Exempt Brain Trust
This is what happens when you put crooked IAD assholes in charge of stuff:
An investigation into the constitutionality of Chicago police raids on an unlicensed Far South Side strip club and another building in April 2023 found that a district commander cracked down on those locations at the request of an alderman — and broke numerous rules in the process, records show.
Tyrone Pendarvis, commander of the Calumet District on the Far South Side, retired in August 2024, more than a year after one of his officers came forward to complain about those searches. During the early morning raids, that officer was recorded on his body-worn camera asking a fellow cop, “Is this illegal?”
“No, we good, we with 500,” the other officer replied, referring to the code number for Pendarvis.
The Civilian Office of Police Accountability, in a report completed in November, said if Pendarvis hadn’t retired, the agency would have recommended he be fired for violating numerous department rules. COPA also recommended Sgt. [JC], working with Pendarvis that day, should be suspended for up to 180 days and undergo training on legally executing searches.
The sergeant gets half-a-year, meaning a financial hit of over $60K and his insurance lapses, though perhaps better than a punitive damages judgement.
Guess who Pendarvis used for his illegal raids?
- [Lt] Kimble said he thought Pendarvis chose young and inexperienced officers who would be unlikely to challenge his direct orders because they could be disciplined for doing so.
Gee....like tack-tickle officers being told to get blue cards without writing a single ticket for the observed violations because blah blah blah....you know the drill.
And speaking of IAD, what's with letting Yoyolanda administer the Oath at the graduation the other day? Did the Oath cover lending your car to dope dealers so they could transport heroin?
Meritorious = MORANS = BIG Money lawsuits handed out.
So much for Fuckin' DEI.
Utterly disgusting just how corrupt the upper echelon of this once-proud department has become. Gotta love those who argue that “it’s ‘their’ time now”. Ray Charles can see where ‘they’ got CPD.
Most of the exempts can’t stand Talley as well.Straight up dirty. Not respected by anyone.
Everyone at IAD needs to be dumped. I seen cases where they cover up for the bosses and mess over blue shirts. They are not about getting to the truth. It’s all about lying to protect the department and the bosses.
Saw it first hand.
The news article said he resigned. Did he resign or was he demoted to Lt and allowed to retire?
Face plastered all over the news. TP’s promotions never made sense. He’s always been slow and risky. I bet he thought everything was legit since an alderman gave the command. Violating rights and thinking the alderman was going to back him up.
Sgt. gets 180 days and the commander gets 60 days. Come on Larry.
Didn't Pendarvis do a stint at IAD?
I remember this one too.
Mosley was staying at an apartment when police showed up to execute a search warrant for a handgun, ammunition and proof of residency for Robert Owens, who was not there. During the search, Officers Pendarvis, Meredith, Hummons and Murphy threw Mosley to the ground, handcuffed him and sat him in a chair. Officers found ammunition hidden in a chest in the hallway of the apartment. They asked Mosley where Owens was. When Mosley said he didn't know, police accused him of lying and told him the ammunition "belongs to you." Mosley was charged with unlawful use of a weapon and possession of ammunition by a convicted felon. Mosley was acquitted of the charges.
Where is the whistleblower these days? Somebody check on the whistleblower. Where is the guy that questioned the illegal raids?
Is this illegal?”
“No, we good, we with 500,” the other officer replied, referring to the code number for Pendarvis.
This is why Exempts’ punishment should be greater. Commander Pendarvis recklessness, carelessness and disregard for policy costed a sergeant 30 days and could’ve costed everyone on scene their careers.
The writing was on the wall many moons ago. Pendarvis worked as a Sergeant/BIA Investigator and got promoted to merit Tact Lt of 002 and then Commander of 005 after being the subject of 69 internal complaints. He’s been getting sued since our CHA days.
Another unqualified Commander.
Lesson learned: Commander Pendarvis retired before any discipline could be handed down. The sergeants and officers under him were disciplined. And if the commander would’ve been disciplined for leading the raids, he would’ve only received 60 days compared to his subordinates 180 days. Stop getting caught up in the Exempts bullsh-t!
