Sunday, May 12, 2024

Pushback Works

The Blogfather (Instapundit) says what many have known for years:

  • Pushback works.

    That’s the lesson of the pro-Hamas protests on college campuses, and the reaction to them.  It’s a lesson that many of us need to take to heart.

    With support from lefty foundations and NGOs, and training from professional leftists activists, pro-Hamas encampments were established at campuses all across America.  Libraries were the victim of rampages, Jewish students literally wound up hiding in attics, were assaulted, and were taunted and greeted with chants of “go back to Poland.”  “Checkpoints” manned by Hamas sympathizers barred Jewish students, or anyone who wouldn’t renounce “Zionism,” from some parts of campus.  American flags were torn down and replaced with Palestinian flags.   It looked as if the protesters had the momentum, as university administrations responded supinely.  And then, something happened.

    People fought back.  Mostly fraternity guys, who in this season have become the defenders of Western civilization.

He notes that college administrators are spineless ball-less jellyfish who "go with the flow" as far as protests. The catalyst for them being moved to action (calling for cops) is when there's a reaction to the nonsense on campus, because now, the potential for massive violence is suddenly very real. 

It's not to dissimilar to when it is said, "The police aren't there to protect the public. They're there to protect the criminal from the public." Because once the public gets fed up, the criminal or the protestors or the transtifa crowd isn't going to like what happens when their tactics and such are turned around on them.

It's occurring semi-regularly now, just a bit under the radar.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The police aren't there to protect the public. They're there to protect the criminal from the public."

We had a first-class, gold-plated example of that here in OKC a couple years ago.

A little background - when the Murray building was bombed in April ‘95, the entire area was fenced off with chain link fencing to secure the crime scene. People left things on/along the fence - prayer cards, flowers, stuffed toys for the children lost, etc. All the mementos were collected, catalogued and stored. When the memorial opened, a section of the fencing was left in place. To this day, 29 years later, people leave stuff on the fence which the National Park Service collects, documents and saves.

Back to our story - a call came into 9-1-1 from a woman reporting that a man was stealing some of the stuff off the fence. This was in the middle of the day so it wasn’t NPS. (NPS has uniformed rangers collect items in the late evening or early morning when there are few visitors.) The call went out and, being downtown OKC in the middle of the day, the first officer was on scene in less than 60 seconds. Before he even got out of the car, he requested, “ALL available units for crowd control and EMS. Tell them to step it up.”
Apparently, after calling 9-1-1, the lady started yelling to passersby about what the guy was doing. He was beaten bloody and unconscious before the officer could intervene. He was still in the hospital when he was arraigned by video.

Fucking with Okies is never a good idea. Fucking with the memorial is straight up suicidal.

5/12/2024 02:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you protest the democrat party, you get locked up. All other protests get a pass. Frat boys didn't save America and the politicians on both sides used campus unrest to pass legislation for what will become "hate speech" laws to used against citizens who speak out against our elites. Soros and the Pritzker family are funding the protests. Why would members of one side fund their supposed enemies? We are swimming in an ocean of propaganda. The only interests we should be supporting are American interests.

5/12/2024 03:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take the issues that one has with Israel defending itself up with Israel on their soil and see how that plays out no balls no glory

5/12/2024 05:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And that's exactly what happened in NYC: the LEOs had to protect a criminal from an angry mob. The criminal had assaulted an 11 year old. The angry citizens thought he was the same guy who lassoed, choke dragged, robbed and raped a woman. People have had enough. Soon auntie Maxine's war cry will most likely be very common amongst the normies and not in the way she envisioned. Turn about is fair play. Be safe and heads on a swivel, not a pike.

5/12/2024 06:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only thing holding this country together right now is the fact that the checks aren’t bouncing.

5/12/2024 07:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why was a giant Hamass (lol) flag allowed to fly in Daley Plaza. It was larger than our American flag, which I believe is not supposed to happen by flag etiquette. This city is a FKN joke!!

5/12/2024 07:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Senator Marcia Blackburn is proposing legislation to place all college student protesters in a terrorism watch list and to place them on a no fly list.

