Wednesday, November 22, 2023

F#$% Fatass (UPDATE)

Good advice to keep the government out of your business:

  • Dear Illinois residents:  Do NOT register your “banned” firearms with the Illinois State Police.  Do not register your “banned” firearm accessories, .50 caliber firearms and ammunition, or anything else.

    The registration period opened Sunday, October 1st and runs until December 31, 2023.

    There’s ZERO benefit to registering your guns at this time and lots of reasons not to.

Fatass and the democrats already have Step #2 in the works:

  • Repeat, do NOT register your stuff and here’s why:  There are already plans to move new legislation to “close the existing owner loophole” next year.  Pritzker & crew are keeping it under wraps until the registration window closes.  That proposed legislation would give those who registered their guns, ammo, and accessories 90 or 120 days to surrender those items to law enforcement, to destroy them or to move them out of the state.

Registration is the biggest self-own, and merely a step on the road to confiscation....or forcing you to become a felon by your own hand.

And then there's something like 98 or 102 county sheriffs who have signaled their intent to ignore this law fully, prompting Porky to say something along the lines of "They swore an oath, they don't get to pick and choose which laws to enforce." 

The oath was to the Constitution, not a political party. And Porky would be better off directing his comments to Crimesha who picks and chooses all the time, along with making up Law as she goes along.

UPDATE: smartest readers in the world have reminded us that Fatass (and other dem politicians) have forbidden police from assisting Feds in the past over numerous other laws when Trump was in office....specifically immigration.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you have a City registered rifle that you bring to work, STOP using it for work and DO NOT REGISTER IT WITH THE STATE.

If the State of Illinois contacts you regarding it, tell them you keep the weapon out of State.. none of there business where.

There are plenty of stories of retired Chicago coppers who registered their AR's with the city when they were working. THEN, scumbags working for the Gun Team unit or Tac Teams came to their home knocking on the door and asking them if they would turn it in.

11/22/2023 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny we seem to be told not to enforce our immigration laws, told not to assist our federal partners in enforcing immigration laws, and can’t ask peoples status if arrested for another offense; so what part of taking an oath does this fall under?

11/22/2023 01:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agree with the article. When you retire move to a gun friendly state. Vote your beliefs. Vote on issues that support your way of life.

11/22/2023 02:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unless you bought it third party the government already knows what guns you’ve bought over the years. There is no hiding. They document what type of gun and the serial number already. Do you think those documents ceased to exist?

11/22/2023 02:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Word on the street is...

Gov. Lardass does not use the toilets in the mansions, ...

... He shits in the bathtubs... and has a stick to scrape his asshole.


Register toilets, not guns

11/22/2023 02:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired CPD in Oklahoma says...

They will use the FOID's to cross check the gun registered list.

Watching for ammo purchases, they will add it all up ... 1 + 1 = 5

Resulting in a pre-dawn raid on some poor guy that had a "arsenal and ammo stock pile" ...

Sickens in to see what these hacks, leftist, slime ruined a city, destroyed a state.

If anything, buy buy buy ...and keep your mouth shut.

Dangerous times are coming. Be careful.

Stay safe go home

Your cared about and loved.

Question of the day. What kind of shit is Rahm stirring in Japan, he's not just counting Yen over there.


11/22/2023 03:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Our Constitution.

That pesky document enumerating those pesky, vexxing Rights, given by God.

Vexxing to the wannabe rulers over us peasants.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.....

So sad for them, to be frustrated by this hubris of humanity.

Why, one might think these fuckers actually believe their shit don't stink....

11/22/2023 03:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We've seen this movie a few times already. They can fuck off. Not registering a thing: ever.

11/22/2023 04:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make sure you have alternate plans, because I don't think the unconstitutional law is going away for a while.

Store it outside the state. Do not store it inside the state, and especially not in the usual locations at home you have always used. Loudly and frequently bitch about how your "scary guns" are out of state now. I suggest you do actually move them beyond the reach of these gun grabbers. Make sure all your family and relatives and friends know you moved EVERYTHING out of state, especially if you didn't.

