Blago Pardoned
The Illinois/Sparkelfart deep state hooked him up for daring to do what Illinois pols have been doing for years - selling access:
President Donald Trump issued a full and unconditional pardon to Rod Blagojevich Monday, after commuting the Democratic former Illinois governor’s 14-year sentence for political corruption charges during his first term.
“It’s my honor to do it,” Trump said. “I’ve watched him. He was set up by a lot of bad people.”
The Republican president called the Democratic former governor, who once appeared on Trump’s reality TV show “Celebrity Apprentice,” “a very fine person” and said the conviction and prison sentence “shouldn’t have happened.”
Blago was not that fine a person, but he was better than almost anyone else on those wiretaps and mostly got in trouble when he wouldn't bend to Sparklefart pressure. We still think he should have named names and written a tell-all book to really gut the Machine.
Labels: corruption, state politics
His mouth got him 10 xrra years, his wife and lawyer BEGGED him to shut up.
He enjoyed talking too much!
Still love to read book.
It gets more interesting in NYC where Trump had the DOJ drop charges against their mayor Adams. Trump is a transactional guy. What is he trying to get or is he just fucking with liberal heads.
Every white moderate Democrat has been purged from Illinois courtesy of Biden’s puppeteer’s Justice Department. Blago was the first. Then Burke. Then Madigan. Daley was probably allowed to leave with dignity for helping Obama. This is what destroyed Illinois and Chicago. Each one was replaced by a full blown commie.
He may yet do that at some point in the future, i think he’s waiting to see how his luck fairs now. A lot of polls should be concerned.
Just because others higher up were also wrong doesn't mean Blago was right, or was wrongfully prosecuted, or deserves a pardon. He's a corrupt piece of shit just like the rest of them that should've gone down when he took the fall. Fuck him.
Blago was a stand up guy even though he was screwed by the machine. Glad he got pardoned. He deserved this
Interesting how this might all play out regarding Sparklefarts and Pigster...
Considering the assholes pardoned by Biden, Blago looks like a choir boy.
Long over due.
Maybe now he can write that book....
Anyone with a brain knows Obama was on those FBI tapes, let’s here them!!
This is how they are going to do Pritzker
According to tv news reports I saw he IS writing a book! What it may or may not say is still to be determined.
I think this is part of Trump's plan to get rid of Pritzker. Look for Rod to run against him for governor.
Another pompous ass hellinoise political hack that got nabbed and whining that it was all legit. Just go away and enjoy what’s left
Old South Chicago says...
I'd like to see him doing a pod thing...Talk to the Gov....and interviewing everyday real people...cops, cons, thugs, baby mama's, clerks, food cooks, mailman, taxi drivers, housewives, dads, who fix flat tires, trash collectors (not city kind) but them also....bankers, ex-cops, ex-cons...doing good. Yes there are a few...
fake preachers, gold dealers...illegals ...calling out Corruption
What you say ...Roddddd
Blago for governor!
Maybe he'll finally name Ald. Mell ....\
Naw...Fattie Pattie won't let him....
Blagojevich will beat Pritzker in 4 years.
Blagojevich should run for Mayor of Chicago
More government problems:
Spot On!
Phawk that tub of shit
He's no babe in the woods. More like a wolf with sheep's clothing.
It all went down for Blago with him ratting out Dick Mell, his father-in-law and silent partner in an illegal landfill in DuPage county. The Machine, or what was left of it at that time, made his life miserable after that.
Blago's Circuit Breaker Program, which helped low income seniors with their prescriptions, was a blessing to many seniors, including my dad.
He was on Joe Rogan last month and he is almost done with the book. It’s coming.
I liked him as a States Attorney.
Lets not forget, Blago never took one dime. Jessie Jackson Jr. and his wife took how much money, they never spent a day in jail!
Rod and Drew Peterson, two people that should have kept their mouths shut.
Blago was guilty as hell. The only "But" is "But" its IL .
