Hey Larritorious?
How are you allowing this grifter to run Internal Affairs?
That's a PPP Loan for $20,833 using an address for a residence she doesn't live at, for some sort of "business" she never ran before COVID and hasn't run since.
The loan was "forgiven" probably meaning taxpayers ate the cost for someone who was already making $150,000 or more a year from those same taxpayers.
Cuck Goudie, you want to get in on this one?
Labels: corruption
You go girl....
Fucking disgusting. Problem is there’s a whole bunch of them n on this.
Anyone brought into IAD for a deposition is a coward if they don’t refuse and disrupt any kind investigation while this filthy, lying banshee is in charge.
One employee--herself? or crackhead relative?
How much do you wanna bet that if Yo-Yo ever has to formally answer for this theft she says that she ran a … wait for it, wwwaaaaiiiitttt fffoooorrrrr iiiitttt…HAIR & NAIL SALON.
The Runner Up (fake) Business will be a candy and chips store.
You heard it here first.
I know everybody really wants it to be her, but that's also the name of her niece. The one that was tooling around in her car with the dope man.
I was always told that it was against department policy for commanders and above to have side jobs. I have worked with persons who once they made commander had to stop working the side job cause it was not allowed.
She’s protected. She’s of a certain persuasion so it’s okay much like how she got away with her play neice using her Lexus to make drug deals on the west side. Remember: they can, you cannot.
Goodies is STILL looking for January 6th dangerous criminals.
Fuck you ABC 7
Tally is absolute garbage. A total hypocrite, that would’ve been fired long ago if this was a legitimate organization. Meanwhile, she tries to harm others as if it’s all on the up and up.. Superintendent, this one is going to haunt you, shameful!
Anyone with information about allegations of attempted fraud involving COVID-19 can report it by calling the Justice Department’s National Center for Disaster Fraud (NCDF) Hotline via the NCDF Web Complaint Form at www.justice.gov/disaster-fraud/ncdf-disaster-complaint-form. Nov 22, 2025
My sister works for the SBA. She works closely with agencies that investigate fraudulent government PPP Loans. Apparently, BIA Chief Talley obtained two fraudulent government loans at her old address. She thought that she could get away with it by using her old address. Her immediate family members still resides at that address. Yes, Chief Talley stole from the government and falsified IRS and other federal documents as usual. Chief Talley claimed to own a self-care business and to have one employee. When the feds started dropping the hammer, she ran and paid the loan back and requested that the information be sealed.
Status: Charged off means she ran and paid it back when the heat was on. Or did she blame it on her niece, you know, the one that she loaned her vehicle to, to transport a convicted felony and $6,000 worth of Heroin? The Lexus that dedicated officers were watching for two weeks before they stopped it.
Let’s assumed YT is going to claim identity theft or deceptive practice. How is it that the Chief of Internal Affairs can punish everyone else monitor emails, etc, but she can’t secure her identification and she has no idea who’s occupying her personal vehicle?
Rules for thee but not for me.
Larry how can you not have any feelings about this?
Let’s see.. Are you saying that she obtained a PPP Loan after being..
Involved in a dating relationships with a sergeant that committed suicide after she was pressuring and blackmailing him to leave his family. Started an argument with him, pinged his phone and discovered him unresponsive. All documents mysteriously vanished.
Personal vehicle involved in a drug bust. Received preferential treatment. Assisted with punishing the officers for doing their job. -Caused Chief Cato to abruptly retire when he was the westside’s choice of becoming the next Superintendent. She ended Cato’s career.
Harassed a longstanding civilian employee at the H.Q. Civilian recently employee retired and filed a lawsuit.
Changes the outcome of IAD Investigators’ investigations.
Lied several times while testifying before the city council and got caught doing it.
What will it take Larry?
Change must come from inside. Reform starts within.
Chuck Goudie is a leftist piece of garbage. No way he reports on this.
Wait a minute! Isn’t an officer in 002 in callback for the same reason? Obtaining a PPP Loan.
A blueshirt would be drawn and quartered!
time to look at all the top test cheaters
When you gotta get your hair did, you gotta do things….