You are all cops. You know how the snitch game works. Someone will squeal. Do not bury your head in the sand, and hope they don't snitch on you.

Move it all out of state, with some documentation of where you supposedly moved ALL of it. Clean up the normal safe of anything non-compliant. If you MUST keep the good stuff in state, either register it (and lose it in the coming confiscation), or hide it away.

11/22/2023 04:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wondering if dude and will incorporated will register theirs thinking not

11/22/2023 05:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you can't actually store it out of state?

Make them think you stored it all out of state!

11/22/2023 05:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What next, burning books? Maybe ISP will get some new fancy WW2 uniforms lololol

11/22/2023 06:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DICTATOR plain & simple.

Why do people keep putting democrats in office time and time again

What has the Democratic Party done for you for the past 50 years?

11/22/2023 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just another closer.

11/22/2023 07:02:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

I like the moving out of state option.

11/22/2023 07:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just another reason of many to leave porky pigs shithole state

11/22/2023 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LEO’s are exempt right??? Right???? Oh well, looks like it’s back to call back for me.

11/22/2023 07:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

What next, burning books? Maybe ISP will get some new fancy WW2 uniforms lololol

11/22/2023 06:10:00 AM
ISP cannot even get enough troopers look at the highways like the autobahn, they have a couple in their academy no 1 wants to work in this corruption filled,anti-police state!

11/22/2023 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"They swore an oath, they don't get to pick and choose which laws to enforce."

Doesn't apply to prosecutors, either.

11/22/2023 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fatass thinks this will win him Presidency? Another Biden ruining America!

11/22/2023 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He’s an incredible hypocrite dictator. We all remember how they openly talked about not enforcing federal immigration laws. Remember folks…Pigster will never be the victim of crime. He has 24/7 armed bodyguards guards.

11/22/2023 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, retired LE are exempt.
Second, I could be wrong but I’ve heard from many sources that Illinois doesn’t know what guns you have. When purchasing they only check your background through FOID. However, ATF might but it’s extremely burdensome for them to tell Gov Piggy. Third, LE will never go knocking on doors. Fourth, this is going to the Supreme Court and will be ruled unconstitutional.
Fifth, Piggy is a dictator and bought this unconstitutional law by getting his judges elected.

11/22/2023 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

VP Harris let it slip in a speech last month, widely ignored by the media, that she envisions an Australia like confiscation program someday.

11/22/2023 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are plenty of stories of retired Chicago coppers who registered their AR's with the city when they were working. THEN, scumbags working for the Gun Team unit or Tac Teams came to their home knocking on the door and asking them if they would turn it in.

While I agree that you shouldn’t register with the state, this has never happened. Cite an example of Tact teams or “gun teams” knocking on someone’s door. I have an AR that I registered with the city when I worked. Retired 3 years now and not one knock on the door yet.

11/22/2023 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, if elected officials from the President on down to elected States Attorneys do NOT have to obey and
follow their oaths and laws, why should the rest of us? Surely none of the gun toting shitheads roaming the city
with “blanket immunity” are doing it! Lots of states have no gun restrictions on weapons. Take a road trip! There was
a reason behind our forefathers granting that 2nd Amendment.

11/22/2023 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Own guns, gold, extra food, extra gas for the car and have a get-away plan to relocate to a red state or rural area. Own a 4 x 4 non-descript vehicle (no Audi's or Range Rovers). I purchased a farm in Southern Illinois. In my area, everyone hates Fatass, including our Sheriff. I think Fatasses' troopers would think twice about confiscating private firearms in my area. My neighbors are farmers and good rural people.

11/22/2023 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Probably Reason# 5 or 6 I moved out of Illinois. Forcing you to become a felon to preserve your rights and life is a nonstarter. Get the fuck out of Illinois.

11/22/2023 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Unless you bought it third party the government already knows what guns you’ve bought over the years. There is no hiding. They document what type of gun and the serial number already. Do you think those documents ceased to exist?

