Friday, November 24, 2023

Mogadishu, USA

What else do you call it?

  • A group armed with rifles and handguns conducted 12 robberies in an hour on Thanksgiving morning throughout the Southwest Side.

    The group was driving a light or dark blue Toyota or Hyundai sedan.

    No injuries were reported, but property was taken before the group fled in the sedan.

WGN lists all twelve addresses.....and exactly ZERO descriptions of offenders.

CWB (which also didn't list an offender description for some reason) was refused video footage by the Department until they called the Attorney General's office, but they did point out pretty much what is the issue with the massive upswing in robberies:

  • A Chicago police sergeant spotted the robbers’ getaway car as they drove through the West Loop. He mentioned it on the radio but did not pursue it.

    [...] The increase is primarily due to incessant armed robbery sprees like the one that popped up on September 23: Small groups of young men, usually traveling in stolen cars, sometimes committing more than a dozen robberies at a time. But the Chicago Police Department has become so risk-averse that its supervisors almost always order patrol officers to terminate pursuits of violent offenders, even if the cops see an armed robbery committed firsthand.

    Chicago has paid out tens of millions of dollars for lives lost and injuries caused by pursuits that ended with crashes. The police department’s written policy explicitly states that no officer will ever be punished for not chasing a suspect. And CPD supervisors have become so skittish about the possibility of something going wrong they’ve even ordered cops to stop pursuing a car suspected of carrying wanted murderers.

    Of course, there’s a trade-off when the city discourages pursuits to save money and reduce the possibility of injury to third parties. That trade-off is that armed, violent people are not apprehended, and they continue to commit crimes.

When you reward bad behavior, you get more of it. 

And not being pursued is a "reward."

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not the officers who have 'become risk-averse', not even the schmucky white shirts, it's the politicians.

The ones most guilty are 'risk-averse' to the risks of their shithead communities' roaming reparations harvesting crews being swatted flat like the bugs they are.

Were I in charge, the reality that everywhere is effectively a free fire zone would be the rule.

The shitheads act as if it is.

11/24/2023 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They will be out again on Saturday morning.

11/24/2023 01:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems like the police are more afraid of the urban terrorists than the citizens. And can you blame them? The
politicians the City and the police department brought this pox upon all of us. Every week the problem is metastasizing with no game plan. The only way it it going to stop is create decoy & robbery enforcement details and take these crews down. Risk and danger yes but nothing is working now. And not with the use of aimless patrols that create useless bus check, contact & TSSS cards.

11/24/2023 02:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can blame stupid civil juries, mostly white Aholes from the suburbs, who find for the plaintiff and don't have to live with the consequences.

11/24/2023 02:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired coppers plus an increase of CCW carriers, bolstered by OD coppers, Chicago should record a banner year with shootouts between them and the roving armed robbers across the city. Next year the streets will run red with blood from gunfights mimicking Hollywood westerns or gangster films. The predictions of the gun grabbers will come true, thereby supporting their hysterical outcries for more gun control to save the children. Fewer cops, emboldened criminals, and a lax criminal justice system, now provide you with all the ingredients igniting the death spiral of a civil society.

11/24/2023 03:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I expect this to continue and hit every part of the city and the adjacent suburbs.

11/24/2023 04:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Father pfaker is on this...

Going take a few of dem yuths home with him and show them the ....way.

Can't wait till the tide rolls the other way and these, teens, pirates, highwaymen, no goods, honor students.

And the body count starts to sway that the revruns get tears in their grubbie beady eyes....

Yes, we nee Jesse to come and rhyme the day away....use the big words Jesse, make people say ...Whaaaaa

Don't need a AR or AK...Dam right, need a Leopard 2 tank.

wondering if those taken in guns will be run against the registered list...and what will crimeshado if not...will Gov. Lardass talk with a mouthful demanding they be charged, or will he burp, fart, clog the toilet and leave grinning...


11/24/2023 04:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that the holiday season has started, watch your surroundings as you head to shopping centers. I’m sure that honor students are in the prowl for holiday money & carjacking. Aren’t you glad that you donated Christmas gifts to these fatherless children throughout their development stage so that they’d grow up to be productive citizens of this city?

