Sunday, November 26, 2023

Sad Video

This one went viral:

  • Four overweight female police officers were unable to arrest one male shoplifter in Chicago.

    The undated video of the four female officers attempting to make a retail theft arrest at 95th and Ashland was posted to X by crime news blogger 16th &17th District Chicago Police Scanner.

    The suspect, Patrick Johnson-Henry, 32, resisted the officers for about 2 minutes before escaping on foot.

    Patrick Johnson-Henry was finally taken into custody on the 9400 block of S. Justine and was charged with 4 counts of resisting police, 1 count of possession of a replica firearm, and 1 count of retail theft.

Even a retired Riverside Chief chimed in along with everyone else on the internet:

  • Retired Riverside police chief criticized the Chicago police department.

    RT-This is what you get when police officers are fearful of being the next YouTube video, prosecuted, disciplined, and having the media doing an exposé on how they abused a citizen – which would be complete BS — Chief Thomas Weitzel-Retired

The radio traffic is also....sad. The sergeant calls off the foot chase, as CPD aren't allowed to chase for misdemeanor retail thefts anymore. Then someone mentions that the suspect is wearing one handcuff already, meaning all the compliance techniques taught at the Academy didn't actually gain any compliance. And based on current TRR policy, everyone involved is getting (A) a CL/CR number, (B) sent to extra refresher training, and (C) probably some suspension time.

Supernintendo Larritorius was unavailable for comment.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Riverside Chief is wrong. This video is a direct result of poor hiring decisions. Politically motivated hiring decisions to be exact. The officers in the video need immediate remedial control tactics training. Fitness standards need to actually be enforced on academy recruits. Alas, the only CPD action that will result from this video going viral will be the department hunting down the officer that leaked the video and tightening up digital audit trails to prevent future embarrassment.

11/26/2023 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meal team 6. Chicago's widest

11/26/2023 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Four tasers, four cans or OC spray, 4 radios, 4 mouths, and eight arms… This was disgusting to watch!

11/26/2023 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

System worked like it's supposed to: no one was injured and the guy was later arrested. Judge will release him on monitoring then he'll be sentenced to time served.

11/26/2023 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hard video to watch…
Bad guy wasn’t throwing any punches, luckily for the ladies.
Why any one would want to be a Sergeant is ridiculous.
Not only responsible for yourself but also Officers like these four gems.
No thanks.

11/26/2023 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Larritorious it is!!!! BRAVO!!!

11/26/2023 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old school here
Got 20 plus years on the job, policing today is retarded for men and women. Seen the video and believe me, nothing out of the ordinary in the present. We can't blame the young police the tactics that were taught to them in the academy. Even fellow coppers my age are not in no shape or form to handle some of these brazen offenders thanks to a system that lets these criminals do and say what ever they want. Any copper that has 20 plus years will tell you, back in the day different times. Criminals back then either feared or respected, mostly feared the police back in the day. The bottom line is that those golden era days are over and this new era of policing is tough for everybody that wears a badge. No changes in the near future either. Today's police is unfortunately exactly like one of Sylvester Stallone's movies "Demolition Man 1993" I dare you guys to watch it especially the young cops, very sad indeed. And to top it all these politicos are trying to disarm us law abiding citizens all over but nothing is being said or done about the atrocities that criminals are doing on a day by day basis.
Crazy upside down world we live in now, God Bless........

11/26/2023 01:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Calling off the foot chase is the right thing to do . . .

. . Now lets all go get a large chocolate shake !!

11/26/2023 01:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The four broads are carrying street bulk, not overweight. As soon as they retire they'll be back to their natural weight.

11/26/2023 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ISP has a mandatory power test every year for their troopers. Have to pass or your sit without pay until you do. Just saying.

Can’t blame the officers. The end game from the elites is a Demolition Man police dept. They create the problems then offer the solution. Don’t worry: social credit scores, implanted microchips and digital currency is on the way.

11/26/2023 01:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you listen very carefully I can hear at least 2 of them fart while they are struggling.

11/26/2023 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's always easier putting on leg shackles than getting the handcuffs on first.

Everyone should have a pair of shackles to put on an active resister.

11/26/2023 01:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beans and rice did not miss any of the four of them. Definitely not in shape and clearly an embarrassment.

11/26/2023 01:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As the alleged perpetrator sprinted away, two of Chicago's finest could not even summon the slightest effort to waddle after him.

11/26/2023 01:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the sergeants defense, they wouldn't have caught up to him lmao, he spared them further embarrassment.

11/26/2023 01:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better to send them to Mode Gym, open 24 hours.

11/26/2023 01:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girls, IOD.

11/26/2023 02:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lmao! Larritorious? I'd stick with that nickname and run with it SCC!

11/26/2023 02:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago Cops are not allowed to enforce the laws anymore anyway.

Why not replace them with a bunch of useless badge holders? It will make it easier to take power when the Glorious Global Marxist Revolution comes!

11/26/2023 02:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a cop. Would a taser have been allowed? I guess with the four stumbling over each other they may have been a mishit, but could a taser have been fired within department rules?

11/26/2023 02:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep Lowering the standards. But you can be sure all the equality boxes were checked.

11/26/2023 02:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Imagine this team backing you up on the riot lines during the DNC Riots next August.

11/26/2023 02:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this is what they will be hiring then at least the law needs to protect us. but it doesn't.

