Saturday, September 09, 2023

Media BS Again

Typical Slum times bullshit....again:

  • On a recent summer afternoon, I picked up my son from day care so we could go to a park on the South Side. But unlike what most white parents experience while driving their kids to a fun activity, our trip was interrupted by the Chicago police.

    I saw the squad car’s flashing lights in my rearview mirror. I was confused and aggravated because I didn’t break any traffic rules. I worried about being confronted by officers with my son in the back seat and thought of all the times police have shot Black motorists. Still, I pulled over.

    A female officer walked over and leaned into the driver’s side window. When I asked why I had been stopped, she said I took a right turn where I wasn’t supposed to. But there were no signs prohibiting a right turn, so there was no valid reason for the traffic stop.

Can we name the intersection in question? Or are we just supposed to take the word of someone with an axe to grind? We wouldn't want to actually check and verify when there are charges of "RACISM!" to throw around, would we?

  • Before heading back to the squad car with my driver’s license, the officer demanded that I roll down the passenger window so her partner could see me and my son.

    I didn’t end up with a ticket or formal warning, just like the dozen-plus times I have been stopped by police in the last five years. But I felt humiliated and disrespected and broke down crying after the officers left, which made my son sad.

    No matter how much I vary my routes, police have stopped me to question whether my registration is up to date or to tell me that my car has some minor problem, like a light being out.

Well let's see - (A) rolling down windows for Officer safety is common sense politeness....and it prevents misunderstandings where people might get shot, so you're welcome. (B) you didn't get a ticket, so you're welcome. (C) Disrespected and humiliated how exactly? You never say, so sorry about that snowflake. (D) Minor problems like a light being out? Um, violation of State Law....and you still didn't get a ticket, and you were notified that there was a safety issue with your car. You're welcome again snowflake.

  • Just a few weeks before the traffic stop with my son, I joined a lawsuit with four other Chicago residents alleging that Chicago police intentionally target Black and Latino drivers.

    The lawsuit, filed by the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois, alleges that the police department has a policy and practice of targeting Black and Latino drivers simply for driving while Black or Brown, as well as requiring officers to satisfy traffic stop quotas and flood predominantly Black and Latino neighborhoods on the South and West sides with traffic stops for alleged minor equipment and registration violations. The lawsuit also alleges this “mass traffic stop program” has an unjustified disparate effect on Black and Latino drivers.

    This “mass traffic stop program” likely arises from decisions by the police department and city officials to use traffic stops supposedly as an effort to fight crime. But the lawsuit contends it doesn’t work. No contraband, including illegal guns or drugs turn up in more than 99% of traffic stops in Chicago.. These stops do not make our communities safer or more secure.

Yawn. As predicted here for almost twenty years, the "Blue Cards" study was going to be used to paint police in a bad light. Never mind that no one can find any incidents of racial profiling in millions of stops, this moron and the ACLU are going to claim traffic stops for actual minor equipment and registration violations (all legit violations of the Law), are somehow if black and brown people don't know how to maintain a car to be street legal. Little racist on the ACLU's part? And if the stop doesn't rise to the level of a search (or consent) for contraband, then searches aren't performed and therefore nothing is found. 

You know what isn't covered in this "editorial" screed? The race of the officers performing the stop. Not even once. Did you know if you have the driver's name you can run the TSSS card in the database and the officer's name(s) appear there. And another quick search gives you the officers' biological info. Guess what? No really, guess what? 

Got it in one, didn't you? Chances of "racial profiling" are exactly ZERO.

You can really tell Mope-rah is still calling some shots over on the Op-Ed page with this claptrap. 

UPDATE: Is this the author?  Same name. Seems to have a criminal record. 

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Blogger Retired-On-Duty said...

Funny . .
I'm sitting here on the Southside right now at a side job.

I'm staring at Western Avenue right now (00:50hrs) and cars are going by at 80 FUCKING MILES AN HOUR.

The people (or folks) who are driving are probably predominantly Brown and Black, however I CAN'T SEE "EM cause they are driving, ya know.. TO FAST.

