Felon Died, Family Sued and Lost
Her parents named her what now?
The CTA was found not liable in the death of a woman who was struck and killed by a Red Line train in 2019 after she went onto the tracks to retrieve a cellphone she dropped, an appellate court ruled.
Felon Smith, 37, dropped her phone on the tracks at the 69th Street Red Line station in Englewood on June 27, 2019, and climbed off the platform to get it. She was struck by a northbound Red Line train and was pronounced dead at the scene.
Felon? Interesting choice.
Here's a question though:
- the Appellate Court bought the CTA argument that they shouldn't be held liable for the actions of a criminal trespasser. The lower court had already decided that the security guard on the platform couldn't be held liable and that the engineer was free of blame seeing as how the Laws of Physics, Velocity and Momentum were still in existence.
- So why can't Officers enjoy that standard? Whereby persons who willfully violate the Criminal Code are held responsible for their actions that injure or kill bystanders or damage property, especially when the Officers are ordered and empowered by State Law to enforce said laws?
We get sued taking police action. We get sued for not taking police action. We get sued when it goes sideways....and even when it doesn't. Intent doesn't even come into play and the oversight agencies willfully disregard Supreme Court rulings constantly.
But the CTA can go around running over people all the time and no one is held responsible.
(that last line is sarcasm for the short bus people)
Labels: we got nothing
Maybe CTA is hiring
More stupid people should drop their shit on the rails, unsuccessfully tempting fate and thereby save the human gene pool from enduring another moron. And the taxpayers are off the hook. A chalkie decal can be affixed to the side of each car that nails one of these morons.
Common sense ruling in this DemocRAT shithole!
I'm shocked and should happen more often!
Just to think all she had to do was just get a new better cell phone than the one she dropped on the tracks!
Much cheaper than losing your life over an old cell phone!
With a name like Felon, it sounds like poor decisions run in the family.
Well you are going to be held accountable because you are not part of the political machine (although there are clout people on the job who are generally shielded). The government from federal to municipalities have always treated their military and law enforcement personnel as second class. The governments could not exist without them. They are tasked with doing the most dangerous assignments but when it comes to standing with them or protecting them little is done because they are all expendable. Hopefully Trump will have some luck in changing that.
On the local level in Chicago you are not useful to the Machine because you don’t really bring in much revenue for the City becuase it is overshadowed by the lawsuits which are inevitable because you are enforcing the laws that the very politicians passed in the Statehouse and City Council. Also the majority of LEOs don’t promote, support or contribute to the Machine. So what good are you to them??? I can tell you they like your bodyguard services though.
The politicians favor which way the wind is blowing like being on board with the leftists to defund or eliminate the police. It doesn’t matter if you do everything right, because if these leftists want your scalp the politicians will give it to them.
The Machine corrupts everything. Remember just about everything is pay to play here. Suing you for anything provides bread for the starving attorney’s families. They sue you, the City doesn’t fight it, those starving families get to eat and maybe if the attorneys feel blessed to be working the attorneys will make a political donation out of the kindness of their hearts. Rinse, lather & repeat often.
RevRun AL Storefront sayyying to you...
Yes'em...Still here...Still WAYCISSSTTT ..mmmm..Yess..MMMmmmmhhhh
thems... Laws of Physics, Velocity and Momentum were still in existence...
AND...stilll...racist. ...WE know whaat to do...I'm going to do !
Can I get a Amen...yaa Yes...We need New LAWS...NEW LAWS
Donations in cash made please...We going to fight..uhhhhaa..mmmm
There's a price tag for everything my friend. Sometimes, it's gotta be pain!
David Oistrakh says...
Let me get my violin and do an concerto for her ...
Slime Lawyer here...
Mmmm....Sued the wrong side. Should have sue the cell company the ad's pound into you "don't miss that next call"...Well...you see, just like big tobacco
They are to blame, along with the lawyer filing the wrong suit. City Chicago for allowing it Ads to happen..
Worth millions I tell you....sign here
Dexter Reed committed a traffic violation and gets pulled over. He then used a gun he legally wasn’t allowed to possess and used it to fire at police, striking one. Officers returned fire and killed him. His family is getting millions from the city. How does this make sense?
One standard for them, another for the police.
the police are always to blame thanks to the lying liberal media, the democRATS and the liberals..... they all agreed to blame the police for everything criminals do
Surprised the Cta didn't just settle! After all, it's just public money. Like when I'm riding Metra out of Union station and the conductor only checks tickets once the whole ride. You never see them again. Because Metra is publicly funded!