This is true, but the Il Supreme Court told the state, at the time of Blago, he couldn’t (state police) can’t retain those records. He did anyway. If they use said records they can be in for a world of lawsuits

11/22/2023 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI, active and retired LEO are exempt from the possession and affidavit (registration) requirements. you can still own and buy (assuming an FFL will transfer) all the scarry “assault weapons”, magazines or accessories you want. they do not have to be duty related. There is no provision in the PICA that states they must be duty related. Try reading the entire act before you start getting into boat accidents or hauling your entire collection across state lines.

11/22/2023 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This whole State of Illinois is one big violation of the Amendments, especially Chicago. From top to bottom these installed officials violate the constitution every time they open their mouth and get away with it all the time due to bought and paid for judges. Do yourself a favor when you can and get to a nice red state that honors the constitution and your rights.

11/22/2023 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love going to Farm and Fleet in Wisconsin for ammo, I don't have to show My FOID card, I take the ammo off the shelf and prices are a lot cheaper.

11/22/2023 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

apologies for this novel...

here is the link to Protect Illinois Communities Act. I highly suggest all of you read it for yourselves. Learn it. As LEO and qualified retired LEO we are exempt from this overreach. Exempt from purchase, possession and registration bans/requirements. For now. There is no provision or cutout stating these firearms must be duty related. This is going to make a lot of non-exempt gun owners unhappy with us. Here we are "enforcing" this act while we are not bound by it.(no doubt some of these tact stars will be chomping at the bit to ram it up otherwise law abiding gun owners asses) This is by design no doubt. I have already run into FFLs who have told me they wont transfer or sell banned items to LEO. Below are some of the highlights of the act and the page number on which you can find the same information.

(e) The provisions of this Section regarding the purchase or possession of assault weapons, assault weapon attachments, .50 caliber rifles, and .50 cartridges, as well as the provisions of this Section that prohibit causing those items to be purchased or possessed, do not apply to: (1) Peace officers, as defined in Section 2-13 of this Code. (2) Qualified law enforcement officers and qualified retired law enforcement officers as defined in the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004 (18 U.S.C. 926B and 926C) and as recognized under Illinois law. -- PICA page 99 & 100

(d) This Section does not apply to a person's possession of an assault weapon, assault weapon attachment, .50 caliber rifle, or .50 caliber cartridge device if the person lawfully possessed that assault weapon, assault weapon attachment, .50 caliber rifle, or .50 caliber cartridge prohibited by subsection (c) of this Section, if the person has provided in an endorsement affidavit, prior to January 1, 2024, under oath or affirmation and in the form and manner prescribed by the Illinois State Police, no later than October 1, 2023: (1) the affiant's Firearm Owner's Identification Card number; (2) an affirmation that the affiant: (i) possessed an assault weapon, assault weapon attachment, .50 caliber rifle, or .50 caliber cartridge before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly; …the provisions of this Section that prohibit causing those items to be purchased or possessed, do not apply to: (1) Peace officers, as defined in Section 2-13 of this Code. (2) Qualified law enforcement officers and qualified retired law enforcement officers as defined in the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004 (18 U.S.C. 926B and 926C) and as recognized under Illinois law. -- PICA page 99-100

(e) The provisions of this Section regarding the purchase or possession of large capacity ammunition feeding devices, as well as the provisions of this Section that prohibit causing those items to be purchased or possessed, do not apply to: (1) Peace officers as defined in Section 2-13 of this Code. (2) Qualified law enforcement officers and qualified retired law enforcement officers as defined in the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004 (18 U.S.C. 926B and 926C) and as recognized under Illinois law. -- PICA page 108/109

Any person not subject to this Section may submit an endorsement affidavit (register) if the person chooses. – PICA page 104

11/22/2023 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think about this…all of us responsible law biding good citizens are all bouncing ideas around as to what to do, so we don’t get in trouble and still can protect our families which is guaranteed to us in the constitution. All this while the criminal element doesn’t even care about the law and doesn’t even know Pritzker did this. They probably don’t even know who Pritzker is. Every day we hear of murders and gun related crimes all done by the above described criminals, but none by us good people. How fucked up is this law? Doesn’t dictator Pritzker have it backwards? Keep in mind he has 24/7 armed bodyguards while us good people are being disarmed. Insanity!