11/26/2023 02:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Police are more and more looking similar to the keystone cops. Policy has caused a once leading agency in America to become a joke. At one time the Police Cars were marked with “Serve and Protect”. The was removed because we are nothing more than a report taker. A historian for Chicago victims of crime. Chicago Police were well respected by all. Not anymore. It is going to get a lot worse. Criminals have no fear of the criminal Justice system in Cook County.

11/26/2023 02:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Call for more back up like they said in the use of force training. It doesn’t matter that there if four of you. I’m just happy that no one was hurt or the bad guy didn’t get someone’s gun. Be careful out there and if any of the four are reading this just know we are all human and we have your back. We work as a team and not solo.

11/26/2023 02:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a failure point reached when women become a certain percentage of a martial organization.
When the numbers get to the point that it's likely the majority of a response unit is female combat ineffectiveness is assured.
At this point it is impossible to continue pretending that the sexes are equal.

11/26/2023 02:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What can you say. Criminals have the upper hand. Criminals play by a whole different set of rules. The Police Department changed as many policies as possible to give every advantage to criminals. We are in an error where they want to turn the good guys into criminals. Just do the best you can knowing you can’t do much.

11/26/2023 02:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think describing the physical characteristics of the police officers is irrelevant and insulting. At least they tried. But the more you dance around and hug a resister the worse it gets. And trying to pull his hands behind his back will not work. How about the other tools in the toolbag? They should have grabbed his hoodie pulled his head toward the ground while someone kicked his legs out so you gain the advantage of him being down on the ground. If you don’t want to do that, then walk away. The sergeant who called off the foot chase was looking out for the physical well being of the suspect. If he tripped over his kicks and skinned his knee it could be horrific!!

11/26/2023 02:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think describing the physical characteristics of the police officers is irrelevant and insulting. At least they tried. But the more you dance around and hug a resister the worse it gets. And trying to pull his hands behind his back will not work. How about the other tools in the toolbag? They should have grabbed his hoodie pulled his head toward the ground while someone kicked his legs out so you gain the advantage of him being down on the ground. If you don’t want to do that, then walk away. The sergeant who called off the foot chase was looking out for the physical well being of the suspect. If he tripped over his kicks and skinned his knee it could be horrific!!

11/26/2023 02:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are lucky the POS didn’t disarm one of them and cap them all. Thank goodness that didn’t happen. They are a danger to themselves, fellow officers, and the public. They shouldn’t be on the job. But DEI is the Order of the day and law enforcement is better for it, yeah right.

11/26/2023 03:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wondering what would happen if he decided to take a gun...or two.

11/26/2023 04:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You go girl !

11/26/2023 04:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girls; next time call for more back-up. It just isn’t worth it. Remember George Floyd, that could be you. It just isn’t worth losing everything. Who cares if the whole station is there. They better hire more people.

11/26/2023 04:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dam Girrrl....Be hard to do shit wit dem nails....

11/26/2023 04:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and the band played on.

Diversity is our strength ....and don't forget it.

11/26/2023 04:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brother runs away to freedom, from Uncle Tom slave catchers, should be the headline.

after all this is the ...democrats world

11/26/2023 04:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If only they could have a career like Larrytorious. Teach one class and then have the rest of the day to workout and have lunch. True leader

11/26/2023 04:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another example of heroism just like Lt JF hiding behind the plants after the murder at the Bean. She then went on stress relief for months before making Lt.

11/26/2023 04:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well that dispels the whole I worked on the Southside, I’m the real police statement. Darn it.

11/26/2023 04:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the bright side, at least they didn't shoot him!

11/26/2023 04:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry Chief. There's just a bit more going on here than four cops worried about suspension time.

11/26/2023 05:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would not have happened with four guys. You fail to mention the genders + obesity of the individuals. Why are obese women cops put together? Why are they allowed to work the street at all? Why are they collecting a paycheck? If a man was there, he’d have to do all the work. Higher force options were necessary to prevent escape because of the physical fitness of the cops. The guy was barely resisting at all. This was not a policy thing. It was a personnel thing.

11/26/2023 05:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Based on the video, TRRs should have been completed. That means a resisting charge x 4 would be placed. We chase for those.

I’ll bet that the Sgt’s order to terminate was based on the following from the order:

F. “reasonably believes they would not be able to control the person being pursued should a confrontation occur (e.g., due to exhaustion or PHYSICAL CONDITION).”

11/26/2023 05:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looked like a Keystone cop video. Why is there no physical demands on todays cops. Should have a weight restriction rule and semi annual physical fitness tests.

11/26/2023 05:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They should be fired for incompetence. Would you want one on these cows as your partner or backup? Didn’t think so. How is that diversity working for the CPD now?

11/26/2023 05:53:00 AM  
Blogger Was that a SPEEDBUMP?! said...

Might be time to skip the double cheeseburger at Top Notch and avoid the all you can eat Mac and cheese buffet for awhile. Seriously, What happened to "Pride in your appearance?!"

11/26/2023 05:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems to be working out well just let dude go he’s going to be released on no cash bail anyway back doing the same thing again and again

11/26/2023 06:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merit All the Way Larry has blame in this incident along with, Pritzker, madigan, rhamm foxx, johnson, durbin and the department of jibba jabber.

They don't want an effective police dpartment, as this cuts into the criminal enterprise of those who voted them in office.

It is best to retire and move to a Red State, where law and order is the norm. If you are young and able to lateral, do so asap.


11/26/2023 06:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4 Cops struggled with 1 skinny guy?! Towards the end, the Hispanic Officer was just staring at her coworkers. I hate to speak disparaging but that was ridiculously pathetic. Start hitting the gym cupcakes and lay off the crappy diets. My God, this is the changing of the guard?!