Rumor is trump is naming him as ambassador to serbia
Sure he was
Watched Blago with Tucker. Appeared reasonable. Let's be honest: no one is as "clean" as the Clintons, Obamas or the "Big Boy" slob Prick-ster! (sarcasm) Slime is slime, crap is crap.
He's no saint but they fucked him over and Im sure his running his big mouth everyday before sentencing didn't help him. I wonder if he runs again?
Since Governor Fat Fredo was on the other end of that office purchase transaction, Blago will come out swinging when Fredo tries to actually run for the White House.
We still think he should have named names and written a tell-all book to really gut the Machine.
As long as the gutting includes blubber belly JB Lizzo...
This is good. The DOJ was overstepping their job. Adam’s did nothing wrong
This is good. He did nothing wrong. This was a BS investigation by the government.
Prediction: If Madagin is found guilty he will get a pardon. Don’t think he will be found guilty, it’s only a witch hunt.
Blago suffered enough, regardless of his guilt of being a crappy governor. Obama and Pritzker should've also been indicted, weren't, a thrived because of Blago's silencing. Go listen to Carlson's Blago interview for the alternate view.
He was wrongly prosecuted, they did not want him to be governor any longer and made all this BS up to get him out. He was the best governor of IL, more conservative then a lot of democrats wanted so this BS happened.
Trump has to be giving Illinois democrats what for...It just pisses all the right people off. I imagine that Mike Madigan is pretty pissed off right now. Blago and Madigan went head-to-head while they were in office and weren't even talking as I recall.
And I agree with an earlier poster. Blago's investigation came too close to Obama. Thats why they pulled the trigger early. I would also love to hear those tapes. They are likely destroyed long ago. Blago is the only one who can tell the story now.
As for Blago writing a book, I hope it is is not just a money making venture. I wantto see some scorched earth here. Please tell all Mr. Blago. I voted for you...Please show me I wasnt all wrong about you.
I thought that exact same thing!
Lightning Rod! Everyone has the RIGHT to remain silent, but how many are ABLE to remain silent?
No, I don't miss him. However, Madigan kept the "infiltrators" corralled.
You speak truth to power. Now to deconstruct the "enemy of the people".
Now is the time to tell all on the Democrat political "whore masters".
Do not send me nobody nobody sent.
As we know President Trump is a master chess player,and he will use blago as he has so much information, lets hope he talks and hooks up with President Trumps DOJ, fbi soon to be headed by Kash Patel! The prison in cuba is ready let the tribunals begin!
Come on man, it's fun to be real fat, a billionaire, a corrupt political crime boss, control the corrupt CTU, have a Chicago stooge mayor kiss your ass and a press core of concubines peddling the party line. Illinois, under Pigster, will remain the anus of the mid-west. Why would you want Blago to change our Nirvana.
Dude, gimme a break. Other than Blago all the others were assholes who deserved what they got. Hope they die in prison and burn in hell. As for Blago; he ran into his troubles when he got into it with Patty’s daddy, Richard Mell. When he didn’t do as Mell wanted, regarding b.s. jobs, he had to go. Now, that said, it’s people like you that keep supporting the old school dems in power. Smarten up dummy.
Another dummy. He was impeached from that office and can’t hold state office again. Yes, even though he was pardoned for his alleged federal crimes. Another dummy who knows nothing about what he speaks of.
Those tapes stopped because of Obama. Let's hear everything now!
Biden DOJ did the investigation which we all know was corrupted. Trumps DOJ found he did not do a thing wrong or illegal.
Kid….get a grip and relax
Should never have been charged
That is the play book, install one party. Using the useful idiots, then dispose of such idiots.
Gov. JB Lardass Says ! ....Blago...Be my Bitch
He can punish the scum in NY with Adams in his pocket.
I share the same belief. Now that Blago's pardoned, maybe he'll spill the beans. Is that the deal he cut with Trump?
