Die Faster Please
The Contrarian has a new post up about the "Decline and Fall of the Chicago [Slum] Times." There's a linked "fund-raising video" that features two people - wife beater Steinberg and racist grievance-monger Moperah:
"The Sun-Times, I think, is an attitude," columnist Neil Steinberg is heard saying about journalism in the 30-second fundraising video that non-subscribers are compelled to endure so they can read an article on the Chicago Sun-Times’ website.
Steinberg is an appropriate representative for the Sun-Times. An irritable and haughty liberal with a checkered personal life, it's understandable that the video — which at first was only 15 seconds long — is unlikely to be an effective fundraising tool.
Only two people speak in the video. Steinberg, who is 64, and the recently retired Mary Mitchell, who is further to the left of Steinberg, is 70.
Not the two we'd put on camera if we were soliciting money from normal people, but from elderly boomer libtards who believe their bullshit....well, everyone knows progressives don't have money.
The article explores how the Sun Times failed - and continues to fail - to adapt to the new realities of information and how instead, they hung their hat on a "scoop" involving CPD Officers who were (A) exercising their Right to freely associate with others off-duty or (B) who got roped into an email list under exaggerated circumstances over a philosophy that two hacks found objectionable in the new progressive era....the progressive era that's currently burning to the ground.
Learn to code.
Labels: media
I stopped buying the Suntimes a long time ago. They were running anti-Police stories only. I wrote them a email address this and basically got a response if I don’t like it, oh well. So I told them then I’m through. I guess they didn’t believe me and many others. The people they write for don’t buy newspapers.
Starve to DEATH you fuckin' scum communists.
Then, burn in hell sick mother-fuckers.
I used to read the slum times front page to back.
Now I only do the puzzles.
Most days I get a copy at my breakfast joint.
I'll buy it once a week, tops.
Not worth giving them money.
I had to watch the 30 second video and still couldn't read one of the articles, I guess it wasn't worth reading
I wonder if USAID was funding them.
Suntimes newspaper: paid public propaganda network, paid for by the Democrat Party of Cook County (scum).
Steinberg might say...
I whopped her...Sure,...but she had it coming....
Mary Mitchell will say...
your wayissttt....
Begging for money because USAID grift has been cut off. Ha ha!
Using these two as fundraisers, it is no wonder Scum Times is circling the terlet bowl, and about to go down.
Moperah looks like a homeless Moms Mabley.
Bye bye, won’t miss you. At least the Chinese owned LA times admitted their error.
If just one mainstream media here in Chicago turn conservative they might be able to stay in business and flip a profit.
Finnigan still trying to steal a dollar off the citizens by glorifying corruption
Would not qualify as paper to wipe one’s arse clean
I sure hope your right about “burning to the ground”
wait, what? you say you buy it once a week but it's not worth giving them money? you sound like hillary clinton
Are city government subscriptions and ads keeping it afloat like the Fed was doing for politico?
Too bad. So sad.
They are too dumb and arrogant just like the city leadership to realize how stupid they sound. They don't know the meaning of truth and will say and print a false narrative to justify their job hoping no one looks into the true facts.
I thought Mary Mitchell has a disdain for Stainberg.
Die a slow painful death Sun-Times.
Moms Mabley, wow that's a name from the past.
N.S. Can’t learn to code cuz he hurt his hands beating his wife.
2 of the biggest pieces of shit. I wish Musk would buy it and replace all these lefty losers with real reporters. Then we would see how fast criminal shit on the 5th floor and around would get cleaned up
:the people they write for don't buy newspapers", exactly 100% correct but the Scum Times is to stupid to realize that until now. I hope it goes out of business by this time next month. Adios assholes.
You buy it once a week? You sure are a slow one aren't you. I wouldn't read that leftist rag if you paid me
Please, please, don't hold back; let's hear what you really think ......
I haven't read the Sun Times in about 20 years. The Tribune sucks pretty badly these days, too.
Their crossword puzzle is good. That’s the only redeeming part of the entire newspaper.
I'll miss the Sun Times, it was my birds favorite paper to $h!t on!
Boomer? Fuck you.
64, and 70 and still working??? When do these d bags retire? The Sun times must have a shitty retirement plan. HaHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!
