Crimesha Giggles
Ah Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, you never disappoint:
While helping build Cinespace Chicago Film Studios into a production powerhouse for movies, streaming and TV, Alexander S. “Alex” Pissios also played a part in several real-life dramas. After federal prosecutors threatened to charge Pissios with bankruptcy fraud, he went undercover as a mole, helping them snare longtime Chicago Teamsters union boss John T. Coli Sr., who was convicted of extorting cash from Cinespace in exchange for labor peace.
Around the time Pissios sold his Chicago studio for a reported $1 billion or more in 2021, court records showed he owed money to the leader of a reputed mob-tied bookmaking ring in the south suburbs, though Pissios wasn’t charged in the case.
Before running Cinespace, Pissios developed real estate with Edward Gobbo, a former Chicago Department of Streets and Sanitation truck driver under investigation by federal authorities in connection with Bridgeport’s Washington Federal Bank for Savings, which was shut down over massive fraud. Both men, who each went through bankruptcies, got loans from the bank.
More recently, Pissios dipped a toe into the political drama of new Cook County State’s Attorney Eileen O’Neill Burke’s election run. Records show O’Neill Burke took a $50,000 campaign contribution from the onetime federal mole on Dec. 23.
She's been in office what.....just over a month? And already, (inadvertently?) tied into a bankruptcy fraud, and fbi investigation, and the Outfit.
Sounds like an old time, original Daley, Machine connect politician.
UPDATE: We are aware O'Neill Burke is unclogging the mess Crimesha left behind.
We are more than aware of Chicago, Cook County history as we are well into our sixth decade of living in Chicago. In this sewer you can't help but bump up against the crooked and connected.....but that just means you have to be more careful. And voters have to be aware of and keep an eye on shit so it doesn't backslide.
Image is a big part of O'Neill Burke's job and we'd hate to see her fail because she was foolish with her campaign's associations.
I was so sick of kim...enough said...
Scc, you may be nowhere near the street or felony arrests anymore but we are. I can already tell you things are leaps and bounds better with Burke in.
I like political surprises from the old days....
Like, Paul Powell the old IL. Sec. of State 60's ...when he croaked, they found shoe boxes of cash in them hidden in the closet...
Ahhhh the old days...
The Police Academy had their Christmas party at Cinespace. Wonder whose hands are the dirtiest… Bulnes or Cruz??
It’s a vicious cobweb that we weave. It is, “The Chicago Way”.
Democrats never disappoint, do they?
The Machine is back!
She should never been elected. In Chicago the slate makes ensure no other than the ones they want to run do.
I'd still take Burke any day over Crimesha or any other Anthony Prickwinckle appointee.
No lie...I had a savings account and "Christmas Club" at good old Washington Savings on Archer Ave since I was in high school. I had about $180 total in those accounts for years and forgot about them. Sometime in 2011, I went to close those accounts and get my cash. The 19-year old cashier (blushing and wild-eyed) told me I couldn't get my money! She said there was an "accident" with the bank manager and told me to come back 2 days later. Sure enough 2 days later there was a big fluorescent-green sticker on the door saying this bank was closed permanently and being taken over by the Feds. The bank manager "hung himself". I never did get my high-school graduation money. {snicker}
Time for the mob to cleanse this $hit hole of what ails it...
Ironically, no mention of the Chicago Police Officers who were employed there.
Oh give the credit to Preckwinkle. She is the puppet master of Democrat mayhem affecting our city.
Toni suffered the slight when her trained pony lost in the primary. Crimesha is way to lazy to be bothered.
I'll take her over Foxx or the other guy that ran against her. She's already prosecuting retail thefts as felonies, requesting detention for criminals possessing weapons that fire automatically, allowing firearms offenses to bypass felony review. There may be more but the point is she's unraveled some things that we coppers should all be able to agree with
"streets and san truck driver..." I'd bet a months pension he hasn't seen the the inside of a truck cab for a decade or more.
Surprised? This is what democrats do best
somehow, somewhere there is a vanecko connection
Madigan and Burke are already planning their post-prison political comeback...
Burke should be careful regarding who she takes donations from because so far she's been a ray of sanity in the dark abyss that was the CCSAO.
don't want Preckwinkle running some anti prosecution hack against her.
So she will give it back. How was she to know what this guy was up to?
I’ll take Burke any day. Things ran smoother with the old school politicians.
Just when you think the democrat party cannot sink any lower. A high ranking policy advisor to both democrat elitists Barrack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rotten-Clinton was convicted in England for horrific sex crimes involving a minor in England. High ranking democrat policy advisor Rahamin Shy will serve 11 years for this crime in an English penal system. Seems like top democrat officials surround themselves with like people who commit sex crimes which shock the conscience. Now you know why Little Dick Durbin won't release the Jeffery Epstein flight logs from Durbin's Senate Judiciary committee files denying another Senator's lawful inspection as an elected representative of the people. In total darkness- democracies die Senator Durbin.
Even Jimmy De Leo D-how u doin got a mention. Thats truly funny. Probably the heaviest guy in town back in the glory days. He had the balls to say Jimmy Banks is the cleanest guy he ever met. Still laughing at that. If this woman has any sense if decency she will return that money. She is the states attorney after all not some sleazy alderman
Epstein hung himself too.....jus saying...
Well...In Chicago its often the case of picking between the gangbanger and the thief. don't forget this gem
“In this sewer you can't help but bump up against the crooked and connected.....but that just means you have to be more careful. And voters have to be aware of and keep an eye on shit so it doesn't backslide.”
Amen to this! What are the possibilities that this story was researched & planted by her opposition, or that the donation was planned for this very reason on purpose?
Those Two Old M’Fers need to go away when they get Out!!!
This. Prick wrinkle cannot handle disappointment. For a while during the vote "count" in the primary they were working the "delayed" ballots but decided not to pursue this to completion. So now looking for some revenge served cold.
This bank?
Bridgeport bank failure a big headache for 2 prominent Chicagoans
Police *consent decree monitor Maggie Hickey* and chef Kevin Hickey are dealing with their late father’s losses from Washington Federal Bank for Savings’s shutdown.
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