11/24/2023 05:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading these blogs you can come to the conclusion many officers are hiding behind these policies instead of SERVING and PROTECTING. You can read the comments and hear of radio calls being ignored, looking the other way, etc.. You can blame management, but the fact is you're happy to stand down, it's your mirror, you have to look in it. But one day it'll be a member of your family on the end of the crime...

11/24/2023 06:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That Has to be a record, the lemmings are being preyed upon yet the Mayor the absent states attorney the judges, the Democratic Party the superintendent of police who will not let the police do their jobs? Can you imagine how the innocents feel watching the police watching the criminals just speed away after they just killed maimed took their car car Jack robbed, beat them whatever what a disgrace it all starts at the top they all need to resign. Everything needs to be redone support the police the police have a job to do. The police just got a decent raise and yet the police cannot still do their job.

11/24/2023 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next time a supervisor calls off your chase, give them a hug and buy them lunch with the paycheck they just saved you.

11/24/2023 07:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And if you briefly chase them, stop, and then they run over someone 3 miles later you will be going to prison and they will take all that you have worked for. It's what they voted for, let them have it.

11/24/2023 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“TERMINATE!” for black offenders.

Why? Because terminating a pursuit is a form of reparations. It’s affirmative action for black criminals. The same reason your white son lost a seat to Northside or Walter Payton to a black student who scored worse and whose grades were lower than your son, this is why black criminals are being given a free pass to rob and pillage the city.

This is not a racist comment BTW. My wife is a “POC”, she hates that term. I only point that out because some of you small minded people are offended because I just pointed out the truth. I used the “b” word (as opposed to the “African American” term which is a term designed to separate and divide us even further.)

Final thought: Do you think most sheep know they are sheep? No, many think they are wolves.

11/24/2023 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, how can the policy be changed?

11/24/2023 07:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here it comes, people telling what they would do only if they were behind the wheel of a police car. The facts are the only people who will be punished for these situations are the police. These offenders are just funnin after-all.

11/24/2023 07:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't wanna show me nothin', but you're tellin me everything.

Christopher Walken

True Romance.

11/24/2023 07:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm retired and this scares the shit out of me. I carry my gun on me all the time and it's a scary situation. If five offenders come out and they have guns and a rifle pointed at me, what the fuck am I going to do? Well because of this bullshit, I am moving to Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Fuck this city and state!

Oh, and to all of the John Wayne's who believe they would survive a shoot out with five armed offenders, you're either stupid, dumb or naive. No fucking way you can shoot all of them. You'll be Swiss cheese my friend.

11/24/2023 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares, the guys getting killed and robbed are all shitbirds and democrats so have at it and start aiming better

11/24/2023 08:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of these robbery crews are being caught. Many are juveniles or young adults who usually have been caught before for the same thing. These are serious forcible felony offenses. It is not a bunch of kids sitting in the park drinking booze and passing around a joint. The police are doing their jobs in a toxic environment against many obstacles. The failure lies at the feet of the CCSA's office and it's blind boss who will go down as one of the biggest failures ever seen here.

11/24/2023 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Owe-bama had sons....

11/24/2023 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Reading these blogs you can come to the conclusion many officers are hiding behind these policies instead of SERVING and PROTECTING. You can read the comments and hear of radio calls being ignored, looking the other way, etc.. You can blame management, but the fact is you're happy to stand down, it's your mirror, you have to look in it. But one day it'll be a member of your family on the end of the crime...

11/24/2023 06:34:00 AM
No, you don’t hide behind policies. You either follow them or disobey them. Go and read our general order on pursuits and then try to apply it to the real world without violating it. Spoiler alert: YOU CAN’T. And the reason why is because it’s by design. It’s designed to not have anymore vehicle pursuits. No different than the search warrant order. This is what was voted in and the policies that the defund the police mobs wanted to scream about. Well, now we’re following the policies put in place by people that aren’t the police. Deal with it.

