025 Citing Personal Vehicles
Got this from half-a-dozen people today (click for larger version):
One of the emails said they were going to try this citywide?
Didn't there used to be a General Order that said Discipline for these types of violations would be handled via the SPAR/CR process - administratively - and not through ticketing?
Don't get us wrong, this way is far cheaper than a one-day suspension or surrendering eight-hours comp time, but since they're keeping track of violations and Officers, we better not be seeing both.
Labels: info for the police
We in the big 026 refuse to comply with this Stalin like actives. We’ll keep all our tint, plate covers, fake city stickers, fuzzy dice, out of state plates, spinners, blades, and customs mufflers. We will not fold and we will stay strong.
026 is the line in the sand that can’t be crossed. Stand tall unit 026!
Who is the commander of 025???
Retired here...all of those things are or were serious violations. Why don't the PO's un#uck their shit and not have to worry? I always had to have my s#it together, why don't they? It always seemed kind of hypocritical to go to work and pull over cars for the same violations the officer is committing on a daily basis...Where is their integrity?
CDOT shows 2023 traffic fatalities at 136 and serious injuries at 2201. How many of those fatalities / injuries occurred in police parking lots? You're down how many sworn and an inspector is trying to justify his/her existence by wasting time of three coppers from the street to enforce non-movers in parking lots? What makes the same offenses acceptable after the given date? Can you all plead not guilty so as to subpoena the inspector to court? Although, I did find it annoying when a motorist pizzed and moaned about coppers stopping them for the same violations the motorist observed on the same cop's POV.
Absolutely no tickets will be written to any of my inside girls or my favorites with between 18-36 months on the job working early cars to include Tony G and Fidel R
The shit they’re looking for (ONLY because it has been brought to their attention by the Entitlement Generation Police) is all self-inflicted and completely avoidable.
You’re a stupid bastard to come to work in a vehicle that isn’t squared away. 80K Jeeps. 10K in ghetto wheels and tires. 5K in aftermarket “Punisher” mods. But no City sticker. Dummies. And if you’re rolling around with your windshield tinted, you should automatically be throat punched for being a D-Bag.
It’s called flying under the radar. Common sense, actually. Some of you kids need to learn it.
Hey Lt, you know since we don't get to ticket anyone in the communitie for those things, we figured we was good.
No personal vehicle should have any violations. I support this. I support this because I’m not dog trash who wants to look like a hood thug offender in blacked out vehicles. Grow up, your job used to be respected. Leave the hood trash in the hood.
OT well this is happening in the 012 district. Our fearless leader you know Mr I am tough cause I have a door bell has the Sgt’s on the watches walking up and down after roll calls checking all our vehicles in the lot. Hey door bell why don’t you have one of your 6 district secretaries personally drive you around the lot and look at the cars. Oh wait you would need a booster seat to see over the dashboard. Ding dong can I help you.
SC how about the pursuit policy being broken today days after a 1.2 million dollar lawsuit comes out for a justified shooting ? idiots think it’s a good time to chase a car for only a carjacking wtf is wrong with you idiots on tac nobody will ever learn , 95 percent of the cars involved were tac , clear violations unmarked cars in the lead 1961 team lights and sirens blaring heavy traffic . What a fucking shitshow
If I get ticketed or shot for tinted windows can I sue the city for 1.2 million dollars like West Side Dexter
Gee, would be nice if they gave us the courtesy that is given to West Side storefront “churches” when parking restrictions are suspended every Sunday and cars are parked in no parking zones, on crosswalks, in the grass and in front of hydrants.
Isn’t this the inspectors job? If they’re having a major problem at 025, then send the inspectors there everyday. I mean, this is their whole job. Also, why doesn’t the cmdr of Capt get off their asses and do it themselves. Why does it always fall on the WOL? Sick of these assholes barking orders, but too chicken shit to actually do it themselves. You have legs, you can sign out a parker book. Lead from the front.
How about this?
You know where you live, you know where you work, and you know what lot you are parking in. Have your vehicles in compliance.