I stopped reading their propaganda BS the minute they began writing hit pieces against the police. No matter the circumstances they bashed the police, they are part to blame for the anti-police sentiment. Unfortunately the clown low information politicians read the Slum Times and create their own de-fund the police movement. The Slum Times can go kick rock, fly a kite, fornicate themselves.
Remember working midnights and roll up on Sun Times truck loading coin vending boxes. Always happy to give you a paper.
1986 probably the last time I had one
How things change. As a kid we had three news papers. The Daily News, the Tribune, and the Sun Times. Horns on my Stingray to hold my Paper bag and delivered near 300 papers a day accross 2-3 paper routes. Getting up at 5am to get them delivered by 8am before going to school carrying my own brown bag lunch to school. Had to stuff the Sunday papers with the adds. Dragging papers on a sled in the winter. Delivered the South Town and the Penny saver on afternoons. Shoveling snow and mowing lawns. What do kids do now. Play video games log on social media and complain they arent given enough from the goverment.
I use a mozilla private browser, I've never been bothered by any attempt to get me to watch a video.
If I was paying and heard Steinberg I’d definitely stop paying. I wouldn’t blow my nose with these two rags that are the tribune and sun times. CWB Chicago ladies and gentlemen….heyjackass and spot news…amongst others…..a few others
So true!!!!!!!!
Trump is suing Fat**s and Conehead. Over sanctuary bs
hopefully you don't pay for the whole newspaper just to do a crossword
both of them are dickweeds hahahahaahahahaha
Maybe it’s time for a fFOIA to determine how much the city and county pay for ads in the suntimes
How could you post something that dumb? Go to bed grandpa.
Once all of us old pricks die off a PAPER will be a thing you see in a museum.
Bet the federal government was giving millions to keep them afloat! Now with audits being conducted get ready for their out of business sign soon!
ot: https://nypost.com/2025/02/06/us-news/trump-administration-sues-chicago-state-of-illinois-over-sanctuary-laws-and-vows-more-lawsuits-to-come/
Scum-Times and Fibune are both morning papers. The Daily Snooze was an afternoon paper.
Old man picked up the DN to read on the train home every night. When they folded, we went to buying the Sunday Fib on the way home from church. Old man died in '01. Haven't touched ANY newspaper since.
Could it be that they told you, and all conservatives to pound sand because they were getting funding from the USAID?
USAID provided funding to the BBC, the British Broadcasting Company, 8% of their budget, so it isn’t a stretch of the imagination to think the pamphlet Scum Times got our tax dollars too.
The comics also, otherwise I use it when I'm cleaning my guns.
Remember, media’s mission isn’t turning a profit, their mission is to tell people what to think, Mika Brezezinski slipped up on camera and admitted this in an excited utterance.
Since my parakeet flew away, I have Zero reason to purchase the Sun Times....
Mary Mitchell is nothing more than a racist. I would not be surprised if the received PP loans along with the sun times.
yep,,,, so true
Mitchell and Steinberg are the perfect stooges for the sinking SS Times/Titanic.
I pull old discarded issues out of the trash can to wipe my ass with.
Its fitting.
You can avoid buying the Slum Times by buying crossword puzzle books at your newstand.
Speaking of dying, it’s looks like United Airlines understands the death spiral when they see it. United appears to be looking to move their HQ to Denver.
Great work BJ and JB.
From a retired old time Chicago Police Officer---all of the above is sad but true. I grew up in a subscribing household, read it on the CTA constantly while working full time & attending UI_Circle Campus with a full class load, subscribed again upon getting married and becoming a homeowner, and still maintain the subscription out of habit. It is now nothing more than the house organ for the DNC/BLM/FTP. My edition was not even delivered today, and I don't miss it. The sooner it just goes bust the better.
Newspapers are REALLY bad for the environment. From the paper to the ink to the distribution, newspapers are responsible for the poisoning of our environment! It's why we have so much cancer!
He must have read the old publication…”Journal of a Wife Beater”. “I beat my wife because I love her and wanted to make her a better wife”.
Use archive.ph on batsh*t crazy leftwing sites, but try to support the sane ones. Cut & paste the URL
Same. Those dark winter early mornings delivering papers in sub-zero weather was brutal. Built a lot of character.