The Biden administration, the gift that keeps on giving
Harvest Small Business Finance was a busy bee! Lots of sole proprietor barbers and beauty shops out in my zip code got 2 “loans” of $20,833. Seems to fit with the spike in zombie drivers in luxury vehicles. Strange thing, why do they smell like they recently hit a skunk when driving behind them?
Sir/Mam, I salute you! Thank you!
It is a Federal felony. Why aren't the Muppets at COPA holding press conferences and leaking memo"s?
The IG would also have a perceived responsibility to investigate but maybe they passed on it?
Kimberly Foxx would have a responsibility to investigate the public corruption wouldn't she?
How about Gov Pritzker OIG? Or maybe the Illinois Attorney General but no he is making sure the federal consent decree on CPD stays in place so his people keep getting paid!
Gosh all these agencies having a case in plain view, pretty much put together for them??? Its like no elected official is interested
Chuck must be working on a bigger story.! Too bad there aren't any investigative reporters investigating Democrats!
When President Trump is sworn in time to notify Kash Patel his new fbi chief and his doj people this pos needs to be prosecuted and put in prison! Along with others that lied cheated and stole! Larry you allow this your complicit in it! Now be the man and walk that walk terminate her ass, call the new states attorney this happened during her stealing that police salary now this should negate the pension! No pension let her work at where qualified maybe McDonald’s! What a total disgrace! Exempt rank? No wonder we don’t respect gold star pension grabbing idiots!
At first Exempts couldn’t have a second employmen until a few Exempts got caught having a second employment. I’m sure they’ll change the rules and rewrite the directives to avoid holding her accountable.
she will probably get another promotion and then hit the medical for stress
What a piece of shit. How many other bosses did this?
99.9% of people that got that dollar amount are lying. Yo Yo has defrauded taxpayers and brought discredit to her profession (again).
This is precisely why left cpd early. Too much corruption among the command staff. The buying and selling of rank is especially egregious.
Retired in Texas……
That’s disgusting!!!! Yes, Talley should be shit-canned from BIA……
The funny part at the bottom of the document it states, You should know as taxpayers where your money went….
My hope is the new US AG, Bondi, will put together some sort of task force to go after these low life people who cheated the taxpayers……..
Wishful thinking i guess……..
Stay safe out there First Responders!!!!
They will not do anything because she is SPECIAL.
I want her job at IAD. Post the position NOW. Make IAD great again.
When are they taking her button, shield, and city ID card. No different than the bozo who was cashing dead mommies social security checks. Theft is theft. If she hits the button no credentials either just like all the other guys they screwed at infernal affairs.
Is that for her niece's dope business?
Meanwhile there's officers at callback for using naughty words. Gtfo, Larry.
Wow. What I could have done with $20k during the pandemic. Instead, I had to sell off all my tools and go belly up.
There's a second loan with the same first name but no last name and same address, loan #8210078408
Is there a CR#?
What does Fani T. Willis, Tiffany Henyard and Yolanda Talley have in common?
C_rr_pt. You guessed it!
Where is the feds? Where is the Attorney General. DEI hires at its best.
Yogi girl, you make too much money yo be scamming.
It’s legit just like all promotions.
Didn’t Commander K. Johnson go down for stealing SSI government checks? Aren’t PPP Loans government checks as well. Larry how can Talley still be in charge of Internal Affairs?
What other exempts are on the PPP loan list?
Speaking of ignoring the elephant in the room. Geesh! The real issue IS too big to be ignored. Everyone knows it, and no matter how much we try, it cannot be successfully ignored.
A national embarrassment and a blatant slap in the face to all honest white shirts.
Nothing to see here folks ! Coz "I gotta gets mines" !!!
Hopefully Trump will take up this crusade of PPP loan fraud and lock all of these mother fuckers up.
Garbage? More like the remnants of a dirty pamper.
“My auntie probably yo boss”
The niece that was delivering drugs in her personal vehicle?
Just remember if you get hauled into BIA, tell the Sgt. “ My Auntie is your boss.”
