Friday, May 24, 2024


This is the car-loaning-to-heroin-dealer by the head of IAD case being referenced over the past few days - and she "runs" the bureau in charge of investigating everyone else on the Department:

  • (October 2022) - The man accused of tossing $6,300 worth of packaged heroin out of a Lexus that belonged to the Chicago Police Department’s Chief of Internal Affairs has been sentenced to two years in prison following a bench trial.

    Kenneth Miles was also sentenced to a consecutive two-year prison term for another drug distribution case that he had pending at the time of the incident, court records show.

    Following Miles’ arrest on February 1, CWBChicago reported that public records revealed he is the “John Doe” tipster who provided Chicago cops with information that resulted in the humiliating botched raid on Anjanette Young’s home in 2019.

    On February 1, cops saw Miles pick up a colorful bag next to a parked car and then get into the passenger seat of a silver Lexus sedan—the car that belonged to CPD Chief of Internal Affairs Yolanda Talley.

    As officers followed the car, Miles threw a large Ziploc bag containing 84 smaller pink baggies of suspected heroin out of the passenger window as Talley’s niece drove, officials said.

And the comments from the other day also say she's been in contact with Google to track us down ....again. You'd think with her work history and multiple pending lawsuits, she'd crawl into a hole and pull it in after her to stay under the radar.

Better hurry Yoyo....time is running out. You might not be able to file charges in time to deny us retirement credentials. Maybe ask Dave Harris how far his "investigation" got before all his baggage hit the proverbial fan.

Conehead? Larritorious? Your move.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck, coppers are on YOUR SIDE, sorry for yelling.

5/24/2024 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Godspeed to SCC for the great work and enormous juevos to carry on the job of shining light in dark places. Be careful out there.

5/24/2024 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You go girl...

Them nails are styling...

5/24/2024 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who can coppers trust if they can't trust each other nowadays? It's a fucking shame. I'm glad I'm gone.

5/24/2024 01:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“ And the comments from the other day also say she's been in contact with Google to track us down ....again. You'd think with her work history and multiple pending lawsuits, she'd crawl into a hole and pull it in after her to stay under the radar.”

Been off the job for years, don’t know of this person but what I see from the assignment history is a lack of life experience and knowledge from working in the streets and a variety of positions.

We have all met people who spent too much time in specialized units. Some can loose touch with their co workers and reality. Some believe they are so intelligent and so important that they will convey that to you, so we just PRETEND they are!!! I was in a couple of specialized units but I didn’t think I was special as you are always running into people who have more on the ball than you. You are always learning even from a new recruit.

And SCC some people never learn to craw into that hole. And SCC , I know it’s hard but keep moving, don’t stay in any safe houses for more than a few days!!!

5/24/2024 01:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many one filthy hand washing another filthy hand.

Tangled webs woven all over.

5/24/2024 01:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gurl got it going on....

5/24/2024 02:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

... And the gauntlet is thrown.

5/24/2024 02:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Can we get some dancing ...she can go.

5/24/2024 03:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5/24/2024 05:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude was CI? Did he get paid for the 'tip' this so f*d up, Stevie Wonder can see dis sh*t

5/24/2024 05:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

with her work history...she probably would not even know where to start. I hope you have inside sources still when you retire so you can continue to post or have a heir apparent. Witty and so smart. Finally, where is MSM with the conviction?

5/24/2024 05:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She kind of reminds me of that Dolton mayor....

5/24/2024 06:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, gang member relatives run Chicago and Chicago PD? Tell me something I didn't know...

5/24/2024 06:32:00 AM  
Anonymous NavySealRanger12 said...

Instead of worrying about a police blog...or what some websites coppers are visiting I would think the priority should be investigating those hired on this job in the recent years. Standards had to be lowered to fill up the manpower shortage. It's undeniable. Now we're working with young meth-heads, wiennie-wankers, drag-racers, medical abusers and stimulus-check frauds. Lots of "oh no my gun got stolen out of my car for the second-time"-types as well. Maybe less time reading the blog and more time checking up on some of these "red-flags". This department is enough of an embarrassment as it is. Within the next 5 years young coppers are going to be selling pussy and stolen guns out of their squad cars.