11/26/2023 06:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know most of the comments are going to blast those officers for being out of shape. The truth is SCC hit the nail right on the head when he said not wanting to be part of a viral video caused this. The video clearly shows that the officers should have tried a takedown and a stun to gain control. That didn't happen because of the Communist Office of Police Assassinations. This video is actually great, its show the very sad state of affairs of the CPD

11/26/2023 06:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so sad to watch. At least push him up against a car or wall to cuff him.

11/26/2023 06:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a female police officer and this is indeed so sad and pathetic. I know krav maga, judo and a little bit of boxing. I can fight a man twice my size and beat him to submission. Ladies, learn some self defense skills. Even learning some of the basics and continuously practicing them will be better than nothing.

11/26/2023 06:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But... But... But...

The show Chicago PD portrays modern wah-men are very slim, strong, and competent to arrest bad guys twice their size?!?

11/26/2023 06:37:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

A wood shampoo would have ended it quickly.

11/26/2023 07:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11/26/2023 07:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank God it was only a replica gun recovered on him and not the real deal or this may have ended in four in the line of duty...

11/26/2023 07:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All part of the modern police Failed Model Approach.

11/26/2023 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The offender was afraid of getting raped. Can you blame him for being afraid? Look at them.

11/26/2023 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Diversity is our strength.”

We need MORE diversity I suppose, ‘cuz they don’t look strong??????!!!!!!!!!!

11/26/2023 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was their promotional exam. They all passed.

11/26/2023 08:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have we hit rock bottom yet?? Holy shit is this embarrassing.

11/26/2023 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But by that time, the foot chase wouldn't have been for retail theft, it would have been for resisting X4. Also, this would have been a perfect time to use those tasers I see at least two of them have.

11/26/2023 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These women are not empowered enough to take on "toxic masculinity".

Guess of to "30 mins at 022 squad" where they can find a neutral corner and reflect on the oppression created by white men... I mean men.

11/26/2023 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How the hell did those two get over The Wall in the Academy? They got chubby chaser instructors in the gym now?

11/26/2023 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11/26/2023 08:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Quiet Quitter said...

Salty Cracker did a video about this and it was covered by InfoWars.
Viral indeed

11/26/2023 08:54:00 AM  
Blogger Ludlow Peaswatter said...

DEI has triumphed in Chicago.

11/26/2023 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Built For Comfort

11/26/2023 09:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These women should be disciplined for their inability or unwillingness to do their jobs. I live in 022. How can I possibly have any confidence in these people?

11/26/2023 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I'm a female police officer and this is indeed so sad and pathetic. I know krav maga, judo and a little bit of boxing. I can fight a man twice my size and beat him to submission. Ladies, learn some self defense skills. Even learning some of the basics and continuously practicing them will be better than nothing.

11/26/2023 06:34:00 AM

Looks like you are an ideal wife/mate

11/26/2023 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If you listen very carefully I can hear at least 2 of them fart while they are struggling.

11/26/2023 01:12:00 AM

You gassed me with that one.

11/26/2023 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a failure point reached when women become a certain percentage of a martial organization.
When the numbers get to the point that it's likely the majority of a response unit is female combat ineffectiveness is assured.
At this point it is impossible to continue pretending that the sexes are equal.

11/26/2023 02:48:00 AM

It's not women, you dickheaded dickhead, it's fat broads with no balls, fat pricks with no balls, fatheads with no brains and knuckleheaded twits that pontificate their ignorance.

When police are required to meet the fitness of days gone by, then see what kick ass chics without dicks can do.

You have, obviously, never met my wife.

11/26/2023 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our department’s current policy and city hall’s direction and guidance worked well….our department has become a large mall security apparatus. Most arrests have become tactical timeout tool the last 6 years or so, and in doing so officers open them selves up to force review, COPA interdiction and supervisors pulling log numbers to cover themselves.

11/26/2023 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
How the hell did those two get over The Wall in the Academy? They got chubby chaser instructors in the gym now?

11/26/2023 08:25:00 AM

Walls are racist........Tear down this wall

11/26/2023 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The BC's recorded "I wanna go home, PLEASE!"
"Please Ma'am, I had Covid!"
"I can't Breathe!"
"I was Shot last time!"
All while crying.

This 4 person fireteam just saved the City
from becoming Minny Apples 24.
Probably Saved Biden's re-Election.

Chinese farmer saying "maybe a Good Thing?"
or "...She leaves, Now I see the Funny side.
Now I'm always smiling."
Winter Coming...

11/26/2023 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the hell was that copper doing when the fight is full on and she’s fumbling with something and then proceeds to watch the offender run away?

11/26/2023 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This incident is a very indication of the current state of law enforcement in Illinois.

11/26/2023 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This what I will think of when I again hear that "women deserve equal pay for equal work.."

These four "Plus-Sized women" have set the women's movement back 10 years with this going viral...

Let's put them on the cover of Sports illustrated...

11/26/2023 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How the hell did those two get over The Wall in the Academy? They got chubby chaser instructors in the gym now?

Power tests weren't administered ever since Johnson's kid had entered the academy back in 2020 I believe. Don't blame the Academy instructors for the current state of this fucked up department. Sure they are all phone calls who work at the academy and 50% morbidly obese themselves as well, but not their fault overall.

