Garbage Man Takes Out Trash
- A garbage collector shot two armed robbers, killing one, outside a
Chicago elementary school on Friday morning. Police said the victim, 28,
is licensed to carry a concealed firearm.
He was collecting trash in an alleyway next to DRW College Prep, 931 South Homan, when two men walked up, displayed a gun, and announced the robbery, according to police. An “exchange of gunfire” ensued between the robbers and the garbage collector, CPD said in a media statement.
While the victim was not injured, the two robbers were not so fortunate. One of them, a 42-year-old man, collapsed about 20 feet from the school’s front entrance. He was pronounced dead at the scene from a gunshot wound to the head.
We really need to sponsor or inspire someone to give CCL holders who successfully defend themselves or others a free box of ammo after incidents like these. Obviously, this guy has done his range time, but who doesn't like to have another fifty shots free of charge?
We also need someone to keep an eye on the garbage company in case they try to fire this employee for defending himself - if they aren't sending armed guards out on the streets before the sun is up, then retaliating against an employee protecting himself should be highly discouraged.
In a sane world they would give him the key to the city.
He will probably get fired.
At least he is alive to look for another job.
DRW College Prep what kind of name is that? Dont Read or Write possible it cps. By a skool lesson kids don't grow up to be stick up men's or this will happen to you. Garbage man took out the trash that are worthless leaders fail to do.
I'll buy him a box of ammo, no problem and where to send it!
He needs 30 days off his route to investigate.
That man is a real hero.
So much for everything is good and crime is down! The garbage hauler will probably be fired because he puts his company at risk for law suits. I’m sure his company doesn’t approve of his choice to be armed. I hope things workout for him and I approve of him defending his life. Maybe he will be ok and the company will make a no carry policy.
Although I am retired CFD and now on a fixed income, I hereby donate. Where do I send my box of ammo?
In the early years, in addition to giving a free replacement vest to an officer shot while wearing one, Second Chance would give the officer a free .44 Magnum if he had killed his attacker.
After accusations that would constitute an unlawful bounty, Richard Davis stopped the free gun offer but continued to give a free vest.
I'm on the beach. Do companies give free replacement vests now?
Bravo for the amazing performance
Acting AG Emil Bove is one of President Trump's former lawyers who has extensive experience with lawfare. He knew just where the bad actors were hiding in the Justice Department.
Those that were the hunters against President Trump are now the hunted.
Is that like, literally, “taking out the trash”? Now, seriously, how dumb must those two jamokes have to be to think a “garbage man” at work is carrying lots of stuff of value, or lots of money?
No risk of the trash hauler terminating that employee. The company is Flood Brothers. I know the family. They're a bunch of tough, smart, South Side Irish. They know their employee did the company a great service by sending a message to every would-be criminal: Don't f*** with us.
Nothing makes my day more bright
Plenty of room on boot hill for more. Keep the line moving.
This incident occurred within 1000 feet of the Homan Square facility. Officers opened their eyes and noticed a recent uptick of violent crime in the community and officers don't feel safe. Numbers of elite officers didn't show up for work after seeing blue flashing lights, uniformed police and yellow crime scene tape near their building. Extra uniformed patrols from the 011th District will perform police functions such as outdoor roll calls at Homan HQ along with post shooting missions, seat safety belt enforcement and POD cameras missions to ease the paralyzing fears for the workers at Homan Square. Commanding Officers of the 011th District seek to form a partnership with other than patrol personnel to address crime and public safety concerns near their workplace. Together we can! Violence has no home in the Homan Square community.
Shouldn't he be charged with having a gun on school property?
This guy should be in a police car, but he would be taking a pay cut.
Thank you for making Chicago a better place
Who steals trash? Come early and you can have all of it out of the can. Duh
He would get fired only if the "usual" race baiting crowd showed up yelling and screaming with signs
Imagine a city so corrupt you need a gun to protect yourself just to collect garbage. Will we need a COPA equivalent for garbage collectors now?
Garbage Collectors, doing jobs Cops can’t do.
CPD candidate.
At the end of the day, isn't everyone in law enforcement a garbage man. We also do our best to keep the streets clean.
this occurred about 100 yards away from the main entrance to ERPS located at 1011 s homan and the homan square facility
Democrat commies hate Americans defending themselves against violent felons, and that's a fact.
Reminds me of a joke:
"I lived in Chicago for ten years---it wasn't too bad."
"What did you do there?"
"Ball turret gunner on a garbage truck."
"If you take a shot at the king, you best not miss."
Go green, recycle. Soylent Green.
‘The Purge’: Trump Fires FBI Agents Who Worked on Cases Against Him — Including 20 Heads of Field Offices
Kipp JonesJan 31st, 2025, 4:16 pm
Typical lib statement.Out of touch.
Sing it with me!
Who can drop two robbers
Sprinkle them with lead.
Put one in the hospital and the other one is dead
The garbage man can
The garbage man can he can do it in the A-M and make the world feel good
Hopefully Flood Brothers (the garbage truck company) does not hassle their driver. The company is pro-police. About 2-yrs ago they bought a $300,000 for the DuPage County SWAT team.