I guess all the bastards/SNOWFLAKES get a free pass because they are victims of prejudice?

So let kill each other. Fuck it !!!

9/09/2023 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did this fool get the stop on video?? Everybody has a phone these days and the capability to record police stops, yet no mention of any video evidence is there. Of course not, because it's all fictitious. You would think this poor scared black lady with child would have been recording the second she saw the lights in the rear mirror given the article. She's so, so afraid, It's all lying bs plain and simple. Coincidentally she just happened to sign on to a useless lawsuit for other perceived wrongs.

Wonder what opinions might change if she happened to be carjacked by young yutes with guns. Seemed to help in the case of Shivanthi Sathanandan, the second vice chairwoman of the Democratic Farmer Labor party who was recently carjacked. She changed her tune from wanting to dismantle the police department to talking about law and order and locking up the criminals in question.

9/09/2023 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Fuck Shit-cago said...

Uhh. How about shutting up and just play.. ya know, THE VIDEO TAPE.

It is 2023 REMEMBER ?

The ENTIRE TRAFFIC VIOLATION and contact with the driver was captured on In-Car camera and Body Camera.

This always shuts up lib-tards and lawyers when they see in fact the police are correct in their actions.

9/09/2023 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate the Scum Times.

But I love the Ken Ken puzzles, thankfully, my breakfast joint prints the puzzles for me.

The other day I looked at the Tribune,those idiots charge 4 bucks for a daily paper.

No need to buy either paper again.

Media is dead in Chicago.

9/09/2023 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This looks like the writer of the piece.

9/09/2023 01:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a white person, I am very happy to not get a ticket when I get pulled over for violating the law.
80 in a 60, 70 in a 55, and one or two less egregious. I have been lucky as heck these last twenty years. I did get a ticket once for rolling a stop sign. Probably because I rolled it at 15 mph.

Why have I been so lucky? Maybe because I signaled and pulled over quickly? Kept my hands on the wheel, engine off, and window down? I Was respectful, but said little than "Yes Sir" "No Ma'am." I had my paperwork available. Or maybe the cops just kowtow to their natural superior? (/Joke)

9/09/2023 01:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this 'article' sounds highly political to me. i thought 501(c)3 organizations like the SunTimes is were prohibited from engaging in politics...

9/09/2023 03:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In a real world, there are only three, 3, valuable reasons for traffic stops:

1. Any of the many more vital to the public's safety, ie., bolo, warrants, really reckless onview, suspicious activity, etc.

2. To provide data record on accidents

3. Gee, I can't think of a third one......

All other reasons belong to clown world.....


9/09/2023 04:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I didn’t end up with a ticket or formal warning, just like the dozen-plus times I have been stopped by police in the last five years. But I felt humiliated and disrespected and broke down crying after the officers left, which made my son sad."

A dozen + times? Besides being a shitty driver, you're a drama queen.

9/09/2023 05:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Save this article. Next time you are told your activity is down show the white shirt this story.
Generating numbers just for the sake of generating numbers is against the law.
Tell the white shirt did you don’t want to be part of a civil suit.

9/09/2023 05:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ACLU lamenting " 99% of traffic stops..."

1%, whelp if just one child's life is saved isn't it worth it Perhaps the ACLU should go after airport TSA stats

9/09/2023 06:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see the author is Essense Jefferson.

9/09/2023 06:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leftist white people is why I left Illinois. Good luck.

9/09/2023 06:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This tale needs a violin playing in the background.

9/09/2023 06:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There’s some interesting information on the author of this “hit” story…..

COOK COUNTY CRIMINAL COURTHOUSE — An employee at a red-light-camera company with cameras outside Chicago racked up $750 in spa and T-Mobile charges using credit card information from a man who was ticketed by her employer, prosecutors alleged Tuesday.

Essence Jefferson, 21, was working for Safe Speed when the victim called to pay his red-light-camera ticket by phone earlier this year, Assistant State's Attorney Lorraine Scaduto said during a bond hearing Tuesday.