11/26/2023 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The offender barely put any effort into his escape or resistance. Any copper who’s seen an offender actually resist arrest knows that should have been a cakewalk. No punches, elbows, kicks, biting, spiting, flailing, or any combination. All he did was one twist move and he was free. Fire all four of them for incompetence. They cannot control a resister. They are not fit for field duty if four of them cannot control one barely resisting skinny dude. They all outweighed him individually. They can’t use physical size as a criterium because they were all bigger than him.

It’s not all about gender either. I’ve seen women on the job armlock guys before. It takes practice and skill. If you’re of weaker strength you can’t just muscle every offender. You have to learn actual techniques of simple holds. Nothing fancy. Nothing TRR worth. Just simple holds.

11/26/2023 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a female police officer and this is indeed so sad and pathetic. I know krav maga, judo and a little bit of boxing. I can fight a man twice my size and beat him to submission. Ladies, learn some self defense skills. Even learning some of the basics and continuously practicing them will be better than nothing.

11/26/2023 06:34:00 AM

No, you can’t fight a man twice your size. That’s delusional. Weight classes exist in fighting sports for a reason. The genders are separated in all sports for a reason.

11/26/2023 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have we hit rock bottom yet?? Holy shit is this embarrassing.

As a White male I blame myself for my incontrollable constant oppression of POC's. If it wasn't for my oppressive white devil masculinity and glass ceiling these POC's womens would have completed the task at hand. I'm sorry.

11/26/2023 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Wyatt Earp said...

This is what the fuck you stupid ass liberal commiecrats voted for ! Now accept the consequences of your actions ! Reap the whirlwind you fools !

11/26/2023 10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saw on Info-Wars yesterday. Sadly, a joke.
If you dare say "you're too fat"....well, you are now "fat shaming!"

My God, where was the "WIDE LOAD" sign on their butts? As wide as the Explorer!

11/26/2023 10:04:00 AM  
Blogger ejhickey said...

Whatever happened to "Nightsticks"? Are they not made anymore? Are cops forbidden from using them? Seems to me that a rap to knees , IT band , hamstring , would make it a lot harder for the thief to resist or run away. Can't resist if you can't walk or stand up.

11/26/2023 10:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember towards the end of The Fugitive when Harrison Ford is still on the run and Tommy Lee Jones character says “They think he killed a cop! Chicago Police is gonna EAT HIM ALIVE”!

Yeah, not anymore.

11/26/2023 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The general Order clearly states you can chase for class a misdemeanor’s. Also if the offender was not being transported or processed it would not be an escape therefore no discipline. Stop second guessing and Monday morning quarterbacking your fellow officers. They did more than a lot of officers would do these days.

11/26/2023 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At that point, couldn't they chase the offender for "resisting arrest,"not retail theft?

11/26/2023 10:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They will get promoted, that's what the CPD: Chicago Police Dummies want.

11/26/2023 10:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I knew they were going to be my backup, I think I would feel safer if they didn’t carry any firearms.

11/26/2023 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was just a street mope. What if it was a for real bad guy. Scary.

11/26/2023 10:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love to hear their version of what transpired they tell everyone at the dinner table.

11/26/2023 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Larry, know that you’re the boss how about some required physical fitness standards do you know the police make good money now maybe they need to be in shape how about it you’re in shape this is bad for themselves bad for the people bad for the future extremely bad for their health, they could’ve had a heart attack do something make it a requirement you’ve done nothing so far what are you going to do Larry except for hiring Freddy back?

11/26/2023 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Not a cop. Would a taser have been allowed? I guess with the four stumbling over each other they may have been a mishit, but could a taser have been fired within department rules?

11/26/2023 02:30:00 AM

Yes, the cops could have tased him, use the pepper spray or strike him with a button. But not a single cop chose not to do. Why? I have no idea.

11/26/2023 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t hate our beautiful Big bodies.
I couldn’t touch him because I had just spent $80 on a no chip manicure, a $90 dollar Dermabrasion Facial and $60 dollars at a steam bath.
You male officers would do the same if you were in my shoes. Ole!

11/26/2023 11:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most of your readers probably didn’t know the CPD used to have “police matrons”. Anyway, knew a couple of them who would have dispatched that miscreant in about 32 1/2 seconds.

11/26/2023 11:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My partner and I are both female and we watched the video, OMG! Teamwork is what was needed. The biggest problem we had was with the one who took herself out of the fight. Giving up could have gotten someone hurt or worse killed. Because of that you are singled out and would never be able to work with us.

11/26/2023 11:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder how many of these women were questioning their career choices at that moment....

11/26/2023 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girls get yourself an inside spot before you get yourself hurt. I would hate to see something bad happen to one of my sisters. The best advice I can give to someone I care about is the truth.

11/26/2023 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it was a sack of White Castle, you know they would of taken it down!

11/26/2023 12:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’ve seen tougher broads at the cabbage patch to win a free tshirt in Florida.

11/26/2023 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

U all keep talking about the shape they are in. Round is a shape so they are all good!!!!!!

11/26/2023 12:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They should have just cuffed him to the pole and waited for back up.

11/26/2023 12:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hollywood is filling the female population’s heads with shit with all of these Superhero women movies they’ve been cranking out. It’s all fiction, they are the weaker sex and shouldn’t be sitting in a patrol car, let alone a tank.

11/26/2023 01:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merit All the Way Larry has blame in this incident along with, Pritzker, madigan, rhamm foxx, johnson, durbin and the department of jibba jabber.

They don't want an effective police dpartment, as this cuts into the criminal enterprise of those who voted them in office.

It is best to retire and move to a Red State, where law and order is the norm. If you are young and able to lateral, do so asap.