11/22/2023 10:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The NAZI's in 1930's Germany did something similar by disarming German citizen Jews after registering their weapons.

How did that turn out in the 20th Century during World War 2!

Nazi = Illinois DemocRATS!

11/22/2023 10:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of confiscation: what ever happened to the chitcago handgun registration from the seventies? When that program was stopped did all of the information get destroyed or is it still being retained and screened for future use to locate and confiscate all registered guns?
This information should be destroyed like the gang database!!

11/22/2023 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does anyone ,in their right mind,stay in Illinois,if they can find work elsewhere ?
If you must stay,ignore this unconstitutional law.

11/22/2023 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad I moved out of that occupied territory decades ago.
I strongly encourage everybody reading this to move to a free state as soon as you can.

11/22/2023 11:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
What next, burning books? Maybe ISP will get some new fancy WW2 uniforms lololol

11/22/2023 06:10:00 AM

Maybe they can get some Hugo Boss inspired designer German uniforms. Das ist gut.

11/22/2023 12:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My gun safe leads to Narnia, so I'm all good with my banned weapons. It needs to be asked everyday, Gov Pritker,are you and your family protected by any of the weapons you are banning. If so, why?

11/22/2023 01:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No neck balloon head likes the turkey dark meat and his jowls will be drooling all over his big fat belly. He ain't getting my guns, I bought them with my own money, I own them responsibly, and it is my right as an american citizen to own them.

11/22/2023 05:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Wyatt Earp said...

Fat fuck JB Pigster the billionaire that bought the governors office thanks to the brain dead Chicago democrats that voted this worthless tub of fucking shit into office ! You fucking morons reap what the fuck that you sow ! You are fucking sheep that live to be sheared you dump ass mother fuckers ! This useless , incompetent , ignoramus tub of lard had aspirations of running for president what a fucking circus clown this mother fucker is ! Wake the fuck up you liberal fucking sheep !

11/22/2023 05:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do not register. Do not make it any easier for them to come after you. ATF, 4473s, blah blah blah. Does registering your private property with them make it EASIER or HARDER for them to come after you? And WHEN -- not if, but WHEN -- this law is struck down as unConstitutional, are they going to destroy those registrations? Or are they going to keep them forever?

I don't like overstating things, but this is an historic moment. We are familiar with moments like this. People are presented with a choice, they are coerced, they are cajoled, and they make the WRONG choice. They KNOW it's the wrong choice, and they do it anyway. Do not be on the wrong side of history. Do not be influenced by their fear tactics. We are freaking Americans, even those of us unfortunate or dumb enough to still live in Illinois.

11/22/2023 05:49:00 PM  
Blogger Rusty Trawler said...

State law vs. US law. Ignore.

11/22/2023 06:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
If you have a City registered rifle that you bring to work, STOP using it for work and DO NOT REGISTER IT WITH THE STATE.

If the State of Illinois contacts you regarding it, tell them you keep the weapon out of State.. none of there business where.

There are plenty of stories of retired Chicago coppers who registered their AR's with the city when they were working. THEN, scumbags working for the Gun Team unit or Tac Teams came to their home knocking on the door and asking them if they would turn it in.

11/22/2023 12:31:00 AM

I've said and said it before at work, look who you work with, look who you talk to, and look who's your partner(s). Don't work with someone who is willing to sell you out to Commie Piggies illegal circumventing constitutional order/law and the gang just for the glorification of numbers, the real American Patriots left this state or are laying low away from these duchose bag retard TAC/special tard fag boys. Most importantly don't let the commie state tell you what you can and can't have.

