Friday, May 03, 2024

Lieutenant List Out?

Didn't they just make a bunch of lieutenants this year?

Are the retirement numbers larger than we had heard? So bad that they have to do another class on the heels of the previous one?

Post it if you got it or send it here.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was actually scheduled at this time on that promotion calendar they put out at the beginning of the year.

5/03/2024 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Per the schedule that has now been removed, there should one last class in September.

5/03/2024 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee, another merit bump for a Vanek. Go figure!

5/03/2024 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see this list of merits and clout babies...

Perhaps CPD just want to make some new whipping boys for the convention just to blame when everything goes wrong. The clock is ticking. The event draws near...

All the while looking like they have a plan, and plenty of leadership, but in fact none at all

5/03/2024 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can take with the left hand. You can take with the right hand.

Taking repeatedly with both hands leaves you with no guard, or honor.

5/03/2024 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why more Lt's?
There's less blue shirts and Sgt's to supervise..
Too many white shirts, not enough blue shirts.

5/03/2024 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only 15. People must be retiring 15May.

5/03/2024 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the merit assholes.

5/03/2024 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, they put out a new lieutenant’s list, hopefully this class will help replace some Commanders that will soon be dumped.

5/03/2024 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I prefer Mayor Blowjob than conehead

5/03/2024 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m waiting for the dump list. It’s long overdue.

5/03/2024 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vaneks!!!!! No Shame

5/03/2024 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s all “legit”. The bottom feeder Vanek family keeps taking….guess his wife must have made some real HEAD ways with HEIN to finally get made. Guess all those late nights “working” Made it happen.

she really did EARN this bump….no watch her go back to working for he boo after training.

It’s all legit folks don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.

5/03/2024 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well SCC when SOME people get promoted and they never sit once in the WOL chair the rank in patrol will always be short…..I mean do you actually want people who get promoted to actually do the job they are supposed to do? Cough cough PICK “ PATTIE Casey study / cheating group”. DUCKHORN…….

Yep Nicky boy you aren’t fooling anybody. Sits inside a safe office and actually thinks anyone believes this box of rocks could pass this test without cheating….yeah right. Next he calls everyone because he gets assigned to 001. Oh the chaos poor Nicky must have seen for his whole 2 weeks there……guys a clown.

5/03/2024 11:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nichelle fraction ?!?!

Hahahha. Double merit promotion arrogant person. Since making sgt she’s been GIVEN multiple choice spots to keep her away from any real responsibility. Always hidden away from the street and never having to make any real hard decisions. You’d think with all the time she has on her hands she’d at least score well once to be promoted on her own instead of using mom to get her a double merit pick. 007 caps sgt for the Johnson twin who stole moms SSI $$ to BIA and finally back to the comfy confines of 189. Watch for this go ghetter to be sent back somewhere safe and away from any work that requires a brain or hours that don’t line up with the sun. This princess can’t work overnight or sit for long periods of time. Another merit chump picked by the weasel Calderon.

There were more deserving people ahead but as usual but this department picks trash to be merit time and time again.

Good luck to whichever unit gets this goof.

5/03/2024 12:00:00 PM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Oh boy!

5/03/2024 12:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe meant units of new assignments?????

5/03/2024 12:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many Sergeants applied for Commander ?
I believe it should be opened up to Police Officer ranks in Patrol,Detective,Gang and Evidence Technician assignments. CPD has plenty of talent that were passed over for promotions and no longer take promotional tests. Let's get the best and brightest.
Charlie Beck saw that from Day one , that's why He ended all Merit promotions. He likely got push back from lightfoot and resigned , that gave us brown from texas. that dude wasn't much smarter than the cone head mayor.

5/03/2024 12:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's probably someone connected that needed to be made. I'm sure it will all become clear once the list is posted.

5/03/2024 12:52:00 PM  
Blogger ga6 said...


5/03/2024 01:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This has been planned on the promotional calendar for months. There’s another Lt class in September.

5/03/2024 01:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah I heard Detective Admin Sgt for years Merit.. FOR WHAT? Schedules? This job is a joke.