Wondering old TV ad songs says...
If Choo Choo Charlie was the engineer, did he keep his train running on "Good and Plenty" ....
Who the hell names their kid, Felon?!
Rumor has it her sister is named Female, it's French...
Speaking of laws we also fittin to add dat Newton mofo, cause he involved in dat train not stoppin
You get sued because the city always pays out without a fight.
Someone who's very familiar with the criminal justice system and thinks it's a badge of honor.
Thats because the City just settles without challenging these assholes and their bullshit lawsuits. The City knows if these lawsuits go to trial, the City will loose (due to stupid liberals and DemoRats) and end up paying more than they offer.
Interesting: I read an article and the last election has shown in the City of Chicago among registered voters, 14% are conservatives and 86% are liberal or very liberal. No wonder Chicago will never see a Republican in office, at least in this fucked up city.
I always chuckle when they use the term “estate of”. Like the dirtbag was some captain of industry with a vast portfolio of stocks and bonds that will now suffer with the loss of his guiding hand and business savvy.
The “estate”, usually consists of no job, no diploma, children without both parents and people that really thought the deceased was a douche.
Serious question: Why can't the county and individual judges be sued for violating policy/law about releasing people who go in to seriously injure others like this guy. https://cwbchicago.com/2025/02/man-nearly-beat-stranger-to-death-with-chunk-of-concrete-after-being-arrested-twice-in-3-days-prosecutors.html
Maybe mama was “Ms. Demenor”
Follow the science. South sider Barrack Obama slowed the rise of the oceans and made our planet heal violating the laws of nature. They building a library in his name for this monumental environmental task. Surely, a mere mortal CTA motorman could violate the laws of physics. This community is known for lawless creativity breaking all kinds of laws. The laws of physics being no exception. Get arrested for breaking the Law of Physics will get you represented by a public defender. And if you want to learn more on advanced science, put your nose in a book at the crumbling Obama library in action Jackson Park.
Maybe the city should not be so quick to settle, string out the case and if it’s a good case wait for the appellate court to overturn the judgement. All you can lose is what the first court awarded the injured party. Never heard of the appellate court increasing the judgement
Well, never got the voice mail, I guess. Nice name. Maybe the brother was Lucifer. I, being an older Catholic, we were all named after Saints. That of course is now "old fashioned." You got to worder about the stupidity, low IQ factor etc. It all started with the sad demise of the family. Enjoy your stupidity, never blame yourself, never look in the mirror. "hep me, hep me, hep me"
I remember once in Englewood dealing with a family that had named their two sons, Winston and Salem. The brands of cigarettes that momma and the sperm donator smoked.
a felon
CTA has their own lawyers, there not Corp Counsels. Maybe CPD should use CTA lawyers...they evidently have common sense and know how to litigate, not pay out!!!!
When you live or work in a state of anti police communist agenda you get Chicago and any other democrat/socialist/communist controlled area.
What is the goal of a communist being anti police agenda? Destruction through "revolution" after which the regime of "law and order" has been destroyed, it then can be remade under the communists control. In essence a centrally controlled national police force that once implemented, becomes much more abusive than any prior police agency.
The FBI under communist Obama is one such example, which continued through the corrupt criminal Biden administration.
Pray that the current Trump administration can eradicate it.
Step away from the internet, grandpa.
It's a family name
Yup, I met her sister Miss Demeaner. What a doll.
Cops are always held responsible because: lawyers hate cops...judges are lawyers.
Miss Demeanor?
What kind of lawyer would take a case like this.
Fani? Felon?
You go girl....
Nice to see someone lose the ghetto lottery for a change.
It was us, the "grandpas" that designed and built the basic structure of the internet sonny.
you are using common sense, now STOP it. Never second guess someone that is stuck on stupid.
It's called the ghetto lottery. He knew what he was doing and knew the consequences. He was providing something or his family's future.
Ghetto families also take out life insurance policies on their offspring around the teenage years. They ain't stupid and this isn't BS.
Never call obama a south sider. He's not from here. Wasn't born or raised here. He's a transplant from somewhere else.
I'm surprised it made it to the appellate court. Did the plaintiff or CTA appeal?
99% of them
I hope the losing law firm was 708 222 2222. Sick of these ambulance chasers
Their brother Quasi doesn't have much of a sheet, but their sister Parole' has got 3 pages!
Sparklefarts is a no good carpetbagger.
She had an incoming call that just could not go unanswered.
Yeah. She took the CTA head on, but they ran right over her in court. She never had a chance.
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