Sunday, June 30, 2024

Another ShotSpotter Success

Good thing Conehead is getting rid of this thing:

  • ShotSpotter technology helped Chicago police locate valuable evidence after an armed man tried to rob a CTA bus passenger and then opened fire on the fleeing victim, officials said.

    Shawndale Hardy, 23, was detained pending trial by Judge Antara Rivera after prosecutors detailed their allegations in court.

    Prosecutors said Hardy tried to rob the victim of a backpack while riding a CTA bus near 77th and Halsted at about 11 a.m. on June 17. The victim ran from the bus and Hardy, along with an unnamed accomplice, chased after him, police said.

    Moments after receiving a 911 call about two men chasing another man, a CPD sergeant reported hearing gunfire near the Gresham (6th) District police station at 7808 South Halsted.

    Citizens flagged down responding officers and helped them locate Hardy and a second man. On the side of a nearby house, the cops found a backpack containing a face mask, two guns with extended magazines, and Hardy’s wallet and identification, according to a CPD arrest report.

    Hardy was arrested after being identified as the person who fired shots while chasing the victim, according to court records. Using ShotSpotter, investigators were able to pinpoint the address where the shots were fired as 7741 South Halsted, the police report said. They recovered shell casings at that location.

So it's just a matter of the lab connecting the shell casings to the gun recovered and ::voila!:: another gun crime that Crimesha can avoid, undercharge or dismiss.

And not that it prevented this, but the shots that killed retired Officer Neuman were pinpointed by ShotSpotter after the fact. The technology works far more often than it doesn't and it does lead to solving crimes....and Conehead can't have that.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The tool is effective (policing) but is not used (prosecution). So what purpose does it ultimately serve?

6/30/2024 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m gone now, but I know it works. I recall more than a few calls in which a gsw victim was found (where no one called anything in) bc Shotspotter alerted police to those locations. Maybe a handful of people’s lives saved isn’t enough for this doofus or the city council to care, but I’m sure those victims do. You know when they’ll care when someone is shot and dies in an area previously covered by SS & that victim’s family has a slick lawyer who sues the city for more than what SS would’ve cost.

6/30/2024 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ShotSpotter is such an amazing tool for public safety but too many people without sense run the city.

6/30/2024 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take away Shotspotter and watch shootings go up!

6/30/2024 01:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why isn’t shotspotter in Chinatown or Edison Park? Or are they?

6/30/2024 02:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why WE must register guns to stop this...

signed...Gov. Lardass

Faaaaartttttt......waddles away

6/30/2024 05:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s too bad they don’t have a GulpSpotter option…

6/30/2024 05:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just another way to insure that there will not be to many people of color in jail.

6/30/2024 05:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems like Mr hardy is an up and coming outstanding citizen who attends church and works for dude inc

6/30/2024 06:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

conehead would want shot spotter to stay if it helped arrest MAGA supporters

6/30/2024 06:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder what state a pregnant (how could you tell?) Ikea Aldi Zayre-Smith was driving through when she passed through the town of Shawndale?

Sucks air through her teeth and chortled, "Unnhhhh, I likes that name Shawndales, wahhh, ha-ha, huh, ha!"

True story.

6/30/2024 07:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the Mayor gets rid of Shot Spotter, I will NEVER AGAIN respond lights and Sirens to a "shots fired" call, which are usually anywhere from the location of incident, to 4 blocks away. I will wait for the "person shot" call to actually give a shit. If the Mayor doesn't care about us responding rapidly to persons getting shot, then I won't either. Not going to put myself and my partner at risk by blowing red lights if the city doesn't hold that issue as a priority.

6/30/2024 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet shithead Hardy and his accomplish who ran after the victim are both on the EBT train, cant work of course but can rob and run after victims. These fuckers should automatically have the welfare cutoff.

6/30/2024 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And not that it prevented this, but the shots that killed retired Officer Neuman were pinpointed by ShotSpotter after the fact. The technology works far more often than it doesn't and it does lead to solving crimes....and Conehead can't have that.