5/03/2024 01:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Larry please direct the new LTs to write anybody wearing 5.11 pants. Love seeing these strokes cry that can't wear their wear there out of reg pants and pretend to be Delta Force. Hey bro, don't cry, nobody thought Delta took fat nerds who drive lifted Jeeps with angry grills anyways

5/03/2024 01:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terry Teahan- merit pick. His wife worked at Academy for years with Larritorious. The guy is a self promoting goof who nobody likes. Good pick

5/03/2024 01:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somebody name the maniac!!!!!

5/03/2024 01:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It pays off to be friends with Larrytorious morbidly obese advisor. Is TT related to BOD admin sergeant?

5/03/2024 01:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats to Bob Osbonre! Fair sergeant all around that doesnt take shit from company men superiors.

5/03/2024 02:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least 2 of the 5 merit hacks are secretaries and have been secretaries/drivers for a while. Larrytorious is full of 💩 poo poo. Don’t fall for his rah rah speeches.

5/03/2024 02:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Knapcik. Oh boy.

5/03/2024 02:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are u kidding me , Amanda Vanek. Husband was twice merit and is now suing the department while being detailed to the D Unit. She’s never been on the street and always worked days. What the fuck is wrong with you Hein??

5/03/2024 03:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teahan? Seriously? He was on days in 011 for couple periods upon making Sgt and was visibly scared on the street.

5/03/2024 04:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations to everyone who made it off the list. You have passed at least one more promotional exam than our current superintendent. For those of you who made it on merit you should be ashamed at taking a spot from someone who deserves it. Given, not earned.

5/03/2024 05:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So a little buddy told me today that a certain female sergeant who was stripped and on the medical has recently cleared. Why does it matter you say? Well she is rank order and should be in this class. So wait for an additional body to be added to the class or removed from the class to make room. Sgt MF. If she can stay sober enough to work she should be in the class. We shall see. Also if she’s added look for some drama to occur because she isn’t well liked by none other than Aquarius L who is in this class as well. Some drama between these two has been going on since the days of the old 012th district on Racine years back. They reunited to work in 009 and that became a shit show in short time. Also Aquarius is about as unhinged as they come to look out to whoever is the unlucky patrol district who lands her.

Get the popcorn ready……

5/03/2024 05:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you have against 5.11 pants? They are extremely durable and tear resistant, and will last longer than the cargo pants. I wear them all the time as I threw out my cargo pants a few months ago. If you can get an inspector to write me up for them I will stop wearing them.
Oh wait a minute, I retired last month but I did wear them since the summer of love (2020) and not one supervisor had the nerve to even mention the 5.11's to me.

Worry about other issues that are more pressing, like the lack of firearms training and survival tactics.

Yes retirement is nice. no more De-Escalation or copa.
And I drive a Pathfinder not a jeep.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Larry please direct the new LTs to write anybody wearing 5.11 pants. Love seeing these strokes cry that can't wear their wear there out of reg pants and pretend to be Delta Force. Hey bro, don't cry, nobody thought Delta took fat nerds who drive lifted Jeeps with angry grills anyways

5/03/2024 01:28:00 PM

5/03/2024 05:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're shorthanded in my unit all the time...I don't mind the Lt's pay for a day or two. Convention duty as a Lt. sounds like fun...

Put me in coach...I'm ready to play!

5/03/2024 05:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well gee, can somebody post the list?

5/03/2024 05:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Congrats to Bob Osbonre! Fair sergeant all around that doesnt take shit from company men superiors.

5/03/2024 02:05:00 PM

The pigeon toed diabetic that hid in bathroom while they were shooting in a hookah lounge in 017??

5/03/2024 06:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Waller made Vanek.

5/03/2024 06:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can take with the left hand. You can take with the right hand.

Taking repeatedly with both hands leaves you with no guard, or honor.

The line jumpers will never have honor. They truly believe they earned those merit spots.

5/03/2024 06:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chief of Dets……..

For the love of God PLEASE get your Commander out of Area Two. Always at a ten when talking (yelling) at others. Always talks down. Doesn't know her a$$ from a hole in the ground. Only Cmdr who is unapproachable & talks to others like they are POS. To many hidden spots she’s put her peoples while RBT, Violent & SVU have barely anyone working. SVU has 3 Dets total working on a good day. She refuses to replace the 7 on 2nd w who are GONE.

Think the Chief should stop by Area Two units unannounced and see for her self.