5/24/2024 07:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian Redmond broke it all down about TVL Yolanda Talley who is the Chief of the Bureau of Internal Affairs.

5/24/2024 07:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was the car even impounded?
It should've been.

5/24/2024 07:17:00 AM  
Blogger Retired 82 said...

She had to get it on...

5/24/2024 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazing how you all don’t talk about the boss whom cheated on his wife and girlfriend on the job , whom was with him out of town when he died on top of her . Then the promoted her , amazing . Funny you Sprew so much hate on her that you forget all the Double promotes of Gold Star son . It’s funny how no one mention a sgt who pointed his gun at people and police in my. Greenwood and comes back on the job and gets promoted to sgt ! Go fish !! Imagine That ! Imagine a Capt going on a scene only to get shot in the head for greed of thinking he can steal some money ! Stealing money from a Christmas party tickets , a groom party to Vegas . A meat store in 12 but gets promoted to commander ! Ooooo and to add insult called a person that’s the police a N word ! Gets no punishment or reprimand and it was t under Tally region in IAD . Ooo please how many times have people been pushed out and told can’t work a certain beat in Mt. Greenwood because of the cop /firemen kids secrets of popping pills , and heavy drug use . We want to keep it in house . Let’s be real no body is perfect . So huddle your lil tails up and worrry about Your Husband and Wives creeeping when you at work creeping with they partner and the fireman . Some of you need to check and do a DNA on those children you have . O we won’t discuss that will we . Toodles lol . 1800Maury …….

5/24/2024 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn’t it true that Kenneth Mills was also the snitch on the search warrant of the lady conveniently laying around her house naked ? As she knew they were coming because Kenneth told her they coming?

5/24/2024 07:37:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Hootchie Mama thinks she's untouchable.

5/24/2024 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yolanda Talley ran with Kenneth Miles and the TVL's on the Westside. Early on in her career, she routinely contacted Aldermen and pastors from the westside and provided them with internal department information that they shouldn't have been privy to. She told them which accountability questions to ask the top brass, and because she was "still in the street" she knew the answers to each question, and appeared to be very knowledgeable. She even dropped dimes to Lori Lighthead about other top brass. How else would Lighthead know which questions to ask during the Tuesday morning meetings.

Traveling Vice Lord, Kenneth Miles provided Talley with information about low level drug dealers, so that she could appear knowledgeable to the mayor, Aldermen and pastors. Meanwhile, Talley's niece and live-in boyfriend Kenneth Miles were running a dope line using Talley's beautiful silver Lexus.

Talley's niece had a suspended DL, and her DL had been suspended for awhile prior to the stop. Talley knew exactly who she gave her car keys to, who was in her vehicle and what they were doing. She just thought that her car wouldn't get stopped and if it did nothing would happen, and she was right because Lori Lighthead cleared her of any wrongdoing because Talley was her eyes and ears on this department.

5/24/2024 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better hurry Yoyo....time is running out. You might not be able to file charges in time to deny us retirement credentials. Maybe ask Dave Harris how far his "investigation" got before all his baggage hit the proverbial fan.

Conehead? Larritorious? Your move.

Those sound like fighting words in my country...

5/24/2024 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many years ago, our Spanish teacher, a Catholic priest, stood in front of the classroom and looked around at our class. He was upset about something, but never told us exactly what was bothering him. "If you learn anything at all, learn this: the worst kind of people in the world are the people who don't know that they don't know."

That statement has stuck with me over the past five decades. When one reads about Talley, some of the City Council Members, the County hierarchy, the state legislature, of course, the present comatose idiot on City Hall's fifth floor and a host of others, it is quite apparent that our Spanish teacher knew what he was talking about all those years ago.

5/24/2024 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talley is such a piece of crap. Drug dealing PPP embezzler, real estate scamming scum. She’s a part of so many rackets I lost count. Her leadership at IAD is just emblematic of how corrupt the Department has become. And yet-she’s as free a bird.

5/24/2024 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone should tell YoYo about SCOTUS/Pickering. Hate to see babygirl f**k up and get sued. Jajaja

5/24/2024 08:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yolanda Talley and Anjanette Young were classmates and remained in contact. Add that to the mix..

