Another Payout
Another "deep pocket" lawsuit that's going to be used to beat the CPD over the head with for the next thirty years:
- Yet another high-speed Chicago police chase gone bad will prove costly — this one with a proposed $27 million settlement.
The money would go to the family of Angela Parks, a single working mother of five who was rendered a quadriplegic, then died 18 months later — at age 45 — after being struck by the passenger door of a Jeep that Chicago Police Department officers were pursuing because they believed it had been stolen.
Parks was a counselor for the Chicago Housing Authority. At the time of the Aug. 21, 2020, accident, she was on her second job, moonlighting as census-taker.
There's a lot of questionable accusations made by the liar lawyer that will never be answered regarding chase policy, officer actions, etc.
- if the criminals didn't commit crimes, there'd be no pursuit;
- if the criminals didn't flee, there'd be no injuries;
- if the criminals didn't drive up toward the curb, open the door to leap out of a moving vehicle - in effect creating a 4,000 pound unguided missile - there'd be no lawsuit;
- if there were no lawyers, the world would be a much happier place, too.
In any even, we repeat, stop chasing....forever.
Labels: we got nothing
Only a fool would chase. It is what it is.
You can add:
If criminals who flee, run, or resist arrest for any offense, felony or misdemeanor, are charged every time they do so (without having to do a TRR if that's all they do), are prosecuted and spend every day in jail for their sentence with no time off for good behavior, then the incentive to run will be removed and maybe fewer would flee and resist arrest, and fewer innocent people will get hurt.
Chicago, where the criminals get richer and the people get poorer.
Slimey slippery lawyers should also be included amongst the criminal element
stop chasing until this regime is done , only time a chase should be done now if a injury is severe on a officer or worse . Its not worth it the kids say it’s wanted for robberies blah blah , guess what when they crash and die or kill someone’s else or you or another squad does the city will soon forget and you become the offenders .
What is up with these young kids on tac and even the watch that say not following not chasing and then you see them flying up behind you doing 70 with no lights on barely slowing down . GPS tracker shows your speeds kids
In Texas state law limits a city's liability to 500.000 per incident. It is a state law in Texas. We need FOP 7 to lobby for this. It is the first step to allow this generation of police to do their job without fear.
The Texas Tort Claims Act (TTCA) is a state law that determines when a city or other governmental entity can be held liable for damages. The TTCA was enacted in 1969.
Q Does the TTCA limit a city’s liability for damages?
A Yes, a city’s liability is capped at $250,000 for each person injured and $500,000 for each single occurrence of bodily injury or death. Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code § 101.023(c). The $500,000 cap means that no matter how many individuals are injured, the city will only be liable for up to $500,000 even if the damages are more than that.
A city’s liability is capped at up to $100,000 for each single occurrence for injury to or destruction of property. Id.
Finally, a city is not liable for punitive damages, which are also known as exemplary damages. Id. § 101.024.
And yet, today, tomorrow and later, guys will still fucking chase for a stolen car....smdh
Bottom line we must stay above reproach. It’s the police fault.
The voting population is ok with this carnage, let them enjoy the daily purge of criminals coming after them, we are mere journalist and report takers for crimes after.
“… that Chicago Police Department officers were pursuing because they believed it had been stolen.”
These dumbasses need to be hit punitively for shit like this. Then, and only then, might morons still doing this type of stupid shit learn impulse control so crucial to making it to the finish line.
A not-so-friendly reminder every 2 weeks when they look at their check stub and see it garnished as a result of the award handed down in civil court should open a lot of eyes.
How about. If the police followed the no chase order there would not be a crash. Why is so hard to follow that order? Blame is squarely on chasing CPD. FIRE THEM.
yet the ghetto rats still know to call in 911 and say "he gots a gun" hurry up, get my baby daddy out of here
then when the officer is sued for punitive damages there is no cap and the city won't cover the Officer? The Officer can lose everything?
To you I simply say Go F--K yourself for wishing this on any Police Officer
The FLOP is too busy blowing all our money on steak dinners and cars.
