Saturday, August 17, 2024

CTU Doesn't Use CPS

Gee, it's almost like they know that their co-workers are incompetent and their efforts are $hit:

  • Almost one-third of Chicago’s well-paid public-school teachers keep their kids out of the Chicago Public School System (CPS), a study finds.

    Even the current leader of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU), Stacy Davis Gates, sends her son to a private school, according to the Chicago-based Illinois Policy Institute.

    According to federal data reviewed by the think tank, about 31 percent of Chicago’s public-school teachers send their kids to a private school to keep them out of the CPS.

    The data was culled from the 2018-2022 American Community Survey Public Use Microdata Sample, compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau, the Illinois Policy Institute noted.

And they want how big a pay raise? How much additional funding for a shrinking student body?

Anyone want to bet that the kids of CTU members actually do go to public high the suburbs that their teaching parent resides in? It sure would be interesting to have some people with nothing pressing in their post-police careers to follow and compile a list of how many teachers drive to and park in suburban driveways. We'll bet it's well over ten-percent.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who shot the gun at Sox Park?

8/17/2024 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They don’t want their kids to sit next to the degenerate illiterates to whom they love to teach critical race theory. You’re illiterate due to the boogeyman racism not your stupid teacher little sally. Remember to vote for Kamala because she looks like us.

8/17/2024 01:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee 31%, I wonder how many plates/city stickers are registered to one or two addresses in the city. If I were a CPS teacher I’d never admit it to anyone, I mean everyone knows they produce an inferior product. At least CPD members have an excuse for crime being out of control and morale being poor-shitty justice system and lack of leadership being the causes.

8/17/2024 01:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago Teachers Union (CTU)...a secure paying job.


Fuck you...Pay Me

And I need a raise.


8/17/2024 02:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only a third? The rest must be well and truly broke.

8/17/2024 03:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hypocritical but certainly a better choice

8/17/2024 06:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only doesn't the CTU use CPS, quite a bit of them don't use Chicago and are living outside Chicago. They're either grandfathered-in with the old CPS Residency Policy (hired before 11-20-1996 and can live wherever they want), getting a Residency waiver as part of the new Residency Policy (hired after 11-20-1996), or lying to CPS and claiming they live in the city when in fact they're living outside Chicago.

The lying CTU members aka CPS Teachers are also paying property taxes outside Chicago with many getting Homeowners Exemptions for the home they claim as their primary home. These outside of Chicago property taxes help to pay for their kid's suburban and IN teacher salaries. All of this info is available online at the Cook County Assesor's website or other county's assessor websites. The websites will also furnish you with exactly when these CTU liars bought their homes and can pinpoint when they first started violating the CPS Residency Policy. Chicago Blockshopper is also a good website to find the liars.

The CPS OIG (William Fletcher) was sent a comprehensive list with evidence of up to 50 legitimate CPS Residency violators when he first took over for Nick Schuler in 2020. Steinmetz HS had at one time a staggering 24 of their employees in violation of the CPS Residency Policy. Not one of the violators has been investigated since Fletcher took over. 24 is a lot, A LOT, as you might find 1-3 violators at each CPS school not 24!!!

In fact, several CPS big shots were Cc'd to the list Fletcher was sent and one dumbass CPS 14 Network Chief (Laura Lemone) forwarded the list to her non-CPS employee husband along with several CPS emails. Lemone self-reported herself and said she wouldn't do it again, but gave CPS the finger and Bc'd her husband on more CPS confidential emails. CPS nailed her dumbass for lying and gave her a 10-day unpaid suspension and made her do some lame ass class online. Lemone printed her completed class certification from her computer.

Fletcher only goes after residency violators his handlers or principals want him to go after as these violators fell out of favor with the powers that be and are no longer deemed an asset to CPS.

In reality, the CPS OIG's office is the secret police for the CPS higher-ups, instead of working independently of CPS. Fletcher's people make themselves look busy with 1/2 ass investigative findings like the PPP Loan fraud  (only 12 out of 43,255 employees were nailed, all Black people) and missing 77,505 laptops and tech devices at a cost of $23M to taxpayers.

There's hope as after the DNC, Fletcher and his lackies are supposed to announce hundreds of more CPS employees involved in the PPP loan fraud with a majority of them being Black employees. The only problem is it's such a city-wide issue, the new fraudsters will get a strern talking to and keep their jobs. (Word is a strong majority of the new fraudsters are Black employees)

Oddly enough, all the CPS employees nailed so far for PPP loan fraud weren't fired and DNH'd by CPS for stealing CPS money. No, they were got for failing to get approval for secondary emoyment or income and the threat they might steal CPS money in the future. The money the CPS employees defrauded on was governmental money and this whole investigation was out of Fletcher's jurisdiction.  Stay tuned.

8/17/2024 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The former principle of Whitney Young got his kid into Northside and Harvard (drop out) to start a solar company. All clouted up....former SA family.

8/17/2024 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gone are the days when each class had over 30 students.
When reading, writing, and math were the main subjects.
Today class sizes are down to about 20 students per class and now are taught “wokeness” programs.

8/17/2024 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make it a contract requirement that CPS employee send their kids to CPS schools.

8/17/2024 08:20:00 AM  
Blogger DG in GA said...

I have a couple of relatives who are CPS teachers who are all sanctimonious about teaching in the inner city and how wonderful and saintly they are doing God’s work for these kids. They both live in Evanston so their kids go to public school with college professors’ kids.

