Thursday, February 06, 2025

Batten Down the Hatches

Investigation ongoing:

  • A Chicago police officer with three years on the job was found dead in her home Wednesday morning.

    The officer worked in the Gresham District, which includes parts of Englewood, Gresham, Chicago Lawn, Chatham and other nearby neighborhoods. Her name hasn’t been released.

    Chicago police said detectives are investigating after the 27-year-old was found dead with a gunshot wound to her head.

A lot of unanswered question with this one.

A lot.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

My deepest sympathies and condolences to everyone who knows this marvelous Officer. My heart wipes for all the Officers we are losing to incidents such as this.

I’m so angry with the department and all the shitty so call bosses who are the problem. Officers are under constant stress and bad management is the elephant in the room no one wants to talks about. I always loved doing police work but dreaded the interaction with the shitty bosses and really don’t care about the job anymore. Bad management turned us all against each other and who really trusts anyone they work with. I just can’t wait to retire and hope I don’t fall victim as many others who are working hard do.

2/06/2025 12:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thought this one sounded fishy off the bat

2/06/2025 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me first offer my prayers to friends, family and colleagues. I’m so sorry for your loss. I shed tears for my loved ones in blue that we lost another one today. I fear before the year is over we will lose many more. Many of us are hurting. We help so many and we are helpless to help our selves. I understand. I feel the pain also. The CPD is in shambles and doesn’t support us. I’m prying tonight that all of us complete 2025.

I’m going to add another praying hands tattoo to my body. Every time we lose an officer to suicide I add one to my back.

2/06/2025 01:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

:( I feel like crap all over again. When will this stop. No other profession has this going on. Nothing from the department but the usual email. They never mention “suicide” in the email like it’s a dirty word. How about we get to the causes. Everyone is treated like crap than stack on cameras and micromanagement…………. Let’s force everyone to work every single Holiday this year too.

2/06/2025 01:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unanswered questions indeed. Her “boyfriend “ is also CPD. Hmm.

2/06/2025 03:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These poetic snelling blast emails always lead you to believe foul play is suspected. Instead of just being transparent and using the “s” word. CPD on pace to reach one a week.

2/06/2025 04:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rest in Peace... I wanted to work for CPD but the content of this blog has changed my mind completely. If you're PO who does this job genuinely, thank you for your service.

2/06/2025 04:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The other one from earlier this week turned out to be an agg batt

2/06/2025 05:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this story going to turn into one where the Officer who goes home after being out drinking with the “partner/spouse/best friend” and the Officer goes to sleeep only to hear a loud noise and wakes to find the other had used a weapon on themselves? And then the investigation finds out that a lot of bad stuff had really happened just prior to the ALLEGED incident?

In my 32 years on CPD, I can recall at least 4 exact incidents that smelled like this? One was so bad Detectves/IAD never interviewed the surviving Officer letting them take a leave of absence? Only to return to full duty? And then try to interview them after years off of the Job?

Another had the surviving officer stripped for several years and could not find any reason to terminate since there was no evidence of wrong doing except for failure to secure the weapon? It took a civil trial that sued the officer into bankruptcy to find the truth?

Same stories, just new players? History repeats itself?

2/06/2025 05:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t date any women on the job, only trouble. Not in 30 years have I heard of any happy ever after with women on the job, keep work separate from your bedroom brothers.

2/06/2025 05:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing suspicious. It was a suicide, unfortunately..

2/06/2025 05:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for making it all about you.

2/06/2025 05:50:00 AM  
Blogger I Voted For Kamala said...

Another one?

2/06/2025 06:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let’s stop blaming bosses and the department for all these suicides. We need to start doing a better job at the hiring process and maybe doing a more in depth phsychological testing. If people think this is a stressful job they haven’t worked in private industry.

2/06/2025 06:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope the commander can attend this funeral. RIP officer

2/06/2025 06:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did EAP at least go out to 006?

2/06/2025 06:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grieve first then investigate.

2/06/2025 06:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be more responsible and it’s ok to say less or nothing at all. this is open to the public

2/06/2025 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Police officers have to put on Superman's cape when they go to work. When they have difficulties they internalize it and struggle by themselves because they don't want to show weakness. Once upon a time at roll call people used to talk to one another. Now they sit there and play with their phones. Nobody ever got a disability for mental illness but if you are having problems there is plenty of help available and it is discrete. Please use it.