11/26/2023 06:04:00 AM

You omitted Pricktinkle, but you are absolutely correct about Larry Lightfoot. Responding to a query about allowing police to do their jobs, Larry responded, "Not on my watch!"

11/26/2023 01:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A couple future secretaries /caps officers in the making

11/26/2023 01:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2210 is a joke all in himself instead of driving to help he calls that dumb shit out. The Coppers the 2 that stood there and watched for periods of time should be disciplined for lack of effort f'n embarrassing from the supervisor down.

11/26/2023 01:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The retired Riverside Police Chief is 100% right. Sadly in October 2016, a uniformed on duty 015th District Female Officer was beaten unconscious by an animal high on phencyclidine (PCP). This animal body slammed her nearly killing her while fellow officers used verbal direction over and over hoping the dope fiend would just listen while actively attacking her. A procedural justice technique of prolonged verbal direction was taught and perfected by now superintendent smelling. And the “taser, taser, taser” thingy did not work, once again, as advertised.

The officer was well within her right to defend herself and shoot this piece of garbage as he was continually using more and more unlawful, excessive deadly force. The officer contemplated herself being a YouTube video and a golden prosecutorial opportunity along with that ascension to a higher moral ground moment in time by any of the following but not limited to progressive justice reformers: The crooked county states attorney, copa, the injustice dept civil rights division, the inspector general, the attorney general, the executive branch of the federal govt, the garbage media via progressive agenda driven “reporting”, etc.

Yes, all of these controversial modern day agencies conspire with threats of prosecution, discipline aided and abetted by slanted journalism, all of which are used to dirty up and professionally destroy an officer hoping to inspire looting and rioting in the name of social reform. So keep second guessing yourself on the simplest routine calls and get yourself hurt or killed. You can be a hero when you go to work and a tragic set of events can make you a national villain overnight. Never let a good crisis go waste.

And since 2016, these public funded agencies do little to offer solutions to the exponential growth of violent crimes elevating civilian terrorism levels to blood red. Instead they have taken the lead persecuting officers on behalf of the out of control abundance of violent criminals while so often craving the media limelight clamoring for additional counter-productive oppressive "police reforms" in the name of justice.

11/26/2023 01:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Be The Change" the recruitment advertising says.


11/26/2023 01:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

COPA has fast-tracked the investigation and each of the four officers have been found to be in violation of department directives and recommended for a 3-day suspension, in that each of the four officers failed to say "Please!" during the interaction, each of the four officers failed to advise the gentleman of the new district desk surrender procedures commonly known as "self-arrest" and each of the four officers failed to summon an UBER or LYFT to ensure possible safe transport for the gentleman to his residence or location of choice, paid by the city of Chicago, which is an unfunded mandate ordered by the Illinois Supreme Court.

11/26/2023 01:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DEI equals discrimination exclusion and indoctrination proudly displayed on the video and throughout this country

11/26/2023 02:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep hiring be the change officers. We need standards. Height! The department is over a 1/3 female now and this will be the new norm. The power test is a joke, I rather have a fat overweight 6 ft male than the Ewoks. # I am not the change!
They should be CR immediately they let and arrestee escape.

These 4 will be future leaders of the department. No respect. Guys do you time get a good partner and back each other up. All these clowns will do is escalate a situation and cause Male officers to have to come in and Do their job.

They should donate 3/4 of their salary back to the watch because they are useless. No spots left to hide them all.

Welcome to the new normal.

11/26/2023 02:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

30 by 30 huh? 30 extra pounds

11/26/2023 02:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Another example of heroism just like Lt JF hiding behind the plants after the murder at the Bean. She then went on stress relief for months before making Lt.

11/26/2023 04:34:00 AM

You are a miserable person. You seem to take pleasure in constantly brining this up. Let it go. Get a hobby or some friends.

11/26/2023 02:44:00 PM  
Blogger Prairiepolice said...

then there is this..........

11/26/2023 02:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As someone once wrote on this blog a long time ago: If this department had to, it could made up of all men. The department wouldn't last using all women

11/26/2023 03:20:00 PM  
Blogger King Leonids said...

They need to thaw out John spartan ….this maniac wasn’t listening. Even though they gave “stern warnings”……very easily could have been some “crisp folded flags” passed out

11/26/2023 03:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What would Eddie May say about this? I rode in an elevator with him once.

11/26/2023 04:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Girls get yourself an inside spot before you get yourself hurt. I would hate to see something bad happen to one of my sisters. The best advice I can give to someone I care about is the truth.

11/26/2023 11:57:00 AM

According to the department inside spots are going away for the 100th time. All house mice are going back to the streets. Hahahahah!

11/26/2023 04:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the commenter who mentioned the 2016 near fatal beating of a female Chicago Police Officer in 015--do some fact checking before you write. I was assigned to the 015th District at the time, and what really happened was she and her partner attempted to take the monster into custody for a DUI crash when he put up a fight. The offender managed to get on top of her and slammed her head on the pavement repeatedly. The male partner (whom I also know) is a real worker who can handle himself in a fight. However, the offender was PCP fueled and as such impossible for him to control alone. There were several suburban officers and cook county sheriffs standing around watching and doing nothing to assist. An outstanding young 015th District P.O. working 10-99 arrived almost immediately to assist and helped get the offender into custody before he could kill her.

It was a situation that could have happened to anyone, including you if you are actually a Police Officer. I understand the blog lets anyone comment, including vermin.