8/17/2024 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Public schools...aka government schools, should be made all online. You know the same mfer's who disrupt class, fight, cause all types of bullshit are never gonna learn and don't want to and they make it hell for those kids do do want to learn and live in peace

8/17/2024 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Civilian said...

Now that they're eliminating the magnet schools, that number should go higher. Would you send your kid to a gang-infested neighborhood school? Of course, most public school teachers are dumb and have dumb kids, so they probably wouldn't be able to get into magnet schools anyway.

8/17/2024 08:43:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

They're smarter than they look.

8/17/2024 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The number is way higher !! I know a CPS teacher rented their house in the City. Moved to a nice suburb to send the kids to a better school and not have to pay tuition. CPS doesn't enforce residency for teachers. They can do what ever they want since their messiah is running the city.

8/17/2024 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many members of the CPD and CFD have wives or husbands who are teachers? Do you think all the teachers support the radicals who run the union? I think there are a lot of good people working as teachers who are doing the best they can under difficult circumstances. Just Ike you. These teachers want the best for their kids and send them to private schools because they know first hand how dangerous the public schools. No shame in that.

8/17/2024 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have nothing but confidence in CPD brass and leadership during the coming storm. They will inspire and lead us through to peace and security in spite of these troubled times. The sheer number of truly qualified brass among our ranks who have earned promotions based solely on their meritorious actions should truly inspire the men and women of CPD to respect them, and follow them through the coming "Valley of death" as these leaders "shall fear no evil" and carry out the missions of our elected elite politicians.

8/17/2024 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The apartment complex just west of the Hinsdale Central High School football field is famous locally for such arrangements.

8/17/2024 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember when Little King Richie appointed a Deputy Mayor for education. When it was revealed that she sent her children to private schools she said NONE of the Chicago schools were good enough for her children.

8/17/2024 09:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My wife and myself worked two jobs to send the kids to Catholic HS. Kennedy was the alternate. Definitely a no brainer.

8/17/2024 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did the CPS OIG William Fletcher come from before working as the IG
and asst. IG for CPS and the Park District? Jenner & Block LLP

The same law firm where Forrest Claypool and Ronald Marmer worked together.

What happened to Claypool and Marmer at CPS?"

"CPS lawyer quits days after ethics report that cost Claypool his job"

8/17/2024 11:24:00 AM  
Blogger A fed up citizen said...

Please tell me why not one teacher has fired for residency violations in the last ten years. Maybe worthless COPA SHOULD OPEN AN INVESTIGATION ON CHICAGO teachers. Why nothing on this by the 5th floor? Oh we all know why.

8/17/2024 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me too (a victim of cps)

8/17/2024 12:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you consider how many Chicago teachers are single and have no kids that 31% they are talking about is a low ball figure. It would be interesting to know how many teachers, who have children, send them to private schools? Want to bet that number is well over 31%?

8/17/2024 01:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And…..who left the cocaine at the White House?

8/17/2024 02:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No surprise what so ever over 31 % of the communist teachers union send there kids to private schools, or schools outside the city were they live in violation of residence requirements ! CPS is indoctrinating these under educated, illiterate individuals into the new progressive socialist communist Democratic Party ! Sheep on the Democratic plantation just do what I tell you to do, and we’ll take good care of you’s ! Now just behave yourself like the good slave’s that you are !

8/17/2024 07:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And who let the dogs out!

8/17/2024 08:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CPS does nail teachers for residency as Nick Schuler nailed 24 in his last year as CPS OIG in 2019 or 2020. Nick went after everyone corrupt even the connected, this led to him being forced to resign.

Fletcher only goes after residency violators his handlers say to go after, same with the PPP Loan Fraudsters. When Fletcher was the Park District"s IG, he went after 1-3 of their employees a year for residency.

Fletcher has that insider illuminati smell all over him. Be careful when dealing with him or anyone from his office or CPS Investigations Office (CPS Law).

8/17/2024 09:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The CPS OIG investigation into the 77,505 missing or lost laptops and tech devices $23M) is shady at best, especially as over $2.5M+ in tracking devices were bought and not used by CPS. Why?

How does CPS keep track of how many laptops and tech devices were handed out to students and employees and how many were returned per school, but CPS has no official record keeping of how many were lost or missing?

Fletcher's people in the CPS OIG's office were able to go through CPS inventory records and see 77,505 laptops were missing or lost and then determine 36 schools lost all of laptops and tech devices. Yet, CPS themselves can't tell anyone what schools lost the 77,505 laptops and tech devices and how many of them.

The CPS OIG doesn't keep track of any of CPS' inventory on a normal basis, so, the information they found came from CPS own inventory records. Why is CPS unable to respond to FOIA Requests with the number of laptops and tech devices lost or missing by each school?

Where's the FBI to reopen this investigation and do a real investigation? Is someone selling these laptops and tech devices a second time? Fletcher and his office need to start doing some explaining to the Feds.

8/17/2024 10:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is intentionally low reporting - previous data had it at 43%

8/17/2024 11:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teaching students what to think is a lot easier than teaching them how to think.

8/17/2024 11:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give the dei corrupt teachers of the worst school system in the USA Give em all raises. It's the democrat way, you tax paying suckers.

8/18/2024 08:17:00 AM  

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