Has anyone put a complaint in with the City Inspector General's office?
I can’t believe we’re still talking about this scum. She should’ve been forced out.
Don’t attend any deposition to help this lying, cheating, criminal.
She investigated herself and cleared it. It’s all legit.
It's a rubber stamp if the ethnicity is filled out the way they want it. Stealth reparations...
So are we blaming the niece that was with the felony inside of Talley’s vehicle? How did the niece cash the check, her driver’s license was expired and suspended. She doesn’t have I.D. or a driver’s license. At least that’s what she told the officers during the traffic stop. They actually verified the suspended D.L.
Cowards going down to the IAD for depositions on behalf of this disgusting pos. Cowards trying to save her. All the while she’s hammering the rank in file in callback and continuing her corruption.
This is her 11th time.
That’ll never happen. I.D. Should been taken long before PPP.
So we can assumd that you have filed a complaint with the DOJ, and you would like us to file a complaint? Or you only want someone else to file it cause you are afraid to do so?
It’s hard to take anything seriously in this Department anymore.
That’s the family’s dope business. Y. Talley just provides the vehicle and the “get out of jail for free card.” She only has one employee and that’s the niece, the driver. Drug dealer/ Traveling Vice Lord KM is a partner in the business.
Are you sure it isn't the IAD yoyo? It's not hard getting copies of the bank application confirming the DOB. If you're a cop you know where to look.
Lying on a federal loan application is still a federal offense despite paying it back. I have no doubt it's yoyo and not her niece on these loans. Its easy to verify.
The sad reality is that larritouris, his chief of staff, and the general "council" have all described YT as highly capable and extremely intelligent. That itself shows the piss poor quality upper management of this f***ed up department.
the former supt's son?
Commander Yakimba Phillips must’ve done something really bad for them to want to force her out or demote her, because Talley has checked all boxes from Rule 14 violations, socializing with convicted felons, lying while under oath, involvement in a member’s suicidal death, and she’s still wearing a gold star.
In the know says..
The Superintendent wouldn’t have to keep adding members to the Legal Affair Division if he’d just get rid of Yolanda Talley. Each time she does something stupid we have a personnel change in the unit.
This department has high standards.
What happened to the command changes?
You first. This is two seperate issues
This program has been ripe with fraud, so much of it that it is impossible to investigate all of the cases. The low hanging fruit are government employees. I am sure that there are many more city employees engaged in this fraud. Each one should be investigated.
Chief Talley leads a life of integrity and promise. She does what is morally and ethically right and avoid questionable practices. -Signed Larry
OT: Senate meets today the 13th and the 20th. If they don't call the WEP for a vote we're fucked and it starts all over again next year. I haven't heard the national fop or any fop making any noise about this
"The Time for Honoring Yourself is at an End....Commodus" pretty good movie too.
That's not what charged off means.
The fucking address is an empty lot
And still is
The Daily Wire takes tips.
This post doesn’t say much about Talley. She’s the same scandalous / over-promoted person she always been. This says volumes about Larry’s integrity. He has kept her around knowing this. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
What about the federal monitor enforcing constitutional policing and removing corruption???
Fuckin no good democRats
nothing to see move along, she is merit, black and female the department and the media will turn a blind eye and use the famous quote " I see nothing"
Can we pull a CR# on this lady!?!? Anonymous, obviously, because you know that there will be backlash and retaliation....
So, if my tags are expired or I don't have a city sticker, I get written up. But this ghetto ass scammer and thief get no punishment.
you mean grifting
Meanwhile the itty bitty general counsel dude gave yoyo the ok to railroad an upstanding DC.
I propose that Yolanda is from this point forward addressed as “Thief Talley”
Chief of Patrols girl
gouuldie has no testicular fortitude
Why don't YOU conduct an investigation and determine if this is Chief Talley? How can you be so certain? You can't be....................
Can I buy a vowel
Maybe Larry can pardon her!
Everyone remember Talley's Lexus with the dope. But what people are forgetting...the offender with said dope is the same offender who tipped the Anjanette Young house.
Hey, those 67 year olds in sneakers can be vicious, I tellz ya'.
