Sunday, October 08, 2023

PPP for Guns/Drugs

So it wasn't just city and state employees committing PPP fraud:

  • When COVID-19 struck in 2020, the government quickly put together massive aid programs to help struggling businesses, along with the people who lost their jobs.

    But other kinds of enterprises with names like the Traveling Vice Lords and the Wild 100s — criminal street gangs in Chicago and across the country — soon figured out how to take advantage of that safety net. They defrauded those programs of millions of dollars that they used to buy guns and drugs, according to the U.S. Justice Department and court records.

    Incarcerated crooks were in on the act, too. The government estimates that, across the country, at least one-quarter of a billion dollars in fraudulent unemployment insurance benefits went to inmates in federal prisons.

All this money floating around with the tiniest little oversight coming after the fact. Back in the day, with two or three "churches" on every block in the war-torn sectors of the city, the dope dealers attempted to launder the monies. They had to expend a bit of effort.

Now, the government just sent a check to your house.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone needs to wake up and start reading these police board cases holy shit they will fire an officer for leaving the toilet seat up, this place is doomed.

10/08/2023 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of the federal government agencies that were responsible for the dole out should be held accountable as well their employees. Remember they wanted to create the 87,000 IRS agents to do investigations of fraud. They can’t catch the criminals. The agency was going to target and audit ordinary citizens because they are easy to audit they know who you are and where you are. It’s like getting a businessman or a nurse for a burned out tail light rather than catching a burglary offender which are harder to find.

10/08/2023 04:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Accountability and oversight are so 20th century. The commie mindset is the quicker we can destroy the status quo, the faster we can install our way of governing. And, make no mistake, that trend is in full motion.

10/08/2023 06:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God made the hundreds man made it wild...still have my t shirt

10/08/2023 06:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why I don't believe in any form of government assistance. I don't believe in socialism at all. No unemployment insurance, social security, pensions or healthcare. All of those should be an individual responsibility. Our Founding Fathers believed in 100% individual responsibility.

10/08/2023 07:26:00 AM  
Blogger Ludlow Peaswatter said...

10/08/2023 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“We don’t have time to go after incarcerated people “ -Gov.Pritzker

10/08/2023 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why I don't believe in any form of government assistance. I don't believe in socialism at all. No unemployment insurance, social security, pensions or healthcare. All of those should be an individual responsibility. Our Founding Fathers believed in 100% individual responsibility.

10/08/2023 07:26:00 AM

You get parsed on this one, tho it may be that you yearned for it:

'This is why I don't believe in any form of government assistance.'

So, no police/law enforcement officers?

No fire departments?

No constructions of roads, maintenance of same?

No water and sewer services?

No trash collections?

No civil courts?

Do you throw out the baby with the bath water?

'I don't believe in socialism at all.'

By socialism, do you mean the few ruling over the many, by rigging elections and bribing via doling out taxes to bums?

'No unemployment insurance, social security, pensions or healthcare.'

So, do you mean:

no government/taxpayer financed retirement/disability?

no employer funded unemployment payments?

no employer/employee pension functions, even/or those negotiated between governments and their employees?

no compelled by governments purchasings of health insurances?

no taxpayer funded, government defined and controlled healthcare?

'All of those should be an individual responsibility.'

Like a dog licks it's own wounds, eh?

'Our Founding Fathers believed in 100% individual responsibility.'

Individual responsibilty? Like paying into fica for decades? Like paying required taxes, taxes used to fund beneficial functions of governments?

Your beef is with the grifters, all the various grifters.

Not with the essentials that Constitutional Republic government was formed to facilitate.

10/08/2023 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Plenty of violators on the fifth floor of fort knee pads if they get the green light to start sniffing around. You reading this hickey and kirsten, big rats nest right under your nose.

10/08/2023 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Covid will go down as the greatest scandal/corruption/lie in the history of our world. Every single aspect was a lie. From the origin(bat), to lockdowns(15 days to stop the spread LOL),masking, double masking, mandates, vaccines efficacy lies, treatments(ventilation & medication), prevention of effective medication( hydroxycloroquin SP, ivermectin, VD3 VC)inflating death rates and sickness, and the massive amount of fraud stealing trillions of dollars. Sadly the majority of all this was caused by democrats. Never forget. Never allow this to happen again.

10/08/2023 09:15:00 AM  
Blogger DG in GA said...

