Gutless Coward
Conehead loves the rhetoric, but backing it up?
Mayor Brandon Johnson said Tuesday he isn’t sure if he will show up to testify before Congress, as he and three other big-city mayors have been asked to do.
All four mayors preside over so-called “sanctuary cities,” and the demand to appear stems froman investigation into how local policies are affecting enforcement of President Donald Trump’s promise of “mass deportations.”
At a news conference Tuesday, Johnson referred the question to his Corporation Counsel Mary Richardson-Lowry, who said the “invitation” from the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is “under legal review.”
Imagine if a republican, any republican, refused to appear before Congress, either voluntarily or under duress.....oh wait, we don't have to imagine it, because it happened time and time again over the past four years.
But as we said in the title, Conehead is a gutless coward.
Labels: city politics, national politics
WTF do they mean, “All four mayors preside over so-called ‘sanctuary cities,’”??
These assholes called themselves sanctuary cities.
Johnson should be arrested for contempt and thrown in jail!
I would love to see Johnson in handcuffs!
“ There’s a reason the press isn’t reporting on the types of migrants ICE is arresting – “Wirepoints on AM 560 Chicago’s Morning Answer
January 28, 2025
So BLM Brandon doesn’t know if he will appear at the hearing. He will hire many attorneys at our expense to look for the loopholes. One would think that a mayor who represents a few million people and has numerous crises going on in his city would attend the hearing. One of the purposes of the hearing is to determine. whether further legislation is needed to enhance border security and public safety. Who’s not for that?
Comer was smart to give these mayors an invitation to a hearing. When they defy the Oversight Committee subpoenas will be initiated and when they blow those off Comer will contact AG Pam Bondi.
“Surprising” our local media didn’t ask the Cone why he is not forthcoming and wants to cooperate without hesitation!!
Hopefully JB gets an invitation to explain why Illinois is a Sanctuary State.
There is a lot of seaweed and boulders under the waterline here and it’s easy to get snagged!!
Mayor Johnson is a bloviating bag of wind that was able to fool the low information voters. Even they are getting tired of him. If he has to appear before a US Congressional Committee he will be the laughingstock of the Country. His do & threads won’t get him through it.
Talk to my lawyer he said 🤣🤣🤣🤣
first, we ask you.
Second, we tell you.
Third, we make you.
Conehead didn't grow up in old Chicago or his ass would be making flight arrangements... oh well.
As they say an old school, I bet he has to squat to pee
He is pathetic and representative of SO MANY...SO MANY, just like him that I encountered on the streets in my 30 years on the CFD.
Let's guess how much that is going to cost the taxpayers in Chicago for doo doo hairstyling and makeup for his trip...
Republicans refused to appear before Congress? I didn’t know that.
Hopefully they subpoena him and he blows it off. Send him to prison like they sent Bannon and Navarro. Fill the federal gulags with democrat apparatchiks. Fuck them. They started it.
Brandon will not go to Washington because he won’t be allowed to have a handler with him and those handlers know he’s an idiot and will fuck up whatever agenda he has been pushing.
They are going to fuck with him.
He’s fucked either way. If he does appear, he’ll look like the embarrassing incompetent he is (y’all). If he doesn’t show and others do, he’ll look shady and Fed funds will be suspended. If none of them show, they’ll be colluding and same result. I love it.
Legal Review my ass? Brandon Johnson has nowvplaced himself and the entire city of Chicago on the White House hit list? Just look at the federal prosecutors that went after Trump. They all thought once the leaders resigned Trump would let the associate attorneys go back to normal work? Well baby they were dead wrong? Now if these attorneys sue the Federal Government for the wrongful dismissal they will be paying out the nose to defend themselves? Just to get a job back and be sent to some basement as compared to their prior positions?
Brandon take a look at NY city mayor Adams? Even under indictment he turned away from Democrats and had a sit down with Trump deciding it was time to stop the BS and get on board with the new Boarder Czars plans?
The sooner you follow this White House the better the Citizens of Chicago will like you Brandon? The more time and money you waste trying to stand up for illegal aliens, the deeper the hole you will be in? You have already chosen to be a one term mayor! So tuck your tail between your legs and go to Washington D.C and get your pimp slapping and ask for some money to help remove the immigration problem from Chicago?
