Thursday, March 07, 2024

Policing Changes

A couple out-of-state stories

We might look back in a few years and realize Pittsburgh was the trendsetter:

  • Starting Monday, the city of Pittsburgh says it will no longer respond to 911 calls that are not related to "in progress emergencies."

    According to a press release titled "Pittsburgh Bureau of Police Makes Operational Changes to Better Serve Pittsburgh," the city will create a "Telephone Reporting Unit" (TRU) to dispatch calls that do not require an in-person response by officers.

    "TRU will NOT be assigned to any 'In Progress' call where a suspect may be on scene, any crime where a person may need medical aid, any domestic dispute, calls with evidence, or where the Mobile Crime Unit will be requested to process a scene," the press release said.

We remember being part of a conversation with a high ranking individual once. They asked for input as to how the Department could "improve" operations. We, being at least as smart as this exempt, knew they were looking for ideas to steal, so we mentioned that if we educated the citizens as to "what constitutes an emergency requiring an immediate police response" the Department could free up manpower from paper jobs and concentrate on immediate responses to active crimes.

We aren't claiming isn't a new idea by any means. Many people have had it. The conversation was about fifteen years ago, and manpower was three-or-four-thousand more back then, with fully staffed units and five gang/tact teams per District. But it looks like a missed opportunity.


We thought Departments were trying to get away from the "militarization" of police functions?

  • Get ready to open your backpack or bag to National Guard troops or state law enforcement when you ride New York City’s subway.

    Gov. Hochul is deploying 750 members of the Guard and 250 state and MTA police officers to subway stations to inspect passengers’ bags following a spate of violent incidents across the system.

This seems to happen every couple of years after a couple people get shot/stabbed on NYC subway platforms and trains. Don't expect the Illinois National Guard to be around though. Here in Chicago, we can't come close to fully staffing Mass Transit, and even if there are teams up, they don't respond to CTA incidents. 

In nearly thirty years, we've seen five Mass Transit responses total (we aren't counting CTA Special), and one of those was a guy hit by a train. The Commander of Mass Transit showed up and asked the lieutenant when we'd be done processing the train so the CTA could open up the tracks. That's all he cared about.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’ll ride trains and arrest bad gals all day.

3/07/2024 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They can forget that "open up your bag" bullshit. No reasonable cause? I'm proceeding on my way unless you want to arrest (and ultimately pay) me...

To be sure I have ZERO problem with having Cops or National Guard on the platforms, and the trains. Rules of engagement being: "Shoot to kill all criminals" - I don't give a shit what the criminal's doing - let them risk getting shot for it. A few take some rounds, and after the usual protests and whining, FAFO isn't recommended any more...

But to start searching people at random where they have no cause at all? Forget it.

3/07/2024 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The NYC National Guard will be sleeping inside tents located in parking garages.

While Dulcinea and Don Quixote from Valenzuela, the very people the Guard are there to control , will be sleeping in the Ritz Carlton.

This country is f-ed

Don’t even get me started how they can easily activate the Guard for this crap, but we can’t for riots in Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Baltimore etc

We are so totally f-ed

3/07/2024 04:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I witnessed an accident on the dan Ryan about 3 weeks ago. In a turn the vehicle in the right crossed the lane and hit the vehicle to their left wiping them out, then took off. I tried to call 311 while following the guy. He had to stop for a flat about a mile up. No way I was pulling behind. The call was a disaster and I hung up, it was a recording asking me to hit buttons. You can't drive and do all the crap needed to report. Guy probably got away but I tried.

3/07/2024 05:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Must be an election coming up....