Chicago coppers chasing have to be the dumbest sack of bricks in existence. You have no method to stop the fleeing vehicle. Nothing. No ramming, no blockades, no roadblocks, not trained in any type of maneuvers, no technology to assist in stopping the car. You literally can only follow it. Thats it. Why bother to chase it? Just let them go, document the elude and go home. Save yourself any worries. And if some dumbass bricks for brains loser wants to talk shit about you not chasing let them, the knuckle draggers on the department are the lowest IQ dummies to ever exist. If you hear any chase on the radio, just mark that unit as foolish and never assist them if you can help it.
might as well take off those lights and sirens from the squad cars
how about if the mayor and governor followed federal law and stop protecting the illegals in the city and state with the taxpayers money? fire those 2
As much as we don’t excuse asinine behavior by criminals why excuse asinine behavior by the police. Whoever wrote this law is saying that if some young hair gel decides they are going to chase somebody for some minor bullshit and catastrophically injures a bystander all they are entitled to is $250,000.
Let that be a member of your family with young children who is damaged for life because some asshole wanted to play Wyatt Earp. How many times have people been told don’t chase cars. If you make a decision to chase a car you should be responsible for that decision. If the City lets you chase somebody, then they’re responsible too.
Agian its been said over and over dont chase. The cpd doesnt even train officers in chaseing offenders. The city isnt designed to chase people. Cpd cant even do pit move to even stop the fleening car. It is not worth it to chase an offender but just put it over the radio and let it go.
This is why I love the position of the Arkansas State Police, who use PIT maneuvers to end chases. Their statement is essentially "if anything bad happens as a result of the chase, the cause is solely on the head of the bad guy running from us. We will catch criminals no matter what." Or words to that effect.
do not chase any vehicle , when bad guys get away . TFB , it's the fault of Chicago politicians and CPD command staff .Also include a jury that awards damages.
No sense in suing the bad guy .
Well, that’s exactly what the lawyers say. Why don’t they take the emergency equipment off the cars?
Why any copper would engage in a vehicle pursuit nowadays is beyond me. Those days are long over. Don't do it.
"...The money would go to the family of Angela Parks, a single working mother of five who was rendered a quadriplegic, then died 18 months later — at age 45 ..."
Single mom working two jobs... Not enough. The cops will get hired on at the next town over. Rinse and repeat...
7:08. As I said to you before “F you!!!”
Wishful thinking on FOP lobbying for a law as above, J-Can't is too busy lobbying for his next new truck, and more splurge money for himself and sidepiece of a$$. The Clown lawyers would have a shit fit, they feel entitled to the millions being paid out by the city no matter the circumstances. People still don't see the racket that is being played before our very eyes. These lawyers and judges are all lawyers and most likely attended law school together. They scratch each other's backs with campaign/bribery donations, we the tax paying suckers are paying for this.
I agree to a point. Too bad there is no severe punishment to deter offenders from fleeing.
What is your recommendation for the offender(s) who caused her ultimate death?
I agree. The police should nothing more than showing up when called, produce a report for crimes reported and render aid as needed. Sit back and watch it burn, it's what they want. They are telling you what they want, give it to them.
Maybe when the good people have had enough they'll vote out the democrats facilitating the crime and criminals running rampant in the streets.
I’ve long wondered why (assuming a reasonable definition of “eluding”) all states don’t make eluding a felony with a minimum sentence (think Missouri’s “armed criminal action” law). Make people sign an acknowledgment when renewing a DL or tag that they know the law exists. Add it to roadside signs. Make signs for schools, etc. “If you run from the law, it will cost you. - no way out of it.”
Tort reform will never happen in Illinois. The trial association has huge influence in Springfield. There have been some attempts in the past but the Illinois Supreme court (Democrats) seem to find fault with those reform laws.
I asked a Rev "how do lawyers get to heaven". He looked at me, sighed and then saId " I DON'T KNOW".
The Liberal voters, politicians, and the command does not want to chase our policy. The city will not fight these lawsuits as well.
Let them get victimized over and over again! Do not engage in any foot or vehicle pursuits. The message is clear.
Chicago = Ship of Fools
Conspicuously absent from several news articles is the name of the the plaintiff's attorney or the name of the law firm whose partners will divvy up the taxpayer booty. Sloppy oversight by the compromised media. But we know the name of the officer and department policies. The driver of the Jeep was not identified and his disregard for traffic laws which everyone has to obey was not mentioned in the news articles. The officer had the power to push the fleeing car's accelerator and commanded the driver to exit a moving vehicle and flee. I'm still suspicious the plaintiff's attorney wasn't named given the track record of all the democrat shenanigans going on in the democrat controlled court systems across the country. Who is the attorney? Inquiring minds want to know
Start garnishing wages of the officers if found to be in violation of policy. Deduct until the payout is settled or resignation/retire. Make an example and the chases will stop
Hello! It’s the SGTs and LTs fault for not discussing this shit with POs at roll call!!!!!! Remind them daily until they get it and anyone new to the watch get with them and discuss! People will know going into work what’s expected of them from their “leaders” that Lead and not just show up and say “be safe and back each other up” need to hear more!!!!
