, we wouldn't have an immigration problem. If they had voted for Trump we wouldn't have had an immigration problem to begin with, we would have had a wall!

9/13/2023 07:11:00 AM

This is a great idea! If you support illegal immigration, you should actually have a hand in SUPPORTING it! Adopt as many as you can afford, get a tax break, and be responsible for the care, housing, & feeding of these "migrants."

We should also think about an American Foreign Legion. Put these young men to work fighting for things that people fret over the loss of American Boys.

9/13/2023 04:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too many officers do not live within their means. If only people would stop volunteering for overtime, the pain, the politicians would feel would be much greater, but I doubt that will happen and we don’t have enough people yet to storm the castle.

Please stop planting these crazy ideas in coppers' heads. These folks working voluntary OT is the last line of defense saving me from being forced to work even more involuntary OT and cancelled days off. Those $26 dollar Starbucks Frappuccino caramel latte and $100(50% discounted) meal from their favorite TikTok influencer's restaurant is what keeps them motivated to volunteer for more OT. As for me I'd rather spend my time with friends and family away from the city(dump) and it's social media mentals(community).

9/13/2023 05:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the migrants… Make them snow-birds.
Put them-all of them-back on buses to Texas.
Then Texas will probably ship them back to Chicago.
Repeat…but this time don’t even let them get off the bus.
Turn the bus around. Back to Texas they go!
Keep doing this-renting buses is cheaper than housing them.
And after maybe 5 or 6 cross country trips, the weather will be changing here.
Venuzans, they’re not used to Chicagos Mighty Hawk!
And Texas is warmer than Chicago and even warmer south of the border.
They’ll get the idea.

9/13/2023 06:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DNC is around the corner.. OT isn't going anywhere lol

9/13/2023 06:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Should have done that a lot sooner. Who needs overtime to sit in a fixed post and be told to observe and do nothing else. Total wast of money.

Eat 💩 if they want to pay, just like any other job. Then don’t sign up.

9/13/2023 07:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As far as living beyond our means, the cost of living has skyrocketed the past ten years. Trying to raise a family in this city state and country has way outpaced one and two income families. Unless you bought a house in a nice area before 2000 you have to hustle to meet basic needs and to fund def comp and try and get the kids a few vacations. So for many of us the OT is welcome and helps fund needs and wants. And the few canceled days are manageable and it is part of what we signed up for. That’s what the star, oath, and brotherhood is about. The cash is good and the city is offering up very favorable terms and conditions. So it’s a win for both parties. We all have to adapt to the changing environment and extra cash always makes that easier.

9/13/2023 09:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And Texas is warmer than Chicago and even warmer south of the border.
They’ll get the idea.

9/13/2023 06:11:00 PM

F'k you Ace! This ain't poker and Texas ain't holding 'em.

Let's not play a bunch of mega-expensive ping-pong with Illinos versus Texas. Put them on planes, fly them over Texas and land them in South America where they started.

Or, better yet, send them to Delaware, specifically to the residence of the f'kn idiot who started this whole mess.

9/13/2023 10:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Invasion? Ask the native Americans what an invasion really is.

9/13/2023 08:04:00 AM

Ask any native people anywhere what an invasion is.

What they'll tell you is it's when a neighboring tribe raids their terrotory.

Which, bucko, happened a fuckton of a lot.

So when the colonizers from distant lands arrived, and, sooner then later, did the same, so fucking what's your point?

What the fuck do you imagine a nation is?

Any nation.

Throughout all of human history.





9/14/2023 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous RETIRED in Tennessee said...

Too many officers do not live within their means. If only people would stop volunteering for overtime . . .



I'm retired here now in Tennessee and stole all the OT I could get.

I came in 4 hours early everyday because my district was short-handed and proceeded to pad the OT by and hour. FUCK EM.

I now have over ONE million that I rolled over from the shit Nationwide plan and placed it into an IRA.

If the pension takes a shit YOU will be the one that is screwed. NOT ME.

Chicago and Blue States can BURN.

9/14/2023 01:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Correct me if I'm wrong; isn't NYPD pension based on the last year of income, including OT, and that's why retiring MOS (Members Of the Service) want to jump the paper for as much OT credit as possible? Adams knows this, and therefore knows he's screwing working coppers on the way out the door. Good luck getting anything out of the rest of your NYPD, you putz!