2/06/2025 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My brother's and sisters in blue. You must take care of your well being! I retired last year and after 30 years I can offer up some advice. must find one or two recreational things to do weekly to decompress. Engage in some hobbies like the gym, activities through the park districts, fishing, hunting or anything outdoors. Cook county has thousands of acres of forest preserves, go for walks in trails. The job is only one factor of the problem. Work on your marrital issues, dating issues, gambling and substance abuse issues if you have any. These things compounded with the job lead to suicide the job is not the main factor. Take care of yourself and each other.

2/06/2025 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a dumb broad brush statement. There are many police families that are successful. I would bet more of those men that have the stay at home for 30 years have just as many problems. Wife takes half of that pension and deferred comp and house and everything else you ever paid for. She has you by the balls! Better do what she says! Better listen or live off of 37.5% for the rest of your life! Caused many to eat that gun.

2/06/2025 08:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, in "private industry", work is extremely taxing. The stress from a paper cut, wondering if I have to go into the office today or stay at home. Oh, the boss wants me to complete a power point as to the wasteful use of paper (ow, damn, another paper cut), or why all the toilet paper in the bathrooms go missing. Please, get a non-stressful job like going to "another" domestic, or a bank robbery in progress, or person shot call. Those are easier than wiping my ass with toilet paper I stole from your business!

2/06/2025 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

from a retired Detective, you have that backwards.

2/06/2025 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Probably one of the worst comments I have seen on here. STFU

2/06/2025 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People need to learn the phrase " I quit ". It's that simple. Not for me. Got another job. ANY job is just a job. Not a death sentence. Leave and go in peace. You'll find another something else.

2/06/2025 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2/06/2025 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But it is the bosses and department. I was fortunate to work for some good bosses and I witnessed others who had not. I agree with other posters that it is a big problem. It’s something that shouldn’t be going on. The truth is the truth.

2/06/2025 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have 26 years and I hate the place. Just looking to retire to start a new life. I feel like most of them years were a waist.

2/06/2025 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have the praying hands make another image when they are put together. Like CPD headquarters. My tattoos all have meaning too. I put my Star number on the inside of my left forearm. We are all just numbers on this job. Nothing less and nothing more. The department treats us as replaceable. Not as people or assets.

2/06/2025 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on. How can you justify forcing everyone to work every Holiday. What job does that. Not even Firemen or paramedics have to do that. We are treated like shit………………… The real criminals are chicago politicians. Yet I’m not allowed to arrest them.

2/06/2025 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess leave us women to date the thugs. Spoken like a true gentleman.

2/06/2025 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2/06/2025 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said.

2/06/2025 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! Good one!

2/06/2025 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That’s EXACTLY what I keep telling everyone in the department but unfortunately they don’t listen. They keep wanting to date each other thinking their relationship will work. IT WONT. Guys and gals save yourselves the problems and DO NOT date each other….

2/06/2025 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yah, she was just weak. Could never cut it in the private sector. That newly retired sergeant who just killed himself? Yah, weak too, lived in the private sector for a few months and couldn’t hack it. This is sarcasm if you’re not catching on you fucking douchenozzle. You think the abnormally high rate of suicides we have at CPD is because we hire a bunch of people who couldn’t handle the real stress of the private sector? I’ve worked a lot of years in the private sector, and it’s a different type of stress. To try and compare the stress of the demands of the private sector to the stress of the all the dead bodies and having shots ring off 50ft away from you, having a guy try to stab your or pull a gun on you, is disingenuous at best. But at least you don’t have a deadline for those TPS reports, right, junior? It never ceases to amaze me when we have a copper die in whatever capacity, that absolute sacks of shit like yourself feel the need to come out and make your terrible takes heard. Copper commits suicide and your reaction is “clearly they never worked in the private sector”. What an embarrassment you are.

2/06/2025 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We really need to stop pinning every officer suicide on the job or the bosses. Nobody here knows all the details behind each tragedy, it’s just not that simple. A lot of these cases end up being tied to domestic issues, and when you mix in alcohol or other substances plus easy access to a firearm, it’s a bad combination.

Also, let’s not forget that plenty of other careers, like construction or farming, see higher suicide rates than law enforcement. Blaming the job itself creates a warped picture and doesn’t help anyone. We should be focusing on the real, underlying issues and looking out for each other instead of pushing a myth that just drags everyone down.

2/06/2025 10:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2/06/2025 10:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This used to be the best job in the world, especially CPD. I'm so glad this blog changed your mind. If you are interested in becoming a LEO, find another place that will treat you well. CPD certainly isn't one of them!

2/06/2025 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

May she RIP, maybe this department needs better vetting of candidates, some are just not made to be the "police!" Yes we have many problems here, with so called gold star clowns etc, however some people are not built to do this job!

