Friday, February 07, 2025

United to Fly Away?

Another potentially massive hit to the tax base:

  • United Airlines has sent another signal about a potential move of its corporate headquarters from Chicago to Denver. 

    In a new filing with the City of Denver, United said it may eventually build more than 1 million square feet of office space to accommodate more than 6,000 employees on land it purchased in 2023 near the Denver airport. United employs nearly 5,000 corporate employees in Chicago.

So Conehead and Fata$$ are again failing to promote a business friendly environment to keep tax generating companies from either coming to or remaining in Chicago. Not a smart business decision.

Has everyone been paying attention to Delaware? The most "business-friendly" state in the union where 60%+ of Fortune 500 companies incorporate....and pay taxes. A libtard judge overruled two different Tesla stockholder votes regarding Elon Musk's contractual salary.

Result? An exodus of corporations who want to avoid having their companies run by activist judges, which is of course, affecting the Delaware tax base, 25% or more of which is corporate taxes. Who's going to make up that shortfall? Looking at you middle-class families!

Conehead's ignoring crime issues and Fata$$ failing to follow the lead of every other state in the Midwest in trying to increase revenues via better regulations, less government interference and an attractive climate to do business are making companies and people leave even faster. 

You even have another blue city/blue state luring businesses away.



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