Monday, September 11, 2023

Massive Overreach Again

We've often been accused of being unrealistic and of seeing the bad side too often. 

We disagree, seeing as how we've been correct more often than not. We prefer to think of it as realistic and trusting that people are ALWAYS going to do the thing that gives them more power/control, no matter what. How you react to those situations tells us a lot about you as a human being.

Look at Groot. Look at Governor Fatass. Look at the governors of Michigan, California, New York. All of these politicians claimed or were granted "emergency powers" that they promptly abused beyond any constitutional scope and beyond anything seen in this country since we kicked out the King of England.

Now look at New Mexico this weekend:

  • New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) issued an order Friday suspending, for 30 days, state residents’ rights to carry guns for self-defense in Albuquerque.

    The ban applies to concealed and open carry.

This is in response to a couple of shootings in Albuquerque, none of which involved concealed carry holders or lawful firearm owners. The Right erupted in outrage, numerous sheriffs stated their refusal to enforce this blatant power grab, and democrats screamed "Won't someone think of the children!" as a justification for this overreach. 

But this is what happened with Covid overreach, too. Businesses were shut down, called un-essential, masking forced upon those who had acquired natural immunity and those who had been vaccinated, jobs held hostage, travel restrictions imposed. Science was used to bully even after the science was proven fake and falsified.

And people think we're being pessimistic about Prohibition making a comeback? After this stunt, why wouldn't it?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pushing the boundries on what will be submitted to, complied with, and accepted as normal.

Nudging the American dream closer and closer to the edge of the pit of servitude.

9/11/2023 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say bring back prohibition! I've got corn, I've got sugar and I've got yeast. What i don't have is money, but I will!!

9/11/2023 01:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totally agree! The voters need to hold the politicians accountable and vote them out. This should be the proper measured approach to overreach. The biggest problem is the media and voters falling for their BS.

9/11/2023 01:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Massive over reach to the nth degree is their goal. One wouldn't have imaginable but in clown world anything crazy is possible. California State Assembly has just passed a bill allowing parents to lose custody of their children if they refuse to accept their child's gender transition.

9/11/2023 01:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that the Soros-funded army (Antifa) has stopped burning everything for 5 minutes, we have some wood available again.

Time to build the gallows outside of every legislative body so they understand that We, The People, constituted OUR GOVERNMENT, and that they don't grant us Rights, we reserve them for ourselves.

Damn communists...

9/11/2023 02:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gun owners held a massive peaceful armed protest in Albuquerque Sunday. All those dangerous weapons and no one even fired a single shot. Not a single window was broken. No one was robbed or beaten.

That was the safest place in Albuquerque that entire afternoon.

The police did not try to intervene or arrest anyone.

9/11/2023 02:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Albuquerque Police and Bernalillo County Sheriff said they will not enforce the governor's ban on legal firearms possession.

Do you think anyone in the Chicago or Crook County law enforcement upper ranks (leadership?) would be willing to go against illegal orders of the Illinois governor?

Maybe now is the time for you to decide what you will do?
Will you enforce an unconstitutional ban because the Bosses tell you to?
What will you do if they order you to arrest a person with a legal permit?
What will you do if you see a fellow officer arresting someone for carrying with a permit?

What will you do?

A strong principled immediate refusal will cause even the stupidest boss to stop and reconsider their actions.

9/11/2023 03:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark Levin: This is an 'extremely political and radical' judge
Mark Levin Show Sun 10, Sep 2023 on Fox & also youtube

SCC, You are not being pessimistic or unrealistic
in pointing out what’s going on. This take over by the far left is happening at such a rapid pace it is really frightening. Most people are asleep at the switches and have no idea of what is going on. Levin had a very informative show as to what the DOJ and the Courts are doing to Trump. They are making it impossible for him to run for president. Should the Democrats decide he can’t run or should the voters make the decision whether to elect him or not? Seeing how they are railroading him should give every American the wake up call that it can happen to them. They are even trying to prevent Robert F Kennedy from running. As we get closer to the election there will be more abuse of their powers and a disregard of our rights. And especially with our politicians here in Illinois.

9/11/2023 03:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is excellent about the lie:

9/11/2023 03:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at Groot. Look at Governor Fatass. Look at the governors of Michigan, California, New York. All of these politicians claimed or were granted "emergency powers" that they promptly abused beyond any constitutional scope and beyond anything seen in this country since we kicked out the King of England.

All have and will continue to follow suit with this latest stunt. Governor fatass is just itching to throw his weight around again...

9/11/2023 05:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any demographic information?

9/11/2023 05:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The blackmarket makes everything more valuable, that's why dems want to ban everything. This city's history is an example of that.

9/11/2023 05:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well at least someone has common sense. Albuquerque police chief Harold Medina responded to the governor’s order by making clear he will not enforce it. Bernalillo County Sheriff John Allen indicated he is concerned the order violates New Mexicans’ constitutional rights.

9/11/2023 05:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too many sheep in this country.

9/11/2023 06:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This treasonous cow advocates for abortion up until 9 months.

9/11/2023 06:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another Quid Pro Quo

Mayor Johnson Says The Way To Grade Chicago Schools Is 'How Much Money We Given Them'

then the so-called progressive democrat jackass that is fixated in the past rambles on with his word salad about racism

“I personally don’t give a lot of attention to grades…. My responsibility is not merely to just grade the system but to fund the system.

That’s how I am ultimately going to grade whether our public school system is working - based upon the investments we make to the people who rely on it.”

He offered nothing further about how to grade the schools or educational outcomes.

Brilliant eh? Can he grade the police force by how much money he gives them too?

