010 Shooting
Not a good weekend for criminals on the west side. First a garbage man shoots two armed robbers (video here via CWB website) and then a Burglary in Progress turns into a running gun battle, and a 10-1:
Officers responded to a call of a robbery in the 1800 block of South Ridgeway Avenue at 10:47 a.m. where they saw a man who they pursued on foot, police said. The man exchanged gunfire with police at multiple locations, and the man was wounded.
The man was taken to a nearby hospital, where he later died, police said. The officers were also taken to a nearby hospital for observation, and a weapon was recovered at the scene.
There's video of this shooting, too, thanks to ring doorbell cams in the neighborhood. From what we can gather, the guy was climbing in a window from a ladder when confronted by 010 Officers. He shot at them, resulting in the 10-1 and subsequent foot chase. Numerous units from the radio zone responded and a plain clothes unit exchanged gunfire with the subject.
CuckFOPA will be attempting to railroad the involved Officers for not deescalating the situation to the point everyone could just hug it out, apologize for the misunderstanding and everyone goes home to dinner.
We're told Conehead is cutting a check for the dead shithead as we type.
Labels: shooting
OT what’s up in 012 making the blog. That new guy that bad. Wonder what happen in 20. Curious minds
I see by all the reports business as usual. Continue as you were.
Good shoot thank god no officers were struck ,
what ever happened with the officers in the Dexter 13 rounds I shot a cop West Side Menace Reed shooting . Are all of those kids still being helped hostage at ARS for a year ??
Good work officers now sadly these officers will be joining a bunch who did nothing wrong probably sitting in call back
I'm sure he came down the ladder before running, so it was already de-escalated. I'll see myself out.
Criminals only understand pain.
Either they get locked up, or they get shot.
Of coarse the mayor is the pooolece shot one of his CONstituent now ex probably thinking of Reed.
Glad our Blue Angels are alive and well.
He may have shot but was the bullet actually going to hit the officers? If not then there was no actual imminent threat and the officers knew they had no fear of receiving an imminent battery. Therefore, it is clear these officers acted outside the scope of their duties and against general orders. I recommend the immediate stripping of each officer involved with a full recommendation of separation. I also recommend these officers be charged with homicide and a hate crime since they were clearly motivated by racist hatred. This city will not tolerate having racist police officers shooting and killing unarmed humans. The victim was incapacitated by the officer’s bullet thereby making him unable to operate a firearm meaning he was unarmed at the moment of being struck by the bullet. The actions of these officers are reprehensible. I have come to these conclusions by a careful study of the evidence.
Great work officers!!!!
Thank you for making Chicago better again.
We are still a long way from great sadly
No more martyrs just criminals!
Bring back gangs west
That was one heck of a shot, that marksman deserves a raise or a trophy!
Thought guns were illegal in Chicago....
Gotta love a feel good story.
My baby dun got shot by da poleeces and he ain’t done nuffin wrong now where’s da money for my pains and sufferin
0110-justifiable. Glad all coppers are okay.
CTU honor student no doubt.
Yea ok...go fuck yourself
Great Shot!! Another piece of shit gone.
Winner, Winner, Yardbird Dinner!!!!!!!!!1
Fuck off
Who covers the costs from all those shots fired by the police?
The cars , buildings and personal property hit by gunfire.
OT More trouble in paradise
Isn't burglary a non-violent crime? Or so that is what we are told.
That’s hilarious!
Gives a new meaning to "Taking the Trash Out!"
Well done CPD! Shots that hit the mark are important. You and the garbageman saved the taxpayers money.
I'm glad everyone is OK but the one guy in the Slime Times photo is even more morbidly obese then Fat Ass is. My weight blows up too if I'm not careful and it causes a lot of health problems now that I'm in retirement despite exercising 1 to 2 hours a day. I'm speaking as a brother and not a ball buster but if you actually want a retirement then lose the weight while your still in your 40's so you can hose the retirement check for as long as possible. And God bless you.
but,,,, but,,,,, where are all those white supremist doing the shootings that the democRATS said were the biggest threat to America ?????
The problem is that he still cares while everyone else doesn't give a flying f***. Cant blame them, the system is corrupt.
Saw the video. A lot to take in, but the perp was neutralized. Good riddance.
OT/ I can’t believe Chief Talley was allowed to give the Oath of Office at the graduation ceremony this morning. She made the new recruits raise their right hand, swear that they would obey the law, U.S. Constitution and the state constitution. Are you fucking kidding me?
great work officer stay safe
you must be talking about sos the clouted sons of supervisors another over rated unit they would start sh-t in the neighborhoods and then leave so the unclouted district patrolman to handle
Some of you cannot be this ratardet.
That's wild!
So many people unable to recognize obvious satire?!
State law states that the police can shoot at a "Fleeing Burglar" especially if he shot at you first! The department says "Don't you dart shoot!"
You must be a graduate of COPA College.
Whatever you say Loevey
I know you! your nickname was "DOGASS!"
A/4 Task Force would be better.
Apparently some people have never read a COPA summary report, this is exactly how they sound
God works in mysterious ways.
Talley is 100 percent what’s wrong with this department. Shameful.
It's time to make public the names and addresses and cell phone numbers of every member of COPA. You know, for transparency.
COPA will probably say the officers created their own exigent circumstance by responding to the 911 call.
What great officers you must be to not be able to detect sarcasm 🙄
It seems to have disappeared from the news already. Nothing on ch 7 news this evening. Only thing on ch 7, ch 5, & ch 9 websites is Snelling having mentioned the dangers of the job at graduation. Hopefully it means it’s over.
Thankful that CPD members were not physically injured however, to all involved, PLEASE take a moment to decompress. It was an awful situation and you need to recover emotionally. May God bless you all, and may St. Michael always protect you.
When he started shooting at police, it wasn't a burglary anymore
Home boy in 012 says he’s going to psych people for not getting him activity “not meeting his expectations”
This is copy and pasted directly from the Copa site. Word for word how they write.
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