Groot Policy Dead
Good news:
Compensate everyone who was suspended, anyone still at callback returned to full duty, discipline revoked from personnel files and any exempt who ordered/participated in this blatantly unconstitutional and illegal policy demoted and fired.
Yeah, we're looking at you Larritorious. Fuck you especially.
Labels: good news
Wasn't there one suicide because of fear of the shot? How do we get him back?
I’ll never forget the stress this department put me through. Years of hard work only to nearly be fired for not wanting an experimental shot. I also won’t forget how not one exempt stood up and said it was wrong.
Fuck every last gold star whore who participated in that charade. Not a single one of those punks could locate their spine and just say “no” and refuse to go along with what they assuredly knew was oftentimes illegal and morally wrong.
Will the useless FLOP and/or the PBPA lead the charge and finance/represent those who might seek legal action versus the City and Department?
How about making a few dozen examples and go after supervisors, whether retired or still active, PUNITIVELY? There’s countless PO’s who were put into a no-pay status, denied religious exemptions, disciplined for portal noncompliance and several who caved and took that poison against their will as a last resort after being targeted by this administration.
It’s way past time to return the favor and stick it balls deep into the asses of those who tormented the good men and women on this job who wanted nothing more to have the same “my body, my choice” right afforded to them as any other person when it came to taking a hastily implemented and unproven drug.
And let’s not forget… there were a handful of civilian employees from HR who participated in this shit. Then HR Director Robert Landowski immediately comes to mind as being present and directing the collection of stars, shields, vehicles/keys etcetera. All those cocksuckers also need to answer for their participation in that process. Seriously… string-up some of these motherfuckers and ruin them financially. It’s the least they deserve.
Dr. Fucci says...
Get your booster, wear a mask...and stay that six feet apart...
do I get paid now ?
Is there a law suit filed yet? If not why not would be a slam dunk win and a lot of money for lawyers.
I’m still waiting for a response on my religious exemption you cowards!!
There should be compensation for people that were forced to take the shot under duress.or retired to avoid the shot.
Democrats ruin everything.
Fuck the city, department and every vaccinated coward who pushed their views on us. Fuck you pay me!
Keep waiting lol. The HR cowards you speak of quit their little bullshit game with the religious exemptions after FOIA requests by a guy in K9 caught them dirty. They denied ours while approving everyone elses. I forget how far back in the threads here 654am but the k9 PO has offered everything he’s got in evidence to whoever might need it to sue. Maybe someone else knows who he is or just call the canine Unit and ask for the canine handler with the brass balls.
Why don't they send all the exempts to the Holocaust museum and see what people did who were just following orders.
Larry signed the orders himself to fire them. He isn’t going to help anyone.
Lets not forget dr fauci was preemptively pardoned by Biden gojng back to right before the gain of function research started. I'd say suspicious but even that is insulting when we all know.
“Stick it balls deep in the asses”? Yikes, make sure you use a condom
Never forget the gold stars who held those interview meetings with po.’s in the HQ 4th floor meeting room.
Thanks to Trump, NOT the FOP or the City, or the CPD.
The jab was all about an agenda and smothered in a lie...Now we know definitively. Trump was did come from a lab in China.
There are still plenty of us who cannot return to this job because of the COVID insubordination CR for not complying to the COVID portal(which was illegal by the IL union board ruling), what a POS department and city who caused us unbearable mental, financial, and psychological suffering. Officers, and even supervisors self-deleted themselves from this bullshit illegal order. I can't wait for lawsuits to pile up on these asshole supervisors who did this illegal order to us fuck you small bicep bitch Larry.
Sleepy Joe Biden was triple vaccinated and triple boosted, and he had Covid three times that we know about...
Now’s a good time to remind anyone interested that I’ve compiled extensive documentation of the city’s biased application of religious exemptions.
Numerous FOIA requests prove that HR’s process was completely arbitrary; their own template as used by those reviewing/approving/rejecting exemption requests says as much and their very own numbers clearly illustrate same. Additionally, my documentation was the basis for a formal, sworn Declaration submitted to the courts when FOP sought a TRO from the arbitrator during this whole process.
If any of this can be helpful to anyone seeking legal recourse, I’ll be happy to talk to you and your legal representation. Please contact me if needed:
Glen P. Popiela #14124
Canine Unit 341
Bell: 6-7180
I did what needed to be done. Sometimes we’re required to step over dead officer’s bodies to reach the top. Sergeants and Lieutenants please keep repeating to your officers “We’re all a family here” and “back each other up”. This isn’t the time to be divided so let’s stand together to overcome the vaccine side effects.
Take care,
Larry Snelling
Operation Warp Speed?
Will NEVER forget. My unit rep (341) provided us with a sheet with fields to fill out for every single person involved at every step: date, time, room number, name, star/employee number, fop rep present etc. He had the foresight to know it would come in handy years down the road when the lawsuits started (thanks Glen!!!) because we all know the department will disavow any knowledge of who did what on their end. I still remember the look on pontecores face when I asked him to spell his last name and for his star and emp numbers. same with that pig shemash. Her jaw almost hit the floor. “Why do you need that Officer”? Uh huh bitch you know why.
All of them took part in this.
And Fauci lied to Trump about everything. Trump, turn Fauci over to Putin to deal with, he is wanted there for Crimes Against Humanity
every one of these names gets zero respect from the 'rank and file'
every one of these names has 'baggage' and bad stories connected to them
That’s just scratching the surface as pretty much every soulless gold star whore had some involvement in the process. They were on some kinda rotation, so they all have culpability at some point. Fuck them all. Make them all list their assets. Bring them some of the same pain and misery they were all too happy to bring the rank and file.
Dump them all.
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