Pen was having a field under Stuperintendent David Clown.
Well Cornhead had already banned him from the mic after he said “Crime prevails again…”during a press conference.
Today’s Headline: Chicago police commander violated rules in raid on unlicensed strip joint, report says…
He was on his way to becoming a deputy chief.
SCC, your are sooooooooooo on point with your very first statement!
Think about how many crooked IAD M/F’s were or are currently in charge of shit. Let’s use Barz as an example. A narcissistic piece of bullshitting human excrement that would sell his own mother out just to get ahead. No morals, no loyalty, no conscience. He’s fucked and tried to fuck over so many coppers over his career that it’s unbelievable. I remember a case where he testilied at a Police Board hearing on a group of young working guys. He got called out by a former deputy superintendent for trying to intentionally fuck them over rather than doing an impartial investigation. Barz was caught lying under oath at this hearing as an IAD Sgt.. but miraculously made merit Lt. after investigating the Lt. cheating scandal and covered it up. He then scammed his way to a Captain spot, threw his former Commander in 025 under the bus for trying to take care of his sick child in hopes that he would get the district. They then moved him to summer mobile during the time Dave Brown was Superintendent where he continued his art of scamming and talked himself up to his meteoric rise of Deputy Chief within a few weeks of being appointed as a commander. He was then placed in charge of summer mobile and the Community Safety Team which was a disaster. He turned the unit into a TSSS blue card unit for Brown where he eventually put his own foot in his mouth by publicly talking shit about the Mayor and Brown. Talking about biting the hand that feeds you? This is how big of an ungrateful jerk off this sociopath is, the people who helped him he tried to fuck over by throwing them under the bus with the troops. When his own family and wife’s family can’t stand nor want anything to do with him that should tell you something.
One important takeaway from this is that Pendarvis was at minimum going to receive a 70 day suspension, at worse he was going to be fired. It’s a FACT that Pendarvis received his retirement credentials. It’s a FACT that hr has withheld retirement credentials for lesser outstanding penalties/violations.
"You're travelling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead - your next stop, the Chicago Zone!"
Yo YO....you go girl....
Pendarvis, is that Greek?
Oh Chip, see what being a ass kisser gets you? You knew it was wrong from the very beginning. Kimble, oh no I never shake his hand, he is one low down dirty vato...no respect for anything nada!
Pendarvis and Kimble are both merit all day everyday. They both like to bend the rules to say the least.
Did 500 get denied his credentials and retirement star when he retired just like all the other guys currently getting screwed over.
Is it just me or does all of the connected hacks and cheaters go to work at the IAD?
Who’s job is it to screen members that apply to work at the BIA? Are there any legit requirements? Who’s job is it to check the CR history, disciplinary history and lawsuit history before members are meritoriously promoted or appointed to a higher rank? How did this one slip past nominating committees?
Pendarvis was a DEI hire for sure. He was “meritoriously” promoted for every rank because he was a friend of the superintendent. What a joke the merit system has become.
Pendarvais is 100% merit aka DEI
It’s all in black and white.
Pendarvis 100% DEI merit, cheater, elite
Bozo shoes finally got caught lying.
Merit promotions started the death watch of this department.
She attends events and ceremonies and run to the mic trying to redeem herself after screwing over officers. Pretending to care for officers and trying to impress Mayor Johnson. Officers don’t need to hear your fake kind words.
The department lied and said he resigned, but he was allowed to retire.
Tyrone Pendarvis has been a bad actor for decades, but he was allowed to conduct IAD investigations, oversee Tact Teams, Area Gang Teams and a District. The department is reactive, instead of proactive.
Who’s the first?
Yeah, we’ve heard it all before. Most BIA investigators can’t stand Chief Talley, but they allow her to change the outcome of their investigation to help her friends get cleared. Yeah, the Superintendent can’t stand Chief Talley, but yet she’s still here.
Elaborate please.
Field day
"We with 500", just shows how stupid these guys are, commit a crime, do illegal shit buts its ok cause your with a LT, Cpt, Sgt or some other bossholes. Hopefully younger guys wake the fuck up
Doesn't matter though because Im sure guys with still be doing 20-30 t-stops and blue cards hoping to get something in return. Little do they realize what you might get is unemployment or callback
Boy your a genius. You must have been on the short bus.