Back in the day, before everything could be done online, you had to show up in person, provide valid ID, and, for unemployment at least, the state would require - at a moment’s notice - that you show up in person and provide proof that you were actually looking for a job. You had to show up and take job search classes and you had to show up periodically in person in order to continue getting benefits. With that kind of system there is no way that convicted criminals in prison could be getting these benefits. There is less chance that people who are employed - like police officials - could be getting benefits. Now, all the government has to do is announce that funds will be made available for whatever reason and the fraudsters are out in force, with no accountability. I was a banker during my career and the more programs we put online, the more I would roll my eyes and say, “Can you spell F-R-A-U-D?”

10/08/2023 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember when Democrats were complaining about "inequity" of PPP loans distributions to minorities? I do,it was a give away and those chickens are coming home to roost...

10/08/2023 09:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What if the government knew and was in on it? Cloward-Piven strategy, overload the system to crash it. Wouldn’t surprise me with this bunch behind the levers.

10/08/2023 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting stat.....40% of the business that took ppp loans are now out of business.

It did’t work out the way it was presented to America.

Please shut down the federal govt in nov 2023.

10/08/2023 10:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Money scandal involving race-hustler Ibram Kendi just took a wild “BLM” turn…


10/08/2023 11:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Imagine if the sun times did credible articles all the time🤔

10/08/2023 12:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was the eight people shot up in the River North's mass shooting a result of domestic white supremacist far right wing ultra MAGA supporters that the FBI has warned about or nah asking for a friend.

Was it migrants who were shot in a drive-by by angry indigenous tribal people in front of the Grand Crossing 3rd district police station resulting in 10 injured including four cops yesterday?

10/08/2023 12:56:00 PM  
Blogger Jack Trumpblood said...

No surprise here.

10/08/2023 01:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim Foxx = SCUM

10/08/2023 02:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PPP fraud money used for crime?

10/08/2023 02:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

***Remember they wanted to create the 87,000 IRS agents to do investigations of fraud***

Thank God the republicans fought that and agreed upon 60,000. These republicans are as soft as the dems. All politicians hate us, even Trump!

10/08/2023 03:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reparation's We gotta eat.

10/08/2023 04:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Statute of limitations clocks running.

10/08/2023 04:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Archduke Ferdinand Mayor of Lawndale said...

Pulled this from a comment in a thread from last month.

Still no journalists have even touched this. Run Brandon Johnson.

No:D17149937 File Date:3/9/2017 Status:APPROVED
Business Address(es)
Business Owner(s)

Johnson appointed Tanya Woods to the school board in July.

Read the article and it says she works at the West Side Justice Center. Which is linked to Brendan Shiller if you read earlier comment.

Why was then CTU organizer Brandon Johnson involved in a DBA with an attorney from the West Side Justice Center? Seems he pulled out right before he got elected to the County Board. Connections within connections. I ran a few searches and no media seems to have commented on this. Not even any comments in Reddit or other areas that often offer wild theories. I have no idea what this means. Maybe someone can follow all the bread crumbs to a conclusion. Also this potential Conyers-Irvin stuff is likely coming out because she was talking about running for Danni Davis's congressional seat. Should have been more patient.

9/25/2023 11:05:00 AM


10/08/2023 06:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was it migrants who were shot in a drive-by by angry indigenous tribal people in front of the Grand Crossing 3rd district police station resulting in 10 injured including four cops yesterday?


Let the ghetto deal with the Illegal Immigrant problem. Why even bother and engage in a pursuit for non-citizens and get hurt in the end?
The Illegals and the "communerty" hate the police regardless. Leave the self-cleaning oven alone.

10/08/2023 07:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This happened under the Great Society too. DC sent money to the Blackstone Rangers for "job training" or whatever, that wound up funding a drug cartel and, eventually, a fledgling international "assassins for hire" operation.

In fact, it would have been pretty ironic if Jeff Fort got his "First Step Act" release while these new stories were popping up. I know Trump was palling around with Kanye when he signed that thing but, seriously, what was he thinking?

10/08/2023 08:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Everyone needs to wake up and start reading these police board cases holy shit they will fire an officer for leaving the toilet seat up, this place is doomed"

What cases are you reading? There are some real fucking shit birds, creeps and predators on this job. Members doing and saying creepy shit to underage girls, shutting their body cameras off during a domestic involving another department member, you gotta be a fucking moron.

10/08/2023 10:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish they'd make it public via news, but JUST wait until the court cases are filed. LOTS of people you didn't expect. Grab the popcorn!!

10/08/2023 11:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PPP Loan Application:

Occupation: Undocumented Corner Pharmacist

Annual Revenue: Couple mil, give or take. You know man...


10/09/2023 02:38:00 AM  

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