11/24/2023 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A change from the usual neighborhoods on the north side. Cook county suburbs next?

11/24/2023 08:38:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

The suburban cops will not be afraid to pursue.

11/24/2023 08:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Reading these blogs you can come to the conclusion many officers are hiding behind these policies instead of SERVING and PROTECTING. You can read the comments and hear of radio calls being ignored, looking the other way, etc.. You can blame management, but the fact is you're happy to stand down, it's your mirror, you have to look in it. But one day it'll be a member of your family on the end of the crime...

11/24/2023 06:34:00 AM

Hey fuck face, how about you sign up and show everyone how it’s done? We’re always hiring!

11/24/2023 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The man punched and killed after leaving a House of Blues show is being remembered as a friend to everyone.

Drew Hulburt, 47, was attacked around 11:45 p.m. Nov. 15 outside of the venue, located in the 300 block of North Dearborn Street in River North.

Hulburt was an 2008 Obama campaign staffer and Liotta said he was so happy to reunite with everyone at a 15th reunion this year.

Killed by an aggressive panhandler.

11/24/2023 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The robberies in th 12th district have gotten way out of control and the commander does not know what to do about it. The problem is that there are too many officers who are being taken care of. Let’s start with over a dozen bicycle officers who spend their entire tour inside the CAPS office and leave 4 hours early every day. The commander could easily post 2 officers at 18th st, Chicago Ava, Division but these officers complain that it’s too cold outside and prefer to play with their cell phones inside the station while there is a back log.

11/24/2023 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Reading these blogs you can come to the conclusion many officers are hiding behind these policies instead of SERVING and PROTECTING. You can read the comments and hear of radio calls being ignored, looking the other way, etc.. You can blame management, but the fact is you're happy to stand down, it's your mirror, you have to look in it. But one day it'll be a member of your family on the end of the crime...

11/24/2023 06:34:00 AM

Fuck you asshole, your only life accomplishment is voting democrat...


11/24/2023 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's kool they robbing the white liberals.

11/24/2023 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Reading these blogs you can come to the conclusion many officers are hiding behind these policies instead of SERVING and PROTECTING. You can read the comments and hear of radio calls being ignored, looking the other way, etc.. You can blame management, but the fact is you're happy to stand down, it's your mirror, you have to look in it. But one day it'll be a member of your family on the end of the crime...

11/24/2023 06:34:00 AM
You are 100% correct the young millennials on the job that are still in mom and dad‘s basement driving the jacked up. Jeeps the blacked out dodge rams trying to be cool telling their bullshit police stories are scared but then again, so are the supervisors they have zero testicular fortitude Wait till the copper stand down something happens to your family. You think the taxpayers are getting tired of this they are.

11/24/2023 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just bought me the Ruger Max with the 12 round clip. The perfect gun fits nicely in your front pocket of pants, jeans or shorts and no safety to worry about and a .380 caliber which is a short 9mm shoots wonderfully and with one in the chamber I got 13 hits for justice.

11/24/2023 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
Reading these blogs you can come to the conclusion many officers are hiding behind these policies instead of SERVING and PROTECTING. You can read the comments and hear of radio calls being ignored, looking the other way, etc.. You can blame management, but the fact is you're happy to stand down, it's your mirror, you have to look in it. But one day it'll be a member of your family on the end of the crime...

11/24/2023 06:34:00 AM"

You don't like the consequences of your failed policies, do you?

11/24/2023 10:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
You don't wanna show me nothin', but you're tellin me everything.

Christopher Walken

True Romance.

11/24/2023 07:59:00 AM"

I got a fever, and the only prescription, is more cowbell!

11/24/2023 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A stolen KIA was dumped in My alley this week and I live at 6900 W Foster, They better stay out of Cop Land We are ready, I have My 45 carbine with a red dot.And there's no reason to give descriptions 100% of the time we know what they are.