Way to copy and paste law suit. Unless you're on scene STFU.
That goes to show you how race place an important role on the type of treatment to be received. That clown should have never received his retirement credentials, but hey I'm sure he was all about BLM. Take a gander at the redline shooting several years ago were 2 black officers were involved in a shooting of an unarmed hispanic male, oh and did I mention that the male hispanic was running away when shot by the female in the back. The department tried to sweep it under the rug, but eventually got called out by the media and they were ultimately fired not prosecuted. Cops who have acted in self defense against armed offenders have not only been fired, they have actually been criminally charged, but then again they were all non-black officers. Who are the real discriminating racists now?
They allowed him to resign as a commander.
Sure did!
So you're saying this is new?
Nope, he was given the heads up and told to retire as a commander.
How does this happen? Fred Waller that’s how! Waller who is the subject of over 50 internal investigations himself, two of which were investigated by the current BIA Deputy Chief and current BIA Lt. pushed to have this idiot promoted. 21 illegal searches, 13 stolen money beefs and several criminal misconduct complaints including one when he was partners with Ronald Coleman? Yes, the Coleman who worked in Narcotics on the DEA task force and was sent to prison for tipping of a relative, who was a high ranking member of the conservative vice lords, of a federal narcotics wire tap involving them? This is Commander material? Just fucking Wow!
As a street cop he made more arrests in a year than some dogs do in a career. .
Yep, from the “Southside” of the island.
IAD! This one didn’t slip past anyone. They all knew! They always do! It was pushed through.
I agree with everything you brought up except him throwing the 25th Dist. commander under the bus. He should get a department commendation for that. Tony Escamerit was one of the most miserable jags to work for. He thought he was the greatest. Another f--ing DEI product. But otherwise, Barz is all you make him out to be!
IAD was designed to protect certain connected officers not to conduct thorough investigations.
He was given a heads up so so that he could retire with his credentials.
They let him retire in good standing.
Barz and Pendarvis both worked in IAD.
That’s both Snelling and Waller’s girl. She ain’t going no where homie until she is good and ready. Fuck ya’ll haters!
BARZ is a tool. We can’t wait until he’s gone from 018. Fuck him!
One 100% correct! Everyone in IAD needs to go. Bring in retired state police investigators to conduct the investigations.
I believe it's Dutch...
Remember......"It's our time now". THIS is what it leads to.
These losers get their undeserving careers handed to them and they still can’t seem to stay out of shit. The Superintendent does everything in his power to cover for them and they still manage to fuck up. A total loser in their personal and professional lives.
At best they should be investigated.
..and the Fop 7 Lodge doesn’t say shit.
Who’s surprised?
No, Eric Carter made sure of that.
Former Commander Pendarvis was another one sent to the IAD to screw over investigations, and received several promotions after doing it.
Fraud, corruption, breaches of integrity and disregard for policy.
The only reason it’s out is because COPA conducted the investigation. The BIA would’ve buried it and disciplined the whistleblower for talking.
Ghetto chick, bad wig and dirty shoes...........
You put me to sleep after “… SCC, your are sooooooooooo…”🙄
He was hand picked by Josh Wallace to be his tac Lt in 002. Another great pic by Josh. No wonder Wallace is so far in debt.
Does that means Pendarvis has no credibility?
Don't forget the 2021 SAFE-T Act's adopted (ILETSB) rules for punishing cops' illegal actions, up to and including loss of retirement, for acts committed during service time. He could end up sucking buttermilk pending any legal outcomes.
Pay to Play, is all that matters, to the Democommunist run CPD
CPD, a police dept where even the Internal Affairs Division is corrupt.
Just look at Laquan McDonald case. In that instance, almost every single exempt made it worse trying to make it not look the way it did. All of them got to quietly retire. Johnson got made Superintendent . Nobody above a sergeant took a hit. I really still feel awful for that desk Sergeant simply approving paperwork which was just standard day to day procedure .