5/24/2024 11:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There should be a CR# and investigation into why the vehicle wasn’t impounded and driven to Talley s home and dropped off per her order. This is fact.

5/24/2024 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can you have someone in charge of IAD that had a drug dealer and a 50 blows in her car? Please someone answer this !!

5/24/2024 11:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sheeet , sounds like that show the Wire might be true in Chicago.
Was she a merit sarge,lou ten ant 🐜

5/24/2024 11:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HQ here, Strong rumor is an IAD investigation on Officer E.T. In 019, falsifying traffic stops and paperwork. From a good IAD source

5/24/2024 12:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahahahah.... To the Harris comment reference... I love you guys!!

5/24/2024 01:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

be selling pussy and stolen guns out of their squad cars.

5/24/2024 07:00:00 AM

That they already do. The first part, I mean. Show me one not involved with their married partner.

5/24/2024 01:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about Harris? Tell us more? Is he still a Commander?

5/24/2024 02:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Was the car even impounded?
It should've been.

No, Chief Talley received preferential treatment from the top brass. The IG didn’t find anything either. It’s totally acceptable to allow drug dealers to use your vehicle. The keys and the vehicle were taken from Talley’s niece, but given back to her although, she was driving on suspended DL. The niece was not arrested for drug trafficking or Driving on Suspended Lenses either.

5/24/2024 03:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Follow the money on that one

5/24/2024 04:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a fucking Joke the CPD has become. And we thought assholes like captain Ronnie Nash and Minzenowski were bad, years ago.

5/24/2024 05:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoy your blog.

5/24/2024 05:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Car was not impounded. Niece not arrested for no license, no ID, no insurance card, apparently driving nonetheless w/Auntie Talley's keys and permission. Dude arrested, but as informant gave false tip, causing improper police raid, resulting in $2.9 million payout by Chicago. Only in Chicago is the level of corruption so extreme as to be near comical.

Boohoo racism, Tally apparently both supremely protected, and woefully ill-equipped for her executive enforcement role. Truly a pathetic situation. Brian Redmond nails it in his video.

5/24/2024 06:02:00 PM  
Anonymous TimeWatcher said...

It warms my heart this bitch gets exposed, thank you SCC for exposing the merit yellow shit-stain stars on this blog. They are not leaders and they are the REAL criminals. We blue shirts and supervisors see you Talley, start cleaning that hard drive like Clinton did for the FBI. They're coming for your corrupt ass.

5/24/2024 06:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Responding to 07:00 AM...

"This department is enough of an embarrassment as it is. Within the next 5 years young coppers are going to be selling pussy and stolen guns out of their squad cars."

Bwahahaha! Well I guess that's the change in Be The Change.

5/24/2024 08:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Amazing how you all don’t talk about the boss whom cheated on his wife and girlfriend on the job , whom was with him out of town when he died on top of her . Then the promoted her , amazing .

If you can't use whom properly, don't use it.

5/24/2024 09:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Supe said reform is about change. Well Supe reform starts on the inside and at the top.

5/25/2024 02:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s disturbing observing the incompetence of our bosses. Why on earth is Yolanda Talley in charge of accountability? She has no integrity. She doesn’t practice what she preaches. No one trust her not even her so-called friends. They stick around to benefit from her corruption. From reading the posts it appears that she’s hated by the rank and file and other Exempts. They don’t trust her and many feels that they’ve been wronged by her. It’s been said that she undermine investigations and fast tracking investigations involving her cronies. Others are shocked that she’s been able to get away with her shenanigans for so long without any internal repercussions.

5/25/2024 05:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city is paying out so much money for YT’s corruption. Tax payers recently paid off a $25,000 lawsuit behalf of Y.T. Nephew, Ken Miles’ blotched search warrant information costed taxpayers 2.9 million dollars. Now she has at least 4 pending lawsuits, if not more. They should’ve impounded her vehicle, so that we could’ve gotten a few of our tax dollars back from her.

5/25/2024 05:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 736am....