Was flying home from DC today and as I walked through the First Class cabin guess who I saw enjoying themselves. It was no other than our "fearless leader," John Catanzara. I really wasn't believing all the talk about him flying first class and driving expensive cars, until that moment. Then to add insult to injury, there was an Audi in front of me on the drive home (a few miles from the airport) with FOP plates that said "CHI 7." Hey John, stop spending our money on yourself.
Maybe Lucy parsons lab and the invisible institute can go next
In a separate case, the city is also considering a $27 million settlement for the family of Angela Parks, who died more than a year after being struck by a vehicle fleeing from police in 2020, according to the Chicago Tribune.
Why don’t you just cancel?
I doubt it. What Steinberg did to his wife is just ghetto foreplay.
Not that long ago Big Rino John Howell thought it was a good idea to bring ultra liberal Steinberg on to his radio show. His listeners werent happy and neither was management and he was canned. Guy has been on the radio since the 80s and he decided to hitch his wagon to this woke liberal cancer and now he unemployed . Does anyone really miss him?
The sun Times used to be good for wrapping fish.
WOW. You got a scoop of fake news …….Maybe you can get Moeprah or Neil to do an front page article about it in the news paper. Of course the car is paid for from his own pocket, and how he spends his money is none of your buisness even if it makes you feel jealous and whiney. .
Amen brother. I had a morning route too. Pushing that cart at 0-Dark-30 in the freezing cold, running up 3 flats to drop off 2 or 3 papers ? The Sundays kicking my ass ? Yeah I remember. Good cash for a kid back then.
the left wing socialists funding them have very deep pockets
When will blue shirts learn, the fop sucks, in it for themselves and are a useless bargaining 'union". Dump these fools and get a real union not a fraternal pretend union
tell me your a loser without telling me, still has a subscription to the Scum Times///LMFAO...loser
You bring it all back bro, right down to the horns on the Stingray. The Old Man would drive me in the winter on snowy Sunday mornings. WMAQ on the radio in the old ‘62 Biscayne wagon.
I love how John jumped in to comment. So this wasn't one of the many cars we bought you? I personally like the $90K Jeep I see in your driveway. That I know for a fact we bought you. Looks like there's plenty of room in there for Dave to sit in your lap. JC and his fanboys are such losers.
So if you were parking for business, why wouldn’t you drive your new work car the 83,000 jeep you just purchased because you needed it in addition to the 100K truck. Funny how the old board ( that didn’t rubber stamp your ideas) said NO, but this new board that does whatever you want approved it. Now we have to reimburse you for gas and mileage on your very expensive personal car. You have come along way from being a bust out with a foreclosed condo you had to be removed from, who had his boat repossessed and couldn’t even pay his 500 credit card bill ( also defaulted two months after first election) guess putting your name on the FOP credit cards helped you look good and become credit worthy. 3 new vehicles, new house, new girl. You have most of them fooled. You are still a POS bust out. Can’t wait for the raiding of your office. Show the credit card receipts JCOWARD.
I'l buy one at the news box. Then take every copy home and line the birdcage for a month! You can use it to wipe ur ass in a pinch!
Excellent idea.
Hey johnny its great we got the wep passed, now could you please reach out and call the President and get the social security to pay the coppers who deserve this boost after 40+ years f not getting what we paid in?
Anyone that uses either Chicago paper in their birdcage should be charged with animal cruelty.
"Worst Reporters"
Back in the day, bought one for a quarter and read it from front to back. Every day. That ended 20 years ago.
You can below me
Moms Manley, lol. Only boomers and older know who she is.
Memory lane…..
The Trib is another lib trash rag that is full of sob stories on illegals. Never do they print subject matter that leans right. Used to be conservative now always progressive liberal wailing. The editorial page was nauseating. Stopped subscribing.
Another virtue signaling leftist like Eric Zorn who lives in a wealthy, majority white neighborhood.
I get the Slum Times "breaking news" delivered to my e-mail box daily, and have no paywall to get through to read the stories. In 2020 they did this because "news equity" (I kid you not.) So DEI once again equals DIE - to the Slum Times newspaper.
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