11/24/2023 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rifle beats handgun. And rifle beats Kevlar. Unfortunately, the thugs have figured that out. The legally armed citizen can't walk around with a rifle so he is now both outnumbered and outgunned. Don't expect much resistance from the citizens. And the officers are in the same position. And I can just imagine the management response if the patrol officer engaged the crew with an AR. Do squads even have rifles or shotguns anymore?

11/24/2023 10:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are all these offenders black and no one wants to say it even the victims from Lincoln Park & Bucktown? Do they think that reporting or saying that the offenders are “black” they are being racist?
Why does the news report after a shooting incident that the victims were “injured” and not “shot”?
Prickwinkle said it “There are too many black and brown men in jail”. She didn’t say there are too many “black” and “brown” men committing crime.

11/24/2023 10:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading these blogs you can come to the conclusion many officers are hiding behind these policies instead of SERVING and PROTECTING. You can read the comments and hear of radio calls being ignored, looking the other way, etc.. You can blame management, but the fact is you're happy to stand down, it's your mirror, you have to look in it. But one day it'll be a member of your family on the end of the crime...

You first, amigo. Become “the change”. Applications are out. When you’re eventually sitting in a jail cell for trying to do the “right thing” for a society that doesn’t really want it, I’ll be enjoying my retirement in Texas.

11/24/2023 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hate to say it, but these mutts are getting so emboldened that I wouldn’t be surprised if one day they don’t try to stick up a on duty police officer AND worse get away with it. Remember the gang initiation where they had to steal a po’s gun from house, car, etc.

11/24/2023 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the only time the lying liberal news gives a full description is when a white police officer is the accused and the lying victim is black

11/24/2023 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Wyatt Earp said...

The description of the offenders is Ghetto Fucking Shit Heads that are in dire need of being ventilated ! These fucking Democratic politicians policies are direct cause of all this Hanis fucking behavior by these Ghetto fucking savages ! Wake the Fuck Up you stupid ass Democratic voters !

11/24/2023 11:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What kind of people do this?

Uninvited Thanksgiving guest shoots host in Woodlawn

No descriptions of offenders hmm who would do that? Detectives needed

11/24/2023 11:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With no description, I bet it's those damned Canadian Gang Bangers again. They sneak down here across the Minnesota border in Canoes. They pick up all those guns lying all over the streets and wreak havoc.

If it was anyone else, they'd be considered a major Democrat voting bloc that would never be prosecuted.

11/24/2023 11:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Choose your spot, John Wick is a movie.

11/24/2023 12:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These fucks voted for this shit. They get what they want. Fuck em

11/24/2023 01:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I expect this to continue and hit every part of the city and the adjacent suburbs.

11/24/2023 04:05:00 AM

You expect this? Hell, it's already happening! Like RIGHT NOW!

Armed robbery at 6 corners, carjackings in the Loop, armed robberies in Beverly, Shootings in Grant Park, Armed robberies in portage Park...
Crime is no longer just in the Hood, they are nomadic predators and are traveling to where the easy prey are.

11/24/2023 01:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*Paul Kersey entered the comments*

11/24/2023 02:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading these blogs you can come to the conclusion many officers are hiding behind these policies instead of SERVING and PROTECTING. You can read the comments and hear of radio calls being ignored, looking the other way, etc.. You can blame management, but the fact is you're happy to stand down, it's your mirror, you have to look in it. But one day it'll be a member of your family on the end of the crime...

The above post was an attempt by a delusional MERIT street supervisor to somehow motive the troops to perform more traffic stops, proactive arrests and in general bring in more activity. Because he's pressured by his boss. This isn't 1991 or a game and you're on your own when shit hits the fan. From experience I can tell you not many will line up to help pay your bills during your lengthy suspension. F- around and find out like I did.

11/24/2023 02:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Officer seek guidance from the "legal" authorities scamming with the consent decree. As the average citizen gets robbed, jacked or shot, these federal appointees are whistling dixie when they collect their six-figure salaries without a concern for the city's terrorized citizenry. What does the consent decree do to address the suppression of criminal activity or protect everyday American citizens from these organized armed criminals?

11/24/2023 05:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I expect this to continue and hit every part of the city and the adjacent suburbs.