3/07/2024 05:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

About time the RTA (metra, cta, pace) form there own police department

3/07/2024 06:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is why conehead is trying to get rid of as soon as he can. The shot spotter program as we all know. The liberals that are all totally delusional do not want police they want the criminals the felons to do whatever they want to do until the chickens come home to roost and the, very elect are attacked or their family is attacked and or killed. The public school indoctrination centers in Chicago in September will be epic with no police in them and of course we will not hurry up to get there because we know they don’t want us there. When we get there, we call the sick truck , let them come and scoop up with several left and if nothing is left, we can call the body snatchers to scoop up whatever garbage is left. The Chicago teachers union is one of the most criminal organizations in the country. How can a school indoctrination center operate with less than half of the students with a full staff And they put out a product. They cannot even read they are forced to pass the students so called students that don’t even come to school. Must’ve been nice to be a indoctrination center teacher when you were on the beaches of Florida a safe state, Republican, run on your iPads Doing really nothing as far as teaching just faking it getting those big paychecks. Funny how the head of the Chicago teachers Union Stacy even was cheating on her taxes by living in Indiana then does not even pay her bills. That is what they have in common Brandon Johnson, and her they don’t pay their bills, but they expect everybody else to pay their bills , they make hundreds of thousands of dollars just shows you the brainless of people in charge.

3/07/2024 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's already like that in 016. Nobody comes out anymore.

3/07/2024 07:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the governor really deploying the national guard because of robberies on the train? Or is there an active terrorist threat against NY subway stations considering the border is wide open and everyone from other countries who hates the US is probably already here? Or is it just because it's an election year and the libs are trying to look like they actually want to stop crime?

3/07/2024 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get out of blue states.

3/07/2024 07:27:00 AM  
Blogger John D said...

Further proof that you are your own first responder. The cops aren't coming. Carry everywhere, always. Hit the range often to improve your hit rate under pressure. If a weapon is presented, shoot.

3/07/2024 08:08:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

How are all those Pittsburgh Fetterman voters going to manage their miserable lives?

3/07/2024 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC - not sending this to publish my post but because it might interest your readers -

Thanks for the site.

3/07/2024 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I witnessed an accident on the dan Ryan about 3 weeks ago. In a turn the vehicle in the right crossed the lane and hit the vehicle to their left wiping them out, then took off. I tried to call 311 while following the guy. He had to stop for a flat about a mile up. No way I was pulling behind. The call was a disaster and I hung up, it was a recording asking me to hit buttons. You can't drive and do all the crap needed to report. Guy probably got away but I tried.

3/07/2024 05:26:00 AM

If you see a hit and run, and you know where the offender is, you call 911, not 311. It's a crime that is in progress or just occurred, with an offender who can easily be located in your case. 311 would just transfer it to 911. *999 might get you the state police quicker than going through 911. Also, you should never follow someone who's fleeing the scene of a crime they committed. You don't know why they're fleeing. Maybe they have warrants or an illegal gun. Maybe they're drunk and/or high. Maybe they're mentally ill and dangerous. Get the plate and a description of the vehicle and driver, then pull over to a safe location and call 911.

3/07/2024 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Further proof that you are your own first responder. The cops aren't coming. Carry everywhere, always. Hit the range often to improve your hit rate under pressure. If a weapon is presented, shoot.

3/07/2024 08:08:00 AM

Presented? What if they're just trying to show you their sweet knife they just bought? You can't shoot someone for just "presenting" a weapon.

3/07/2024 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I witnessed an accident on the dan Ryan about 3 weeks ago. In a turn the vehicle in the right crossed the lane and hit the vehicle to their left wiping them out, then took off. I tried to call 311 while following the guy. He had to stop for a flat about a mile up. No way I was pulling behind. The call was a disaster and I hung up, it was a recording asking me to hit buttons. You can't drive and do all the crap needed to report. Guy probably got away but I tried.

3/07/2024 05:26:00 AM

Why would you call 311 to report an incident that needs an immediate response?

3/07/2024 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get ready to open your backpack or bag to National Guard troops or state law enforcement when you ride New York City’s subway.

I guess they never heard of the 4th amendment in NY. Open my bag? F**I you.

3/07/2024 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

none of the subway attack stories I've seen involve a weapon hidden in a bag.
It's all fists, knives and pistols from waistbands.

Is this just political theater?

Or do they have intel on a terrorism threat and are using crime as a cover?

either way NYC is circling the drain.

3/07/2024 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of these issues can be resolved by utilizing our NIMS training, or was it CAPS? .....Or maybe it was TARA training?