2/06/2025 11:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thought he died. Care to elaborate

2/06/2025 11:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is more to 90% of the suicides than just the job. Health, financial, marriage problems kids there are plenty of reason. Guy just committed suicide like 6 months after retiring. If it was just the job the problem would have been gone when he retired

2/06/2025 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, sounds like cover up.. Boyfriend must be connected.
Years back a female officer who lived in the 3900 block of N Page claimed her boyfriend shot himself. Yet, her unit was on scene long before 911 was even called?
Strange actions?

2/06/2025 01:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this job is so stressful to you then leave because it’s not for you. I’ve been through all of the above, pushing a beat car on the west side for years, shootings, lawsuits, etc. Guess what? None of that has hit as hard as life itself. Deaths of family members, friends, struggles in personal life and the world. If it’s the job then change it. For most of us it’s not the job. It’s everything else.

2/06/2025 01:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said

2/06/2025 01:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Feel free to join but only if your daddy is a gold star or knows a gold star or is a chief or deputy chief in the suburbs. This way you at least will be taken care of and promoted. Otherwise stay far far away!!! As above already stated, the job used to be great. These days the job will make you want to unalive yourself. Strange and a f-ed up place.

2/06/2025 01:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No you can't blame EVERY suicide on the bosses, just like you can't blame every car wreak on the weather. But there's an obvious link between them. The cpd today has the most unqualified, selfish, vengeful, cronyistic, impulsive, and least intelligent bosses in it's history. Years ago the dept could function with an acceptable margin of incompetent bosses. Maybe 10% of loose cannon bosses. Today maybe 10% are actually good and effective. Like it or not, everything rolls downhill, be it shit or gold. Since this failing organization is so obsessed with statistics, they should graph the suicide rates of organizations with leadership promotions of actual merit and success.

2/06/2025 01:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If four CHA employees attempted to end their lives in less than a month, there would be news stories and loud calls for change. Forensic autopsies would be conducted to determine whether their jobs were significant factors (spoiler - of course it was). The head of CHA would be dragged before the camera and City Council to explain why it happened and plans to change. Resources would be thrown. For CPD, there is silence, at best, or a shrug and "here we go again." In 2022, 9 CPD officers died - 8 of them died by suicide. That literally nothing happens to change it is obscene.

2/06/2025 01:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess leave us women to date the thugs. Spoken like a true gentleman.

2/06/2025 09:52:57 AM

If you think your only options are police or thugs, maybe expand your horizons a bit.

2/06/2025 02:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment couldn't be dumber or more out of touch. If you think "private industry" is stressful, you wouldn't last a second on this job. But you'd never have to find out, because you wouldn't dream of attempting this job. Stay off the blog and just watch reruns of COPS if you have a fantasy about being the police.

2/06/2025 02:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is more to 90% of the suicides than just the job. Health, financial, marriage problems kids there are plenty of reason. Guy just committed suicide like 6 months after retiring. If it was just the job the problem would have been gone when he retired

2/06/2025 11:49:52 AM

So the job causes or heavily contributes to a whole shitload of problems, including potential mental health issues, like depression and thoughts of suicide, and then everything is magically fine and they're cured of all their problems just because they retire? Is that really how you think things work? You're fucking dumb then. Everything you mentioned can very likely be traced back to the job. Let's try an example to see if you can understand how dumb your post was. You spend 30 years doing a job that takes an extreme mental and physical toll on your body. You are unappreciated, unsupported, abused, vilified, hated, alienated and judged by so many. You are now older, depressed, worn down, in poor health, struggling to maintain your marriage and your relationship with your kids. You're worried that your pension may not be enough to survive on. Your friends from work don't call or visit, and now you have a lot of free time to sit and be alone with your demons. But hey, you don't have to go to the station and answer calls anymore, so all of that other stuff that was most likely caused by the job just goes away, right? You're perfectly healthy, with a happy marriage, great relationship with your family, no health concerns or mental issues, no financial worries, etc. just because you don't go to work now. Decades of stress and being beat down just drifts away and you're magically safe from all that previously plagued you. Get a clue.

2/06/2025 02:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rip officer

my take to me to relive the stress and clouted idiot bosses dont drink or smoke
and always bad mouth the bosses while you are punching a bag at the gym

2/06/2025 02:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You’re the same type of dude that would have an unhappy marriage no matter who you married, officer or not.