Please go back to English class and get hooked on phonics, reading rainbow, anything. That was a difficult read.

5/25/2024 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yolanda Talley and Anjanette Young were classmates and remained in contact. Add that to the mix..

5/24/2024 11:03:00 AM

The way things are going on around here these days, I wouldn’t be surprised if Young, Talley and Miles didn’t split the 2.9 Million. They probably set the officers up.

5/25/2024 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys better leave her alone before the Chief of Patrol gets involved; she is his meal ticket, with him firmly embedded in her ass. You can't mess with Yolie, right JP?

5/25/2024 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait is Harris now deputy chief of CCG ?

5/25/2024 02:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Isn’t it true that Kenneth Mills was also the snitch on the search warrant of the lady conveniently laying around her house naked ? As she knew they were coming because Kenneth told her they coming?

5/24/2024 07:37:00 AM

Some westsider believe that Miles, Young and Talley shared the money.

5/25/2024 07:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazing how you all don’t talk about the boss whom cheated on his wife and girlfriend on the job , whom was with him out of town when he died on top of her . Then the promoted her , amazing . Funny you Sprew so much hate on her that you forget all the Double promotes of Gold Star son . It’s funny how no one mention a sgt who pointed his gun at people and police in my. Greenwood and comes back on the job and gets promoted to sgt ! Go fish !! Imagine That ! Imagine a Capt going on a scene only to get shot in the head for greed of thinking he can steal some money ! Stealing money from a Christmas party tickets , a groom party to Vegas . A meat store in 12 but gets promoted to commander ! Ooooo and to add insult called a person that’s the police a N word ! Gets no punishment or reprimand and it was t under Tally region in IAD . Ooo please how many times have people been pushed out and told can’t work a certain beat in Mt. Greenwood because of the cop /firemen kids secrets of popping pills , and heavy drug use . We want to keep it in house . Let’s be real no body is perfect . So huddle your lil tails up and worrry about Your Husband and Wives creeeping when you at work creeping with they partner and the fireman . Some of you need to check and do a DNA on those children you have . O we won’t discuss that will we . Toodles lol . 1800Maury …….

5/24/2024 07:36:00 AM

Ignoring all the other stream of consciousness, misspelled, grammarless diarrhea you posted, you say he died and THEN promoted someone? That's quite the feat. How many months have you been off your meds? Be honest.

5/25/2024 09:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please go back to English class and get hooked on phonics, reading rainbow, anything. That was a difficult read.

Shut up Yolanda. You can’t control this blog. The message is the message.

5/26/2024 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please go back to English class and get hooked on phonics, reading rainbow, anything. That was a difficult read.

5/25/2024 07:31:00 AM

Please take an Ethics Class Yogi Bear.

5/26/2024 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Amazing how you all don’t talk about the boss whom cheated on his wife and girlfriend on the job , whom was with him out of town when he died on top of her . Then the promoted her , amazing . Funny you Sprew so much hate on her that you forget all the Double promotes of Gold Star son . It’s funny how no one mention a sgt who pointed his gun at people and police in my. Greenwood and comes back on the job and gets promoted to sgt ! Go fish !! Imagine That ! Imagine a Capt going on a scene only to get shot in the head for greed of thinking he can steal some money ! Stealing money from a Christmas party tickets , a groom party to Vegas . A meat store in 12 but gets promoted to commander ! Ooooo and to add insult called a person that’s the police a N word ! Gets no punishment or reprimand and it was t under Tally region in IAD . Ooo please how many times have people been pushed out and told can’t work a certain beat in Mt. Greenwood because of the cop /firemen kids secrets of popping pills , and heavy drug use.
How about when YT allows a BIA investigator from Mt. Greenwood to conduct an investigation involving his bubby/ neighbor from Mt. Greenwood, and thinks the other involved parties are unaware of it. BIA Investigators get to request certain investigations now Yolanda? Who’s vetting to Investigators to bubby that they don’t live a few blocks over from the accused. Don’t answer now, save it for the deposition bitch!

5/26/2024 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The City spends hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars defending their lawsuits trying (and usually failing to prove their case.)

5/26/2024 03:25:00 PM  

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