No Shame, No Accountability
Regular readers are aware of the disgrace that is the 006 District commander. He skipped the wake and funeral of an Officer who died under his command. He offered no support to Officers at Roll Calls, not even gracing them with his presence. After Officers dared to complain, that's when he bothered to show up and threaten everyone with frequent Inspector visits. And to top it off, he had his staff and cowed supervisors start keeping track of who was and wasn't buying tickets to the Christmas Party.
But don't believe us - believe the letters they wrote to Larritorious and others:
You can tell how much Larritorious (and his puppet masters) didn't care as Tate is still in 006, inflicting untold damage to the personnel unlucky enough to have to work there.
Labels: department issues
Larry is a POS. He has always been a yes man his entire career. "Yousa Boss!' he never passed a promotional exam and could not spell cat if you spotted him the c and t. Larrys biggest fan is Larry.
I like the quotes from great leaders it's a shame Chicago have non. I never met what his face cmmd imitate? He looks like a pos ducebag.
Tate was over promoted at Sgt. nothing is going to happen to him whatsoever because he is Snellings buddy. He will soon be lateraled to Narcotics or promoted to Dep. Chief. That’s not bad for a guy who never passed a promotional test, and as Lt. never spent a minute as a Watch or Field Lt, as he was sent straight to Narcotics, so hasn’t a clue about watch operations or morale. Only the best and the brightest!
They still can’t figure out why all the competent Sgts, Lts, and Captains have left early the past few years or are leaving as fast as they can.
Poor sentence structure and grammar aside, this letter writing campaign will accomplish nothing.
Think outside the box, people. There’s GPS, Caboodle, A&A’s, etcetera. Combine these with some good ol’ fashioned surveillance of the Bosshole’s residence and other haunts and it’s rather easy to jamb up a deserving motherfucker.
Submit all findings to the IG and BIA and watch them scramble to formulate and implement the coverup. Provide the same info to the media to initiate the embarrassment factor.
Ask me how I know.
Dragon breath Lt V in 25 at it again with her usual bulls shit last week. Finally seeing the light of day at bia hahaha
Working for bossholes is nothing new. Just fill in a bunch of zeros on the check off sheet to show your appreciation for their kindness.
Ooohhh! A letter! Better yet, an anonymous letter!
Yaayyyyy!!!! Your problems are going to be solved soon there, 006th District! Have no fear, the Supt will be there!
Nothing is going to happen to Tate.
Nothing. Not a damn thing.
He’s still going to be a Commander, and you’re not. He’s probably going to get moved soon, like to a decent Unit (that he will undoubtedly ruin). But he will never get dumped.
Not only do we have a commander who’s a no show but we have Lts who only bother to work half a tour.
Why can’t the dept ever admit they made a mistake with some of the commanders and demote them. U gave the guy a shot, he’s obviously not working out, it’s time to bring in someone new.
The people that would make the best exempts aren’t even putting in for the job anymore. Take a serious look at the area deputy chiefs, chief of patrol, who in their right mind would want to be anywhere near them and have to work with them on a daily basis. It’s almost as if the department said let’s see if we can find the most hated, inept and worst leaders on the job and kept promoting them.
They are all part of the Useless Merit Promotion Club.
Tate Oh Tate you horrible clown...
Go have some more drinks, washing your troubles down...
The chips they fall where they may
Your always having a bad day...
Your not a Cop, but a clown....
You sure found work
Since Ringling brothers Circus left town...
After all, it's not what you know
But who You blow....
Fuck off Tate .
Rumors have been flying everywhere lately that Tate will be moved to Homan Square before the next Lt's class. That rumor has started multiple times in the last year so 006 shouldn't hold their breath.
Everyone should sign their name!
Commander Tate, Commander Ward, Commander Phillips, Commander Barz, Commander Watson, Captain Fenner, etc. all come from the IAD. They know where the bones are buried including the Supt’s bones. The majority of the other Exempts were promoted by Groot after stripping officers for not taking the COVID vaccination. There will be no changes. Changes must to start at the city hall first. Maybe Trump will make good on his promise,
These letters seem cut and pasted in a hap hazard fashion. A little grammar lesson wouldn't hurt here. I get the point of the letter, but it is lost in the confusing text of these pages.
And in another few months when there's an opening, he'll probably be promoted.
Why do all these young coppers feel the need to share their feelings in writing? If you're waiting for an Exempt to call you into his/her office and offer you a hug and a safe space it's not going yo happen. Not happy bid out. Volunteer for a unit. Move on. The job is what you make it.
He won’t be in 006 forever. Failures on the police department usually get promoted.
Anyone know how many PAR Forms there were to bid out of 006 in the last two periods?
Bid out! Bid to wherever. Just GTFO 006.
“When you begin to doubt the nobility of your mission or the sanctity of your profession because your heart is heavy, or you feel anger, disillusionment, disenfranchisement, betrayed or confused— - stop and listen to the sacred stars that are enshrined at 35th street;…………….” John R. Thomas FDS Chicago Police Deparment
Retired here...Hard to read those pages...heres some advice...Bosses come and go. Both good and bad ones. Find a port to harbor in during any storm. If you are in a management spot you are more vulnerable...Bid somewhere, and bid to a watch and they won't be able to fuck with you. I imagine that most of the people who comment here are insiders who have to constantly worry about losing their spot.
I thought Curt Mulinex retired?? He was great for writing ghost letters
All part of the fraternity or Freemasons; that’s their qualification.