11/24/2023 04:05:00 AM

You expect this? Hell, it's already happening! Like RIGHT NOW!

Armed robbery at 6 corners, carjackings in the Loop, armed robberies in Beverly, Shootings in Grant Park, Armed robberies in portage Park...
Crime is no longer just in the Hood, they are nomadic predators and are traveling to where the easy prey are.

11/24/2023 01:22:00 PM


the animal has no natural predators

11/24/2023 05:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading these blogs you can come to the conclusion many officers are hiding behind these policies instead of SERVING and PROTECTING. You can read the comments and hear of radio calls being ignored, looking the other way, etc.. You can blame management, but the fact is you're happy to stand down, it's your mirror, you have to look in it. But one day it'll be a member of your family on the end of the crime...

11/24/2023 06:34:00 AM

(The following is not for law enforcement. They already know.)

1. For the criminals, there is no such thing as law. Only avoiding the undesired results of their actions. Law is merely a whimsical folly, self clusterfucking that civilians indulge in believing has any potency. And, these days, even when they do get 'caught' by law enforcers, the few criminals who get caught, and are not dummies, do not resist in any way, knowing the next points are reliably true....

2. Police will not kill you, merely arrest you. No big deal. Citizens, aka civilians, residents, etc., are also unlikely to kill you, (so far, so good for criminals on that).

3. Why do these ones currently committing crimes threaten violence, and bring the tools of violence with them when they do? Why do they point the muzzles of their weapons directly at their prey/victims? A: To motivate compliance. + To discourage resistance. The essential this or that moment of decision.

4. The criminals most violent and bold know that: Until there are, there are not.

5. U.T.A.T.A.N. = Civilians who will kill them as they are initiating their criminal actions.

6. U.T.A.T.A.N = Police who will kill them absent the criminals' own violent resistence.

7. U.T.A.T.A.N = Anyone to stop them, by any effective means.

Any When. Any Where. Any Way.

This is the criminals' credo.

Take heed to this.

11/24/2023 06:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There has to be a lawsuit in the future. A robbery crew chase is called off and they go on and Rob or kill someone. Some Lawyer has to be able to finagle a lawsuit to the City out of that.

11/24/2023 06:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading these blogs you can come to the conclusion many officers are hiding behind these policies instead of SERVING and PROTECTING. You can read the comments and hear of radio calls being ignored, looking the other way, etc.. You can blame management, but the fact is you're happy to stand down, it's your mirror, you have to look in it. But one day it'll be a member of your family on the end of the crime...

And if you briefly chase them, stop, and then they run over someone 3 miles later you will be going to prison and they will take all that you have worked for. It's what you voted for, enjoy!

11/24/2023 06:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My younger brother was 75th Infantry 3rd Battalion, B company in the mid 90’s…he drove through Chicago on the 3rd of July once while on his way home from Ft Benning….when I asked him how the drive was, he told me he hadn’t heard that much gunfire since Mogadishu.

11/24/2023 06:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just bought me the Ruger Max with the 12 round clip. The perfect gun fits nicely in your front pocket of pants, jeans or shorts and no safety to worry about and a .380 caliber which is a short 9mm shoots wonderfully and with one in the chamber I got 13 hits for justice.

Its called a Magazine, not a clip, and You have 13 hits for justice? I bet the first round hits your foot.

11/24/2023 06:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How the citizens feel in Chicago thanks to Brandon and police cowardly supervisors refusing to do the job:

11/24/2023 06:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The clip on CWB shows a unmarked car make a turn just before the festivities. Also the young girl robbed didn't seemed to fazed and said "GOODBYE"? after they robbed her. She then calmly went on her way. See people are getting used to what they elected.

11/24/2023 06:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11/24/2023 06:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time to ventilate armed robbers.

11/24/2023 07:08:00 PM  
Blogger 30 pending and what said...

