Friday, May 24, 2024

Disenfranchisement Halted

Sangamon County injects some sanity into Illinois' corrupt politics:

  • A judge in Springfield this week sided with a group of Republican office seekers who say they are blocked from November’s ballot under a controversial new law that’s been derided as a “dictator-style tactic of stealing an election.”

    Gov. J.B. Pritzker on May 2 quickly signed into law a measure that eliminated the long standing practice of allowing party leaders to choose general election candidates if no one has run for a legislative seat in the primary.

    Under the new law, state House and Senate candidates must run in the primary in order to appear on the November general election ballot — a move that left prospective candidates in the lurch and was viewed as a political power grab by the Democrat-led legislature.

    Democrats framed it as an ethics measure that would take “backroom deals” out of the equation — but it would give the party an automatic win in races in which Republicans did not slate a candidate in the primary.

For a party that claims to fight the "disenfranchisement" of voters, Illinois democrats sure want to disenfranchise thousands of citizens by changing the law retroactively.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Politicians always, no matter of which devolved legacy of the two parties, crave:

1. Election to garner the powers of authority therein.

2. Retaining said powers via re-election.

3. Use said powers to repeat the above.

4. Further use said powers to serve their individual and collective common interests.

5. Avoid any and all consequences natural to their perfidities via the misuse of those powers.

MAGA may not be able to completely cure our nation of these insidious pathogens, yet, MAGA is the nemisis of them all.


5/24/2024 01:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why vote, let the democrats rule...

They are our betters you know.

5/24/2024 02:21:00 AM  
Blogger Old Guy said...

OT but close.
Wasn’t the rally in the Bronx great yesterday. To see all those disenfranchised Dems in one place cheering on a populist candidate after they were dumped for new future voters. Maybe just maybe “change is in the air” (hope springs eternal). What’s next a rally at the old Stateway Gardens? (Wouldn’t that be sumpthin ?)

5/24/2024 07:09:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Illinois Democrats do not care about their citizens.

5/24/2024 07:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trump will. Be in Chicago on Juneteenth.

It will be Epic.

There’s no stopping him.

He has the love of America on his side.

5/24/2024 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's so surprising about this is there's still any republicans in illinois.

5/24/2024 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's so surprising about this is there's still any republicans in illinois.

5/24/2024 11:24:00 AM

Only surprising if you are defining republicans as different from democrats, political party wise.

That is applying clarity standards to the reality of deceptive illusions.

Politicians, and all those garnering gains from same, are of one mind, one purpose, one quality: get more.

Where to get more?

From us, the peons.

More taxes from the earners.

More votes from the moochers.

More hustles from the schemers.



And then, even more.

Competitions amongst the greedies is not differences in quality of philosphies. Same greed to get in all of them. Same purpose.

MAGA is not political.

MAGA is vicerally essential.

MAGA is American Constitutional Republic of Sovereign States Thusly United.

5/25/2024 02:20:00 AM  

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