5/03/2024 06:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who the fuck cares about these POS. Let's see what they got come the convention in August..

5/03/2024 06:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Bob!

My revenge on this department is nigh!

5/03/2024 06:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Sgt.Terry Teagan!

5/03/2024 07:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please help us Area1 we had to watch our commander NW cry at roll call, like really crying. Pinned all of her troubles on miscommunication. Sorry girl you trying to put it on a sergeant ain’t flying with us. FYI we feel sorry for you. They over promoted you and you got in over your head. You never had a chance. Who is next up for this sunken ship?

5/03/2024 07:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nichelle Fraction called crying to mommy the last time they didn’t make her a merit sergeant. Mommy stepped in and made sure her baby got promoted. This time Snelling has saved mommy a telephone call.

5/03/2024 07:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jamie Dillion still hiding behind the flower pot letting the gun offender run right past her! COWARD

5/03/2024 07:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember Knapcik when I was in Lt. school. She was a miserable, ugly person. Go get your eLearning done Kristina. She can go team up with Bertolli in 012 or Ray in 124.

5/03/2024 07:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am told that the ST JUDES March is being moved to Michigan Ave.?

Can you put out some further details on this? Apparently it is going back to the way it used to be, finishing off in front of Holy Name as it should.

Some of the newer folks never knew St. Judes when we took Michigan Ave.

So a mention ahead of Sunday would be nice.


--Retired CCSPD Sergeant

5/03/2024 08:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let’s see 2 merit picks are admin Sgts aka Secretaries. Vanek is so afraid of the street that I’m sure she already cried to her work husband Hein to go right back to his office.

1 is Mayor Lightfoot/BJ driver

1 is/was a Eric Carter Narcotics hidden spot princess who couldn’t be bothered to work a full tour let alone more than 2 days a week.

Last is the husband of Larry’s academy pal/advisor. Yea it’s all legit.

Just when we thought he would make some changes, it all stays the same. Might as well kept Eric Carter in here since these were all his picks anyway.

5/03/2024 08:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please send Nichelle Fraction to the Gas Mask Unit or something like that. We have enough of the incompetent in essential spots. Let’s see how she does in the court section. Anywhere but Patrol or the D-Unit. They have enough clueless bosses.

5/03/2024 08:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terry Teahan- merit pick. His wife worked at Academy for years with Larritorious. The guy is a self promoting goof who nobody likes. Good pick

His wife was also considered for merit lieutenant and picked over some of the best Sergeants in the academy.

All the lieutenants from the most recent exam seem to be bad fruit from the same rotten family tree.

5/03/2024 08:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Shit. Fraction? Wow. Passed up a lot of good sergeants for that …nice job Calderon. A clown picking another clown.


5/03/2024 08:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yes, they put out a new lieutenant’s list, hopefully this class will help replace some Commanders that will soon be dumped.

5/03/2024 10:12:00 AM

I hope you don't mean making commanders from this class. That's all we need, more commanders who were sergeants a few months ago.

5/03/2024 09:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a single merit pick from patrol. All from hidden, away from the streets, away from dealing with actual police stuff, units. This is why everyone hates this job. Right here. This list. This is all u have to look at to know why nobody trusts this merit system.

5/03/2024 09:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Vanek family receives another political promotion based solely on clout. Never seen a husband and wife “team” take so much and give zero. Neither VANEK ever worked the street. Neither ever worked on a watch other than the short time they both spent as 9161’s, BUT both know how to suck on something to get those bumps in pay. Just wondering who MARK VAENK blew besides his wife to get where he’s at today. Oh yeah and one more thing she should stop staying late at work because people are starting to talk…..right Jonnie boy.

5/03/2024 09:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are u kidding me , Amanda Vanek. Husband was twice merit and is now suing the department while being detailed to the D Unit. She’s never been on the street and always worked days. What the fuck is wrong with you Hein??

Word on the street is that she’s Ed Burke’s Goddaughter. Even after being found guilty of bribery, extortion, and whole bunch of other shit, Burke still has the wack to get the Vaneks merit promotions. Neither one has done a lick of work in over 20 years. This is precisely what is wrong with this department. This is why this department is failing miserably. Overpromoting obviously unqualified people is killing morale and endangering lives.

5/03/2024 10:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So every merit was from a unit. Same like always huh larry.