You pay the man now! Or you are going to pay the man Later? Either way you are going to pay?
No one ever voted for Chicago to become a sanctuary city.
No one ever voted to approve money for illegal immigrants.
Immigration law is a federal issue not a city issue
It would be nice to ask Democrats why they have taken and used taxpayer money without taxpayer approval??
Look over here, Brandon conehead looks like your public schools are gonna get a major cut for teaching the nonsense. You’re teaching you better hold up on those teachers raises how about school choice? Let’s just get rid of the indoctrination centers known as public schools in Chicago and by the way coward, let’s see if you’re gonna go to Washington Because you’re scared :
EXCLUSIVE: Trump To Defund Schools That Teach Critical Race Theory, Radical Gender Ideology
He has no defensible position.
Conehead talks alot of SHIT when hes in a press conference here..but has NO balls to go to D.C. Cmon you fucking no balls, go testify!!
Maybe he shouldn't go to Washington D.C., Chicago is embarrassed enough
He doesn't have the integrity to show up and defend his positions...
"...No one ever voted for Chicago to become a sanctuary city.
No one ever voted to approve money for illegal immigrants.
Immigration law is a federal issue not a city issue
It would be nice to ask Democrats why they have taken and used taxpayer money without taxpayer approval??..." Oh yes they did vote for it. None of the mutts were bashful about what they stand for...
Change the invitation to a subpoena. Let Conehead's legal council chew on that.
Brandon is clueless and a coward.
Brandon Johnson is in for a world of hurt as he is called to testify in Congress. So not ready for the big time, Johnson is a target for the sanctuary city policies he supported in Chicago.
Wonder if he’ll double up on his meds before he opens his mouth to answer questions. At least Brandon should get a decent haircut before making a fool of himself on the national stage. Will they ask, is it true that you couldn’t pay your water bill on time?
Here's the problem with that: both idiots were elected by the people of their state and city. Therefore, their actions are approved by the people of that state and city. Those same dumb people keep electing the same useless democrats, no matter how much taxpayer money they waste or steal. By voting for liberal, thieving, scumbag idiots, the people are also voting for their policies. Prickster and the Beej both made their sanctuary policies extremely apparent before being elected. Yet most voters still stayed home, and those who voted chose them and their policies.
It was an “invitation” not a subpoena
Don’t forget that the bug-eyed dwarf Lightfoot first proclaimed Chicago being a “sanctuary city”
In the movie Trading Places Murphy starts mouthing off in jail. The other large prisoner say "you were crying like a pussy" when they brought you in here. No doubt that's how Cone would be.
Or definitely the kid that was always picked-on.
Give some examples of Republicans refusing
Totally agree, the thought of a handler not answering for Brandon is very scary
Neither did I.
Gonna need a little clarification on that one.
I say, give the CTU the exorbitant, bloated contract they want...
...and then close 50% of the schools and fire everyone associated with them.
With Henyard...
It would be great if he went before Congress and had a nervous breakdown on camera... Must see TV!!!
Looks like conehead is gonna get audited. Trick ass bitch.
Like any libtard he will cave when challenged with facts.
He is too ignorant to go before a congressional committee.
Haha. Dum mayor….. pathetic city.
mr $80k for first lady office remodel,$30k on make up and hair for conehead
time to start investigating $$$$landering
Chicago’s Inspector General just dropped a report exposing Mayor Brandon Johnson’s secret gift stash
Can anyone confirm this is a true post of Elon's. Hilarious.
Judges ruling, please...
Say goodbye to the mayor that has been paid off by the Chicago Public schools funneling money no more money coming in because of what they’re doing to ruin the children. This is a big FU to conehead and to the teachers that are trying to get a 33% raise as the students are kicked to the curb and coming out as stupider than when they entered to your end indoctrination centers let’s get that school choice going
Additionally, Trump signed two education-related executive orders. One strips federal funding from K-12 schools that teach critical race theory or radical gender ideology and another supports school choice.
Get the Popcorn ready! Go C-Span!
Actually he is very smart not to go testify without a summons. Never volunteer.
He's a coward and a failure. It has nothing to do with intelligence.
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