Wednesday, August 28, 2024

This Again

There must be an election coming up, because the COVIDiots are on every news station, in every newspaper, crying on every website:

  • NYTimes via - In the fifth summer of COVID, cases are surging, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported “high” or “very high” levels of the virus in wastewater in almost every state. The rate of hospitalizations with COVID is nearly twice what it was at this time last summer, and deaths — despite being down almost 75% from what they were at the worst of the pandemic — are still double what they were this spring.
  • ABC via - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved an updated COVID-19 shot for everyone 6 months old and up, which renews a now-annual quandary for Americans: Get the shot now, with the latest COVID outbreak sweeping the country, or hold it in reserve for the winter wave?
  • Slum Times peddling panic porn - Alpha. Beta. Delta. Omicron. It’s been hard to keep track of the COVID-19 lingo as the viruses evolve and mutate into new variants and strains itching to wreak havoc on our immune systems. The latest variant, KP.3.1.1, is associated with the latest “FLiRT” variants and accounted for more than a third (31% to 49%) of new cases in the country during the first two weeks of August, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Viruses follow a predictable path....every single time - becoming more transmissible over time while losing what makes them deadly. Of the million dead, over 90% had four or more co-morbidities, so unless you're at super high risk AND super unhealthy, this presents as a cold of varying degrees. The only time we had COVID, we didn't even know it until a family test revealed it when someone brought it home from school. Other members of the household were laid low for a few days, but no one ended up in trouble.

How about - after consulting with your medical providers - you make a decision based on your needs and risks? You know, like it used to be.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was dangerous years ago now it's the same as sniffles.

Good luck locking us down again.

Those bastards will never pull that off again.

8/28/2024 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Buy the book “Cause Unknown” by Edward Dowd for the scoop on Covid deaths. Best researched book ever.

8/28/2024 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did not take the vaccine. I had covid twice (February, 2020 and September 2022). In August 2023, I experienced Myocarditis and Bradycardia and ended up in the ER and was referred to a cardiologist. I ended up with a second cardiologist who specializes in electrophysiology. My initial myocarditis was 39%. I’m lucky-today it’s less than 1% without any medication or treatment. Here’s the scary part- both cardiologists said I’m lucky I didn't get vaxxed; they said everybody in the waiting room but me was vaccinated. Get vaccinated at your own risk.

8/28/2024 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simple Simon here...

Wear a mask, six feet'll be fine.

8/28/2024 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many people were killed by doctors and hospitals by putting sick people on ventilators and blowing out their lungs, or on Remdesivir which shut down their organs, or coerced deadly jabs?

How much money did hospitals make per “Covid death?”

How much money are doctors making pushing drugs and “vaccinations” on patients?

“Wellness” my fucking ass! It’s not “health care” it should be called “keep a motherfucker sick” care.

They want you sick and on meds! You’re a revenue stream, that’s it.

8/28/2024 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

COVID classic was nasty. Hackin and coughing for almost a month...

Next couple of times - like a cold...

Fourth time - knew I had something a few days before it hit, felt "off". 4 days later - nose like a faucet, go test - and it was positive in about 5 seconds... Next day, nose back to normal. 3 days, done.

Forget the shots - myocarditis, weird dreams... too many questions about their safety, efficacy, etc. Take some Zinc, Vitamin D3 and move on... If you catch it - some ivermectin will do the trick.

8/28/2024 01:06:00 AM  
Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

Now’s as good of time as any to remind everyone that Stupidintendent Snelling was a willing participant in coercing coppers to submit to an arbitrary Covid policy or face discipline - up to and including termination - at the whim and direction of his political master, Larry Lightloafers.

Snelling doesn’t give fuck the first about the rank and file past being useful idiots to justify his existence. And anyone who thinks otherwise is a fucking moron.

8/28/2024 02:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Edgewater/Andersonville is one of theee most liberal neighborhoods in Chicago. They pushed hard to elect Johnson, because you know....he was very qualified!

8/28/2024 02:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget monkeypox. Fauci just got it.