11/22/2023 07:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are ample paths to determing who owns what and where they reside.

Abundant paths.

This registering is about self admitting, aka self incriminating.

Same as paying park ticket = admission of guilt.

Not merely acknowleging the futility of challenging the validity thereof, nor paying just to avoid the waste of time the hearing sham is, nor payng as an included cost to continue doing whatever business with city one may do.

So, register and you state your guilty of possession of same.

They know you are.

You can choose to confirm, by your own action, that you are.

Democrats are the cause of democracy's decline.

11/22/2023 07:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is true, but the Il Supreme Court told the state, at the time of Blago, he couldn’t (state police) can’t retain those records. He did anyway. If they use said records they can be in for a world of lawsuits

11/22/2023 09:40:00 AM

Hilariously you post.

1st, you state that reliance upon the courts, the State Supreme Court, no less, to uphold our nation's Constitutional Rights, was ignored.

Then you state that that same reliance upon the courts, aka lawsuits being filed, can be considered as a factor not already shit upon abundantly.

Fucking hell, Alice, you are a riot.

11/22/2023 07:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On April 19th 1775 the redcoats imposed gun confiscation on the colonist which resulted in the USA being founded 15 months later, and a bill of rights that states your right to bear arms shall not infringed.

11/22/2023 09:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Unless you bought it third party the government already knows what guns you’ve bought over the years. There is no hiding. They document what type of gun and the serial number already. Do you think those documents ceased to exist?

Technically the ATF has a record which they are not supposed to have because a gun registration is illegal. The store where you bought a firearm has a record that can be looked at by the ATF if a store is suspected of shady dealings or going out of business. So far the state doesn't know hence the registration. Who knows what the future holds with Fat Ass petitioning the ATF for firearm lists there not supposed to have or keep.

11/23/2023 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leo's are exempt from Herr pigsters dicktat but most if not all of the big online sellers,where the best deals are, will not ship these items to illinois,period.not worth a few bucks profit to deal with paperwork and lawsuits from Kwame. Future is bleak for the normies in bizzarro world

11/23/2023 02:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Owner of firearms for 50 years, and no intention of complying, but I have never successfully complied with anything I disagree with; government has no power to restrict my right to defend myself

11/23/2023 07:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy to help here. I would be honored to store your guns and ammo here in sunny Florida.
Free of charge with a sworn statement as to the whereabouts of your property.

11/23/2023 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's exactly what California did a while back with the SMS semi auto Russian and Chinese rifle.

Step 1: "We just need you to register them, in case they're stolen so you can claim them if they're recovered."

Step 2: The Lefty Cali Legislature bans all SMS rifles declaring they can "easily be converted to full auto".

Step 3: "Here's the deadline to turn them in or prove you sold it out of state, or we'll come and take them door to door."

Suuuure, we can trust the Democrats, just like the Minutemen trusted General Gage in Boston not to try and confiscate their guns, powder and shot in Concord.

11/23/2023 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and who are these officers they intend to have go door-to-door to grab up these guns?

11/23/2023 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Making license plates in prison is too good for Fred Flintstone, he needs a treason charge, conviction, and swift carrying out of his sentence.

11/23/2023 11:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The law has already been challenged and will be ruled unconstitutional by the United Staes Supreme Court. States cannot institute laws that go against the United Staes Constitution.
Where and what chapter exempts retired law enforcement officers

11/24/2023 08:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Own guns, gold, extra food, extra gas for the car and have a get-away plan to relocate to a red state or rural area. Own a 4 x 4 non-descript vehicle (no Audi's or Range Rovers). I purchased a farm in Southern Illinois. In my area, everyone hates Fatass, including our Sheriff. I think Fatasses' troopers would think twice about confiscating private firearms in my area. My neighbors are farmers and good rural people.

11/22/2023 09:28:00 AM

Did you work the truck in 005?

11/24/2023 11:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the Right wingers fault? What happened to the welcoming city?????

11/29/2023 04:48:00 PM  

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