Thursday, June 06, 2024

"Immunized" Still Dying

Just to remind everyone that four years on and the "vaccine" is still killing people on a daily basis:

  • Covid vaccines could be partly to blame for the rise in excess deaths since the pandemic, scientists have suggested.

    Researchers from The Netherlands analysed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than three million excess deaths since 2020, with the trend continuing despite the rollout of vaccines and containment measures. They said the “unprecedented” figures “raised serious concerns” and called on governments to fully investigate the underlying causes, including possible vaccine harms.

    Writing in the BMJ Public Health, the authors from Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, said: “Although Covid-19 vaccines were provided to guard civilians from suffering morbidity and mortality by the Covid-19 virus, suspected adverse events have been documented as well.

    “Both medical professionals and citizens have reported serious injuries and deaths following vaccination to various official databases in the Western World.”

You might notice the main link (and all the other links) are from Europe, because strangely enough, the US media won't cover these findings. In our lifetimes, there have been scandals and Congressional hearings for all manner of industrial/manufacturing/banking "errors."

But not a single outcry about a manipulated virus in a Chinese lab, financed by US interests, killing tens of millions and a failed "vaccine" forced on an ill-informed public that killed millions more.

Read even more here.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The greatest collaboration of world governments and intelligence agencies, propaganda media, big pharma, all carrying out the most destructive psychological operation ever ran on humanity.

They got people to inject an experimental depopulation drug into their bodies for a virus that had a 99.9% survival rate. And folks and peoples willingly and happily lined up for the death shot while making villains of those who had the courage and foresight to JUST SAY NO.





5 year window....that's what some of the doctors who warned against taking the death jab said was the life expectancy of an individual who took the jab.

I pray for all of you who did!

6/06/2024 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr Peter A. Mcullough MD, American Cardiologist, was on the Dan Bongino radio show on Wednesday speaking on this very subject. You can pick it up on Bongino’s podcast.

6/06/2024 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would love to learn of all the political figures out there making these decisions “for us” …how many of them legitimately got the shots? Remember the video of David Brown “getting vaccinated” and there’s no needle going into his arm. Same with Kamala Harris I believe. How many got a placebo? Not too mention how many people still buy into this crap? I still see people all masked up and taking their “precautions”. Blows my mind, here we are years later and you’re still all masked up and getting boosters

6/06/2024 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just keep six feet apart...

6/06/2024 01:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go for some people to get the shots…….

6/06/2024 02:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What’s to cover? Drug companies all have immunity so nothing can touch them. World is overpopulated anyways.

6/06/2024 03:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It made me shake my head the other day to still see the "Stay Six Feet Apart" signs on the wall of a croweded jam packed office with no one staying six feet apart while getting my new city stickers.

Also we see the Dr brix with all kinds of financial ties to big pharma is demanding that we test 40 million cows WEEKLY for the bird flu. Are they gonna cull the herds and make us eat bugs? THE GREEN NEW SEAL didn't work so time to whip out the pandemic fear as a motivator I guess.

Nuclear winter will end man made global warming reduce the population too while creating the diversion from the imminent economic collapse. Beware the false flag to get the ball rolling a d the minute man missiles flying

6/06/2024 03:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all have an expiration date some earlier than others every one had a choice

6/06/2024 03:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talked to a funeral director who does forensic investigations told me so many people are dying suddenly, and he is pulling things out of their veins, clogging their hearts like a rubberized material, and also many are dying from the turbo cancer, which is related to the so-called killshot. If you took the shot, you better read up on how to reverse the effect. Look at Doctor McCollum other Frontline doctors for their advice read coffee, and Covid newsletter. It is free follow do whatever you can so you can collect that pension check. The people that did this to Almighty God for all the destruction. They knew this would cause. Talk about all the conspiracy theories, but this is unprecedented what they did throughout the world to innocent people , wonder when all the politicians public got on television and had something put in their arm would you say that would be the same thing or possibly a fake needle with a saline solution if that

6/06/2024 05:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too much money was involved.

Here’s a great interview that posted today. She lays out even more facts.

We all went through hell with these criminals so they could make a buck or millions and kill off the population in the process. Interesting, they’re doing it again with another scam. Everyone who forced this stuff via coercion or threat belongs in front of a firing squad.

Once again the tin foil hat crowd was proven correct.

6/06/2024 05:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is sad is you have to depend on Europe (daily mail) or Australia (sky news) for news.
Too, Senators Ron Paul and Ron Johnson have been on top of Fauci. Again, after 3-4 years of this crap, they have not given up. Senator Paul is a doctor, as we know.

Of course, LC, above, is a "hate group" according to NPR, Southern Poverty Law Center, etc. Postal employees, Senators, etc did not have to get shot, among others.

6/06/2024 06:31:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...


6/06/2024 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trump lost, so mission accomplished

6/06/2024 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Easy on the vaccine. It was just modified flu vaccine. (something they do every year) Was nothing special but something to make the libtards feel something was being done. Any affect it had on your body is long gone, just like the flu vaccine. This is why they came up with the "boosters".

Just because some EU news site is claiming something doesn't give it any more credence compared to the US's wacky conspiracy sites. The EU has them too.
Covid was real, a bad respiratory virus. The vaccine didn't do much. Now we just have to live with it.