DRW College Prep is named after Don R. Wilson and the DRW Trading Group Foundation. DRW is also the initials of Don Wilson, the founder of the DRW Trading Group.
No, the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) does not run DRW College Prep. DRW College Prep is a public charter high school in Chicago, Illinois, that is part of the Noble Network of Charter Schools.
The only thing that building ever produced was power, for the old Sears complex that once thrived there. It was a small city within a city.
I think it would be safe to say it occurred within 200 feet of the complex.
Supposedly a female, Black, Muslim. Yeah, an “accident”…
How pathetic does a city need to be when the perps are doing “stick ups” on the garbage man?!! Nice jobs Leadhead and Conehead. You’ve been great leaders!! It’s an old Rodney Danderfield joke but it fits….If they put their heads together, they could make an ASS of themselves.
It was in the alley behind the school so...
On the other hand, the perp croaked by the front entrance so you can bet your ass it will be reported as 'another school shooting'.
The bad guys picked the location. The guy was just doing his job...
Mighty fine shooting. Well done, sir!
Think about this, how much actual cash can a garbage man have on him. Collecting garbage is an honorable job but I'm sure the guy couldn't have more than $30 on him.
Unfortunately....because this is Illinois.....there is a wrongful death suit coming.
Whether or not this man is declared a hero or not will depend on the race of the offenders and the victim. Isn’t everything in Shitcago about race?
WGN "News" first report had the robbers as the Victim and the Garbage Man as the Shooter. WGN - always defending the criminals.
Trump pardoned people who assaulted police officers. No thanks.
Bully for you Mr. garbage man, bully for you. I got all kinds of ammo you can chose from. I'll even make you a special box on my reloader.
Seriously? The trash hauler did a righteous favor for the local community. Please go crawl back under the rock from which you came.
Can't wait till these news stations go out of business.
Ignorant comment. You have no idea of what he may or may not have.
you mean,,,,jobs cops are NOT allowed to do,,,,,, thanks to the libs and dems
President Trump also pardoned police officer wrongly accused! Should those pardons not have happened?
Davis was a class act. How many other vest makers shot themselves while wearing their company's vest???
Go set in front of the school and show us how gun free and safe it really is.
BREAKING: New surveillance video shows the concealed carrying Chicago garbage truck driver exchanging gunfire with 2 armed robbers: shooting one dead and the other in the neck.
These thugs FAFO with the 2nd Amendment.
Best case scenario, they don't fire him. Second best case scenario, they fire then rehire him. This way they can honestly say that they fired him. Either way, he can't work in that area again. Probably local boys.
“Trump pardoned people who assaulted police officers. No thanks.”
2/01/2025 01:41:41 PM
Easy Money, great movie
They’re actually west side Irish. My family grew up with them.
Outstanding job sir!! Every once in a while you come across someone you shouldn’t have F’d with and you learn a valuable lesson.
I'm shocked at what some of the guys and gals qualify with at IROCC. The condition of the revolvers and semi auto's is terrible. Even the ammo looks like it was stored in a locker buried in a swamp. Please, make sure your sidearm see's oil more that once a decade.
Amazed the shooter was able to maintain control of his weapon with the two perps right on top of him. The backwards head shot looked like pure luck with the bigger perp holding the shooter's gun arm. Got to love adrenaline. Great job!
Chip in and buy him a gun . He’s not getting the one used in the shooting back . I’m sure most of you know this already but I wouldn’t carry anything with sentimental value . If you have to use it you’re not ever seeing it again
Saw the video,that garbage truck driver should be someone's body guard. He's a badass.
Just watched the video at He's Jason Bourne
I lettered their trucks in the 80's. They were located on W. Harrison. Bad neighborhood.
It’s hard to tell, but the video looks like it shows the garbage man stripping the gun from the smaller offender. Ballsy.
How much cash could he have been carrying is a legit question. But who carries large amounts of cash today with prices so high? So much more convenient to use a debit card or a pay app on your phone.
CWB posted the video:
Chip in and buy him a gun . He’s not getting the one used in the shooting back
Why not? I know the City seizes the gun and subjects it to forensic examination, but if there are no criminal charges by what authority to they seize, examine and hold for indeterminate time?
If he is RWOC'ed his gun should be returned to him on release.
Do you just throw in apostrophes at random to mix it up?
I returned many guns to shooting victims when I worked at ERPS. He'll eventually get it back. If an exempt doesn't sign off on a property release, a judge can sign off on a court order.
there is a wrongful death suit coming
Doubt that. Have to find a lawyer, who after looking over the case, thinks he might find a way to prevail in court. The facts make that tough. The lawyer would not be going up against a legally spineless capitulating organization like the City of Chicago, but a firm that gets its money by working for it. The prospect of the lawyer get paid is bleak. That kills the case.
FOP should put him in for a Citizens Award , give him a few boxes of ammo
Wrong on all counts.
Im sure there are a lot of companys that would hire him
Hope he was a member of USCCA or another company.
Not the female part.
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