Safe Speed is licensed in Chicago and has a Downtown office, but doesn't operate cameras in the city (that contract belongs to Xerox). Safe Speed didn't immediately respond to requests for comment.

After the victim gave Jefferson his credit card number by phone, she used it to treat herself and a friend to $510 worth of Streeterville spa services, Scaduto said.

Jefferson is also accused of spending $253.70 at T-Mobile.

9/09/2023 07:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Her car is such obviously poor condition and maintenance even the car jackers don't want it....

9/09/2023 07:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont "stop" anyone. Let the fuckers murder each other. Who cares?

9/09/2023 07:21:00 AM  
Blogger DixonSyder said...

No matter how the issue is explained or how and why there is no real evidence of racial profiling there will be millions of dollars handed over to the law firm and the so called injured parties because the mayor and city council will bend over backwards to give the CPD another kick in the groin. Fetal is a real policing strategy.

9/09/2023 07:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is Slum Times still in business? Who reads it?

9/09/2023 08:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whats a traffic stop? lmfao

9/09/2023 08:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd love to see her top 10 red light and speed camera violations. The cameras must also be racist.

9/09/2023 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Royal Flush said...

What idiots on this job are still doing traffic stops and chasing blue cards?! Must be Tac or CST. To get an early duck you just made 4 members of Dude Inc rich with taxpayer money. If you wanted to do that type of police work Illinois State Police is always taking laterals, so just please stop with the TSSS cards and traffic stops. Mayor "Blue Gums" will hang you out to dry....

9/09/2023 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Racial profiling? Happens mostly to whites. Why? Several reasons, including revenue. But will pass on that one. Who’s driving drunk, high, ignoring traffic laws, and on and on?

Plus, who can see in the tinted windows? Most cars have tinted windows. Plates are run after the visuals. Do the lane computer systems even have race and images? Everyone cries when getting stopped, don’t they? Well mostly the girls do, but I digress.

Once I was given a ticket in suburbia and was told they had to issue a ticket due to racial profiling because I wasn’t one of the whining tinted demographics. I glow in the dark and am actually the only real minority on the planet, besides unicorns. Lol

Ticket was tossed because I proved it was bogus, but still I was ticketed purely for my skin color. Did I write a crazy slumtimes piece?

So sick of these pocket picking, destructive, racial idiots.

Thanks SCC for bringing the truth.

9/09/2023 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh great, here comes more racial profiling studies that DON'T ever pan out to what they want it to be (they want it to prove by stats LEOs are racist). Stats have shown otherwise over each time they do the study: as a whole, the professional worker does their job and continues to do their job. But wait, now we have all lowered standards across the board simply to get people into the uniform, so really, who knows where this goes? We shall see and sadly either way, it's the taxpayers footing the bill and suffering.

---OT but kind of similar from a bud still working
ISP has a quota (we knew this), they say "the state police act forbids it" but it absolutely exists. It's called the ISP's monthly IPR (individual performance review). ISP brass claim a Troop must get X amount of X stat each month, if you don't, you're on a remedial action plan. If you're on a remedial action plan, you have X amount of time to do X amount of stats before you're disciplined. Don't do this either? Well, that discipline grows and your job is now on the line. We had it over the years, but nothing really came of it other than simply folks didn't want to ruffle feathers and quash any promotional aspiration.

However, new ISP command and their kneejerk result of 2020 stat plummet across the state, this is roaring statewide. As you might guess, folks don't want to be bossed around by number driven by managers (actual leaders don't do this, managers and supervisors do). On top of it, ISP has "hit teams" deployed at the whim of a Col while forcing patrol to suffer everything else (but hey, you also gotta hit those #s or your toast, you lowly patrol peon you). Want all the new fancy cool stuff or get promoted? No chance unless you're on the "hit team." Call it what you want, but it's merit or quota based pay. Only a matter of time before someone complains about the ISP quota / IPRs / whatever. New Col will be in the hot seat and somehow charm folks it doesn't exist. Next time you're thumping call to call and ISP calls for backup, just assume it's because they gotta get a # in that IPR!

