Friday, November 24, 2023

One and the Same

The media is just an extension of the democratic party. You can see it with all the former Clinton and Sparklefart employees in high-profile media jobs, spouting the party line for the sheeple.

But have you looked locally? (from the comments):

  • ABC-owned WLS-Channel 7 isnt just Chicagos top-rated television station. With employees related to three prominent Democrats, it also may have the most politically connected newsroom in town.

    Morning news anchor Tanja Babich is the daughter-in-law of U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin, recently hired per-diem reporter Meghan Kluth is the daughter of congressman Mike Quigley, and per-diem reporter Alexis McAdams is the niece of Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart.

    Its strictly a coincidence, according to John Idler, president and general manager of ABC 7. "These are all talented people who were hired on their own merit," Idler said. "No other considerations were involved in their hiring."

“Once is [coincidence]. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action”

Some may have changed spots or moved, but they're out there if you keep digging. Roe Conn is in someone's media office.

Dart was buying good coverage from the Slum Times for years hiring the wives of reporters for six-figure made-up spots that had never existed before. Now it's just policy.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once is happenstance. A version of out of the blue.

Twice is, indeed, coincidence. Which begins the pondering thereof.

Thrice is deliberate. Could be enemy activity. Or you got a stalker.

If next you are offered some white wine spritzers, well....

11/24/2023 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At first glance, this guy's name seemed to be john idiot.

And the quote of him didn't negate that.

11/24/2023 12:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ex WLS and WGN radio's ROE CONN now works directly for Dart.

11/24/2023 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dick Durbin

“Here Are the Facts About Spikes in Crime That Sen. Dick Durbin Didn’t Want Me to Share”
Dec 16, 2021 8 min read Amy Swearer-The Heritage Foundation

11/24/2023 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Cook County Sheriff's office Talk about political HACKS !!!!

DART actually gave this WLS asshole a star and a gun:

11/24/2023 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On Sep 13 2023 Mike Quigley and Jesus Garcia stood with Alexandria Ocasio Cortez on the podium in Manhattan calling for more freebies for the illegal aliens. They were shouted down by American taxpayers who sent the message to them, “send them back to their own countries. Why are these two nitwits in NYC advocating for aliens instead of Illinois citizens.

11/24/2023 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dart & his deputy Roe Conn. Two people who were never career law enforcement officers leading actual LEOs.
Dart is like Andy of Mayberry who never carries a gun. Conn is like Barney who has the one bullet in his shirt pocket.

11/24/2023 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I stopped watching WLS 7 years ago because of the syrupy libtard woke rot. I do listen to the WLS 890 national conservative talk programing but when they break to WLS 890 local news the libtard agenda starts to ooze.

11/24/2023 01:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WLS has always been the worst. Cheryl Burton is one of the worst anti police media people and a POS in general. Don't forget the ex WLS jagoff sports guy Mark Giangreco who had a brother who was politically connected with the Dems along with himself.

11/24/2023 03:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All these white entitled liberals should be giving these opportunities to "less" fortunate minorities. The same entitles liberals that do set asides for the less fortunate on everything else like government contracts and jobs.

11/24/2023 03:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ignorant democratic voters within earshot of these and other unbiased “reporters”? actually believe the news is legit.

11/24/2023 03:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nepotism! The whole thing is stacked against the average guy working.

11/24/2023 04:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget the Sun-Times reporter Lauren Fitzpatrick and her husband Tribune reporter John Byrne. Lauren doesn't write a column until the Democratic machine says it's OK, that includes the mobbed up CPS Legal dept.

Sun-Times Michael Sneed these days only writes columns when Geant DePorter wants publicity for some stupid baseball stunt if the Ed Burke or George Ryan captains what something leaked out.

11/24/2023 05:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media is owned by the democratic party, simple as that they do what they are told. We have zero investigative reporting, unless they are bastardizing the police and the good people they favor the criminals.

11/24/2023 06:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Dart was buying good coverage from the Slum Times for years hiring the wives of reporters for six-figure made-up spots that had never existed before. Now it's just policy.”

