Thursday, August 29, 2024

Probably Political Theater....

 ....but you never know if something could break loose:

  • The “Social Security Fairness Act” would repeal both the “Windfall Elimination Provision” and the “Government Pension Offset” in current Social Security law. In the House, H.R. 82 was introduced by Representatives Garret Graves (R-LA) and Abigail Spanberger (D-VA). In the Senate, S. 597 was introduced by Senators Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Susan Collins (R-ME).

    The repeal of the Windfall Elimination (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO) has been a top legislative priority for the FOP since 1997.  In this Congress, we have historically high support for both the House and the Senate bills.

    At this time, we are focused on bringing H.R. 82 to the House floor using a procedure called a discharge petition.  A discharge petition is a legislative mechanism to move legislation directly to the floor provided the petition—an actual document--is physically signed by 218 Members of the House.  Members can begin signing this petition on 10 September—one day after the House returns to session.  We are asking that ALL FOP members use this Action Center to send an email to their House member asking them to sign the discharge petition for H. Res. 1410, which will bring H.R. 82 to the floor!

There is a linked form-set within the actual article walking you through the process, not to dissimilar from the "witness slips" we've linked to for Springfield legislation. The more names it gets, the more engaged the FOP lobbyists are with people who may vote on this.

This is the National FOP, not Lodge 7.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I filled it out and received a nice form letter from my Congressman.

The more that are filled out the better.
Hopefully it will work this time around since the demo-crats are so hard pressed to get ‘Cackling Kamala’ in the big seat.

8/29/2024 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hell.. Piss pants Joe tried to wipe away Student loans just to buy votes.
These bastards are so desperate, this time it just might work.

Tell everyone to fill out the form.

8/29/2024 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“This is the National FOP, not Lodge 7.”

Hysterical. Cuz J-Kitten was bragging at tonight general meeting how he and his ball polisher Cosentino were instrumental in “getting the ball rolling on this”. He also claimed that if it doesn’t happen he’s already laid the foundation to no longer have federal taxes taken out of pension payments as a compromise. The kitten is delusional, yet he still has a lot of simpletons fooled.

8/29/2024 01:17:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Finally, righting a wrong. Many keeses if it makes it.

8/29/2024 04:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Just a Gurl said...

This was not mentioned at the general meeting other than windfall elimination slatted for late October,(?) veto session?

8/29/2024 05:49:00 AM  
Blogger DixonSyder said...

Rep. Spanberger is responsible for the passing of the Bunker Act which now allows the $3000.00 deduction on taxes for first responders health care to be paid from any source. Previously, as a retiree, health insurance payments needed to be paid directly from the pension provider in order to be deductible but now any way paid, from any source, is now allowed. Thanks Rep Spanberger!

8/29/2024 06:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Catanzara lies when it comes to taking credit for something he never was involved in. What a POS.

This was the national FOP that deserves the credit. Not John Catanzara. John Catanzara did not do shit.

8/29/2024 07:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This could potentially save you many thousands of dollars and only took me two minutes to complete, the narrative is already written!

8/29/2024 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unable to find that on rep site

8/29/2024 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.".but you never know if something could break loose:"

Open this link at top of post to access the National FOP Action Center in order to contact your House member email request form

8/29/2024 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Republican Mike Johnson is holding it up.

8/29/2024 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Want to know what we will lose if is passes.

8/29/2024 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was there and heard him mention it, he never bragged or took any credit for it. He did talk about the taxes as a compromise but did not seem hopeful about it.

8/29/2024 09:47:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You’d do what. I remenmer Catz walking the line:

8/29/2024 11:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let’s hope it grows legs and there is movement on the bill. Maybe before the election. I’m not getting my hopes up because Washington is looking for tax money, not wanting to give more breaks. We can hope they right this wrong

8/29/2024 12:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comes up every election cycle.

8/29/2024 10:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bullshit. He is a conservative who loves the police.

8/29/2024 10:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you shoulda paid more attention. JMoron did mention that and couldn’t stop patting himself on the back between that and food truck stories. You know the food truck right? The one they bought with Federal Covid PPE $$$

8/29/2024 11:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be nice if it was retro for us old codgers,but if passed that would probably never pass, they make sure the well is always dry. Rosty you fuck. The dems always claim Republicans want to end ss and Medicare but it's the dems who cut our benefits and raised our taxes. They want to means test unemployment too. Not an issue for gubmint workers but trades people often collect in the winter. After decades of working you own a house and have savings they say your not eligible even though your employer has to keep paying in every week. Asshole democrats do everything in their power to disinventizise working for a living. Workers paradise of hellinois.

8/30/2024 02:19:00 PM  

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