Dart Backtracking?
An organization that helps citizens obtain public records is demanding State of Illinois and county officials release details on how many and which illegal aliens with immigration detainers are currently in their custody.
On Wednesday, the Coalition Opposing Government Secrecy (COGS) sent Freedom of Information Act requests to Illinois state prisons and county jails asking for copies of records on illegal aliens committed to their facilities that are the subject of a detainer order.
At the order of Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker, Illinois law enforcement officials have been keeping secret details of illegal aliens they have arrested and for which crimes, as well as whether they remain in state custody.
This was about the time that Fata$$, Turban and Duckworthless started backtracking and claiming Illinois didn't want criminals! Just regular ol' illegals.
Dart didn't want to be left out:
- The Cook County Sheriff’s Office
issued a statement that reports of it refusing requests from federal
authorities seeking entry into the jail are not true, according to a
statement on the sheriff’s official Facebook page.
Further, the sheriff’s maintains there is nothing preventing federal officials from picking up detainees in custody that have federal criminal warrants “as they have done countless times, as recently as Monday.”
"See Mr President? I'm cooperating....it's just all that darned paperwork! But if you have whatever I need to keep Prickwrinkle and Fata$$ off my butt, I'll give you all the illegals aliens you want!"
Labels: county, national politics
If only one top Illinois democrat politician was to get perp walked, hands cuffed, behind the back, out of Springfield and into jail, in front of a parade of just not local media, but leaked to national media, would the entire nation of democratic pols fall into line behind the Trump Train.
Arrest all the democrats violating federal law. See how that affects them.
It’s quite simple… Dart is a coward who talks tough but folds like a cheap suit when it’s time to put skin in the game.
Same for the blue gummed ignoramus of a mayor. He’s gonna cave next. Quickly followed by Governor Lardass. It’s just a matter of time and “persuasion”. They’re squawking now to appease their loyal constituency - while they still can. 47 is fine tuning his game plan before he drops the hammer. That’s when all the shit talking from Conehead and Fred Flintstone will come to a screeching halt.
Toupee Tommy knows no pizza party in the fed pokie ...
plus, other inmates will make him shower.
Yes. The U.S. Census Bureau collects data from all foreign born who participate in its censuses and surveys, regardless of legal status. Thus, unauthorized migrants are implicitly included in the Census Bureau estimates of the total foreign-born population
Illinois is just attempting to boost its population numbers.
Piece of shit Dart need to get the fuck out and retire already!
Democrats are not very trustworthy.
Dart sucks and so does his midget brother.
Time to primary this fuzz tail .
Dart 4-faced. Remember, he ran for Sheriff as conservative, then started all that Rocket docket nonsense releasing thousands criminals. Now, he's MAGA again to avoid indictments. All while we paid hundreds of millions of suits over his constant f-ups. Retire clown
Ironic, crook tried to warn Dart about is now trying to put him in the joint. Tom loves best ass kissers. Is Kevin sister still getting many workers comp cases? Sheriff office is too incompetent to connect dots of who was taken care of if they took to certain attorneys.
Not even mentioning those allegedly taking cash in civil process many years ago. Kev a slick S-bag. Statue probably ran out on everything.
There is a difference between an arrest warrant and a detainer. If they released someone who has an outstanding federal arrest warrant, they would face criminal charges. What Dart is not honoring is detainers. Detainers are an administrative order issued by DHS. Back in the olden days the jailer would call INS when they had an illegal alien in custody, who would then place a detainer.
Follow money. See how many transfers, promotions given to those who took one in particular workers comp attorney. Feds need to take over Sheriff office.
The Dr Phil podcast is interesting. Homan says they are denied access to the cook county jail. He also says, there would be no "collateral" deportations if they were allowed to get the person directly from jail. He said if they find their target with other illegals, he will do his job.
It should be reported, "Tom Dart gives up undocumented to Feds!"
Soros-owned radio station broadcasted undercover ICE agents locations, vehicle descriptions during removal operationshttps://lawenforcementtoday.com/soros-owned-radio-station-broadcasted-undercover-ice-agents-locations-vehicle-descriptions-during-removal-operations
The time that criminal enterprises masquerading as "religious" organizations are going to be swiftly coming to and end. Be on notice Catholic Charities! You're bilking of the American taxpayer days are coming to an end, and more that likely will lead to criminal indictments!
Bullshit degrees at that college. Lol
Could be BS but word was you had to take that Attorney or get f-with. Should probably go to febs before they go to you.
Another "religious" organization (crime syndicate) stealing tax payer dollars to resettle illegal aliens.
He will have 45-47 red hat soon
Don't say perp.
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