Two decades ago we used to crash into these unlicensed night clubs and write citations. We could not get the city license office to do anything nor could we trust the vice unit as they were all corrupt. This was the only way to get things done. The tact lieutenant would not do anything and the commander did not care. Now they want to fire people for this ?
We had a watch commander put a stop on any and all warrants...That decree may have come down from the commander's office...anyways...WTF?
Pendarvis a big ignorant hater and dumber than a a rock
Kimble is involved, say no more. A typical move of vengeance by a disgruntled person. A failure in every position he held, self righteous ignoramous.
Pendarvis and Kimble, two DEI screw ups.
I have more confidence in a Trojan condom with a hole in it.
TP is a police chief in the south suburbs
This is the result when officers advance, not by passing promotional exams, but through nominations or interview process followed by the approval by department brass and the superintendent.
Lived it first hand.
Until the Chicago Police Department get full autonomy from City Hall our exempt staff will remain compromised. Why do you think they make guys like that part of the command staff? Not only do they have merit, but they also cheat on these exams. They need to put their people in places where when they are called can circumvent investigations or investigate opponents. Just like how the DOJ under Joe Biden investigated political opponents. City hall has been doing that for decades.
the promotional system on the cpd is filthy n corrupt
barz wife is a big piece of sh-t too
Does that mean my cr iad bullshi! Investigation can be overturned if he touched it at anytime
Who was that guy just retired trying to get hired as a boss at another agency and J0$h had bankruptcy and some other issues and was in fuckin charge of narcotic funding hshah check what lol all open source media
Pendarvis was kicking in door while he was on the Area Two Gang Team.
So basically, all I have to do is run to IAD close up a few bogus cases and then I could be promoted and get away with murder, That’s easy.
Does that mean my cr iad bullshi! Investigation can be overturned if he touched it at anytime.
Hey, that’s my line. That’s my thought exactly.
Illegal arrests don’t count. Hopefully your name is on some of the paperwork street cop.
CPD=Ship of Fools
Barz is such a scumbag, whenever he'd conduct medical checks he read out officer full address over the air. Even dispatchers would pause for a second thinking WTF is wrong with this jagoff. Total scumbag.
He may have been given a heads up when COPA finished their investigation and someone in IAD gave him a heads up on the recommendation for separation. Still, the recommendation for separation was there when HR/IAD cleared him.
I would love to see that, but take a gander at who is running ILETSB, I'll save you the trouble, it is non other than Kieth Calloway(retired CPD Deputy Chief). Another DEI product, and he will bend over backwards to protect the now retired commanders pension, Unless it happens to be a non African American.
Morans? Why bring the Irish into this?
She gave me an A at Calumet College. I'll like her.
Wrong, he's Polish and Czech.
Is Georgas Greek?
No more merit, no more DEI, no more affirmative action, no more political patronage. How about best person for the job?
Barz and Pendarvis would jerk each other off at the IAD after completing their residency check surveillance
Soon to be Dep Chief too.
That goes to show you how race place an important role on the type of treatment to be received. That clown should have never received his retirement credentials, but hey I'm sure he was all about BLM. Take a gander at the redline shooting several years ago were 2 black officers were involved in a shooting of an unarmed hispanic male, oh and did I mention that the male hispanic was running away when shot by the female in the back. The department tried to sweep it under the rug, but eventually got called out by the media and they were ultimately fired not prosecuted. Cops who have acted in self defense against armed offenders have not only been fired, they have actually been criminally charged, but then again they were all non-black officers. Who are the real discriminating racists now?
Those officers from the redline incident were actually charged (it took a year though) they were acquitted at trial. If you’re gonna tell a story at least get it even remotely correct. You are right though, they knew it was awful and tried to wait it out to see if it could disappear, it couldn’t and they were finally charged. If white officers had done this they would’ve been charged the next day.
I don’t know what their status is, they beat their case so all that’s left was administrative charges, I’m sure COPA wants them fired.
Definitely corrupt
Old sergeant went to BIA. Most unhinged lunatic ever had on the street. But good enough for BIA apparently.