2/06/2025 02:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So those problems just pop up in Chicago police officers because of something in the water then? Those other professions lead to suicide because of something other than the job too? Your argument can't be that the job doesn't contribute to the suicide rate simply because other jobs have higher suicide rates. There are many factors that contribute to suicide, but dismissing one of the most obvious and significant ones, simply because "well other people commit suicide more," is illogical and just dishonest. Blaming the job would help if the job would acknowledge and rectify the many issues that lead to officer suicide. Many people do the job for a long time and don't commit suicide. Everyone's brain and experiences are different though, so the job absolutely can and does cause these suicides in some people.

2/06/2025 02:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lot of morons here think the private sector is working at the Costco warehouse. I did three years in accounting at a large corporation and the office politics make CPD look like a joke. There is layer upon layer of management scrutinizing your work. There’s no FOP to go to bat for you if you fuck up your job, you’re gone. CPD is as stressful as you want to make it. Jobs can be answered at a snails pace and reports done leisurely. 90 % of the people on this job do the bare minimum. Suicides have been happening on this job for as long as I can remember and they will continue.

2/06/2025 04:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Probably one of the worst comments I have seen on here. STFU

Let me guess your the idiot who sends thoughts and prayers

2/06/2025 04:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously doubt they will.

2/06/2025 05:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Snelling isn’t doing anything for officers. He is just working on padding his pension. Glorified Sgt in training.

2/06/2025 05:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I put the city flag with skulls and cross bones for stars. Because we are so screwed. No one cares.

2/06/2025 05:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agree! I’m working the pace that I can handle. Screw the white shirts riding us. Most never did shit but paper jumping.

2/06/2025 05:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The department has the department they want. So sad to say. They don’t care about the people on the job.

2/06/2025 05:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh heavens! Accounting managers scrutinizing your work! What else? Tell us more, you absolute fucking clown.

2/06/2025 06:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop blaming everyone else, including the “bosses” And the Department, for the problems and baggage some people already have before they take the job.

2/06/2025 07:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jungle Jim Hackett says you’re mistaken.

2/06/2025 07:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did her untimely passing devolve into this?!!??!
This is deplorable on so many different levels.
I'm proudly CPD, even after being spread apart by this "job", that I still love.
I love it because I serve the public trust, and I'm not being sanctimonious or self-righteous. I do it because the men and women of the CPD, in spite of overwhelming obstacles, do phenomenonal work.

She was working PO-LICE, always looking to do good, any good.
Whether that was recovering an illegal firearm from "old boy and them" or doing right by a domestic battery victim by offering a detailed account of the incident. Not just the four line crap most people write
She had a zeal and enthusiasm for Police work that made her stick to her guns and follow a code of integrity. Did she always get everything right, who does?
But her legacy was her work ethic. In spite of the bosses, in spite of political pressures, in spite of being mocked and degraded by the community. She, TO HER CREDIT, suited up and did the job, and the woman was tiny but nearly fearless.
So forgive me when I say WTF!!
She's gone, hopefully she has transitioned to a place of solace for her soul.Can we please stop with the criticism of this tragedy.
We as a culture seem to be getting worse, more critical, more back-biting, more divisive. I'm old now and I don't have too much longer for this world so I'm not going to waste time arguing about or quarter backing CPD issues. Yes we have a few, but what we used to have was each other. Now it seems to be everyman for himself and I pity us.
If we aren't at least partially unified who protects the citizens of Chicago.
My thoughts and prayers are with her family, friends, and co-workers.

2/06/2025 07:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

EAP should be eliminated. If an officer has an issue they know to go to a doctor on their own. If it’s serious they should check themself into a hospital. Yes, their FOID should be taken from them as well as their weapons. That way they have more hurdles to kill themself.
Stop coddling mental health issues. Officers that have “struggles” should not be carried through the system at full pay for years. It puts more stress on the officers at work having to work more shifts covering for the mentals on medical.

2/06/2025 08:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Police job is hands down the biggest most stressful job any of us have ever worked. I worked in the private sector so i feel i can give an honest opinion. I came on when you worked a watch for 28 days and moved to the next watch , unless the captain hated you and you were forced to stay back another 28 days. Like flunking the first grade. Captains were royalty or at least the thought they were. We saw it all though. People stayed around for over 30 years because it was fun. I retired in mid 2021 when the fun ended. We became more hated and bosses didn’t have our backs most of the time. I saw the stress at rollcalls and am not shocked the way these younger officers as well as the older seasoned ones are taking their own lives. Stay strong and make friends out there, life is short and there are no guarantees

2/06/2025 09:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be more responsible and it’s ok to say less or nothing at all. this is open to the public

Something to hide?