Betcha he feels that way to grade how well he's dealing with the illegal immigrants by how much money he's giving them too what ya think

“I’ve said this before,” Johnson answered.

“There are forces that did not accept the results of the Civil War. And there are real forces that want a rematch. Don’t give in to them. Don’t give it them.”

He went on to talk about the importance of love and cooperation.

Really? The first thing that comes to his mind are people who want to refight a war to preserve slavery? He’s the fourth black mayor in a city that sent the first black man to the White House.

9/11/2023 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First they came for the Coommunist
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the trade unionist
and I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews
and I did not speak
Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me
and no one spoke
Because no one was left


9/11/2023 08:34:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

She is not SpankDaddy worthy.

9/11/2023 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

America is experiencing a Marxist take over.

9/11/2023 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prohibition filled organized crimes coffers.

9/11/2023 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what is going to change in 30 days? What was the point?

9/11/2023 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem is not our guns, it's their sons.

9/11/2023 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, SCC, the comparison to Covid shutdowns and restrictions is false. Covid-19 was an unknown-risk disease; it was new to Mankind, and nobody knew how communicable and transmissible it was in the beginning. You quarantine, use PPE like masks, and restrict movement to firebreak an epidemic or pandemic (get a copy of "The Devil In The Freezer" to find out how smallpox outbreaks were stopped), which is totally unrelated to a Governor suddenly and illegally suspending the 2nd Amendment.

9/11/2023 10:55:00 AM  
Blogger rosco said...

Isn't Illinois Assault weapons registration requirement a violation of your 4th and 5th Amendment rights?

9/11/2023 12:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So who are the real Facists? It’s the democrats. ANIFA needs to change their name to PROFA because they are pro fascists. They are attacking the wrong people. The democrat party is the authoritarian party chipping away at freedom attempting complete government control.

9/11/2023 12:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.....A strong principled immediate refusal will cause even the stupidest boss to stop and reconsider their actions.

9/11/2023 03:06:00 AM

I think you grossly underestimate the stupid......

9/11/2023 01:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The Albuquerque Police and Bernalillo County Sheriff said they will not enforce the governor's ban on legal firearms possession.

Do you think anyone in the Chicago or Crook County law enforcement upper ranks (leadership?) would be willing to go against illegal orders of the Illinois governor?

Maybe now is the time for you to decide what you will do?
Will you enforce an unconstitutional ban because the Bosses tell you to?
What will you do if they order you to arrest a person with a legal permit?
What will you do if you see a fellow officer arresting someone for carrying with a permit?

What will you do?

A strong principled immediate refusal will cause even the stupidest boss to stop and reconsider their actions.

9/11/2023 03:06:00 AM

Take a look at the COVID order and the AR ban, CPDs top brass caved hard to the city with the spineless SUP., then you have parts of the state with towns forcing the jab too. Unless its a suburb in Cook county, it won't happen in Chicago, chiefs aren't like puppets like CPDs own Small Brained Snelling who will do whatever he's told even if it is immoral and illegal.

9/11/2023 01:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Consider whether this is a trial balloon, small state, little media coverage, to see whether state governor action alone can successfully outright ban guns without legislative process, without consideration of constitutional rights.

"Covid Lockdown" and "Covid Shot Mandate" are both examples of government agency overreach, and unfortunately proved to be quite successful in mandating actions contrary to constitutional rights as well as personal best interests of individual citizens.

9/11/2023 03:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well!!! Ain't *THAT* the pot calling the kettle black??? None of those pols listed are actually enforcing those edicts. *YOU ARE*!!! No wonder respect for law enforcement is at an all time low. Look in the mirror...

9/11/2023 07:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city of Chicago is trying to step up their migrant game and is working on an in service training 4 hour mandatory class for all sworn. It’s a migrant simulation class so the officer will have a better understanding as to how a migrant feels living in a police station in a foreign country.

Hopefully they can get the implicit biases under control.

9/11/2023 08:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
So who are the real Facists? It’s the democrats. ANIFA needs to change their name to PROFA because they are pro fascists. They are attacking the wrong people. The democrat party is the authoritarian party chipping away at freedom attempting complete government control.

9/11/2023 12:26:00 PM


9/11/2023 11:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Totally agree! The voters need to hold the politicians accountable and vote them out. This should be the proper measured approach to overreach. The biggest problem is the media and voters falling for their BS.

9/11/2023 01:48:00 AM

Sorry, not going to work. Media is part of the democratic party, like in the old Soviet Union. Voters were on to the left’s shenanigans in 2020 election and left the party in droves but it still wasn’t enough to overcome the cheating. The real problem is democrats have perfected vote fraud, they stole a win from Trump, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they had to work their magic for Bath house Barry both times. First two boxes have proved to be ineffective, lets see how the last box does.

9/12/2023 12:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The city of Chicago is trying to step up their migrant game and is working on an in service training 4 hour mandatory class for all sworn. It’s a migrant simulation class so the officer will have a better understanding as to how a migrant feels living in a police station in a foreign country.

Hopefully they can get the implicit biases under control.

9/11/2023 08:37:00 PM

#1: They're not migrants, they're all illegal aliens.

#2: Illegal aliens are criminals.

#3: Illegal alien simulation class sounds a lot like a version of Stockholm Syndrome to me. 'Oh, won't you please sympathize with the poor criminal? Maybe you'll feel sorry for them and let them into the Country en masse..."

Fuck that bullshit. Deport the lot of em. Right back where they came from is best. Mexico will do for the vast majority.

Migrant Simulation in Chicago... Poverty Simulation in Highland Park... some serious fucking bullshit going on.

9/12/2023 01:02:00 AM  

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