Another "Conspiracy" Comes True
That "wet market" origin story of COVID? Turns out to be bull$hit:
The CIA has changed its assessment on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, now favoring the lab leak theory. Under its new director, John Ratcliffe, the agency released an assessment on the origins of COVID-19.
The review was ordered by former President Joe Biden’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan toward the end of Biden's time in office.
And the CIA was ordered - BY LAW - to release the finding, but Biden and the CIA violated the Covid-19 Origin Act of 2023, which mandated the the release of all info related to Chinese labs and COVID.
But don't worry, we're sure everyone involved got preemptive pardons.
Labels: events
- Gomer Pyle, USMC
We all knew what happened, and so did the normal people.
That's why Trump won!
I'm ok with that!
I think you left out the part where the CIA has “low confidence” in its own assessment – which means that they relied on sketchy or inconclusive or non-corroborated information. All while still believing it is most likely that Covid spread due to a lab leak. Talk about contradictions! Still not very convincing and unfortunately I don’t think we will ever truly know.
You conveniently left out that the CIA has low confidence in its own finding.
I hope everyone involved in the covid scam dies of some horribly painful real disease.
They should rename it the Fauci flu.
Remember folks, if it wasn't for nine engineer eggheads at the US Department of Energy who publicly released their intel report on the Wuhan lab (and refused to sellout to the Democrats, the WHO and their Communist Party handlers), we still would have to say Covid originated in a wet-market. Based.
So democrats lie to their constituents??🤔🤔
Covid was released on the United States because the Chinese were mad about a YouTube video, states the truth telling Democratic Party who is fighting for you…
The Biden Administration was rotten from the head on down.
Should have taken those promotional exams. When the vax “turns on” there might be some upcoming promotions. Sorry but not sorry.
Godless Communist Chinese.
Except the new CIA report gave it "low confidence}, which means that the politicians ordered the change from the White House & not anyone in the CIA that actually investigated it!
Hitler 11 million dead.
Stalin 15 million dead.
Mao 50 million dead.
Does that put Fauci in second place?
Do we still have PO's in call back over that illegal vaccine mandate?
Kind of off topic…was Hunter Biden doing business with these idiots too? How much $$ did the Biden family make from COVID? How did Joe Biden (Mr blue collar…truck driver…remember that) come to own multiple mansions while collecting ONLY govt paychecks? Friggin criminals, all of them!!
Still waiting to see my 6-7 figure payout with the command staff taking the heat they deserve, fuck the government and fuck our department for making us take that poison.
The Clowns In America are the Fourth branch of government and control the other 3 via blackmail.
Prove me wrong!
Ssshhh!! Bite your tongue!!
Theres still Sheeple driving around solo and riding bikes donning N95 masks who don’t have time to be listening to this bullshit crazy talk 😂
Just remember they were the adults in the room.
LMAO!!! Bitter sweet.
It should be noted that Covid has never been truly isolated and therefore never been shown to actually exist. The gain of function story is a ruse to convince naive people that Covid is real, justifying masks, lockdowns and the destrution of the economy. This whole scam was done to get the naive to take the clot shots. Face it, we didn't have "vaccines" for Covid, we had Covid to justify the "vaccines."
I wouldn’t spend it just yet
Have a nice day!
Damn ! And I whacked my pet Pandolin for nothing.
at least we had those 51 experts which included some from the fbi that the laptop from hunter was a russian conspiracy
Fauci ain’t done yet.
51 "experts" fit nicely into a Box of Rocks - all without their security clearances. With experts like these buffoons who needs real enemies.
And don’t forget Larry Lightfoot, who was forcing American citizens to have a vaccination card to enter a restauran in Chicago. She should be forced to live in China.
This morning's ray of sunshine!! I'll be chuckling behind this comment all day!
Those 51 need to be hauled to Gitmo for military tribunals for election interference. Gen. Milley needs to go along for the ride too for aiding an enemy, Chy-nah.
Correct. Immediately after WWII ended President Truman wanted to disband the then called OSS and move some of its components to the State and War Departments as he felt there was no need for them, and thought if they stayed, the agency that would spy abroad would eventually in time, spy on American citizens. The head of OSS, Wild Bill Donovan, talked him into keeping them around. Boy was Truman right.
It looks like you didn't need to get Covid...they just wanted to give you the jab (x3)...thats was the real end game...or so, I heard.
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