2/06/2025 10:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thought he died. Care to elaborate

Not dead just horribly disfigured. Jaw, teeth both eyes gone. Barely alive

2/06/2025 10:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Feel free to join but only if your daddy is a gold star or knows a gold star or is a chief or deputy chief in the suburbs. This way you at least will be taken care of and promoted. Otherwise stay far far away!!! As above already stated, the job used to be great. These days the job will make you want to unalive yourself. Strange and a f-ed up place.

My daddy wasn’t a gold star. He wasn’t even CPD. I’m the only one. My old partner and I had the best time of our lives. I just retired and my partner is a boss who made on his own. It’s what you make it kid.

2/06/2025 10:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Must be one of the jag-off bosses. I hate ass-holes. I mean all. I don’t discriminate.

2/06/2025 11:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your so right. Because we are police no one cares.

2/06/2025 11:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless you and thank you for your service. Another brother in blue.

2/06/2025 11:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are all hurting and there are many more of us who are thinking how do we make it to retire with only ten years on.

2/06/2025 11:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are part of the problem.. i knew exactly what I was signing up for ... how didn't you?? Gezz.. let me guess you had to come to the academy to have them help you train to pass the 1st power test when you were testing to get on.

2/06/2025 11:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was at the morgue and was told the autopsy results were inconclusive…

2/07/2025 05:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Timewatcher said...

This generation of kids are a bunch of pussies, and entitled idiots from liberal schools, that's why they expire themselves in general. They can't hack this job nor the profession let alone life, that's why the American youth is pretty trash overall, way too many soft sensitive betas and criminal head junkies running. They are not someone I work with unless I know they are mentally stable/tough and can process the simplest things without getting offended.

2/07/2025 07:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right, someone would tell you that.

2/07/2025 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vetting improved. The know who they are getting and that’s who they want

2/07/2025 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you know why it was inconclusive? Was it not a GSW? No GSR on her hand? Like what was it, I wonder?

2/07/2025 12:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are many more "disturbed" officers out there. Hopefuly some of them will seek some help before it is too late.

2/07/2025 12:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The most beta thing you can do is whine about how beta everyone else is and talk about how tough you are.

2/08/2025 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A little late

2/08/2025 11:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lot of angry comme ts here. Let me see if I can help.As for the comment, grieve first, then investigate, I can agree with that for officers not on the scene in an official capacity.For the detectives assigned, I could see that they would I investigate, then mourn. As for working another job, if you are stressed from this job, hit the medical, and look for another job. You can call the chaplain, or EAP, or both ,or get private counselling. If you need to be admitted to a hospital, maybe go to a hospital out of state. Maybe lock up your gun, unloaded, maybe disassembled, at work. Maybe lock it up at home, unlkoaded amd disassembled
I have no answer for this. But, call the suicide hotline if necessary. Talk to your religious leaders, try yoga, try doing some hobbies, try s I me new hobby you never tried, get mpre involved with the spouse/ significant pther, go ok n a date, ask them abput their job, transfer to another department, district, or go take those stress relief classes they offer, or used to. The department and fop need to take a bigger role in this. Maybe reach out to the state fop if lodge 7 isn't helpful. This job is more stressful than ever, I believe more violent, amd a more angry at the police mentality than there has ever been. But seriously consider another job, or at least, go to a mental health social worker in private practice, some are sympathetic. Or try a psychologist. If they aren't right fpr you, try another
.we also need get together more than ever. We used tp go bowling sometimes after wprk, or get together fpr breakfast pr lilunch pr dinner pr coffee. Spend time with the family. If you are on the medical, plan a movie night . Walk the dpg. If you are going to hurt yourself, check into a hospital. Find a reputable hospital, amd check yourself in. Talked frequent walks. I believe this job is harder than ever. People used to trust police more than they do now. Now many citizens try to find fault. We are human, not superheroes. It is tragic when people are murdered. But we are limited in what we can do. You need to be realistic in your expectations. You aren't able to save everyone. These problems are deeper than most people realize, amd many offenders are driven to do the harm, pr murder that they do. They will eventually be caught
. Many ,if not all, these problems have existed before we came on the job. We, in outer capacity, can't change the basic human nature of violent offenders. Idlf you have problems in your personal relationships, try marital counseling with a therapist, go alone if the spouse won't go with ypu. There are options, amd support, find a friend on the job who can help ypu. It will work put. Sometimes unfair things happen, you might be disciplined wjen it isn't fair or warranted, try tp move on. It had ls happened tp many of us.. Many coppers have ended up divorced. It is unfortunate, find, or form a support group if possible. Talk to sympathetic people. Others have been through it. Get a loan if necessary. I hope we turn the tide on this. There is no perfect solution. God bless all of you.

2/09/2025 12:06:00 PM  

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