Well if you think about it, it makes sense. If you’re not aware and just got called there, it can be assumed the commander being on scene makes it a legitimate thing. It’s not about what you do, but what you believed you were doing based on the good faith word of other officers or superiors. Ever assisted on a fleeing suspect? You tackle the guy, get him in cuffs. Turns out those tac boys had no ras or probable cause to chase and call it out, are you in trouble for assisting? Nope. You were acting on the word in good faith that another officer was doing their job correctly. It’s only when you have a reasonable way of knowing what you’re doing is illegal. If the commander calls you in for a search and you perform the search, are you required to get the probable cause and question the investigation, demand to see the paperwork, the entire dossier? Nope. You are working under the direction of your commander believing you are performing a legal search with no reason to believe otherwise.
He was hand picked by Josh because he was told to do so by Waller.
Wallace is a Waller guy and so is Pendarvis. They’re all from the same circle.
How the fuck does someone with Wallace’s background, being 840K in debt some of which are gambling related, become Commander of Narcotics when your former partner Ronald Coleman went to prison working in Narcotics after tipping off a relative during a months long federal wire tap investigation? Fred Waller that’s how! Joshua Wallace has 47 complaints, 32 with Ronald Coleman and 16 with Tyrone Pendarvis, 13 of which are money beefs.
If someone gets pissed at you because you arrested them and they make a false complaint for money missing ok, I can see that but 13? A clear pattern.
None of the corruption will cease unless they get rid of the “old school” bosses who were as corrupt as the day is long beginning with Waller, Walker, Wallace, Ward, Watson, Talley, Tate, Courts, Ben, Branch, Harris, Barz, etc…
This is all public information: https://m.cpdp.co/officer/32401/joshua-wallace/
Just look at the coaccusals and see how many are connected and worked with each other and were previously promoted, and forced to resign, retire, and/or went to prison: Kenneth Johnson, Lobianco, Wajtan, Cato, Flagg, etc…
Look at the ones that are current exempts or retired and also have other city civilian positions after retiring.
This is almost as good as Lewellen’s old partner, Sanchez who rose to chief of organized crime when his partner went to prison for running and stealing dope.
Or better yet, Juan Rivera who was chief of Internal Affairs and outted officers who came forward during the federal Ronald Watts and Kallat Muhammad arrests. Or Talley’s family member utilizing her vehicle for narcotics transportation. Just the sheer optics is bad and by Snelling not moving her it means he condones it. CPD WILL NEVER get better unless they rid the department of at least the above mentioned beginning with Waller and their underlings whom they passed the baton to.
Damn, you’re on point with all this!
People know Waller is and has always been on bs but many owe him
so they turn a blind eye.
Beyond Corrupt.
He retired as a Commander
What stupid Mayor hired this retard?
He’s not the only one who has been caught lying who’s been from IAD. Talley? Walker? Barz? Sanchez? Rivera? No one says anything about this, why? Corrupt city, politicians and media.
Absolutely! Every case he touches in IAD should be reopened and looked at?
Think of how many officers got fucked over while he was there? Disciplined and/or fired? Think about how Ron Watts, Elizondo, Guevara, Burge and many other notable former CPD officers who have been caught lying have had mass exonerations and sued. Why can’t FOP fight to have officers who’ve had bogus sustained complaints contested?
Nominating committees? Hahahaha. You must be new. Why don’t you run and look at all of the current supervisors histories.
Enough is enough! Why doesn’t anyone stand up to the corruption in BIA? FOP?
CHA Days? Hmm. Who else worked in housing? Look at current upper echelon.
He’s not the first and certainly not the last.
In a strange way I can actually picture this only Pendarvis would use a tweezer on Barz.
Yes, he was a bad actor but the frats and cronyism protects who they want. Don’t you get it?
everyone of noble descent was promoted from iad - look it up
Race plays a big role. He should’ve never received his credentials. That means others should’ve received theirs. I know others that weren’t allowed to retire with their credentials. This is wrong on all levels.
You don't need rank to see she's ghetto as can be, and unprofessional who should be in jail. BUT... we are still here dealing with her criminal children.
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