- It took the system three years to convict Emonte Morgan of killing Chicago Police Officer Ella French during a 2021 traffic stop. And it took the system even longer to convict his mother of resisting police and trespassing at a hospital in the days after the shooting. But, finally, at long last, her case is resolved, too.
Multiple battery, trespassing, resisting charges, a bench warrant and over a year on the run , what crushing penalty was assessed against this waste of oxygen?
[Judge] Lopez granted her a 12-month conditional discharge and ordered her to pay a $514 fine, perform 50 hours of community service, and undergo an anger management evaluation. If Flores completes all of the requirements, the case will be dismissed.
Wow. Must be nice to be a ghetto piece of shit raising another ghetto piece of shit and never be held to account.
Labels: sarcasm AND silliness
I'd like to echo your last line.
When they get sentenced to community service, they just go to whichever black church or "community group" and get credit without ever doing one second of actual community service. The best service she could give to the community would be to remove herself from it permanently.
Wait until she sues and is given a big check.
A suggestion, for her community service, keep her away from kids.
conditional discharge is NOT a conviction
Five bucks says that she doesn't do it.
Garbage in garbage out
I move Judge Judy become a Cook County judge, or even a member of COPA. They'd have to open 3 new prisons, and give her Ed Byrne's bodyguard detail.
They'll never get 514 bucks from that wildebeast.
Wow. Must be nice to be a ghetto piece of shit raising another ghetto piece of shit and never be held to account.
Normal democratic behavior
You can totally understand how Emonte became the asshole he is today by being raised by that goofy bitch.
Part of the problem is the judges that we have in circuit court. This judge will be on the retention ballot in 2028. Vote no.
She's a ho....
Must also be nice to be another ghetto piece of shit Judge handing out yet another ghetto piece of shit sentence and never being held to account
FUCK every last one of these spineless piece of shit Judges
All she needs is a ghetto preacher to sign off on her service. Probably throw a twenty in the collect plate and its done.
Apples and trees.
So it took the Cook County criminal justice system 3 years to convict a cop killer.
It took the Minneapolis court 326 days to arrest and convict Derek Chauvin for the 'murder' of george floyd.
The railroad can get going pretty quickly when it is steamed up.
Ghetto piece of shit? You know the Judge?
Judge is the bigger piece of shit.
Hope she drops her cell on the tracks....
Hope she scores that reaaal good shit....
It's the Chicago way....
So called Judge Lopez is a Raggedy POS.
Ella’s murder was due partially to the CPD’s extremeist firearms usage policy. Shameful that a good young police officer was killed because of what the CPD has been brainwashing into the heads of their impressionable young recruits. The police Academy used to be all about training officers to survive. This no longer seems to be true, thanks to the influence of the Leftist political leaders of Chicagoland and their demented mentality.
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