There are plenty of cities that chase, and will chase as long as it takes. If there is a crash the criminals are blamed, not the cops. That's common sense that Chicago lacks.
Speaking of payouts, what is going on with the “Triple P Loan” dispatchers? Has anyone been fired? They are not only accountable for loan fraud, but also for tax fraud (if the discharged obligation was not reported as income).
The OG Cop
Its not mentioned, but how many millions were awarded to the driver of the Jeep SUV. This driver bailed out of a moving vehicle which struck a pedestrian causing paralyzing injury and ultimately a death. Thinking one or two million after violating 625 ILCS Sec. 11-204.1 Aggravated fleeing or attempting to elude a peace officer, a class 4 Felony.
Its just felonious behavior rewarded by the everyday law abiding working class in Chicago. Law isn't about what's right and wrong, its all about greed and money by the moral and just law profession. I wonder if the driver of the SUV just pulled over like every other law abiding citizen, if he would have been issued tickets resulting in fines and the cannot avoid court costs.
It's hard to follow the order because it goes against the traditional and essential duties of the police - to get justice for victims by chasing criminals. There needs to be reform, laws passed, so that only those at fault are liable. Reduce their free lifetime of food and housing by 20 percent, and give the difference to the injured victims.
Mick Belker Says:
Time for ALL these Politicians to wear body video cameras like the cops have to, any time the Politicians are on duty or in public. Fuck these Hairballs.
7:31:21 , do want some asshole cowboy for a partner who doesn’t have common sense of follow simple instructions as YOUR partner? You’re riding with a clown who causes a crash like this and you also stand to lose everything including your freedom depending on how the chips falls. Same with any use of force incident that goes sideways when your idiot partner doesn’t follow the UOF matrix cause he’s a hothead. Guess what? You’re in the trick bag with him unless you’re physically pulling him off of dude trying to deescalate. Some people need to learn the hard way, yes even coppers. I agree with the OP, some of you dummies need to feel the pain in your pockets (suspension / lawsuit) because your thick skulls get in the way of making mature adult decisions that are required to be the police. Remember this, Junior…. YOU ARE HELD TO A HIGHER STANDARD. So you best start behaving like it or face the consequences. If you’re too dumb to figure that out? Then fuck YOU. You get what you deserve. I don’t wish it on people who don’t deserve it, but more and more people on this job seem to deserve it.
Signed - 30 year vet who works 99 cuz of morons like you
💯 as usual. Punitively ding these clowns with with badges who can’t seem to understand common sense, let alone how to apply the Balancing Test. Seriously, you’re supposed to be an adult and therefore able to process fluid situations and make decisions that often have to potential to result in dire consequences. If you’re not mature enough to quickly process information and make proper decisions? Well then you probably shouldn’t be on this job. And if you STILL don’t understand how to play by the rules after rollcall training, in service training constantly revised orders and seeing coppers injured, jammed up administratively, jury awards to shitbags in the tens of millions etc??? Then you should be fired and sued into oblivion when you still manage to step on your dick. No sympathy for you after you were warned repeatedly and still thought you were smarter than everyone else.
You’re an idiot. You’re an adult who managed to get on the job (even tho that’s not a hard thing to do) but you want supervisors to hold your hand? GTFOH. Time to move outta your parents basement cupcake.
You and so many others here are 1000% on point!!!
Got news for you 731 am the blue wall of silence died a long time ago you need to stop protecting idiots that tarnish the badge and quit making excuses for bad behavior or looking the other way. Would you feel the same way if it were you kid or wife or mom that was killed in a crash because of a pursuit that should not have happened in the first place? Didn’t think so. Guys like you are why this job is dead
Why do our police cars have lights and sirens? Take them away. Then there will be no more chases.
Why give tickets, fines and jailtime to people who follow the law and pull over, when people who don't pull over are just allowed to leave? My head is sore trying to resolve that conundrum....