Not sure if the pension is still like that.

That might have been their Tier 1 program.

9/14/2023 01:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The amount of coppers absolutely SOBBING at the fact that their counterparts have taken advantage of the current circumstances and used to them to make extra money and better their and their families’ lives is fucking PATHETIC. They are quite literally leaving bags of money around with some of these deployment opportunities. Do you really think refusing to sign up for them and willfully taking LESS money from this department that treats us like DOG SHIT is the answer? This is the only recourse we have and it is extra money in our pocket for dealing with their idiocy and mistreatment of us. It’s honestly pathetic that police want to belittle and shit talk their fellow officers for taking advantage of extra money for, largely, less work. Grow up, you miserable wagon riding mutants. Good lord. “YOU DONT DESERVE NICE THINGS! YER JUST A COP!” Jesus, lighten Tf Up.

9/14/2023 01:57:00 AM  
Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

Anonymous said...
So all you clowns who live check to check, buy or lease 80K jeeps and Lexuses and count on OT and special employment to finance your ghettofabulous lifestyle might just be in for a rude awakening.


Don’t worry about us, you’d be surprised but we can afford it since most of the new generation isn’t making the mistake of getting married and paying out half plus alimony to the ex to go get piped by the new guy. Keep “getting those steps in” at the airport stroke and worry about yourself.

9/13/2023 08:17:00 AM

Yep, there it is! Ya hate what ya ain’t.

Put your time in and pay your dues, kid. And if you’re smart like me, you might just make it to this level.

That’s right: on decent days, I get my steps in - minimum. On good days, I get my steps in and swim for at least 1/2 an hour while taking my “lunch”. On better days I catch a swim and some weights in the hotel employee gym. And on the best days? All of the above plus dinner/drinks and some ‘hot strange’ compliments of a like-minded lady visiting Chicago on business or a girls weekend.

Just like you currently, I was able to afford a new car every few years when I still lived with my parents. Do they give you a spot in the garage for that punisher Jeep? Or do you still have to park it on the street?

9/14/2023 02:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not many places give you the opportunity to make this kind of money phenomenal. I really appreciate it. My family does also helps to put the kids through college pay for my home pay the bills put money in deferred comp the people that are bitching and complaining need to go find another job where you actually have to work for a living.

9/14/2023 06:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/13/2023 09:07:00 PM

STFU and get off the blog Mayor blow job

9/14/2023 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, there it is! Ya hate what ya ain’t.

Put your time in and pay your dues, kid. And if you’re smart like me, you might just make it to this level.

That’s right: on decent days, I get my steps in - minimum. On good days, I get my steps in and swim for at least 1/2 an hour while taking my “lunch”. On better days I catch a swim and some weights in the hotel employee gym. And on the best days? All of the above plus dinner/drinks and some ‘hot strange’ compliments of a like-minded lady visiting Chicago on business or a girls weekend.

Just like you currently, I was able to afford a new car every few years when I still lived with my parents. Do they give you a spot in the garage for that punisher Jeep? Or do you still have to park it on the street?

9/14/2023 02:10:00 AM


Good for you, nobody cares trust me. You strike me as the guy who sat in the corner alone at roll call and bounced car to car. The “floater” as the WOL would call it based on your popularity amongst your peers.

9/14/2023 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you, nobody cares trust me. You strike me as the guy who sat in the corner alone at roll call and bounced car to car. The “floater” as the WOL would call it based on your popularity amongst your peers.

Not OP, but was once that late side floater as you described. Floater has it's advantages such as unlimited medical/IOD, no district coffee runs, no need to suck up to the WOL(as po or sgt), no need to produce fake smiles etc. It feels good to be a self made man and have dignity and it's the last thing I'll be stripped of. Never relinquish it voluntarily.
Floater-FTO-Dic-Sergeant. 14 months to go.

9/14/2023 05:21:00 PM  
Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

Good for you, nobody cares trust me. You strike me as the guy who sat in the corner alone at roll call and bounced car to car. The “floater” as the WOL would call it based on your popularity amongst your peers.

9/14/2023 10:25:00 AM

Au Contraire Mon Frère

YOU care. Your dumb ass took time out of your day to respond.

Someone you’ve never met is in your head. I own dat azz.

You’re weak and easily controlled. Precisely what the department wants.

Congratulations, champ.

9/14/2023 07:36:00 PM  

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