If my man doesn’t believe in me like Snelling believes in Talley, I don’t want him.
Family’s drug business. You can’t make this shit up.
I was thinking of something else 😂😂
That's why I left
It means write off. They got away with government money. Taxpayers wrote the check.
You know what makes me crazy mad? My entire career i was actively conscious of every move I made to ensure that I was always going by the book. If I had a take home department vehicle, I never drove a friend or family member in it; I never stopped in it after work to eat, drink or shop; I never drove it off duty. I never drank on or off duty, because I always wanted to have a clear head to make appropriate decisions. I never asked for a free coffee or meal. I never stole or lied. I never asked for favors for myself or family. I always worked the entire 8 hours, plus many hours overtime for free.
I did this because it was the right thing to do. I was too afraid of embarrassing myself or my family. I didn't want to lose my job by doing anything stupid or unlawful.
Being honest, intelligent and competent on this department gets you no where. You have to play the game to get ahead. Now in retirement I sometimes wonder if I was stupid.
HAHAHAHAHA . . . . . . . She still gets the last laugh.
Carter and his wife.
More keyboard warriors. Goof ball.
They are approaching the Cynthia White level of corruption.
Wonder what Mike Royko would have done with this.
Hahaha the absolute best post!
National has sent out updates via email
No see you don’t understand. I’m a LT now. There’s no more IAD investigations for me kid. Don’t worry, things will get better for you.
Fuck off troll with your repetitive but stagnant, You Go Girl comment
A "PPP loan charged off" means that the Small Business Administration (SBA) has officially written off a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan as uncollectible, removing it from their active accounts due to the borrower's inability to repay it, although the SBA may still attempt to collect the debt through other means; essentially, it signifies that the loan is considered a loss by the SBA.
You did the right thing. You can sleep well at night I bet. “To thine own self be true.” Wm. Shakespeare.
& Certainly holding the state licenses to provide these types of services.
First and foremost, Thief Talley should be ordered by the Superintendent to take a urine test.
I’ve a friend who runs a legit small business. I believe she has one full time employee and herself, a handful of part time employees. She has a storefront. The small kind that got shut down while big box stores were allowed to remain open. She got rejected twice for loans to keep afloat. She is resilient, so she moved a lot of business online & offered customers curbside pickups for online purchases. Still, she was the caretaker of two elderly parents & exactly the kind of person, you’d want to help. This whole PPP loan stuff angers me and that none of these people who fraudulently got loans are being held accountable is insane.
Even funnier, was these were the kinds of businesses that kept going during the shut downs. There were plenty of office dollys with fresh manicures and hair sitting at 35th street. I used to pass a braid shop that put black plastic bin bags all over their front windows. It couldn’t have been more obvious.
You weren’t stupid. You just had morals and a work ethic. I am a smart person & a hard worker, but it didn’t take me very long into my career to realize you either got ahead by being connected or kissing ass. There are a handful of legit good & smart people who get ahead, but I saw fewer and fewer as the years passed. Ones who had real ethics rarely got past the position of a lieutenant on score alone. You made a choice you could live with. I’m not rolling in money post retirement like I see some former bosses, but I’m content and likely you or I will be able to sustain ourselves post retirement. People like YT post retirement will have a big fat pension but I’ll guarantee she’ll be in big debt 5 years in because the greed isn’t sustainable
overtime for free?
If she paid it off, why is the status "Charged Off"?
A charge-off usually occurs when the creditor deems an outstanding debt uncollectible; this typically follows 180 days or six months of nonpayment.
Yoyo is the recruitment sgt’s pin cushion. She’ll leave once she gets him made merit Lt in a year or two.
Elon Musk is not having this.
Totally agree. This department rewards bad behavior. They reward those that show up late and do the bare minimum. They promote the do nothings, protects the corrupt and screw over good officers.
Fake business will be a transport service.
The sad reality is that larritouris, his chief of staff, and the general "council" have all described YT as highly capable and extremely intelligent.
Well that’s because they want to keep her around so that she can continue to be the fall guy.