5/03/2024 10:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vanek has been useless for her 20+ year career. My God. Isn't Burke her uncle?

5/03/2024 10:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are u kidding me , Amanda Vanek. Husband was twice merit and is now suing the department while being detailed to the D Unit. She’s never been on the street and always worked days. What the fuck is wrong with you Hein??

5/03/2024 03:00:00 PM


You do realize that these "bosses" are told who to put in don't you?

5/04/2024 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back in 2005 I worked with Amanda in 018 and she had a pretty good fight with a crackhead I had to pepper spray, she gave it her all back then so she has done some street work, last few years in Caps not so much but she served some time in the trenches.

5/04/2024 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teahan's wife gave him the push. Chief of detectives administrative sergeant's husband is made a merit lieutenant from the the detective division. Same old same old. I hope he doesn't end up somewhere that he has to come to work. He might die from shock and the minions might die of boredom listening to his self promotion.

5/04/2024 01:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fraction is a snake. She’s 109% fake and all she ever talked about is retiring.
BS she wanted to be a Lt bad
Big dummy can’t get it on her own
wtf she’s one of the most horrible speaking person matter of fact, lets call her Merit Lol Mumbles

5/04/2024 02:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5/03/2024 01:34:00 PM
She's useless and clueless.

5/04/2024 05:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terry Teahan- merit pick. His wife worked at Academy for years with Larritorious. The guy is a self promoting goof who nobody likes. Good pick

Good grief Fuck You.

5/04/2024 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a joke!! So glad Im out of here in another year! Cant fix a sinking ship.

5/04/2024 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want use of force expert Trek Silapaduriyangyang to be Superintendent. He’s done so much at the academy he deserves another merit bump. Promotion of off score aint all that.

5/04/2024 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vanek has been inside at 018 for probably 20 years, Put Her at 011 as a field LT on Midnights.

5/04/2024 10:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Meg "The Keg" Flask now might be in the class? Outstanding. She can trip on another paperclip in the Academy and be on IOD for another year. She will return, have a drunken episode, then utilize another year of Medical while picking a watch and furloughs to screw someone else over.

5/04/2024 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Please help us Area1 we had to watch our commander NW cry at roll call, like really crying. Pinned all of her troubles on miscommunication. Sorry girl you trying to put it on a sergeant ain’t flying with us. FYI we feel sorry for you. They over promoted you and you got in over your head. You never had a chance. Who is next up for this sunken ship?

Crying at roll call??? There’s no crying in police work. Was she using that fake baby talk voice?

5/04/2024 01:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Please help us Area1 we had to watch our commander NW cry at roll call, like really crying. Pinned all of her troubles on miscommunication. Sorry girl you trying to put it on a sergeant ain’t flying with us. FYI we feel sorry for you. They over promoted you and you got in over your head. You never had a chance. Who is next up for this sunken ship?

Snelling what are you doing man?

5/04/2024 01:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Knapcik ? When was she in the street last ?
Can’t wait for her to work a watch ..who am I kidding ?
She will probably go sit somewhere.
She seems miserable at academy ..
Lolol. Wait til you hit 011 on midnights —— miserable .

5/04/2024 01:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Please help us Area1 we had to watch our commander NW cry at roll call, like really crying. Pinned all of her troubles on miscommunication. Sorry girl you trying to put it on a sergeant ain’t flying with us. FYI we feel sorry for you. They over promoted you and you got in over your head. You never had a chance. Who is next up for this sunken ship?
Always throwing rocks and trying to hide her hands. Then running over the Stacy Lewis in the Area 4 hoping that she’ll call hubby to get through to the mayor for her. When that doesn’t work she cries to the Detective Chief and Tracey Walker. Ursiti step back and let Deputy Chief Bruno handle her.

5/04/2024 02:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5/04/2024 09:08:00 AM
TS has been at the Academy since he was a recruit. Dude is so full of himself he oozes S h I t.

5/04/2024 03:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Knapcik ? When was she in the street last ?
Can’t wait for her to work a watch ..who am I kidding ?
She will probably go sit somewhere.
She seems miserable at academy ..
Lolol. Wait til you hit 011 on midnights —— miserable .

Knapcik is just miserable period! Have fun cookie!