Glad to be retired, but I keep my ear to the ground. I used to not want to air our laundry, but you know what, just like most places, it's filled with a TON of hard working and caring people. Just like other places, egomaniacs are ruining 100 years of tradition to play "city cop" or look cool (for those that may read this and recognize what I'm saying, you know exactly what I mean)

Time to plan lunch, be safe folks, love the blog being back up. Information is always a good thing, just remember to always verify before getting all riled up.

9/09/2023 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like this woman might be a racist with an unfixable victim mentality.

9/09/2023 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You could see where blue cards were headed from Day 1. Especially as bosses were pushing for them. The end result of “racial profiling” was the obvious and only outcome amongst liberal morons.

9/09/2023 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can there really be another person with that name?

9/09/2023 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is soooo much bullshit. I am not a particularly good driver. At one time I was identified by my peers as the worst driver in the history of the internal combustion engine. I haven’t gotten better with age. So with this history why don’t I ever get stopped? This woman has been stopped more times than Ive been stopped in my entire 60 years of driving

9/09/2023 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really SCC?
Essence Jefferson is a very common name.
Two of my kids are named that.

9/09/2023 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blacks represent 13% of the population of the United States, yet commit more than 50% of the violent crime in the United States. This is data collected by the federal government and is indisputable. So why would cops pull over a white grandmother?

9/09/2023 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok so the community wants more police presence. They get more police presence by stripping manpower from nicer neighborhoods. The community that is screaming for police happens to be made up of black and brown people as a majority. So police do their job and pull over people in the community for traffic issues and all of a sudden its targeted to black and brown people ? Well of course the majority will be black and brown people if its in a black and brown neighborhood. Dumb ass crybabies. Im sure the police would rather be elsewhere so they dont have to listen to loud ass she beasts hoopin and a hollerin

9/09/2023 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I share you pain siztr...I too was often the target of highly illegal traffic stops by the mean old police in the days of my uth. My car tossed, me and my fellow nardowells, hands on the trunk being searched, ohhh the pain of it all! City and suburbs, it never ended.

9/09/2023 10:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is the FOP for shit like this??? Get the bwc footage and put it out there to destroy this person’s credibility. I’m sure the officers were both respectful and professional. We need to start going after these people and destroy the narrative there’re trying to paint

9/09/2023 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn’t end up with a ticket or formal warning, just like the dozen-plus times I have been stopped by police in the last five years. But I felt humiliated and disrespected and broke down crying after the officers left, which made my son sad.

Stopped dozens of times? It would take me several lifetimes to catch up to her record. I’m going to assume since she has a child she is in her 20’s age wise. I’ve lived in Chicago for over 60 years, been driving for 45 years. In that time I was pulled over by Chicago Police twice, both for right turn on red violations. I received a warning once, and a ticket the other time, I deserved a ticket both times. The secret to not getting pulled over is don’t attract their attention and give them a reason to pull you over. This isn’t a racial issue as Bath house Barry’s traffic study for racial profiling has proven there is no bias in how officers determine who they will stop. If you are an asshole as a person you probably get pulled over often, as your driving is a reflection of your personality.

9/09/2023 11:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember Moprah complaining of racism when a hispanic gang with numerous black members, was killing blacks over the dope trade. She did not complain previously about the mayhem about blacks causing on the westside. Also she did not complain about the double homicides of hispanics in this gang conflict by blacks.

9/09/2023 12:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
this 'article' sounds highly political to me. i thought 501(c)3 organizations like the SunTimes is were prohibited from engaging in politics...

9/09/2023 03:41:00 AM

It is all political thats why no pictures of offenders or descriptions. The recent victim in Chinatowwn some news outlets showed the offenders in action. Maybe Kim Fox will not be able to blame White supremist for this crime as she and lighfoot have done in the past.

9/09/2023 01:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a He said-She said piece. Poor reporting. NO documentation.

A FEW STORIES: Went to Canada a few years ago (3x a year) and every time, the Border Patrol Officer asked me to roll down the windows. It's procedure! I'm sorry.