5/12/2024 07:22:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Open that can of WhupButt.

5/12/2024 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Administrators don't go with the flow, they are the flow. For years they have called anyone who didn't agree with them Nazi's. Now they are chanting to kill the Jews. Sort of ironic don't you think.

5/12/2024 07:27:00 AM  
Blogger stash the polski guy said...

The awakening is slowly gaining momentum. Thank you frat boys. I also thank that ghetto bitch congresscritter with the get in their face rant. Commiecrats run when confronted. Governance by press release is all they have.

5/12/2024 07:45:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Various Federal Judges say they won't hire clerks from the Ivy League due to the protests. Hard on the ones who didn't protest.

5/12/2024 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares if they camp out on school grounds, they are getting good practice for the real world when they move to a viaduct near you.

5/12/2024 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone of these Antifa assholes looks similar. You can point them out within minutes. Scrawny , mousey looking females with gigantic COVID masks on and gigantic glasses. Not one of them is attractive and that might be why they’re wasting their time protesting instead of getting layed.

5/12/2024 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When the groups eventually physically clash (though probably not happening this year as spring semester is over), my money is on the well-nourished and gym dedicated frat bros

5/12/2024 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Normal ordinary people are to the point where they have had enough. Very soon everyone is going to have to make a choice. It's going to be ugly my friends. Like Trump said in 2021 Fight like hell or else you won't have country. God help us.
God bless Israel

5/12/2024 04:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Throughout history generations always first scapegoats the Jews and then like pealing an onion expand it to whoever they deem unsavory. These protesters have every right to protest a governments policy but naively being used to foment terrorism and help to divide and conquer America. This movement is being orchestrated in conjunction with the insane policies of the Biden Administration to wreak racial, religious and political division at a particularly vulnerable time in our history. Our cities are being set up to burn this summer at the convention and massive destruction following the Nov Election. Plan accordingly now it’s coming and our weakened CPD can’t protect you.

5/12/2024 04:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jews are always telling Americans ‘not to forget’……the Holocaust. It appears that many American Jews have forgotten who they are, and the price their ancestors paid to merely exist.

5/12/2024 05:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope Paul Kersey pays them a visit and "sprays" them....

5/12/2024 06:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Admin: fyi: palestinian flag raised at Daley Plaza

5/12/2024 07:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT-4 stories on the main page. 3 involve blacks attacking whites. 1 is visa versa. Guess which one is publicized?

5/12/2024 09:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

KKK ---> Weathermen ---> Occupy Wall Street ---> panty-fa---> Burn Loot Murder

What do they all have in common?

They're all enforcement/destruction arms of the Democrat-Socialist-Communist party.

5/12/2024 09:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Leftists ?

Fuck you!

Get fucked !

5/13/2024 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you see the male protestors, they are nothing but greasy haired, snaggle~toothed simps that couldn’t get laid in an empty swimming pool full of blow up dolls. They know they aren’t getting any strange from a normal woman so they chase the green-haired, nose-ring wearing skanks that attend this waste of time.
I asked my college aged kids about the protest types, they laughed. The outcasts have donned masked, banded together, and found a cause. They will fail at this and life.
It will only push the Israelis harder. I’ve been there. They won’t stop until every last one of them is dead. The Palestinians that are here should kiss the ground and thank God they aren’t in Gaza for this final push or they should go join their buddies in Rafah.

5/13/2024 03:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just love that Northwestern's president has to testify before Congress after promising the terrorists he'd ban Jews from campus or something, and U of Chicago's president doesn't have to testify, after he told the terrorists "screw you. We're not Nazis here" and tore down their tents.

5/13/2024 05:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DePaul is supposedly a Catholic University. Yet. you won't find a crucifix on the wall of a single classroom. It might "Offend" one of the creampuff students and make for "difficult and uncomfortable" learning experience". Wimps in wimps out, led and taught by wimps. It once was a fine school, not so much anymore. Just another liberal rathole.

5/14/2024 02:36:00 PM  

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