The real scandal was the corrupt judge who actually admonished the Officers in open court as he sentenced the offender to a tap on the wrist. My longstanding policy to to vote "no" on judicial retention ballots unless I know the judge to a fair and competent jurist. Those are obviously few and far between. To all real Police Officers: keep rolling how you roll, you have my prayers of support every day in retirement.

11/26/2023 05:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
If only they could have a career like Larrytorious. Teach one class and then have the rest of the day to workout and have lunch. True leader

You forgot chasing recruit boo-y for the rest of the day Merit supernintendo !!!!

11/26/2023 05:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder how many of these women were questioning their career choices at that moment....

11/26/2023 11:54:00 AM

Not a one of them. #WastedButtons #UnearnedIncome

11/26/2023 05:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did I read this right? 12:47:00 said cuff to pole and call for backup. BACKUP to do what. Their job? The day when a 165 pound (soaking wet) shoplifter can’t be arrested by FOUR po’s and they need to call for backup is time to rethink your occupation.

11/26/2023 06:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They actually had him surrounded. Isn’t there a surrounding technique where that many substantial people just fall on the suspect.

11/26/2023 06:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And all 4 of them will be your boss one day

11/26/2023 06:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
COPA has fast-tracked the investigation and each of the four officers have been found to be in violation of department directives and recommended for a 3-day suspension, in that each of the four officers failed to say "Please!" during the interaction, each of the four officers failed to advise the gentleman of the new district desk surrender procedures commonly known as "self-arrest" and each of the four officers failed to summon an UBER or LYFT to ensure possible safe transport for the gentleman to his residence or location of choice, paid by the city of Chicago, which is an unfunded mandate ordered by the Illinois Supreme Court.

11/26/2023 01:55:00 PM

So you want to be a comedian? Don't quit your day job. This is just stupid.

11/26/2023 06:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As someone once wrote on this blog a long time ago: If this department had to, it could made up of all men. The department wouldn't last using all women.

It's a fact that women will never be as fast or as strong as men. I've always backed people up and have always been in the fight with other officers, both male and female. There have been lots of times over the years where both males and females have stood on the sidelines and watched as me and fellow officers were fighting with an offender. One time there was a male high on pcp and I was the only female fighting along with four other males. I remember running to help while some male officers didn't help. I have no respect for officers that don't back other officers up or jump in the fight. I've also seen male officers drive in the opposite direction when my partners and I were enroute to 10-1 calls or officers asking for backup. Don't paint all females in the same bad light. I've worked with great men and women and I've worked with shitty men and women.

11/26/2023 07:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously, What happened to "Pride in your appearance?!"

11/26/2023 05:59:00 AM

Or how about the poster “Does your appearance command respect?”
The department must have taken those down as to not to offend the warm and fuzzy police.

11/26/2023 07:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1620 terminated a foot pursuit before it even started in 016. What an embarrassment this department has become

11/26/2023 08:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An old fashioned SAP on the head would have solved that problem.

11/26/2023 08:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm old enough to remember when Chicago Cops would ask. Then tell you to get it done. Then make you do it.

Women, men - didn't matter. One good cocobolo wood shampoo and everyone else pucked up their assholes for a while and snapped into shape...

How sad we've gotten to this point where 4 Chicago Cops aren't allowed to compel compliance from a POS...

Need to get rid of the BWC's and UOF model - forget all that bullshit. Get back to business. Make criminals afraid again.

11/26/2023 09:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Size 54 Where Are You?

There's a Riot in the Loop
Bridgeport's broken out in fights
The a traffic jam on the Kennedy
That's backed up to Arlington Heights
The scout troop lost a child
Brandon's due in a while
Size 54 Where are you?

While you're at Burger King
They're stealing everything
They shot a little old man
While you're at Au Bon Pain
Better put that eclair down
Or we're gonna lose Uptown
Size 54, where are you?

They just robbed the Steak 'n' Shake
While you're on your sixth bathroom break
They're carjacking left and right
And you're nowhere in sight
You weigh three forty-two
Why did the City hire you?
Size 54 Where are you?

Mike the retired cityworker

11/26/2023 10:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a female police officer and this is indeed so sad and pathetic. I know krav maga, judo and a little bit of boxing. I can fight a man twice my size and beat him to submission. Ladies, learn some self defense skills. Even learning some of the basics and continuously practicing them will be better than nothing.

So you can beat someone in a fight that’s 10 feet tall and 260 pounds. I think not.

11/26/2023 10:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All these people bashi.g these female overweight cops, SCC got it rigbt. Let's consider: years ago a taser would have been deployed, or an arm bar takedown. I would not do that in today's climate. We have retention holsters. So no guns taken. Foot chase called off. An officer is supposed to follow orders. As for physical fitness standards, would time be given on duty to work out? What about officers permanently injured on the job, unable to pass these fitness standards? And as for learning judo, jiu jitsu, boxing, etc. You can get hurt practicing those, not to mention get indicted for using on a subject/offender/arrestee. It is not worth it for a shoplifter. They got a good look at the offender, he is on camera, will eventually be caught and charged. Stay out of trouble and unhurt if possible until you retire. Remember that bad time counts against you, it is subtracted for your total time on the job, when you retire. Be safe everyone.

11/26/2023 10:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These officers should join the tac team in 3. They never have to leave the tac office.

11/26/2023 11:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Blogger ejhickey said...
Whatever happened to "Nightsticks"? Are they not made anymore? Are cops forbidden from using them? Seems to me that a rap to knees , IT band , hamstring , would make it a lot harder for the thief to resist or run away. Can't resist if you can't walk or stand up.