Niece, nephew who cares? They’re sharing the same vehicles are drug money.
Well, everyone needs a fall guy.
Not what she knows but who she blows. Chrome off door knobs is her one and only talent.
All the big names did this. Look up all the big name bosses the past 5 years and you'll be surprised on how many took advantage of this free money scam. Pathetic. A blue shirt would be burned hardcore.
It’s butter, you gotta get yo butter did
If your exempt and you need secondary employment your, in the words of Jim Tillman a “financial bubblehead” or one greedy prick.
It’s bad when you’re the Head of Accountability and almost the entire department wants you to leave. It’s even worse when the only people that want you to stay are the handful of corrupt people that benefit from you staying.
Another female Exempt that can’t keep her drawers up. Sgt. Pin cushion you better be careful dude, it won’t end well. She’s trouble if you know what I mean, and the reports will vanish.
Let her drown, the same way she’s drowning the ones in callback. She wouldn’t think twice about stabbing you in the back.
IAD controls the IG’s office.
The itty bitty general counsel dude and buffalo butt should be unemployed. The Superintendent would be better off get advice out of a fortune cookie, a Cracker Jack box or by reading his daily horoscope in the Chicago’s Sun times.
She’s blowing a Sergeant in recruitment right now. He’ll be a Lt soon enough.
They are beyond it.
Know Yolanda from her PO days, She did nothing for the company, didn't produce any cases. She did brag about her uncle Eddie Johnson taking care of her. what a P.O.S. did she turn out to be.
A good man died while dating her
Maybe Trumps non corrupt wing of the D O J will charge her with fraud
You mean the same Pam Bondi who was AG in Florida and allowed Zimmerman to be unjustly tried for the justifiable shooting of Trayvon Martin?
The same Pam Bondi who allowed the female witness Jenteal testify while Bondi knew Jenteal knew nothing about the incident and was not there in person or on the phone at the time of incident?
The same Pam Bondi who is friends with profession race baiter and ambulance chaser Benjamin Crump?
Yeah, Bondi is corrupt and compromised. She isn’t going to prosecute anyone connected to the protected class.
I started to say she would have to kill someone but I doubt that would make a difference sadly.
Don't forget the incident when she shot herself in 015 one night - I believe 4th of July. She was a commander of 015 at the time and that whole thing was swept under the rug. We were told to quickly shut off our cameras and Cato along with other turds were running around trying to figure out how to cover up the whole incident. A week later or so an AMC came out claiming she got shot from a block away by some nonexistent individual yet somehow the casing was located in the middle of the street - exactly where she was standing when the alleged shooting happened. She's been taken care of from the start.
That ended over 10 years ago
She lied again
That was old lying cheating ass Patrina Brown Wines Mitchem who shot herself n the foot on accident
You mean Al Wyzinger.
I believe the Safe-T-Act allows anonymous complaints without affidavits.
No, he was FAR from a good man.He was a typical, especially being in 189. Dog. Merit, Hack.
You have to be kidding?
N.M. Has already been telling us he’s making LT. He was useless in 007, useless in recruitment and will be somewhere inside when he becomes LT. But hey he will be the first one to tel you, you’re not in shape. Rumor is that he hates his spot and is running to Yo-yo for a better spot 🙄
Three last names.
Another doofus.
Yes, that Pam Bondi. Is there another one out there?
CPD is her side job. POS !!!
I sent this to CWB. they said they investigated this a couple yours ago and it was her niece
Thanks Talley.
You should’ve sent the drug arrest and the connection to the blotched search warrant
Which niece? The one who told the officers, “My aunt is a police officer too, my aunt is probably yo boss so don’t even worry about it”, before the officers were “stripped” for pulling over BIA Chief Talley’s personal vehicle that was being used to transport $6,300 worth of Heroin? Hopeful it wasn’t the bad batch of Heroin that was laced with fentanyl. Is fentanyl not a problem on the west side of Chicago? PPP Loan and drugs go hand and hand.
Talley's people gave Larry the job.
And the idiots who did the search warrant weren’t smart enough to do their own surveillance to verify the info.
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