You ask us to provide a blanket of security and then question us on the method we do it. Make up your mind. Decide whether you want the police to do work or not. If you want the police to do work, take away the rights of these thugs send them to jail when the police catches them. If you want us to be just babysitters well guess what nothing is going to get done, not if it means risking my life for a piece of shit that the state will release before my tour is over.

11/24/2023 07:51:00 PM  
Blogger 30 pending and what said...

Quit clowning.

11/24/2023 07:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its plan and simple. I don't go into the city, so I don't spend any money in shitcago. Also I don't worry about getting car jacked there. Bet more and more people feel the same way I do.

11/24/2023 08:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would anyone expect different……. If I were a scumbag criminal I’d go where the police aren’t OR where the police are not allowed to be the POLICE!!!!!! I only wish I would be targeted by these criminals I carry a gun, I am a very good shot, I have been involved in gunfights & I carry multiple magazines & liability insurance!!!!! If I smoke a gang member do I get automatic acceptance/membership into a rival gang?? To hell with that I will start my own gang, we’re called the Bronson’s after Charles

11/24/2023 08:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old school, retired. Bought a King Cobra .357 with 3” barrel. Good concealed carry. Stopping power is important. Bought my first DetectiveSpecial 50 yrs ago. Never liked the .380.

11/24/2023 09:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Urban terrorists or land pirates

11/24/2023 09:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Reading these blogs you can come to the conclusion many officers are hiding behind these policies instead of SERVING and PROTECTING. You can read the comments and hear of radio calls being ignored, looking the other way, etc.. You can blame management, but the fact is you're happy to stand down, it's your mirror, you have to look in it. But one day it'll be a member of your family on the end of the crime...

You first, amigo. Become “the change”. Applications are out. When you’re eventually sitting in a jail cell for trying to do the “right thing” for a society that doesn’t really want it, I’ll be enjoying my retirement in Texas.

11/24/2023 10:59:00 AM


Blaming Management and their failure in leadership for implementing weak, confusing, vague, watered down policies and procedures, defund the police, and in many instances forced liberal oriented federal consent decree actions, body cameras for second guessing armchair quarterbacks, kangaroo courts, coupled with community policing, provides the context in which police function in a hostile environment. Lastly, with lack of prosecutions, a failing court system and the Safe T Act results in what our reality is today. What you see here are the results of "re-imagining" the police.

It appears this is what the citizens voted for and deserve, and our spineless legislative politicians enacted, and all under the failed leadership of Gov Pritzker. If you want change go fix the problem at the voting booth.

11/24/2023 10:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Reading these blogs you can come to the conclusion many officers are hiding behind these policies instead of SERVING and PROTECTING. You can read the comments and hear of radio calls being ignored, looking the other way, etc.. You can blame management, but the fact is you're happy to stand down, it's your mirror, you have to look in it. But one day it'll be a member of your family on the end of the crime...

11/24/2023 06:34:00 AM

Hard charging liberal doesn't realize his own lovely government has no obligation to protect him by case law. How does it feel knowing being a retard liberal progressive who probably loves defunding the police idea work out now? Does it feel good knowing officers have no oligiation to protect and serve you by US supreme court cases? Do you feel scared knowing the jungle animals from the south and westside will kill you for a dolla? HAHAHAHA. Fuck you, get fucked weak bitch boy. The weak become now the prey.

Warren v. District of Columbia,

11/24/2023 10:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The robberies in th 12th district have gotten way out of control and the commander does not know what to do about it. The problem is that there are too many officers who are being taken care of. Let’s start with over a dozen bicycle officers who spend their entire tour inside the CAPS office and leave 4 hours early every day. The commander could easily post 2 officers at 18th st, Chicago Ava, Division but these officers complain that it’s too cold outside and prefer to play with their cell phones inside the station while there is a back log.

11/24/2023 09:30:00 AM

Why the fuck are you posting this for the public to see? You're a no good filthy pos snitch! Worry about your own problems and not about others. Eyes and ears open and mouth shut was the best advice given to me when I started.