8/28/2024 03:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How would they know that "cases are surging", since 90-95% of the population doesn't test for covid anymore. Test kits are somewhere in the $15-20 dollar range. Who would spend that when the symptoms are just as you said, that of a cold.

8/28/2024 05:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A flu. A convenient one, but a flu.

8/28/2024 05:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Otherwise known as the ELECTION INFECTION!

8/28/2024 05:11:00 AM  
Blogger Bailey said...

JFC... I can't wait to see if people generally go along with this shit again. Has anyone learned anything, at all, in the years since 2020?
Has the behaviour of the government, at all levels, done anything to install a certain reluctance to comply with further arbitrary edicts in the average person?
If it has, then can one expect that the enforcement of whatever new and improved rules, directives, and recommendations (but not, in fact, laws)that arise, be more vigorously enforced this time?
Will the public demand more scrutiny of certain officials, before they decide to go along with more of this madness?
As for me and mine, we will not comply. It is clear what is being done, and why, and to whom. We will not comply.
Mike in Canada (or, what used to be Canada)

8/28/2024 05:26:00 AM  
Blogger Brian said...

I for one was never concerned about this alleged pandemic after the first 2 days when it first started. It is nothing but a virus, and I am not concerned about any virus since I have an immune system. Followed zero of the mandates, never wore a mask and allowed the job to terminate me for failure to comply with vaccination and preventative physical examinations at all. I have an immune system because I never go for routine physical examinations or ANY vaccinations since 1989, and have absolutely no intention of ever having one again. Living off the covid vaccination mandate class action 6 figure lawsuit settlement, so no form of employment will be able to force me to have a routine physical examination or vaccination and I self certify medically for my rescue diver certification and volunteer rescue diver position.

8/28/2024 05:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing worse than the common cold. If you’re not feeling well stay home. Ain’t rocket science

8/28/2024 05:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"With lockdowns on the horizon, the narrative that 'staying home is effective' is once again prevalent, as reported by some media outlets. Meanwhile, educators involved with the CPS are reportedly planning travel arrangements for 'working from remote locations,' which raises concerns about their intentions regarding children's education. On a positive note, fewer vehicles on the roads may result in shorter travel times for those who choose not to receive the kill shot."

8/28/2024 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marxist democrats will stop at nothing to enslave you. Imagine if they seize power what they will do to you............

8/28/2024 07:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Reports have indicated that hospitals received substantial financial incentives for treating patients on ventilators, as well as additional funds in cases of patient mortality. Some critics allege that there have been efforts to promote specific treatments excessively, raising concerns about potential ethical implications and the prioritization of profit over patient welfare. Furthermore, there is ongoing debate regarding the observed increase in cardiovascular issues, certain types of turbo cancers, and miscarriage rates, which many attribute to covid shots. It's crucial that we investigate these claims rigorously and ensure transparency in medical practices to safeguard public health."

8/28/2024 08:04:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

I am much more worried about monkeypox, simply because I am.....well.....Me! Now, kees me you fool!!!!

8/28/2024 08:17:00 AM  
Blogger Former Illinois resident said...

Best treatment for Covid is Costco over-the-counter generic night-day flu medications. And take over-the-counter Vitamins D3, C, and B12 daily to keep your vitamin levels at healthiest-levels, wash your hands and keep your fingers out of your nose, mouth, and eyes.

What's peddled by Big Pharma is a prescription drug which mostly causes rebound Covid two weeks later.

8/28/2024 09:05:00 AM  
Blogger Former Illinois resident said...

Have three friends in their early 60s with new neurological problems and/or one or more strokes since their 2nd Covid vax. All three now disabled, not working. All three flag vax as sole cause.

8/28/2024 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about - after consulting with your medical providers - you make a decision based on your needs and risks? You know, like it used to be.

If you have monkey pox can you still vote? Asking for a friend...

8/28/2024 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still have an entire room full of toilet paper from the last "pandemic". Because, as you all know, when the end of the world come, the number one priority for all people is, am I going to be able to wipe my butt properly or not. I guess I'll hoard booze this time.

8/28/2024 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who wants a lawsuit?

