Friday, June 07, 2024

Bear Arms

This is how stupid leftists are:

  • The killing of a young black bear by a homeowner near Lake Tahoe has ignited a heated debate among local residents there about the appropriateness of using deadly force in self-defense against animal predators. The incident, which occurred on Memorial Day in an unincorporated neighborhood of El Dorado County, California, has left the community divided, with some neighbors questioning the homeowner’s justification for the shooting.

    The confrontation unfolded around 1:30 p.m. when the homeowner, whose name has not been disclosed, encountered the bear inside his living room.

It's a bear. In the living room. And it's not a rug.


Of course, there are numerous "eye witnesses" who say the bear wasn't fully inside the house, the homeowner is a known bear hunter, and the main objection is that he did the humane thing and put the bear out of its misery after being shot twice inside.

This also provides a bit of insight to that survey of lib-tarded Karens who said that given the choice between being in the woods where there was an unknown man waiting or one where there was a bear prowling, the Karen's overwhelmingly chose the bear infested woods.



Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

Why’s the bear gotta be black?

6/07/2024 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Bear!
He was just about to turn his life around…
We need to protest!

6/07/2024 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My wife is not afraid of either the bear or unknown man.

Of course she always carries her Glock 20 10mm down here in Tennessee when she walks in the woods.

God Bless America:

6/07/2024 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I'm visiting the UP for fishing or hiking I don't leave the cabin without my trusty .45

6/07/2024 01:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bear will kill you quicker than the human.

The bear will not play with you while killing you.

The bear will not drag you off still breathing.

The bear will not rape you.

The bear will rip your body to shreds, which will make your body a dead corpse.

The karens chose wisely, given only those two options.

Better to be killed by the bear than raped, tortured and slowly murdered by the human.

6/07/2024 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a bear - if you were in its cave, it'd fuck you up.

Now it's in your cave. Buh bye Yogi...

If it were in your driveway, then a shotgun w/rubber bullets sends it away, but in da house? Nope...

6/07/2024 02:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like the bear lost boo hoo

6/07/2024 03:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The elites will never have to live by the policies they force on the rest of us.

6/07/2024 04:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bought my wife a mink coat, they are very warm and soft.

6/07/2024 04:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having your guns registered and locked in a safe would have prevented this...

6/07/2024 05:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back in the day we worked a burglary pattern looking for a young woman
She was going in houses, eating their porridge, breaking furniture and then sleeping it off in the victim’s bed
One day the Orsa family returned and found her crashed in the kids room
Felony charges were denied because our report was deemed copyright infringement

6/07/2024 05:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh I can barely stand to read this !!!

6/07/2024 06:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've seen how they bear hunt in Michigan. They bait them. This hunter's found a way to not even leave his house. And I thought baiting them in the woods was lazy...

6/07/2024 06:33:00 AM  
Blogger I Voted For Kamala said...

Don't say Karens.

6/07/2024 07:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Race has to be in everything from w-NBA to the Church to politics, of couse.

Capital B....was it a Black bear?

6/07/2024 07:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In all fairness, the bear was about to turn his life around.

6/07/2024 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The people that scream and cry against shooting a bear in your living room, are the same people who will scream and cry that “somebody needs to do something!” when they find themselves in the same situation.

6/07/2024 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Yogi Bear said...

I guess Boo Boo was not smarter than the average bear. :(

6/07/2024 08:16:00 AM  
Blogger DixonSyder said...

The eternal question is still unanswered, does a bear…. In the woods?

6/07/2024 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finding a California Black/Brown bear in or near your house is not an uncommon event. Sometimes little ankle bitting dogs chase them out. I don’t give a flying fuck that he destroyed this animal, but let’s not make him into Grizzly Adam’s. Most people yell at them when they are knocking over the garbage can and they run away. Rats in the San Francisco streets are more dangerous

6/07/2024 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was it Alonzo Spellman?

6/07/2024 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I rented a cabin in Colorado 30 years ago. There were bears on my porch regularly, they would rip my trash apart. I poured bleach on my trash and it stopped right away. The reason there were so many bears was because the jagoff that had the cabin before me fed them meat hanging from the clothesline. Dogs will scare them off usually, the dogs smell them a mile away. They smell pretty bad.
In the spring, all momma bears have cubs. If you stay away from the cubs, she won’t rip you apart. We saw them regularly, several themes a week. No issues. Don’t leave food lying around and they won’t take any interest in you. Black bears are not that aggressive. Grizzlies and Polar bears are a whole different story. .41 or .44 magnum minimum and never fish alone.

6/07/2024 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell me Boo Boo is ok.

6/07/2024 12:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liberal logic. A former neighbor once told me, while living in Chicago, that locking her door made her feel unsafe, so she never locked her apartment doors or car doors. These are the same people that tell you that police presence makes them feel “unsafe.” There really should be a pop quiz before you can ever request police service and if you fail, you should be on your own.

6/07/2024 01:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liberal logic. A former neighbor once told me, while living in Chicago, that locking her door made her feel unsafe, so she never locked her apartment doors or car doors. These are the same people that tell you that police presence makes them feel “unsafe.” There really should be a pop quiz before you can ever request police service and if you fail, you should be on your own.

6/07/2024 01:01:00 PM

So, did she also always leave the door to her bathroom open when she sat upon her throne?

6/07/2024 06:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The eternal question is still unanswered, does a bear…. In the woods?

6/07/2024 08:26:00 AM

Q: Where does a bear......

A: Any damn place he wants to.

6/07/2024 06:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like the people that get gored by a buffalo in Yosemite and blame the rangers for not making the buffalo behave the way they do in a Disney movie.

$5 says if the bear was in their hallway they'd scream until someone showed up with a gun

6/07/2024 08:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Bear was getting his GED - and was thinking of going to Malcom X for College - He was just trying to feed his kids

6/07/2024 10:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A 71-year-old woman found dead in her home is determined to have been killed by a black bear, in the first known fatal attack by one of the animals in California. When police entered Patrice Miller's home in November to conduct a welfare check, they initially thought the bear had found her after she died.

6/07/2024 11:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A 71-year-old woman found dead in her home is determined to have been killed by a black bear, in the first known fatal attack by one of the animals in California. When police entered Patrice Miller's home in November to conduct a welfare check, they initially thought the bear had found her after she died.

She chose poorly!

6/08/2024 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, BooBoo, I smells some delicious snacks over yonder there.

Uhhhhhhhh, Yogi.....

6/09/2024 03:37:00 AM  

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