11/24/2023 11:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading these blogs you can come to the conclusion many officers are hiding behind these policies instead of SERVING and PROTECTING. You can read the comments and hear of radio calls being ignored, looking the other way, etc.. You can blame management, but the fact is you're happy to stand down, it's your mirror, you have to look in it. But one day it'll be a member of your family on the end of the crime...

GO F***yourself.

11/24/2023 11:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares, the guys getting killed and robbed are all shitbirds and democrats so have at it and start aiming better.

The woman hit in the head with a log downtown was not a shit bird.
The majority of the people getting robbed and carjacked are just normal people trying to get through life.
The offenders are animals who should be caged.

11/25/2023 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, that Roger max 380 is a Purdy Lil girls gun, I gave them out to the kids on Halloween. And carrying that in your pocket without a safety or a pocket holster is going to eventually transition you to a gurl when you shoot your knutz off practicing your quick draw. Well done Shirley. And don't say clip dufus.

11/25/2023 02:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good job, offices. Don't chase, in vehicle or on foot. The department and politicians don't have your back. Let it be

11/25/2023 04:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11/24/2023 08:00:00 AM
You are correct. No way your winning in that scenerio. Look at the retired FF from a few years back walking out of a popcorn shop, one off drove and the other two tried carjacking him. He was a CCC holder and got in a shoot out with the two and unfortunately lost.

11/25/2023 06:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading these blogs you can come to the conclusion many officers are hiding behind these policies instead of SERVING and PROTECTING. You can read the comments and hear of radio calls being ignored, looking the other way, etc.. You can blame management, but the fact is you're happy to stand down, it's your mirror, you have to look in it. But one day it'll be a member of your family on the end of the crime...

Ah, let’s blame the police for following the rules. Does this guy think the mayor is going to back an officer who chases a carload of honor students who crash into a tree killing all?

I don’t think anyone is hiding at all. I don’t work for the CPD so you can tell me I’m full of crap, but it appears to me that working hard and doing an outstanding job is not going to get a person promoted in the CPD, but, following the rules to the letter is going to allow you to get to retirement with your estate intact intact.

The old cop on his way to Tennessee is right, there is no way you can defeat a rehearsed and experienced gang of robbers. If you watched that crew robbing the woman pulling the suitcase you’d think you were seeing a seal team in action.

Unless you’re connected, or a few years from retirement, why would you stay there?

11/25/2023 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The robberies in th 12th district have gotten way out of control and the commander does not know what to do about it. The problem is that there are too many officers who are being taken care of. Let’s start with over a dozen bicycle officers who spend their entire tour inside the CAPS office and leave 4 hours early every day. The commander could easily post 2 officers at 18th st, Chicago Ava, Division but these officers complain that it’s too cold outside and prefer to play with their cell phones inside the station while there is a back log.

11/24/2023 09:30:00 AM

Why the fuck are you posting this for the public to see? You're a no good filthy pos snitch! Worry about your own problems and not about others. Eyes and ears open and mouth shut was the best advice given to me when I started.
Not OP. But pretty sure we found the clouted coward phone call who's been hidden inside since his or her academy days. And is now permanently terrified of working a beat car. What a messed up department.

11/25/2023 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11//25/2023 12:52:00 AM

Sorry democRAT, all the victims are the same as you, dumb and democrat

11/25/2023 11:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Turkey basters should be made in different calibers that way when someone gets shot you can just suck the bullets out saving billions of dollars it would devastate the medical community tho

11/25/2023 01:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why the fuck are you posting this for the public to see? You're a no good filthy pos snitch! Worry about your own problems and not about others. Eyes and ears open and mouth shut was the best advice given to me when I started.

11/24/2023 11:37:00 PM

I’m “the public” taxpayer, and if true it is my problem, this is unacceptable. What are those nice wool uniforms, overcoats, fur hats, and long underwear for? Dress for the weather and hit the fucking streets. I don’t care that it’s too cold and they have to walk the beat, I’m paying for it. You FNG’s are entitled pussies.

11/25/2023 02:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have the Ruger 380 max and its a legitimate concealed carry weapon. Try carrying something bigger with shorts on. Most don't carry off duty because it can be inconvenient. The little Ruger os great.