So they technically want some copper to write a parker on a car that belongs to another copper on their watch. I wouldn't, let the Lt write it, he/she is the police.
and don't forget to write up all the exempts using their take home city car to take the family shopping out in the suburbs
Law breaking cops are gaming the system? Say it ain’t so! Write the tickets for each violation everyday until violation is corrected. Stickers bought, plates updated and windows cleared. A ticket everyday until things right. No excuses.
Even the libtard judge in branch 23 Judge G———er had expired plates, after being told to get in compliance by the front office he whined like the beta bitch that he is
The inspector should be writing it. Who is the weak ass inspector? President Cat will not approve of this. Having the police write the ticket is improper.
Have civilians write those tickets.
Do a blue card instead. Everybody wins.
This ^^^
In 019..the same thing thing going on. I agree though, you fucking idiots stop people for the same shit you cant even update, what hypocrisy.
No officer should be driving a vehicle with a violation. Cry more. Inspectors should be doing this at every district on every watch.
Yeah these guys are real pieces of work
I’ve never needed to speak to my commanders. Never been called into their office to speak to them, only a few times to their staff members. Cry more.
I wonder if they are going to write SGT Garrrrrr-seeee-yaaaaaaa on 3rd watch for his front window tints, the pobrecita may have an extreme lisp episode
President Cat will do NOTHING as usual, totally useless fop
Agree. If I gotta do it all you other guys should too.
A couple of weeks of zeros will send a message.
Found the hump!
Not real hard, just get your stuff straight.
Does this mean Conehead's cars area going to start paying the red light tickets?
One of the perks of retirement is.....I no longer purchase a city sticker for my vehicle.
IF it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander. Write a traffic ticket for every person you pull over for a vehicle/traffic violation. Cite this memo if questioned.
Wow, 025 has really gone downhill. Most of their hide inside officers have no time on the street or on the job. Many are career house mice. Look at their CAPS office.
Where do you draw the line? When it’s someone from your police family? Coppers wife had a gun in her face in a Marianos parking lot in Park Ridge-do I chase those offenders?
Joe Curtain's clone?
Good thing they didn't say anything about cracked windshields.
Most in 025 are hotdogs with less than ten years on. You get time on the job, you bid out of there.
NO need for a parker. Just order the officer to remove the illegal film on the front windshield, put on a front plate, purchase a city sticker/plate sticker. Several repeat offenders committing the same offense and not correcting it. We are not suppose to violate any law or ordinance. If the idiot refuses to comply with state law, get a complaint log and they can enjoy their time off for stupid offenses. Damn shame adults act like children and get mad when they are being held accountable for their actions.
Bunch of gangbangers with illegal tints on their cars so their opps dont catch them slipping at a red light.
How bout city vehicles. Many CFD ambulances have expired plates.
Check out this CFD Ambulance plate file:///var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/53/03/3869598F-8ACF-4D86-AB2E-53839EA0840E/IMG_1416.jpeg
There are thousands of civilian vehicles on the street that fit the description. How about stopping them write some tickets and maybe find some fugitives in the meantime. Fuck this clown and his goon squad! Put them out on the street. Leave the working police alone.
I don’t agree with this, but if you are a copper writing tint tickets as well as no city sticker tickets, but you yourself have tints or no city sticker, you are petty as hell. I have tints, but have never used that to pull someone over because that’s hypocritical, akin to clowns working at HQ or the academy.
Boohoo…I might have to follow the rules that I enforce everyday. Get a grip! I hope everyone does get a ticket and a SPAR, surprised on this angle SCC, rules for thee and not for me apply to everyone. Might as well write all the take homes that have front tints and plate covers while you are at it!
inspector: officer,,, write that vehicle a ticket now
officer: how about I use my training and just deescalate the situation first
Joe Curtin's Ghost
Early this morning I observed commander JB (012) exit the rear door of 012 carrying a milk crate. JB then began to inspect the personal cars for compliance violations. As JB was inspecting the first car he could not see over the fender to check for a city sticker. He then placed the milk crate next to the car so that he could see the Mini Cooper did have a current city sticker. I cant wait until he tries to check my jacked up Ram 2500 Rebel for a city sticker. He better get a 12 foot extension ladder.