Well said...too many cry babies OTJ
Again, those that are currently in leadership are not there because they’ve earned it. They’re there because Groot and Carter wanted to retain control of the CPD after getting the boot. The DEI Exempts would’ve never been promoted if this was a legit company.
Because the Superintendent is afraid of receiving calls from members of social organizations (fraternities/ sororities/ OES) about their member being demoted. This department is plagued with that nonsense.
Every now and then bosses should be swapped out. No one should have to deal with a terrible boss for 5 years.
Tate doesn’t know what it means to support officers, he came from IAD Confidential. All he knows is how to monitor officer’s emails and follow them around under cover. He doesn’t seem to know what’s the problem. He’s doing the best he can with his level of job experience.
I hope you’re right. I’ve been waiting on a mass change in command:
Stop busting your butts for these loser bosses. They use you up and promote their friends. Come in with zeros. Don’t sacrifice your career and life for an incompetent, ungrateful, useless boss.
Shouldn’t be hard to figure out why, they asked for applications last year and what do they do? They give interviews to merit Lieutenants and promote them. If you are white who passed the exams on your hard work, unfortunately you are not wanted.
Sure. How you know?
Why? so they can be targeted for retaliation. We've seen what retaliation looks like on this job and it isn't pretty. No thanks, I'll stay anonymous and continue to call them all out; it drives them crazy, especially the Chief of Patrol, who checks the blog daily to see if he's on it.
You first!
This is the time to start a wild cat strike in 006. DO NOT generate any activity (ie. arrests , tickets , impounds). Answer your calls and nothing more. Period. Watch Tate start to sweat when comp stat starts to read the abysmal stats. Fuck that guy.
I'm not a fan of Tate but crying about who works, who doesn't & who's in caps is bitch shit! Bid out! Then you won't have to work with those black officers, caps folks or the kissass folks! 006 will be great when you AND Tate are gone! Again BID OUT YOU CRYING BITCH
A.I. Could have written a better letter....just saying.
Heard he's making 6th district officers write a To/From about their daily activity.
Tate is part of the “Peter Principle.”
It’s sad, the author still has hope.
Did they send the letter to Larrys house? Years ago in 025 Officers sent a letter to Sup Rodriguezs house complaining about Joe "Ho ho ho' Curtin. His house wasnt hard to find as he was usually passed out drunk on the front lawn.
Tate graduated from the Northwestern school of leadership! Must be a mistake. Only the best and brightest CPD get through that.
Hahaha. You guys realize Tate and snelling are pretty much best friends right?? Tate was his sgt in 007. Then he was his admin Sgt when he was A2 deputy chief. Then Larry promoted Tate to merit Lt in 2022. Day 1, Tate never set foot in a district. Tate went directly to narcotics. He spent 2 months in narcotics. By the time his Lt graduation happened he was already a commander and went to be the commander of 006. He’s a goof. Snelling loves him. If he wants to take care of him, move him to an inside commander admin spot where he can’t bother anyone. He’s always been a lazy hater. Even in narcotics as a PO. He rode the coat tails of a lot of good narcotics cops who worked a lot of good investigations. Mike just came along for the ride but loved talking all about it.
The more connected people f’up, the higher they go.
Sounds like you took that letter personal. I can imagine your reaction if they expected you to do actual work
Is 006 in the United States?
Relax brother, this half tour of duty is going on all over the city including the sergeants and LT's.
Just because it's "been going on" does not make it right. They get a big pay raise to lieutenant and then do half the work by only working half a shift, denying the watch the wisdom, experience and oversight (tongue in cheek here) of a field lieutenant. They are not fulfilling CPD's mission and stated goal of providing more supervision on the streets. Commanders know this happens but say nothing about it. To do so would be hypocritical. But they all lie about it as if it doesn't happen. Now, the blue shirts who see this complain, but if they really looked at the big picture, like how long it has been occurring, blue shirts should ask themselves, if the lieutenants, captains, commanders, deputy chiefs, chiefs, and ultimately the superintendent don't care, why should the blue shirts care to risk their lives and livelihoods to work proactively, or even semi-proactively?
Odd he got that. I’ve tried 5 times and have been denied. I’m also white… I also see the graduation classes from it. Whites need not apply.
and many POs…. I’m not complaining, I enjoy my Fridays and I’m on the watch. A cut on your Friday and when you have something going on getting a cut there also goes a long way. Some sgts get it and spread it around to the troops. Our watch is well taken care of.. we’re not in 006 but everyone gets a bite at the apple and I think everyone is pretty happy.
If you think a superintendent with countless sexual fraternization stories and beefs wants to pull the rug you’re wrong. They put him there because he is easily controlled due to his past.
Lol. Good one!
no way,,,, I did my year on the street and now must constantly endure all the sexual advances from the district c/o and caps sgt to keep my spot in the caps office
That's all YOU got from those letters? Grammar be damned, the point was made and got across. Sheesh!
Yes but it is the part that is failing. Bid out ANYWHERE if you are not happy. The bid out ANYWHERE one year later and bid out ANYWHERE one year after that. With the experience of now having been in three districts with a portfolio of work you can then make a career move that will be rewarded. Make your life better with hard work and distancing yourself from toxic work environments.
Damn! The dirty truth.
What has Traci Walker done that qualifies her to be the Deputy Chief of Internal Affairs other than Lori Lighthead wanting her there because she a member of the LGBTQ community?
Everyone should be writing. Copy and paste and just change the name. Fuck you small hands Tate.
He is making everyone do a activity humper to document what they do everyday
The Ring, The Nod, The Secret Handshake the Secret Word! its a Fucking Cult!
A bunch of nobodies and followers.
Chief of Patrol aka fall guy
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