Got stopped. No front plate on car. (I'm from WI. This was in a WI Country. WI State Patrol.) The officer was polite. "Keep your hands at 10 & 2. Do you know why I stopped you?" I knew. I was polite. I didn't begin recording. I didn't cry! I DIDN'T GET A TICKET!

A (LIB) acquaintance was stopped years ago in New Mexico. She yells at the cop. "You stopped me because I'm a woman..." I told her, "the cop has no idea who you are at 80 MPH on the freeway!" Her lipping off to the officer got her the ticket!

Retired police next door here in WI, and a retired sheriff in Michigan. Oh, do I hear the stories. . . and these people have no fear, no shame and lie to your face every time! No shame!

9/09/2023 01:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody believes the agenda driven fake media anymore, people have awakened. Even Walter Cronkite was a liar waaay back when.
Remember media flunkies just following orders as a defense isn’t goin to cut it at the military tribunals.

9/09/2023 01:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the scum times is a rag nobody reads anymore, not even for the Christmas sale special pullouts. there columnists, not journalist are so far left, they don't even know the word right.
times news: trump bad, men can be women, women can be men, migrants get kicked out of hotels they don't pay for.

sorry, no normal person wants to read crap!!!

9/09/2023 02:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@0051. This probably happened when you were in Grammer school but years ago this POS reporter was the 'victim' of a carjacking ....
Offenders taken into custody a few hours later. She refused to sign complaints and her thanks to us was her next article saying how as she waited for hours up in the area watching all the Po's come and go, it disgusted her that she saw so few black and brown officers.
F*"k her

9/09/2023 04:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds similar to "a million little pieces"

where's oprah???

9/09/2023 04:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

30 years on and never heard of a mass traffic stop program.
I do know that they do traffic missions in areas after homicides.
So maybe stop killing each other

9/09/2023 04:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good work on the update! I find it funny she worked for the red light camera company.

9/09/2023 05:53:00 PM  
Blogger Mark Felt said...

I'm an old white guy. It's been years since I was pulled over, but even then I rolled down my window, plus the passenger side window and turned the interior light on because it was night time and turned the car off. Turns out I had rolled thru a stop sign. I was polite and no ticket was issued. Common courtesy goes a long way.

9/09/2023 08:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People actually still read the sun times. ??

9/09/2023 08:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well.. this is what happens when you do the blue card game for the smoke and mirrors show. So what does every watch do?? Pick a car. Traffic mission. When the traffic mission is over head in the station and put your cards in. I’m sure that will take the rest of the tour to enter the cards. So who gets stopped?? East stops. Stops that won’t cause problems, fight with your or lead to something bad. 60 year old women going home who don’t use a turn signal. The traffic missions are garbage. Legitimate traffic stops to deter crime are fine.. the traffic mission blue card crap has to go. I’ve never considered blue cards “activity”. It’s garbage.

9/09/2023 09:26:00 PM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Go complain to your husband lady......OOPS.

9/10/2023 06:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was stopped by a black officer That be racist

9/10/2023 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok they are saying murder currently has a 50% clearance rate in Chicago. So that's probably a 25% cleared closed arrest and prosecution. The other 25% is probably exceptionally cleared closed. So 75% of Chicago's 697 murders in 2022 are left flopping in the wind. No one awaiting trail for them. That's 522 free murders. Seeing that 70% of murders in Chicago are black (we all know it probably more, but we'll go with 70%), 365 blacks got away with murder in 2022. That's just one year.

So who takes this into account when they say blacks are mistreated by the criminal justice system?

9/10/2023 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blacks represent 13% of the population of the United States, yet commit more than 50% of the violent crime in the United States. This is data collected by the federal government and is indisputable. So why would cops pull over a white grandmother?