Roe Conn is another example of Tom Dart’s acts of nepotism. Hired for statistical analysis by his buddy.

11/24/2023 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The media is just an extension of the democratic party."


I think Rush Limbaugh used to say the democratic party is an extension of the liberal media.

11/24/2023 08:01:00 AM  
Blogger rosco said...

Out of curiosity, how does the Mayor get approval to increase his guard detail to almost 150 officers? Over the years this number keeps rising.
Does this go for a vote at city counsel? Does CPD brass approve this?

11/24/2023 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leftist Privilege...

11/24/2023 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dart hired his niece, went Rouge to Fox. She's still claiming Niagra Falls was Islamic Terrorist attack. We have plenty of actual Terrorist attacks, no need to embellish.

11/24/2023 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sun-Times' Fitzpatrick. CBS2's Dorothy Tucker, and WBEZ reporter Sarah Karp have to be checked to see if they're on the CPS and/or CTU payrolls. Karp is such a CTU insider, SDG allowed her to attend CTU Delegate's meetings that no other reporter was given access to be there. Karp was live tweeting and some CTU members complained about it and had her stop and leave the meeting. Tucker will not report on any stories with white people unless they're the ones causing an issue or scam. Fitzpatrick might as well be the CPS agenda reporter.

11/24/2023 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dart would been Mayor but he F-up with that social justice Rocket-Docket early release garbage with Bill Cunningham. Then he tried to shift back but was too late. Vallas almost won even though he admitted he was Republican. Dart played it cute with media and got burned.

11/24/2023 08:49:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

The liberal insanity keeps on moving.

11/24/2023 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe it is a coincidence but I have occasionally seen a Black Hummer H3 with Illinois Black Hawk plates "Conn", along local roads and in line at the McDonald's in St. John, IN. Hmmm, Livin in Indiana just like Stacy Davis Gates?

11/24/2023 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coincidence and merit in one sentence. Sounds like CPD promotional system and inside spots.

11/24/2023 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Coincidence".... look at their "news" shows: "American television host, political commentator, and former Democratic advisor."

"It was transferred from the helm of ABC's entertainment division to that of ABC News in 2014 following a decline in ratings. By 2021, The View had become the most-viewed news and talk program in daytime television."

So the View in in ABC's news division?
Again, Pathetic. "Don't look at the man behind the curtain."

11/24/2023 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger rosco said...
Out of curiosity, how does the Mayor get approval to increase his guard detail to almost 150 officers? Over the years this number keeps rising.
Does this go for a vote at city counsel? Does CPD brass approve this?

11/24/2023 08:02:00 AM

HA ....imagine that, 150 "climbers", all trying to give a handjob at once...seems crowded guys.

amazing, and I thought Fast Eddie was slick getting a empty squard car parked at his house on the east side back in the days of old....

11/24/2023 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Ex WLS and WGN radio's ROE CONN now works directly for Dart.

11/24/2023 12:52:00 AM
Steve Dahl screwed over Gary Meyer then roe conn did the same thing and they were both out of a job

11/24/2023 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Control the content that you watch. There are better options out there.

11/24/2023 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many national news personalities are actually see eye ayyyy?

11/24/2023 11:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pathetic that there is a never ending supply of odpos begging to work security for them.

11/24/2023 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe Tom Darts father was the go between for old man Richard J Daley back in the day. You need something, talk to John (?) Dart.

11/24/2023 12:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Keesing Bandits Straight Cousin said...

I don’t care who they’re related to cuz all 3 of them are easy on the eyes. They can eat crackers in my bed anytime.

11/24/2023 01:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Conn . He must be in dire financial straits to take such a lowly position as a cop. I guess multiple divorces will make you broke . He must have been desperate for work to accept such a lowly position as a cop and live on one tenth of what he was accustomed to. I dont think that arrogant little douch bag is living in 2 million homes anymore. What a fall from grace.

11/24/2023 01:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only the "media" - but our government, sadly:

Certainly, nobody has to read all of these, but just from the headline, we are being destroyed from within! Led by fools!

11/24/2023 02:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
All these white entitled liberals should be giving these opportunities to "less" fortunate minorities. The same entitles liberals that do set asides for the less fortunate on everything else like government contracts and jobs.