Funny how the small guys always seem have the biggest egos.
What about m plated take home cars with dark tinted license plate covers
Well, you’re gonna have to be shot and killed…you still interested?
Check out 010 lot looks like thugalicoous parking lot
You can take the new mini 3rd watch Lt too. This guy doesn’t think everyone can see thru his bullshit
The outrage! Having a properly licensed vehicle, uniform and grooming standards, showing up to work on time. What will the command staff ask next?
Military Vets get a complimentary city sticker.
More info on this doorbell please
Civilians don’t get tickets for any of those violation or they are thrown out in court. God forbid you pull over someone with heavy tint your profiling.
You better NOT have gone one mile over the speed limit you're entire career, that would be hypocritical!
Retired here as well, What happened to following dept rules?
Many issues here, the commander should not be directing a WOL to do this, when this is why there's inspectors. The commander is trying to flex his little balls to show those at the district who's boss, while trying to look good in front of his bosses.
Everyone should know better, and should be compliant, however how many people have been pulled over for tints, no front plate, city stickers, expired registration etc..and have not received ONE citation for being in violation of one of the above, if not all. Not saying coppers should not be in compliance but to go out in the lot and write them up for it is top tier dick move.
CTA employee amongst other city of Chicago employees (from my experience) are usually expired on many of the above infractions, yet I don't hear of their bosses calling CPD to come to their employee parking lots to cite them. Morale is already at an all time low, this is exactly what officers need to get them motivated and lift up their spirits!! Job well done to the administration.
retired here years ago i was finishing my tour of duty walking into the station when an inspector ( big j-goff south side irish) stopped me and ordered me to write a parking ticket on another officers personal car ( expired state sticker) expireed for 10 days ) i under duress wrote . it and then waited a week and non suited it hey j-goff you want me write coppers personal cars then promote me to lt ( inspector)
I feel you but look at my arms tattoos, I don't even wear my vest outside of roll call, and refuse to back up any other copper unless they're my people, meaning they're also on an early car and also have less than five years on so
Well, you're supposed to ticket people in the community for those violations. The fact you don't, that's on you. You can be held liable for those violations, yet you decline to hold others liable, is beyond silly. Do your job. And, get your cars into compliance like the rest of us, you bring heat, you get heat.
Agree 100%
Coppers should have their shit together...city stickers, plates, and no windows tinted.
Lawrence Welk says....
Ahhhh ....1 ..an ..2...3.....Fuck yoouuu
Yeah but you didn’t have shitheads following you home trying to rob you. I also bet you ran red lights going home? City stickers and tags are reasonable, however tint and plate cover ? Who gives a fuck. We got bigger problems then that.
lol you must work the pretty parts of the city if you think having a front window tint makes you a D-bag.
I agree point a gun at our family and we chase till the wheels fall off. City’s always gonna pay fuck it
Hey you idiot you can’t right a Parker for tints but please do, I hope you do lol
Put the LT or Sgt down as a witness, if you still can! Or better yet have them take out a Ticket Book & write the tickets themselves!
Fuck you work the ghetto some time, and you will see why
This came from Compstat a couple weeks when Eve Quarterman claimed it's the Lt responsibility to conduct these inspections and she was gonna write up the Commander's some how, even though she herself is a Commander. Not sure Don't know why a Commander is telling another Commander what to do.
Hopefully SGT MERIT-CIA on 3rd watch gets a ticket for front window tints
Good luck writing that tint ticket without a tint meter. Also, don’t expect me to open my window in case you do have one. Move along lap dog!
We miss Captain Friskies. Those coppers who worked in 025 in that era knew how to party.
Windshield tinting is ghetto as f^%k. FACT
💯 correct as usual
ok tough guy.
Also retired here. I agree with the earlier poster. Officers should have their shit together and there would be no issues here. Crying like a baby over inspectors gigging you for your non compliance is out of line and 100 percent avoidable. It is incumbent upon you to have whatever vehicle you bring to work, up to rules and regs code. If you refused to purchase a city sticker, or renew your registration, or tinted your windows, that is on you my friend. Enjoy your days off.