Within ICD-10 codes, there is a category known as “ICD-10-CM” codes (which are reportedly used by the CDC for tracking purposes), and this “CM” category includes the new “Unvaccinated for COVID-19” category and also the “Partially Vaccinated For COVID-19” category and the “other underimmunization status” category.

8/28/2024 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Migrants that don t use toilet paper or soap are bringing diseases, plagues way worse than Covid - which is just a strong variation of influenza.

We re talking measles, TB , bubonic plague.

IMO the Conservative Knee Jerk reaction that “COVID and other public poor sanitation germ diseases is no big deal “ that s the same as idiot Libertarian dogma that we must have open borders , no restrictions on mass immigration from anywhere including the filthiest slums of Haiti, San Paulo Brazil.

I want the borders closed and all migrant/homeless camps quarantined.

8/28/2024 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are election officials sneezing into the mail-in ballots being mailed out?

8/28/2024 10:39:00 AM  
Blogger Refugee said...

I remember my buddies in the union being paranoid that their union would “find out” that they were traveling during Covid. Over reach, much? I traveled a bunch during Covid. Red areas never embraced the bullshit. Blue areas did. If your flight crew was out of San Francisco, they were absolute Nazis, insisting on stupid “ precautions” like keeping the mask up in between bites. If the flight crew was out of San Diego, they didn’t give a crap.
Now that they have gotten away with it and their friends got rich, do you actually think that they won’t try it again? The masses should not have been attacking cops and poor, urban areas. They should have directed their anger towards the politicians.
As for the dead, I only know one person that died. He was in poor health, drank too much, smoked too much. He did n’t go to the hospital until it was too late. My hideously obese, far-left sister insists that dozens of her friends died. I doubt her sincerity but everyone that she hangs out with is easily 100lbs overweight. She stayed glued to CNN and watched their “death counter” all day, every day. The lockdowns were a multiplier for people suffering from mental illness.

8/28/2024 11:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I Saw Kamala Naked Says:

Chicago Chumbalones got exactly what they desere. Do Not cry now. Your greed and stupidity overrode your brains.

8/28/2024 11:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NEVER Trust ANY of them again, EVER !!!!

8/28/2024 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They want people to lock themselves down so they can use Mail in voting, which is much easier to cheat with

8/28/2024 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A good friend of mine was on the surgeon general's staff in DC during the scamdemic. I asked him what he thought of the mask mania.
He said, "A surgical mask is great for keeping a sterile environment sterile but, out in the real world, with it's dust and pollution, it's good for about 20 minutes. Cloth masks are useless. Using a cloth mask to block viruses is like using a chain link fence to block mosquitoes."
When his views became known to the elites, he was forced into retirement after almost 30 years at NIH. He's now a 'distinguished visiting professor' in the UK.

8/28/2024 12:30:00 PM  
Blogger Food for thought said...

Well it is federal election time, they are preparing to pull a 2020 election steal again, the only way to do it is by locking everyone down. The only way ghost will come out of their graves to cast their mail in votes for knee pads Harris and her stolen valor VP. And please DO NOT be shocked at the fact that the majority of the sheep population are going to believe the propagandist media's BS on how Covid is on the rise again. Sheep will be sheep, they will realize it when they are loaded up and headed to the slaughter factories.

8/28/2024 01:01:00 PM  
Blogger leomemorial said...

No more lockdown, etc. The last time this occurred I filed a report with the DOJ.

8/28/2024 03:01:00 PM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

But you Canucks elected Trudeau. Sorry 'bout that but you brought this on to yourselves

8/28/2024 05:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zinc as well. Never been better. No vax. EVER!

8/28/2024 05:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those bastards WILL pull it off again and the cowardly public WILL COMPLY. Just like the covid vaccinations.

8/28/2024 07:28:00 PM  
Blogger disturbed said...

How many of you we'll be shooting paintballs
at citizens when your mayor gives you the order

8/28/2024 09:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Word Salad said...

You should all be vaccinated because vaccines help a person to be vaccinated against all sort of germs that make you sick which is why you should get a vaccine to become vaccinated. Don’t forget to vote!!

8/28/2024 10:50:00 PM  

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