Blago was the seller, how come the buyers weren't brought up on charges, like say, Pritzker?
Moron. Bush was president when Blago was indicted.
SCC: Where was Obama on nine eleven? That’s what I want to know!
There was no reason to shut down the wire tap on Blago unless it was politically incorrect what Obama was saying on the wire tap. Was FBI agent Comey in the Chicago office when the wire tap was in progress?
"I got this thing, and it's fucking Golden"........classic
A lesson for the youngsters.....Blago really, I mean Really, wanted to be appointed Ambassador to the Court of St James (for CPS grads, that's Great Britain) when BHO was coronated. The deal was that he would appoint Jesse Jackson Jr to fill Obamas Senate seat. When the fed wiretaps got too "uncomfortable" for the deep state, the investigation was "wrapped up". Have to wonder what kind a records on this are buried deep in DOJ
Blago's is corrupt, just like all of the Chicago politicians, but he's better than JB Pritzker.
I agree with your summary and would also add that Blago was getting outside the control of the political machines that run Illinois (in both parties). He wasn't clean, but he was cleaner that anyone in IL politics today and cleaner that anyone at the time. He saw a path forward outside their control and that couldn't be allowed. You also can't taint the "black jesus".
People think these DOJ prosecutors are honest-injuns. They are not. Fitzgerald was told what to do, he did it, and he's been collecting his payments ever since. What happened to Trump has happened to thousands of good people at the hands of federal law enforcement. The feds have always been political and corrupt.
You're not wrong, but the names you mentioned are dirty as hell, and this was a long time coming. Pritzker should be on the list as well.
He's got good hair
Long over due for a false conviction
As I’ve always said he is innocent
Steve Bannon he deserves a pardon as well.
Should have been done 5 years ago
I was under the impression he already had. He did an interview with Tucker Carlson recently, and he did have a LOT to say about Barack AND Big Mike (his wife), and none of it was flattering.
Everybody make sure to check out the interview he did on Joe Rogan. It’s about and hour and a half of him talking about everything and drops a couple names. The whole video can be found on YouTube.
Saw Blago interviewed by Joe Rogan on Ewwtoob, he said his book is coming out this spring. Really good interview, over two hours long, every minute riveting.
Outrageous to pardon Blago! He is in the same corrupt category as Pritzker, Madigan, Fast Eddie, Ed Burke, et al. He should NOT have been given a pardon.
Blago cannot run for office because he was impeached.
Go watch the Rogan podcast with him, it gets interesting.
He's the one that included police officers in the domestic violence weapons surrender. Can't work as a police officer even if you are stripped thanks to him.
All the above should receive a pardon. They did nothing wrong. Prekzker should not.
Spot on!
Peterson got what he deserved...
It's funny because I saw him at the DNC supporting the system that imprisoned him.
Blago sentenced by Machine judge
to 14 years for standard op effort at political horse trading. Never took a dime. Cook County killers receive lighter sentences. While white collar suspects normally asked to appear at DOJ/ FBI offices, Blago was detained in a dawn SEAL TEAM SIX raid, terrifying his small children. Media invited along by the smarmy prosecutor Fitzgerald
Blago sentenced by hooked up Dem judge to14 years for attempted political horse trading. Did not take a dime. Cook County killers often receive lighter sentences. Blago detained in multi FBI agent dawn raid, terrifying his young children. SOP for white collar suspects is "come to DOJ or FBI office." He offended too many in the power structure. Behavior of Smarmy Comey pal prosecutor Fitzgerald beyond despicable.
Yeah agreed……..But I prefer moral charachter, So both of JB and Blah-go can suck puss oozing anal blisters for eternity from a fellow inmate at Gitmo for all I care. Trump only did it to say F You to the Demorats . It was Dems that took him off the board for B-Rock. JB should have been a co conspirator if they were serious
Okay the saying is "Don't send nobody, nobody knows."