I'm glad you're back SCC, but sometimes you dance with the tinfoil hat people.

6/06/2024 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all have an expiration date some earlier than others every one had a choice

6/06/2024 03:27:00 AM

What’s to cover? Drug companies all have immunity so nothing can touch them. World is overpopulated anyways.

6/06/2024 03:14:00 AM

Trying to keep your inner mellow from swiftly fading?

6/06/2024 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But I got the vaccine for my family…. And we didn’t get it to show our family and countrymen we had balls and believed in our freedoms you cowards. Thin blue line my ass .. more like a non-existent, group of city working, yes-men.

6/06/2024 02:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do we have any recourse for getting forced to take bs experiential vaccine? I didn’t want it but had to get to save job. Had a sick kid and could not lose job so stuck the stand your ground bs up your ass. Can we sue city and or LL for forcing this commie shit on us?

6/06/2024 03:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're back SCC, but sometimes you dance with the tinfoil hat people.

6/06/2024 10:07:00 AM

Are you jealous SCC is not dancing to your tune?

6/06/2024 04:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let the Leftists die.

6/06/2024 06:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course, LC, above, is a "hate group" according to NPR, Southern Poverty Law Center, etc. Postal employees, Senators, etc did not have to get shot, among others.

6/06/2024 06:31:00 AM

The postal employees were exempt because they were needed to pull off the election theft in 2020.
There needs to be military tribunals of all involved in the scandemic and the election theft. The citizens were deprived of their duly elected President, and some lost their lives because of the clot shot. They have caused a constitutional crisis that has brought the country to its knees. If these bastards are found guilty, public executions need to take place, just so we can be sure justice was served and they didn’t skip off to South America like many Nazis did after WWII.

6/06/2024 09:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
What’s to cover? Drug companies all have immunity so nothing can touch them. World is overpopulated anyways.

6/06/2024 03:14:00 AM"

Fraud removes immunity.

6/06/2024 10:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Easy on the vaccine. It was just modified flu vaccine. (something they do every year) Was nothing special but something to make the libtards feel something was being done. Any affect it had on your body is long gone, just like the flu vaccine. This is why they came up with the "boosters".

Just because some EU news site is claiming something doesn't give it any more credence compared to the US's wacky conspiracy sites. The EU has them too.
Covid was real, a bad respiratory virus. The vaccine didn't do much. Now we just have to live with it.

I'm glad you're back SCC, but sometimes you dance with the tinfoil hat people.

6/06/2024 10:07:00 AM"

Telling the blog your jabbed and took 4 boostas without telling the blog you took the jab and 4 boostas.

Keep reminding yourself, "all is well" if it makes you feel better.

6/06/2024 10:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
I'm glad you're back SCC, but sometimes you dance with the tinfoil hat people.

6/06/2024 10:07:00 AM

Are you jealous SCC is not dancing to your tune?

6/06/2024 04:06:00 PM"

No, he or she is scared the fuck out of his or her mind that the mounting evidence that SCC posted about is real.

6/06/2024 10:45:00 PM  
Blogger I Voted For Kamala said...

It sounds like he wants to dance with The Keesing Bandit.

6/07/2024 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see most of you don’t like commenting in threads like these. Must be all that regret, huh?

I said No, didn’t update any portal ever once and finally put in pinball score numbers in a white card with some bogus dates printed up from the internet. That was that. That easy. 5 minutes of leg work.

See you feeble followers in roll call tomorrow. Humps.

6/07/2024 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6/08/2024 11:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6/08/2024 11:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6/08/2024 11:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Easy on the vaccine. It was just modified flu vaccine. (something they do every year) Was nothing special but something to make the libtards feel something was being done. Any affect it had on your body is long gone, just like the flu vaccine. This is why they came up with the "boosters".

Just because some EU news site is claiming something doesn't give it any more credence compared to the US's wacky conspiracy sites. The EU has them too.
Covid was real, a bad respiratory virus. The vaccine didn't do much. Now we just have to live with it.

I'm glad you're back SCC, but sometimes you dance with the tinfoil hat people.

6/06/2024 10:07:00 AM

Total BS. The covid vaxx (not a real vaccine or vaccine at all) has sinister intent. Time will prove this.

6/08/2024 11:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got covid/pneumonia. Contacted Americas Frontline Doctors after local ER refused to do anything for me. Did their telemed and they sent me Ivermectin (taken with Zinc) and a Zpak and they recommended to ad D3 and Vitamin C. Got better in several days.

Since VALID medical options like Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, or even OTC Quercetin, couple d with Zinc, the vaxx should not have been developed legally speaking even for emergency use.

6/08/2024 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People who got the jab because they were “afraid “ to lose their job- shut up! You could have taken a stand and NOT GOTTEN IT!! But you folded like a piece of paper. Everyone has same commitments as YOU so blah blah blah. So sit down and shut up you got what you got. The REST OF US STOOD OUR GROUND FOR A REASON!!!

6/10/2024 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

more children under 18 have died from drugs and gunshots in chicago than from covid.
How many will die from medical conditions caused from the covid shot. abortions,drugs,violence is a way to eliminate certain groups

6/12/2024 02:53:00 PM  

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