11/24/2023 03:08:00 AM

Drop them off at the deep south, west and 100's. Make them play policeman/woman and see how many abandon their post, then make sure to let them know to stay in their liberal bubble fake system.

11/24/2023 02:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If he moved to Indiana, he might be trying to hold on to llinois plates for as long as possible. License plate fees are one of the few things that tend to cost more in Indiana than in Illinois.

Anonymous said...
Maybe it is a coincidence but I have occasionally seen a Black Hummer H3 with Illinois Black Hawk plates "Conn", along local roads and in line at the McDonald's in St. John, IN. Hmmm, Livin in Indiana just like Stacy Davis Gates?

11/24/2023 08:58:00 AM

11/24/2023 04:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Communist goals #20 & #21. This was written in the Congressional record in 1963. Read all 45 Communist goals and assess if the communist's have achieved any successes.

#20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.

#21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

Check it out for yourself ...

11/24/2023 05:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Conn . He must be in dire financial straits to take such a lowly position as a cop.
He is NOT a cop.

He is a political hack deputy Sheriff.
A "Director" who is making $150,000 off our taxes.

Get Out of Crook County NOW.

11/24/2023 05:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its one big circle jerk, Roe Conn (the old WLS radio personality)is now employed by Cook County Sheriffs Police, hired by Tom Dart who was a regular guest on Roe Conns show.

11/24/2023 06:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What channel is ABC cause I don't and know will not watch them.

11/24/2023 08:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Roe Conn is in someone's media office."

Did they finally confiscate the uniform and gold star he stole?

11/24/2023 08:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago news media and their clouted reports are the best corrupters and cover up artists that money and power can buy. Corruption is the Chicago Way.

11/24/2023 10:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
How many national news personalities are actually see eye ayyyy?

11/24/2023 11:39:00 AM"

More than folks realize. Anderson Cooper for one. He's also a Vanderbilt with a mother who was allegedly into the Satanic side of things.

11/25/2023 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11/24/2023 08:47:00 AM
That Dina Bair at WGN is another tool for the libs. She's inserted her "opinion" more than once on certain issues that she shouldn't have. She's also a police hater.

11/25/2023 07:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Conn . He must be in dire financial straits to take such a lowly position as a cop. I guess multiple divorces will make you broke . He must have been desperate for work to accept such a lowly position as a cop and live on one tenth of what he was accustomed to. I dont think that arrogant little douch bag is living in 2 million homes anymore. What a fall from grace.

11/24/2023 01:34:00 PM

Do you not have to complete some required training to be a cop in Illinois? I thought Conn was just going to be a spokesman, but he is out doing these multi-jurisdictional carjacking missions.

11/25/2023 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really stopped watching Channel 7 after Linda Yu retired. Stopped watching it for good after Cheryl Button got sportscaster Mark Giangreco fired after he asked her to ‘pretend you’re a ditzy Secretary’ in some on-air banter that she immediately took the wrong way. Adios to all local stations.

11/25/2023 04:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you look at the ILETSB website and use the officer lookup function at there is no Roe Conn listed as a certified officer in Illinois. Three individuals with the last name Conn, but he isn't one of them. So how is he carrying a firearm and driving a squad car? Seems like there might be an issue there.

11/25/2023 08:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roe Conn works for Dart... Was all over TV in a Sheriff's uniform the other night. Plus, don't forget, Disney owns ABC.and the View ....

11/25/2023 11:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's not forget the Baghdad Bob of Chicago media Bill Cameron. He is valuable as a caricature of the pompous arrogant hopelessly left biased Chicago media person.

In the past people who ran into him say he is a self important "do you know who I am?" prick

11/26/2023 06:41:00 AM  
Blogger DixonSyder said...

Anybody on the CPD or was on the CPD knows that clout is everything, apparently major media outlets work the same way.

11/26/2023 08:30:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

The Keesing Bandit has a straight cousin?

12/23/2023 10:12:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

We don't like to talk about him.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

12/24/2023 07:03:00 AM  

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