5/04/2024 04:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats Aquarius. You are one of the most knowledgeable people I know. Disregard the incompetents who are intimidated by it. Wherever you land will be lucky to have you. You've always stood up for what's right and a lot of people can't handle it. And thanks to the MTG desk jockey for your inaccurate description, anyone who had the displeasure of dealing with you at the desk in 006, knows you aint shit and gossip like a bitch. You couldn't cut it in swat and your sonewhat of a crybaby loser. Come Monday you'll still be jelly.

5/04/2024 06:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vanek’s dad is a retired Sgt. who worked in personnel then worked for Burke after his retirement. It’s all legit folks.

5/04/2024 09:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Please help us Area1 we had to watch our commander NW cry at roll call, like really crying. Pinned all of her troubles on miscommunication. Sorry girl you trying to put it on a sergeant ain’t flying with us. FYI we feel sorry for you. They over promoted you and you got in over your head. You never had a chance. Who is next up for this sunken ship?

5/03/2024 07:15:00 PM

In all fairness, there are and have been worse commanders of 610. CB nice man and harmless, but well he pretty much was on medical the entire time before he retired. Let’s not forget “SpeedRacer” who was a political hack. Of course “task force Tony” Riccio, alias the dwarf, who never met a task force he couldn’t assign his pets to milk overtime and he was great at merit promoting or dragging along to sweet inside spots his kids coaches or court jesters. Then there was “throw everyone else under the bus” Roy. My favorite, but pretty harmless, was the guy who I think was a Cmdr in 018 prior. He’d show up around 1800, tshirt on, gold chain, hairy chest- straight to his office. He was usually gone by 2100. NW is a decent person but yes, they rushed her thru and I’m pretty sure the same people would just as easily throw her under the bus. You obviously haven’t been around long enough to see what really bad is.

5/04/2024 09:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Meg "The Keg" Flisk now might be in the class? Outstanding. She can trip on another paperclip in the Academy and be on IOD for another year. She will return, have a drunken episode, then utilize another year of Medical while picking a watch and furloughs to screw someone else over.

Fresh off her arrest for public intoxication in Michigan city IN?

5/05/2024 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations to everyone who made it off the list. You have passed at least one more promotional exam than our current superintendent. For those of you who made it on merit you should be ashamed at taking a spot from someone who deserves it. Given, not earned.

Test score does not always equate to a good supervisor or leader. Neither does merit. Perfect example, Jan Ashley Dillon….#1 on Lt list. Currently awaiting disability for Covid or stress or some bullshit.

There is no perfect solution to promotions, wait to pass judgement until they are making decisions

5/05/2024 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations to everyone who made it off the list. You have passed at least one more promotional exam than our current superintendent. For those of you who made it on merit you should be ashamed at taking a spot from someone who deserves it. Given, not earned.

Test score does not always equate to a good supervisor or leader. Neither does merit. Perfect example, Jan Ashley Dillon….#1 on Lt list. Currently awaiting disability for Covid or stress or some bullshit.

There is no perfect solution to promotions, wait to pass judgement until they are making decisions

Jan Ashley and everyone on the first two list or associated with Patty Casey cheated. You could say the same for merit! Unless you took a bullet of did something truly heroic, you should all be ashamed. Low scores equals stupid Sgt’s., Lts, and exempts.

5/05/2024 11:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Meg "The Keg" Flisk now might be in the class? Outstanding. She can trip on another paperclip in the Academy and be on IOD for another year. She will return, have a drunken episode, then utilize another year of Medical while picking a watch and furloughs to screw someone else over.

Fresh off her arrest for public intoxication in Michigan city IN?

Lest forget, she left her radio at Burbon St while on duty, when she was supposed to be on Randolph Foot. Or her interference involving a fight with a fireman after a Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament. Or that time she got her ass beat by teenager. Why this drunk hasn’t been fire goes to show how far phone calls go. Her mugshot from Portage Indiana should hang in the academy. Meg in orange stripes is priceless. Maybe I’ll go pin it up!

5/05/2024 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its all a matter of SUCTION!!

5/05/2024 01:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who’s up next for the A/1 detective commander spot?
If they had half a brain, they would bring back former Lt McGovern who got promoted to captain a while ago

But since that’s logical and would make sense, they will likely choose another useless DEI instead.