Um, both Jessie Jr and his wife spent time in jail. If I recall it was staggered, so their kids would have at least one parent not in jail at any given time.
He was wrongly prosecuted after being caught on a federal wire tap trying to sell any position he could to the highest bidder? All you Blago supporters are so used to corruption that you're willing to excuse it just because it was a slightly less liberal democrat criminal? You're all hypocrites and clowns with shit for brains. You'd all vote for the piece of shit in a second too. That's how dumb you are, and you won't even deny it.
You're delusional.
Is he paying you morons to defend him here? It's disgusting how willing you all are to support corruption.
Just imagine what Blago told Trump and the Feds about Pritzker, Chicago and State of Illinois judicial system.How many people are shitting in their pants right now. Hope JB had new toilets installed.
Would be interesting to hear what he has to say about Obama and Pritzker.
Then you're dumber than a box of rocks. It's all recorded for you to hear. It's not some big secret conspiracy.
I think Blago has been doing some singing to the feds about a treasonous conspiracy that started long ago and it’s still continuing to this date
FY! You are the blindmoron. Fourteen years and he did not take a dime. FY and the deep-state! I am thrilled for Blago!
This is interesting, but have you noticed that all, I repeat, ALL of the Obamas have left CHI-TOWN? But, Blago is back and Toni Preckwinkle has apparently fallen off the map.
Can we quickly get the county assessor to his place to verify the numbers of toilets there this time and raise his property taxes accordingly?
If you think he didn't take a dime, you have zero understanding of Illinois politics. If you think he was innocent, you're dumber than I thought possible. Blago was part of your "deep-state." He just happened to be a lower level scumbag that they were willing to sacrifice to save the higher level scum. Your inability or unwillingness to understand this is sad but hilarious. You're thrilled for a criminal democrat who's completely full of himself and corrupt to the core. If you had sense, you'd be ashamed.
Blah o will beat pritzker
Something tells me Trump did this to get to Obama. Found this on the net.
The Blagojevich pardon controversy is causing a stir among Democratic leaders, raising concerns about what newly uncovered evidence could expose. In this episode of The StoneZONE, guest host Mark Vargas, editor-in-chief of Illinois Review, joins Chicago attorney John Donovan to explore why Obama, Governor JB Pritzker, and Illinois Democrats are on edge over Rod Blagojevich’s presidential pardon by Donald Trump.
A major issue discussed is the 2009 Illinois law that bans Blagojevich from running for office, despite his full and unconditional pardon. According to Donovan, this restriction may not hold up in court, meaning Blagojevich could legally challenge the ruling and attempt a return to politics. If successful, this case could reshape Illinois’ political future.
Additionally, the Blagojevich pardon controversy raises questions about sealed evidence, including FBI tapes and Obama’s 302 interviews. Democrats fear that releasing these documents could expose past political dealings and contradict previous narratives. With so much at stake, many in the party are eager to keep these records hidden.
Blago might not have been perfect, but he had a good heart and always did things to help the Seniors of Illinois.
Dear 2/12/2025 09:51:11 PM,
Do the voices in your head keep you awake at night? They must because you are fucking bonkers! I do hope, on the day you are the instigator of an HBT incident, that you do the right thing and render yourself incapable of taking anyone with you.
Great point you made there! When you disagree with someone speaking the truth, they must be crazy. I guarantee you live alone after several divorces. And I bet you think your ex-wives were the problem. Maybe Blago will let you be his bunkmate if he gets caught on tape again, since you seem to have his balls firmly resting against your chin. Who knows, maybe you've been striking out with the ladies because you're into men who've been to prison. I wish you two luck in your relationship.
2/14/2025 02:09:00 AM,
What truth did you reveal? None. You stated an opinion surrounded by a bunch of insults. My opinion differs from your opinion, but I think your opinion is heavily influenced by your condition of being a bit off the beam. Please remember to take your meds on the daily.
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