11/25/2023 02:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any update on the man bun who was sucker punched from behind? It was around Damen & Armitage about Sept/Oct while he was eating a piece of pizza? Was that Dude caught? How is man bun doing?

11/25/2023 05:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

30 pending and what said...
You ask us to provide a blanket of security and then question us on the method we do it. Make up your mind. Decide whether you want the police to do work or not. If you want the police to do work, take away the rights of these thugs send them to jail when the police catches them. If you want us to be just babysitters well guess what nothing is going to get done, not if it means risking my life for a piece of shit that the state will release before my tour is over.

11/24/2023 07:51:00 PM

The police, even when not impeded by the politicians, can provide only a temporary, much like a fish net, kind of blanket.

Being impeded, egregiously so, makes that fish net blanket not even a wisp.

Since our present pimple politicians have fubared the entire system of our former civilization, crippling law enforcement effectiveness, judicial authenticity and corrupted the tenuous morality of our human natures, what remains are the memories of more civilized times.

We never are living in the past, only remembering, and the present, where all living is experienced, is not as it once was, at least as it seemed to be.

This world is defined by essential, always, potential perils.

Any illusions on saftey being reliable are tempered by the exeperiences of reality, said experiences these days being increased in orders of magnitudes.

The fear of this has only a benificial effect if said fear progresses to staunch resolve to not abandon the core of civilized existence, namely, kill the killers before the killers kill you.

This is not a high probability choice for most humans.

The killers know this and exploit this with glee.

So, no expectation, nor anticipation is valid of police providing this blanket of security.

Only each civilized civilian can do whatever each chooses to do.


11/25/2023 05:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The robberies in th 12th district have gotten way out of control and the commander does not know what to do about it. The problem is that there are too many officers who are being taken care of. Let’s start with over a dozen bicycle officers who spend their entire tour inside the CAPS office and leave 4 hours early every day. The commander could easily post 2 officers at 18th st, Chicago Ava, Division but these officers complain that it’s too cold outside and prefer to play with their cell phones inside the station while there is a back log.

11/24/2023 09:30:00 AM

Why the fuck are you posting this for the public to see? You're a no good filthy pos snitch! Worry about your own problems and not about others. Eyes and ears open and mouth shut was the best advice given to me when I started.

Don’t worry I won’t say anything, so you can sit your worthless ass in the CAPS office with your mouth shut while the other dedicated 12th district officers respond to jobs. While sitting in the CAPS office you really don’t need to keep your ears and eyes open but if it makes you feel safe then go ahead and do it. And don’t worry about the people getting robbed and battered because you are getting paid to hang out in the safe zone.

11/25/2023 08:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paging Tony Durango...

11/26/2023 10:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The robberies in th 12th district have gotten way out of control and the commander does not know what to do about it. The problem is that there are too many officers who are being taken care of. Let’s start with over a dozen bicycle officers who spend their entire tour inside the CAPS office and leave 4 hours early every day. The commander could easily post 2 officers at 18th st, Chicago Ava, Division but these officers complain that it’s too cold outside and prefer to play with their cell phones inside the station while there is a back log.

11/24/2023 09:30:00 AM

Why the fuck are you posting this for the public to see? You're a no good filthy pos snitch! Worry about your own problems and not about others. Eyes and ears open and mouth shut was the best advice given to me when I started.

Don’t worry I won’t say anything, so you can sit your worthless ass in the CAPS office with your mouth shut while the other dedicated 12th district officers respond to jobs. While sitting in the CAPS office you really don’t need to keep your ears and eyes open but if it makes you feel safe then go ahead and do it. And don’t worry about the people getting robbed and battered because you are getting paid to hang out in the safe zone.

11/25/2023 08:35:00 PM

CAPS officers who aren't over 10 years on the job are a house mouse or desk dolly, just like any inside spot do no gooder. The biggest and most useless next to TAC unit officers who brag on their stats, but get CR'd and sued through the roof for the stupidest shit they do.

11/27/2023 04:39:00 AM  

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