Grandma always said "That boy he ain't right in the head..."

6/30/2024 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shawndale Hardy. Description? :)

6/30/2024 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our mayor has plans way above your level of understanding for this city. The money saved getting rid of the shot spotters Will be better spent putting more LGBTQIA+1 benches in the poorer neighborhoods for folks to sit on while waiting for something.

6/30/2024 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The technology works far more often than it doesn't and it does lead to solving crimes....and Conehead can't have that.

Solving crimes goes against the leftist narrative, thus Shot Spotter must be done away with.
People responsible for tearing down this nation need to face military tribunals, and if found guilty (we know they are, just look around) appropriate sentences carried out.

6/30/2024 10:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember those days, chasing criminals for their bad actions. Then I retired and realized that the system was using me to make the citizens believe that CPD cares about them. I did it because I truly believed that I was doing my job, the right thing and well I think I was. But things will never change in fact it got worst. If you are on the job, watch your back from the thugs and the Department thugs as well.

6/30/2024 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope they do get rid of SS... I don't want the cops or the crooks to know where MY shots are coming from....

6/30/2024 02:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think it going to end with the alderman has the prerogative in his ward to determine if he wants them or not
Almost the principals in the CPS deciding if the want school officer or not

6/30/2024 02:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a good system. If CPD worked half as well, it would be worth the money. At this point, shitcan CPD and just have shot spotter send an ambulance...

6/30/2024 04:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet shithead Hardy and his accomplish who ran after the victim are both on the EBT train, cant work of course but can rob and run after victims. These fuckers should automatically have the welfare cutoff.

6/30/2024 07:26:00 AM

These fuckers should automatically have the johnson's cut off.

Baliff, whack his peepee!!!!

6/30/2024 06:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope they do get rid of SS... I don't want the cops or the crooks to know where MY shots are coming from....

6/30/2024 02:16:00 PM

So many puns possible here......

6/30/2024 06:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a good system. If CPD worked half as well, it would be worth the money. At this point, shitcan CPD and just have shot spotter send an ambulance...

6/30/2024 04:30:00 PM

Simple thoughts from simple minds can be...... too simple, even as sarcasms.

Alerts to audio detection of firearm discharges do not equal hits on tentatively living objects.

Thus, determination of need for medical attentions requires evaluations of actual occurences.

Perhaps drones with infrared thermal imaging cameras could accomplish that task efficiently, then human physical efforts begin.

Why, ShotSpotter installations could each be equipped with a docked drone, automatically dispatched to seek and survey area location indicated by ShotSpotter audio detection of firearm discharge(s).

Dynamic, real time response to ShotSpotter detection alert, providing potential of rapid confirmation of need for CPD/CFD/EMT response.

6/30/2024 08:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I hope they do get rid of SS... I don't want the cops or the crooks to know where MY shots are coming from....

6/30/2024 02:16:00 PM

Valid point

If Heyjackass can be believed, and I think they can you have less than a 25% chance of being charged for a homicide.

Now let's say you are white, stick around the scene and call the cops?
I would say your chance of being charged at least doubled.

Shoot and scoot is the best strategy.

I know we are told that flight equals guilt.
If I was on a jury for a case where the shooter was not a "justice involved individual" I would not apply that.
It is obvious if you are a working man Crimesha Foxx will try to jam you up whereas if you are part of Dude, Inc she will do her best to let you walk.

Hopefully after SS is gone Dude, Inc realizes the police were there to protect them from the public and now that the police have been hamstrung it is open season on Dude, Inc.

Make Deathwish a Documentary Again

7/01/2024 01:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make Deathwish a Documentary Again

7/01/2024 01:13:00 AM

Bad boys

Bad boys

Watcha gonna do

Watcha gonna do

When you shot dead, fool....

7/01/2024 12:37:00 PM  

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