9/09/2023 10:07:00 AM

According to the FBI, the U.S. had 17815 murders in 2020. The population of the U.S. was 329.5M. The rate per 100,000 residents was 5.4. When the race of the offender was known, 8166 were black, 5866 (including white Hispanic) were white, and 6612 were unknown.
In 2015 2020, 62% 60% of Americans were white, 13.4% black, 18.5% Hispanic and 6% Asian.
Blacks 8166 of 44.1M = 18.5 per 100,000
Whites 5866 of 197.7M = 2.97 per 100,000
Blacks are 6.2x more likely to murder than are whites in 2020.

9/10/2023 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When blacks get stopped by the police they are always "doin nuthin." Right. Just ask store owners.

9/10/2023 02:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

🎼 don’t cry for me Argentina 🎼!

9/10/2023 07:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Well.. this is what happens when you do the blue card game for the smoke and mirrors show. So what does every watch do?? Pick a car. Traffic mission. When the traffic mission is over head in the station and put your cards in. I’m sure that will take the rest of the tour to enter the cards. So who gets stopped?? East stops. Stops that won’t cause problems, fight with your or lead to something bad. 60 year old women going home who don’t use a turn signal. The traffic missions are garbage. Legitimate traffic stops to deter crime are fine.. the traffic mission blue card crap has to go. I’ve never considered blue cards “activity”. It’s garbage.

9/09/2023 09:26:00 PM

Anyone who "does activity" deserves everything coming at them for what we endured the last 5 years. Just answer your calls and go home. Wow.

9/11/2023 01:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Oh great, here comes more racial profiling studies that DON'T ever pan out to what they want it to be (they want it to prove by stats LEOs are racist). Stats have shown otherwise over each time they do the study: as a whole, the professional worker does their job and continues to do their job. But wait, now we have all lowered standards across the board simply to get people into the uniform, so really, who knows where this goes? We shall see and sadly either way, it's the taxpayers footing the bill and suffering.

---OT but kind of similar from a bud still working
ISP has a quota (we knew this), they say "the state police act forbids it" but it absolutely exists. It's called the ISP's monthly IPR (individual performance review). ISP brass claim a Troop must get X amount of X stat each month, if you don't, you're on a remedial action plan. If you're on a remedial action plan, you have X amount of time to do X amount of stats before you're disciplined. Don't do this either? Well, that discipline grows and your job is now on the line. We had it over the years, but nothing really came of it other than simply folks didn't want to ruffle feathers and quash any promotional aspiration.

However, new ISP command and their kneejerk result of 2020 stat plummet across the state, this is roaring statewide. As you might guess, folks don't want to be bossed around by number driven by managers (actual leaders don't do this, managers and supervisors do). On top of it, ISP has "hit teams" deployed at the whim of a Col while forcing patrol to suffer everything else (but hey, you also gotta hit those #s or your toast, you lowly patrol peon you). Want all the new fancy cool stuff or get promoted? No chance unless you're on the "hit team." Call it what you want, but it's merit or quota based pay. Only a matter of time before someone complains about the ISP quota / IPRs / whatever. New Col will be in the hot seat and somehow charm folks it doesn't exist. Next time you're thumping call to call and ISP calls for backup, just assume it's because they gotta get a # in that IPR!

Glad to be retired, but I keep my ear to the ground. I used to not want to air our laundry, but you know what, just like most places, it's filled with a TON of hard working and caring people. Just like other places, egomaniacs are ruining 100 years of tradition to play "city cop" or look cool (for those that may read this and recognize what I'm saying, you know exactly what I mean)

Time to plan lunch, be safe folks, love the blog being back up. Information is always a good thing, just remember to always verify before getting all riled up.

9/09/2023 08:49:00 AM

Another stupid department. That's a civil lawsuit waiting to jump up on for any ISP trooper or civilian to pounce on and cash on heavily. They just gave a number and stat to compete/fulfil. Look at NJs quota system, they can't fire you for not doing a quota or bs made IIR.

9/11/2023 02:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blacks are 6.2x more likely to murder than are whites in 2020.

9/10/2023 08:32:00 AM

Yeah but there is an entire streaming channel about white people killing each other?
it's called Investigation ID. The majority of the people profiled on every show is white.

Check it out if you don't believe me.

9/15/2023 08:58:00 AM  

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