Just get ou5 there and give me some activity
Some vehicles front windshield and side windows are tinted so dark I wonder how they could see to drive those vehicles at night !!
What’s funny about this whole thing are the countless bosses in 016 and 022 that don’t have city stickers on vehicles, plate covers, dark ass tints or other IVC violations.. Standards only work if they’re applied to EVERYONE, and that’s why this department will always be a sinking ship.
Every veteran should be taking advantage of this program if not already!
How are you profiling if the tint is so heavy and you can’t see who’s inside??
The only thing the commander in 012 is doing is cleaning up the Shemash/ Giltmier crap they left behind. Shemash was too busy getting trained by the foot guy… Giltmier well… she walked around the halls more than being out in the street … Thank goodness she left and took Sgt P from 2nd watch. If you don’t like to follow the rules… leave the district! You must be someone who got dumped, or used to doing nothing!! If he has 6 secretaries that’s because the Capt has one. Capt doesn’t need a secretary! He’s a left over from Shemash/Giltmier so he was used to doing NOTHING.
So normal activity then?
I personally believe coppers should be above the norm and should have their shit together. With that said, isn’t the department looking into stopping “prefectural” stop based on “minor infractions” like expired plates, no city stickers, window tints and plate covers? Where is the consistency?
I hope you don’t live in the city anymore the revenuers are going to get you not the police
The fact that we have inspectors does not absolve other supervisors of taking action when they see violations. That said, this is weird and why is he having them write tickets rather than taking disciplinary action? I guess it's better for the officers with the non-compliant vehicles to pay a ticket rather than take a day.
This makes sense now. (Not good sense, just sense)
Dragon Breath Vrrrrry Garra LT has her own front windshield tinted???
Kees me you fool!
Fact: Anyone with a windshield tinted is a douchebag and an asshole that is putting themselves and others at risk by lowering nighttime visibility.
Another Fact: Driving a lifted truck while 99% of your driving is within the city limits further proves you are a douchebag of epic proportions.
Final Fact: If you were offended by either of the above comments, don't worry. One of your parents will make you some hot cocoa and tuck you in at night while you sleep in their basement.
Should he an Lt Dragon Breath both stay late from here on our everyday
front windshield tint is some ghetto brighton park shit.
Add spoiled Sweeney to this list
What does working the ghetto have to do with keeping your vehicle up to date? I worked the west side for nearly 20 years and my shit was always in compliance. You sound like an idiot, get your shit together.
Used to be an inspector would write it up and the sergeant that was assigned to the violation had to get a CR number if it was a city or state violation then another sergeant had to handle the CR with all that BS paperwork bottom line being that the sergeants were tied up for about 10 hrs on the average now the merit sergeants don’t want all that paperwork caused by the DEI police officers
he clearly clearly meant the tint... i bet my life back when you were in the "west side" you didnt have stolen cars following you out of the lot loaded with 4-5 yutes each with full auto glocks with beams on them.. having front tint is advantageous so they cant see me get ready for them. but what do you know back in your day people respected police right... get with the times old fart
It’s there for them. Just get the veteran designation on your drivers license
How do I get a city sticker if I live in Indiana...
If you work for the city, unfuck your shit. If you don't, enjoy your days off. It's your choice. But please don't bitch about commander's or inspector's fucking coppers over. This one is all on you baby...When I would hear on the radio that the inspector is in the district lot inspecting vehicles, I would think, "very good" some of my co workers dont have their vehicles up to code...I had to buy a city sticker, they should too! And there is NO reason to have tinted windows in Chicago. The sunlight just isnt that strong. Sorry, snowflake...
The new parking lot along Dickens an down the street from Parkside, detectives think they're sooooooooo smart don't they now
Parking courtesy is also extended outside of churches in more enLIGHTened neighborhoods too jerkoff.
Same way the Ctu president does...
A blacked out vehicle makes you look like a hood thug? Haha! WOW, you must’ve done really well at your job. “Your job used to be respected” hmmmm used to be until after all your retired assholes treated communities like shit to get your “respect” and now every newbie there is paying by for it and all your macho respect you think you were so qualified to have. Gtfo.
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