3/07/2024 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seeing someone stealing your car is “in progress” but, is it an “emergency”?

3/07/2024 10:05:00 AM  
Blogger Mark Felt said...

Back in about 2010 I was listening to a new report on one of the main TV stations covering Washington DC. They were talking about the poor response times of paramedic units. People were dying because there were more calls than the limited number of paramedics could handle.
They eventually interviewed a union representative for the paramedics that said a lot of the problems could be alleviated if some people stopped using paramedics as a concierge medical service. While he did not use those exact words he left no doubt that a certain demographic found it hard to put a bandaid on a cut and would always call 911 for the paramedics to do so. I wonder if the same thing is true in Chicago?

3/07/2024 11:36:00 AM  
Blogger Last of the Dick's from A6 said...

Stop & frisk was so terrible according to the NY libs. At least they had the experienced NYPD who had some familiarity concerning
Who the criminals were. Just more inconvenience for all of the decent folks.

3/07/2024 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say that’s cool. Let the National Guard process these arrests. No disrespect to the Guard, in fact the opposite. Our Guard and the rest of the military are heroes, just like the PoPo. But, we are not the military and the Guard is not the police. Maybe it’s just the start of getting rid of local police and starting up a new, different type of police. I introduce you to the U.S. Federal Police Force. This force will slowly but surely start to enforce crimes all over the country. Local police departments will begin to go away, as they will be de-certified. It’s the fundamental change that Barry promised. Buckle up, it’s going to be a rough ride.

3/07/2024 03:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep in mind a vast amount of the citizens in the high-calls for service areas are unable to problem
solve at the most basic level. These citizens have been primed from the get go to rely on the government to solve all of their problems.

3/07/2024 04:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is all security theatre.

The National Guard has weapons but they are usually not loaded.

3/07/2024 05:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mass Transit Unit needs to be disbanded I don’t think I ever seen any mass transit police ever. It’s a cush spot for the undeserving.

3/07/2024 07:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The presence of law enforcement officers is experienced/perceived by others as a variety of possibilities.

By those who have requested said presence, by those to whom said presence is comforting, by those to whom said presence is discomforting, to those to whom said presence is extremely unwelcome.

All perceptions of the presence of law enforcement officers have one thing in common: the knowing that law enforcement officers exist to enforce laws.

This has different relevance to different people, depending upon circumstances being experienced by each.

Law enforcement officers cannot ever be all things to all people, yet are actually perceived as such in that the varieties of people result in abundant varieties of perceptions.

Responsive police dispatching is the reality default.

Preventative police presence can occasionally be effectively prophylactic, yet only occasionally.

The limits of to protect are determined by that fickle finger commonly known as fate.

To serve is to respond to requests for service, law enforcement service.

Tough, to impossible, expectations are the spawn of politicians' panderings.

3/07/2024 09:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: 1005 am
Seeing someone stealing my car would not be a police emergency. It’s a job for Streets & San to remove the heaping pile of feces from the street. Aka: shit head with lead poisoning. Fire would be required for a wash down. That’s it. Squad, 19-David this job, give me lunch.

3/07/2024 10:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seeing someone stealing your car is “in progress” but, is it an “emergency”?

3/07/2024 10:05:00 AM

As far as police response goes, yes. That's why 911 exists. You call the police to respond to crimes in progress or just occurred, so that they may attempt to stop the crime and/or catch the criminal.

3/07/2024 11:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/07/2024 03:32:00 PM

That is a big possibilty. I bet if the dems get the WH again they will push for that. They would love to have a Federal Police Force to crush MAGA and repubs.

3/08/2024 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


No life in danger, no emergency. Property crime. Take repot over phone.

3/08/2024 10:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No life in danger, no emergency. Property crime. Take repot over phone.

3/08/2024 10:32:00 AM

They use those stolen cars to commit robberies, shootings, etc. and engage in high speed fleeing from police with no regard for the safety of anyone. A life doesn't need to be in immediate danger in order to justify an emergency response by police. Police are supposed to stop crimes from occurring when possible, not just write reports about them. If your car is being stolen, you call 911.

3/09/2024 02:06:00 AM  

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