11/26/2023 10:16:00 AM"

Using an ASP or baton for a resistor would yield excessive force charges, so yes, they are forbidden in this situation.

20 years ago? Dood would have learned a lesson in why it's better to go the easy way.

11/27/2023 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
An old fashioned SAP on the head would have solved that problem.

11/26/2023 08:22:00 PM"

True, but we don't get down like that anymore. At least if you want to keep your job, pension and freedom.

He's an active resistor, nothing more.

Active Resister: a person who attempts to create distance between himself or herself and
the member's reach with the intent to avoid physical control and/or defeat the arrest.

a. This type of resistance includes but is not limited to evasive movement of the arm,
flailing arms, and full flight by running.

b. A subject who is attempting to avoid apprehension and who fails to comply with a
sworn member's orders to reveal themselves is considered an Active Resister.

c. In addition to the force options authorized in Items IV-A and IV-B-1 for Cooperative
Subjects and Passive Resisters, the following force options are authorized when
dealing with an active resister:

(1) Stunning

Stunning is diffused-pressure striking or slapping the subject to increase
control by disorienting the subject and interfering with his or her ability to

(2) Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) Spray

Oleoresin capsicum is an authorized force option against active resisters. If
the active resister is part of a group or crowd, OC is authorized only after
obtaining approval from the Superintendent or his or her designee.

(3) Canines Used by Canine Handlers

A canine under the control of a canine handler is an authorized force option
when used consistent with the provisions of the Department directive entitled
"Canine Use Incidents."

(4) Taser

(a) The Taser is a device used to control and subdue a subject through
the application of electrical impulses that override the central
nervous system and cause uncontrollable muscle contractions.

(b) Only Department-issued Tasers may be used and only after the
member has received Department-authorized training in their safe
handling and deployment.

(c) For further guidance on the use of a Taser, members will refer to the
Department directive entitled "Taser Use Incidents."

(d) Using the Taser to drive stun an active resister is prohibited.

11/27/2023 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you know these officers?

No. Oh wait…Are they great big fat persons?
-Jack Gordon

11/27/2023 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you want to be a comedian? Don't quit your day job. This is just stupid.

11/26/2023 06:42:00 PM


11/27/2023 02:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Love to hear their version of what transpired they tell everyone at the dinner table.

11/26/2023 10:55:00 AM

"The sea was angry that day, my friends...(Seinfeld show, as George explained.)

11/27/2023 03:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That video is terrible disgraceful but the truth, when you see this the physical condition of these so-called police officers jeopardizes themselves other police officers who would want them for back up? The superintendent of police who is physically fit, definitely needs to put in some type of standards, because many officers look terrible look sloppy, I know when you are honest and you tell the truth like this it hurts but it hurts more when you’re having quadruple bypass surgery or hurt your family when you die too early from something that is preventable get your asses to a gym take some martial arts do something for physical fitness watch the food you eat stop eating shit Praying the superintendent of police actually starts to do something. What is he doing? Absolutely nothing but then again, he’s pacifying John at the FOP for some reason.

11/27/2023 05:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My partner and I are both female and we watched the video, OMG! Teamwork is what was needed. The biggest problem we had was with the one who took herself out of the fight. Giving up could have gotten someone hurt or worse killed. Because of that you are singled out and would never be able to work with us.

Don't do that. Please teach them and be an example. If you go to a gym or have coach, introduce them. Help them. Many need to learn. That said, if you do work with them, call for an assist car.

11/27/2023 05:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Four overweight officers against a single offender, isn't that an excessive use of force???

11/27/2023 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Another example of heroism just like Lt JF hiding behind the plants after the murder at the Bean. She then went on stress relief for months before making Lt.
11/26/2023 04:34:00 AM
You are a miserable person. You seem to take pleasure in constantly brining this up. Let it go. Get a hobby or some friends.
11/26/2023 02:44:00 PM
Okay Dave. But please tell how her Lt. sister is doing with her stress related IOD for having to approve reports.

11/27/2023 07:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real scandal was the corrupt judge who actually admonished the Officers in open court as he sentenced the offender to a tap on the wrist. My longstanding policy to to vote "no" on judicial retention ballots unless I know the judge to a fair and competent jurist. Those are obviously few and far between. To all real Police Officers: keep rolling how you roll, you have my prayers of support every day in retirement.

11/26/2023 05:34:00 PM

I am with you on this. That has been my policy for many years. NO on all judgeships. When people ask me which judge to vote for, I repeat my policy.

I saw that video of the four female officers. The lack of training was obvious. It seems that they were afraid to hurt this dude

11/27/2023 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11/26/2023 09:53:00 PM

So true, I remember hanging out on the street corner when I was in my teens,in the 80s, CPD rolled up told us to beat it,they then made the block and of course we were still there, they got out of the car with the nightsticks, slapped a couple of us in the nuts and that was the end of that, time to gtfo there with sore

11/27/2023 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to the department inside spots are going away for the 100th time. All house mice are going back to the streets. Hahahahah!

11/26/2023 04:57:00 PM

According to the media reports, there are hundreds of new civilian jobs to open up in CPD. But, none of them are clerk positions in the districts or HQ, but all new positions. I don't care how many directives come down from HQ to limit the police officers holding desk jobs, the commanders will ignore them. Some of these units have plenty more then authorized, and that is beside the girlfriends and family members.

11/27/2023 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11/26/2023 02:09:00 PM

100% correct.

11/27/2023 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Size 54 Where Are You?