Said felonious driver will be a witness for the plaintiff at the PO's trial
Not going to happen. Thanks for playing
Why don't we charge those people and folks with filing a false report? Is it laziness? It shouldn't matter whether the ASA will prosecute. Worry about your job and not the ASA'S job.
That was sarcasm btw. If we arrested every person in the hood for that, , then we would really be called racists. What the media and honest working citizens don't know and don't really understand is how effed up the hood really is. I wish some college sociologists would study the problems and publish the results because the media, public, and politicians will never believe what we tell them. They have to see it with their own eyes.
Parks was a counselor for the Chicago Housing Authority. At the time of the Aug. 21, 2020, accident, she was on her second job, moonlighting as census-taker.
Is 27 million for all the future people and folks she would have documented in the census report? Asking for a friend...
You're not wrong but it actually doesn't save you. Coppers are also being sued for not chasing, as seen in the shooting/armed robbery in 018 a few years ago.
Lawyers will always find a way to sue and put us and the department through hell to get their 33 1/3 %. They know the city will settle because they do over 95% of the time, with hopefully no punitive assessed unless the lawyer has a hard-on for the coppers involved.
Remember, the order says you won't be disciplined for declining to begin a pursuit, it doesn't say you won't be sued.
How about if criminals were held accountable for failing to follow lawful orders and the law there'd be no pursuits?
If the legislature and judiciary did their jobs in protecting law-abiding citizens and punishing criminals with hefty prison time it would be an actual deterrent.
First offense for fleeing and eluding 5 years, second offense 10 years, etc, put some teeth in the law. Agg PSMV 10 year minimum with 75% mandatory sentence service. Bring back Felony Murder. Tort Law reform with award caps should also be law.
The job is dead because the elected liberal politicians have passed laws that make it impossible to properly do the job, have placed incredible encumbrances on the profession that handcuff the ability to enforce the law, and the judiciary that continues to kowtow to their political sponsors by not doling out punishment as they should, in the name of racial fairness (too many black and brown people in prison is a no-no, ask Preckwinkle.)
The job is so unpalatable now that nobody wants it, resulting in a lowering of standards, which we all know what the results of that will be.
You sound like a typical liberal, blame the police when a criminal commits a crime and someone dies as a result. We are supposed to enforce the law and chase criminals who refuse to stop, as they are a danger to everyone they encounter, it's literally in our job description.
Outside of Illinois, it's actual practice, and when they're caught they're charged with whatever mayhem they caused, not the police for chasing them.
Our orders are a result of a far-left ideology that is anti-law enforcement and pro-criminal (remember they are oppressed and shouldn't be in jail) all the different layers of review we face are run by far-left, woke appointees who are already predisposed to hate the police, whose job it is to make ours as difficult as possible, to the point of facing criminal charges and termination in the performance of our job, for the littlest of infractions. COPA has recommended more for firing than any other investigating body has, in the history of this department. If they were successful in firing as many as they proposed, we'd be down an additional thousand officers, easily. It's so bad, I've seen officers not want to respond to a 10-1 because they don't want to be involved in a potentially volatile incident, and ending up involved in the ensuing investigation, being stripped and possibly charged or fired; that's how bad it's become. Look around, you ask for an assist car and nobody answers up, with dispatch or a Sgt. assigning someone; that never used to happen. Everyone should realize they're on their own now, even supervisors don't want involvement, as they get zapped harder than POs do.
They created the perfect storm in law enforcement that they intended. Make it so bad people quit, retire early, or don't join to begin with, then they can de-fund as a result, and reimagine the profession to their liking, to the detriment of society. VOTE LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT BECAUSE IT DOES!
Come on down to Texas, plenty of room and it was like 75 degrees today. Re the first Anonymous questioner, officers CAN be sued, but you won't lose everything. Your house is immune to judgements just like a 401k, pension, etc. So, if getting sued, you could install a solid gold "Pritzker level strength" toilet, and they can't take it, part of the house. Property taxes, well ask your governor about toilets and taxes.
I ain't chasing nothing,,,, unless it's a truck with fresh krispy kream donuts :)
then when the officer is sued for punitive damages there is no cap and the city won't cover the Officer? The Officer can lose everything?
--Chicago does not cover your punitive damages either
Can you show us the no chase order? I'll give you a hint: there isn't one.
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