5/05/2024 03:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Please help us Area1 we had to watch our commander NW cry at roll call, like really crying. Pinned all of her troubles on miscommunication. Sorry girl you trying to put it on a sergeant ain’t flying with us. FYI we feel sorry for you. They over promoted you and you got in over your head. You never had a chance. Who is next up for this sunken ship?

5/03/2024 07:15:00 PM

In all fairness, there are and have been worse commanders of 610. CB nice man and harmless, but well he pretty much was on medical the entire time before he retired. Let’s not forget “SpeedRacer” who was a political hack. Of course “task force Tony” Riccio, alias the dwarf, who never met a task force he couldn’t assign his pets to milk overtime and he was great at merit promoting or dragging along to sweet inside spots his kids coaches or court jesters. Then there was “throw everyone else under the bus” Roy. My favorite, but pretty harmless, was the guy who I think was a Cmdr in 018 prior. He’d show up around 1800, tshirt on, gold chain, hairy chest- straight to his office. He was usually gone by 2100. NW is a decent person but yes, they rushed her thru and I’m pretty sure the same people would just as easily throw her under the bus. You obviously haven’t been around long enough to see what really bad is.

They were all equally bad. The only good thing about NW is that she’s incompetent, therefore you can get away with more.

5/05/2024 04:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So Meg "The Keg" Flisk now might be in the class? Outstanding. She can trip on another paperclip in the Academy and be on IOD for another year. She will return, have a drunken episode, then utilize another year of Medical while picking a watch and furloughs to screw someone else over.

Fresh off her arrest for public intoxication in Michigan city IN?

Lest forget, she left her radio at Burbon St while on duty, when she was supposed to be on Randolph Foot. Or her interference involving a fight with a fireman after a Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament. Or that time she got her ass beat by teenager. Why this drunk hasn’t been fire goes to show how far phone calls go. Her mugshot from Portage Indiana should hang in the academy. Meg in orange stripes is priceless. Maybe I’ll go pin it up!"

How about the recent incident where she allegedly went outside of the department through COPA's website to get an ANONYMOUS CR# on a copper? Allegedly, she was smart enough to leave her cellphone number and ended up getting a beef on herself for not following the G.O.

BTW, for those who care to know, her arrest was in Long Beach, Indiana. And she's in county stripes because she was so belligerent, the lockup there couldn't handle her and they had to transfer her to county.

Wherever she ends up, everyone on the watch better be careful! This is the kind of woman you'll be working for!

5/05/2024 05:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Congratulations to everyone who made it off the list. You have passed at least one more promotional exam than our current superintendent. For those of you who made it on merit you should be ashamed at taking a spot from someone who deserves it. Given, not earned.

Test score does not always equate to a good supervisor or leader. Neither does merit. Perfect example, Jan Ashley Dillon….#1 on Lt list. Currently awaiting disability for Covid or stress or some bullshit.

There is no perfect solution to promotions, wait to pass judgement until they are making decisions

5/05/2024 12:23:00 AM

Spoken like a true merit. Given, not earned.

5/05/2024 06:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merit you say? Think no further than FRACTION. If I had to listen to one more story about how she wants or is going to reitre….blah blah blah. Finally mommy made the calls and someone got to the weasel Calderon who put his name to this chump of a Sgt. My god fraction has zero shame. Can’t pass a test to save her life but receives not 1 but 2 merit promotions. Maybe Nicelle can go back to 007 and be the CAPS LT.

Princess can’t work any shift other than days. Mommy said so.

5/06/2024 03:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merit you say? Think no further than FRACTION. If I had to listen to one more story about how she wants or is going to reitre….blah blah blah. Finally mommy made the calls and someone got to the weasel Calderon who put his name to this chump of a Sgt. My god fraction has zero shame. Can’t pass a test to save her life but receives not 1 but 2 merit promotions. Maybe Nicelle can go back to 007 and be the CAPS LT.

Princess can’t work any shift other than days. Mommy said so.

5/06/2024 03:17:00 PM

This is SPOT ON. She’s a goof. Lazy and entitled thanks to her mom’s connections. Good luck to whoever gets her.

5/07/2024 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vanek....made sergeant from the list! Get your fact straight!

5/16/2024 07:26:00 PM  

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