11/27/2023 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Four overweight officers against a single offender, isn't that an excessive use of force???

11/27/2023 07:32:00 AM excessive use of farce?

11/27/2023 08:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
I'm old enough to remember when Chicago Cops would ask. Then tell you to get it done. Then make you do it.

Women, men - didn't matter. One good cocobolo wood shampoo and everyone else pucked up their assholes for a while and snapped into shape...

How sad we've gotten to this point where 4 Chicago Cops aren't allowed to compel compliance from a POS...

Need to get rid of the BWC's and UOF model - forget all that bullshit. Get back to business. Make criminals afraid again.

11/26/2023 09:53:00 PM"

Getting rid of the BWC's and street pods etcetera will come AFTER the communists who created the "systemic racism/procedural justice" narrative obtain a great majority of the commercial and private property.

We're years away from that, but not decades. Once they buy all the real estate at depressed valuations (brought on by prolonged higher crime rates facilitated by eroding policing ability to control crime), THEN the powers who control the police will remove all those cameras and demand the police "clean up" the streets.

Officers will then be allowed to use force without risk of arrest/charges/prison and loss of job. Offenders will be charged and judges will convict and sentence those offenders to prison terms rather than release on cashless bail.

Why? Because once all the oligarchs, bankers, politicians etcetera own everything they will want a return on the property they bought at depressed levels. As crime decreases and the streets become safe again, people move back and spend money.

And the police will be the "jackboots" then who do the masters bidding and make them richer than they were!

It's always about the money....and control! ALWAYS!!!

11/27/2023 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whew...that was rough. Time to go put your feedbags on!

11/27/2023 12:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There has to be some scam to pay off someone for your power test card. How are these newer officers getting OTJ overweight or gaining that much weight as soon as they leave the academy. Cpd should follow cfd in having the same physical standards for male and female, since we are both equal.

11/27/2023 12:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weird how that semi truck pulls up to block the camera. Who owns that truck…. No markings

11/27/2023 04:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did I read this right? 12:47:00 said cuff to pole and call for backup. BACKUP to do what. Their job? The day when a 165 pound (soaking wet) shoplifter can’t be arrested by FOUR po’s and they need to call for backup is time to rethink your occupation.

I agree with you, but they had 1 cuff on the fool, they should have just placed the other cuff to the pole and they could have caught their breath at least to finish the cuffing. You have to think fast some times on this job and they were completely losing, so cuff him to the pole and you can catch your breath and complete the task. That way he wouldn't have gotten away.

11/27/2023 06:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How the hell did those two get over The Wall in the Academy?

They no longer require the wall. That has been long gone for at least 15 years or maybe even more. Once they sold the old gym on 35th and Normal the wall went with it.

11/27/2023 06:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Size 54 Where are you?

Mike the retired cityworker"

11/26/2023 10:08:00 PM

X-cel-lent ! ! !

11/27/2023 07:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea they’re all fat!!! Get in the gym before you get hurt or your partner(s). That should have never happened

11/28/2023 01:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
These officers should join the tac team in 3. They never have to leave the tac office.
11/26/2023 11:17:00 PM

They do leave the office. Da f#ck? They leave to go home. And let's not forget their lunches. So yea the radio w#oR€§ do leave... 😆😆😆

11/28/2023 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The retired Riverside Police Chief is 100% right. Sadly in October 2016, a uniformed on duty 015th District Female Officer was beaten unconscious by an animal high on phencyclidine (PCP). This animal body slammed her nearly killing her while fellow officers used verbal direction over and over hoping the dope fiend would just listen while actively attacking her. A procedural justice technique of prolonged verbal direction was taught and perfected by now superintendent smelling. And the “taser, taser, taser” thingy did not work, once again, as advertised.

The officer was well within her right to defend herself and shoot this piece of garbage as he was continually using more and more unlawful, excessive deadly force. The officer contemplated herself being a YouTube video and a golden prosecutorial opportunity along with that ascension to a higher moral ground moment in time by any of the following but not limited to progressive justice reformers: The crooked county states attorney, copa, the injustice dept civil rights division, the inspector general, the attorney general, the executive branch of the federal govt, the garbage media via progressive agenda driven “reporting”, etc.

Yes, all of these controversial modern day agencies conspire with threats of prosecution, discipline aided and abetted by slanted journalism, all of which are used to dirty up and professionally destroy an officer hoping to inspire looting and rioting in the name of social reform. So keep second guessing yourself on the simplest routine calls and get yourself hurt or killed. You can be a hero when you go to work and a tragic set of events can make you a national villain overnight. Never let a good crisis go waste.

And since 2016…..

Ummmm. You must not know that Officer. ROFLMAO. I get your point but those who know KNOW.

11/28/2023 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
There has to be some scam to pay off someone for your power test card. How are these newer officers getting OTJ overweight or gaining that much weight as soon as they leave the academy. Cpd should follow cfd in having the same physical standards for male and female, since we are both equal

CFD doesn’t have the same standards. Lots of women you see on the job mostly the medics sued to get their jobs because they can’t lift a 75lb dummy and drag it 90’ and carry a 60lbs backpack up two flights of stairs. The physical standards is a fraction of what is expected from the males. Push ups on their knees, don’t have to run stairs unless they want to but won’t be held against them exempt from lifting or carrying anything.

11/28/2023 10:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
That was just a street mope. What if it was a for real bad guy. Scary.

11/26/2023 10:45:00 AM

One would've been disarmed, the others injured or killed.

They should resign.

11/30/2023 11:39:00 PM  

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