Rumors of another Officer attempting (succeeding?) self-harm yesterday.
Garfield Ridge neighborhood is all we have.
This really needs addressing - it's becoming far too routine.
Labels: officer injured, we got nothing
Sarcasm and Silliness from a Windy City Cop
Rumors of another Officer attempting (succeeding?) self-harm yesterday.
Garfield Ridge neighborhood is all we have.
This really needs addressing - it's becoming far too routine.
Labels: officer injured, we got nothing
The department doesn’t care and fosters this behavior. It’s bad policy and bad supervision.
Officer wellness is right at the bottom of priorities for this department. As soon as they accomplish everything else they want to do, all of which negatively affects officer wellness, they'll get around to worrying about the men and women doing the job.
Confirmed that it took place, unsure of the result though.
Suburban PO that helped block streets off for the ambulance.
While I agree that this department and city don't care about us in the least bit, I wish people would stop blaming a job for somebody's underlying issues. If a job makes you want to unalive yourself, quit the f-ing job, not life!!
Everynight a beat officer rides 99 right next to down beats. While others are down on BS no job missions.
Add the useless command staff and politicians.
Office Welling Program has failed. The program is led by (Retire Sgt/Dr. Chatman) another retiree working remotely, making big bucks and pretending to care about rank and file.
Shitty department and poor leadership.
I can see how officers are afraid of coming forward for help. This department would only cause more problems for them and go after their job. Most officers simply suffer in silence until they can’t take anymore.
EAP compromised, poor supervision, over promoted brass members, unbothered Superintendent, revengeful inspectors, retaliatory accountability unit, bad policies, excessive trainings, undeserved promotions, overlooked officers, greedy politicians and a city that’s going to hell. Officers’ spirits are broken.
The world is ugly. And gets uglier every day. Some people just don't want to look at it anymore. My God have mercy on their souls.
Of course Mayor Conehead does not care.
Instead of finding someone that cares, they’re allowing a retiree to run the unit as his second employment.
Enough said..
No other city department has these issues. CPD is now a toxic death trap(Chernobyl). It is not the public, not the individual, it’s the sick CPD environment.
PO and friend: He's alive and all of us that know him are pretty devastated. We ask for your continued prayers as he recovers. He's a fighter. Please talk to someone. Talk to your coworkers and family if you need help and look out for each other. Take care.
I agree. Its clear the department doesn't care about you. Same cut and paste message from the Superintendent. The only time you see higher ranking bosses, they are there to write you up or ask for more activity or bitch and moan that they are fighting for you. Do more with less. Cant wait to see this years day off cancelation days....
Unfortunately, he didn't survive. RIP officer.
All the department does is say call the EAP, chaplains ministry and the superintendent sends out a bs email. And they do that, the bare minimum, to cover themselves if the dept is ever questioned on what they’re doing about the issue. How about addressing the root causes that lead people to do this?! There’s 5-8 hour elearning courses on how to talk to transgenders but no courses on how to cope with the daily stress of the job and a lot of the stress of the job comes from the inner department nonsense.
36 years old look out for each other please, this is happening with much to much frequency! May God Bless the police!
why are all happening on the southside?
Dc Jerome was at our roll call.Spoke to us like a fellow cop. Lt was supportive. Made a sad day a little better. Its never too late to talk to someone
Retired here...Do they still have the "Stress Management classes..??? I took them every year whether I needed them or not. It's two tours of duty on days and your bosses cant say no to you going. I had one try and tell me not to go, but I went anyways. The FOP was the ones who used to set it up...
Good point. But if the Superintendent acknowledges the inner department stress, then he might have to accept responsibility of doing nothing about it.
CFD, medical personnel, pathologists, etc sees just as much as any other profession. That leads me to believe that it’s the sick environment of the CPD that pushes officers over.
Does Chatman have any response? Must be nice to make $170k on top of his pension and private practice and military pension. Jokes on CPD here…
These merit white shirts ate the worst. First they wear their band and walk around passibh out E A P. Info. Next day tgwy tall to yiu like a preschooler or write you up for stupid shit.
025 dragon breath LT v bullshit strikes again this time the inspectors coming down on all her Hispanic favs cars hahahah
The expectations of coppers is far to heavy. Too many rolls a beat copper has to fill on a call, too many beurocratic GOs, too much surveillance and oversight, too little manpower, too little mayoral support, too many broken blue shirts, AND too many tarnished oak leafs and stars!
Yes and they're still a nice mental break from the bt car
It's less about the world and more about the job. Some people can't see beyond it or can't see themselves starting over in a new location or new career. They resign themselves to being stuck in CPD's swirling toilet bowl of pressure and political bullshit. Relationships suffer, health declines, addictions pop up or worsen, depression takes over, and a lack of support and feelings of desperation push people to the edge. It used to be the horrible things you see and have to deal with on the job that caused this, but now it's the job itself, and constant worrying about whether you'll be forced to take actions one day that cause you to lose your job, your freedom, your money, and any hope of a normal life. The department and those in charge are the main problem now, along with all the politicians and "oversight" groups focused on railroading the police for every minor issue. Thank you and good luck to all who are still out there doing the job the best they can under the circumstances. You're appreciated and needed more than you know.
They're not, but the south side has some of the shittiest places to work, when you consider the residents and the bosses, so stress is probably higher than most north side districts. It can and has happened all over.
Bingo. Even other police departments in crime infested shitholes don't have the suicide rate we have here. The department and all who control it are the problem.
Instead we get inspectors ordering LT’s to grab two P.O.’s and start writing parking violations in parking lots. I can’t wait to get the front windshield Parker so I can sue this fucking department like the rest of the mopes of this city. *cough* hostile work environment *cough*
Hey, doctor! I guess you missed a few classes while earning your psychiatry degree. Underlying issues don't always exist or don't always create a problem without external stressors. This job, and everything that comes along with it, can cause mental health issues, even in previously healthy individuals. It then also aggravates the condition, compounding stress, increasing mental and physical health issues. Injuries, pain management, addiction, etc. further add to the problem. This all bleeds into your personal relationships and your regular life outside of work. "Find a new job" isn't as easy as it sounds, especially for someone already dealing with the issues caused or aggravated by the job. And every single case is different, needing different treatment, with many being able to still do the job and remain reasonably mentally healthy. Your attitude does nothing to help. Very few can actually just make the decision to leave the job, whether due to mental issues convincing them it's all they have, or financial stresses making them think they have to stay. In any case, it's not that simple.
Worked on the west side for 20 years. Some stress there too. Dont think its where you work, its how you handle street
Who is running the unit? It shouldn’t be a secret
I went to stress management classes every year after 10 years OTJ. If nothing else, I saw how stressed out other police officers were and heard the same complaints about CPD brass. BTW....a few years I went to a tavern for lunch...just to relieve some stress. Best inservice training I ever received. Dr. Sobo used to come out and give a talk about mental health and suicide. I actually did learn something to someone...anyone before you do the unthinkable. Please....
who is the deceased police officer?
Put these numbers in your phone. The life you save may be your own.
9-8-8 On your cellphone
1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-267-5463 (1-800-COPLINE)
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